Friday, January 17, 2025

On Stages of Positive Desintegration, the Fourth Way and Tree of Life


I was recenly asked a really interesting question in the YouTube channel ENArmonya. And as it is of great interest, here is my reply. We´ll probably speak about it in Life ENArmonya YouTube Channel as well. Meanwhile, let´s dive into it a bit. This subject is a bombshell in a massively deceived world. 


In your perspective, dear Fernando, what do you think is necessary to transcend stage 2 of the levels of positive disintegration suggested by Polish psychiatrist Kazimierz Dabrowski? Because there are many of us who simply give up and choose to return to level 1.

Response ENArmonya:

Thank you for the interesting question. In perfect synchronicity since I recently spoke about it in a talk. I will surely publish a video on the subject. 

Reflecting and wondering is a step that almost no one takes, because as Dabrowski explained, the majority of people remain on Level 1 stage of development, where everything happens by convention and no one questions anything: people grow up like the rest, go to school or university, working from dawn to dusk, until exhaustion, exploited by others, with little time for themselves, etc. There may even be some coherence, within social functioning, and an absence of psychological problems. But this does not imply there is Personality development.

Now, as Dabrowski pointed out, when level 2 is reached, Positive Disintegration itself appears: one sees that something is not right in society and the interior begins to feel depressed, stressed, disoriented, even suffering ailments (skin rashes, allergies...). But one does not know how to change it. That is why most people cannot stand it and prefer to sink back into conventions, especially with medication or any accepted social pattern: mechanical work, family chores, etc. 

Others remain at level 2, but with suicidal and psychotic tendencies, and even silence their voices with drugs, alcohol and other addictions. 

Leaving level 2 towards level 3 requires seeing what the real alternative is, what higher values ​​the personality should manifest. However, at level 3 contradictory behaviors begin to be perceived. Just as the apostle Paul said: “For the good I do not do, but the evil I do not want, that I do (Romans 7:19).” 

This is what Gurdjieff called the stage of self-observation, which leads to friction between the Real Self of the inborn Essence, and the chaotic behaviors of false characters, pseudo-personalities. 

Therefore, he did not speak only of Personality, which is the funcitioning acquired by imitation learning in the world; his vision emphasizes the need to develop an Essence, which is inborn and inwardly inherited, but includes both Consciousness, Conscience and Will, as aspects of developing spiritual individuality, the fruit of understanding. This development begins on the vital and emotional level, moving to a more mental level, which is integrated in a deeper Logos/Mind.

Unlike many Eastern philosophies, the Essence in this Teaching is not necessarily void of personal content, it is not merely the Buddhist Shunyata nor the Hindu Atman, but can also include soul history, as well as astral elements of the sun and the planets, configured according to the degree of Conscious Being in each one.

Balancing Essence and Personality is a very long and painful process that requires adequate Teaching and guidance, from a collective Work. It is not something that one can achieve alone. No one can develop the Master at home, one hand washes the other, said the Armenian. One can only see oneself in connection with others. 

Hence Master Yeshu said: one new admonition I give you: love one another as I loved you (John 13:34-35)

The Master loves humanity in the context of Working in the Family Tree of Life, not by praising a Lord with empty words or a Void/Disolutiuon. Transformative facts, not superficial acts or nihilistic mindsets, is what we are required, to be the Light of the Kosmos, manifesting the Essential Personality of the Father/Primordial Origin. 

As for Dabrowski's vision, the most similar to the essence is what he called talents, which, when not developed, generate Hyperexcitabilities or Hypersensitivities (roughly translated from Polish). 

It is precisely these talents or abilities what allow us to overcome Level 3 of indecision and confusion.

Dabrowski noticed that people with a great capacity for evolution have these hypersensitive traits, either motor, sensory, imaginative, intellectual or emotional. 

Nope, when these are not regulated, there can be a display of disorders mistaken for severe autism, chronic allergies and other supposedly incurable ailments. 

Yet Dabrowski, rather than seeing them as a disease, saw them as an indication of a higher evolutionary potential to develop a personality which can transform a sick society. He stated most institutions, including medical and political institutions, are ran by psychopaths.

On Level 4 of Positive Desintegration, the person already begins to manifest a personality with some higher values, being able to overcome addictive and regressive behaviors. However, there is still a risk of falling back into the old.

Likewise, Gurdjieff pointed out how the Human Type number 4 must avoid succumbing social hypnotism, by developing hidden capacities, in communion with other genuine seekers. This implies becoming a sly researcher and seeker, reconciling mind, heart and body. 

It is often said in Fourth Way advanced teachings that when a person senses a certain nervous energy in the body, suffering from it, this means one is close to a greater stage of evolution.

Only when one begins to transform one´s own energy, overcom¡ng neurotic tendencies, physical, emotional and mental mechanicity, does one begin to develop the best version of oneself, and thus reach phase 4 of Positive Desintegration, which can be equated to Stage 4 in the Enneagram of Development, as explained by P.D.Ouspensky  in Search for the Miraculous, which gathers Gurdjieff´s views.

And if for some reason the essence/personality stops in their evolution and the person dies early, at that stage, the essence can project a very similar personality to the earth, picking up the Work where it left off. But not endlessly. The number of possibilities is limited.

Dabrowski´s view is more simple, yet it also points there can still be regressions to phase 3, despite being able to overcome certain fears and depressions through a behavior more focused on higher values. There can even be a sharp fall to phase 2 or phase 1, which usually does not bring good consequences. A person can die after abandoning intense inner Work or falling asleep too much after having begun to awaken. That is why it was said: 

he who has put his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 9:62)

Only upon reaching Level 5 does the Disintegration of false selves disappear and the Authentic, Coherent, Secure, Full, Self-Aware Personality remains; or as Gurdjieff would say, the unified Self emerges, reconciling Essence and Personality, allowing a further higher development.

It is surprising to see how these ideas fit with those of the Tree of life as well as the Fourth Way, explained by Gurdjieff, and Ouspensky after him. 

Actually Dabrowski studied Ouspensky, and he was surely inspired even by the stages of the Enneagram, since point 5 is where the Unified Personality Self is reached. Just as in the Sefirotic Tree the fifth spehere, counting from Malkut, is Tifereth, the Beauty of Armonía in Self-Recognition as part of a Divine Family.

That is where the solar/mental development of the Astral Body to deepen the growth of the Soul.

Needless to say, even Dabrowski accepted the Astral Body as possibility. 

I'll leave it there.

These views explained so many phenomena in my own life that I´m grateful for finding these two approaches, specially Fourth Way Teachings, since an early age. After 30 years in the Work I´ve noticed many facts, which to me are undeniable and have kept me sane and alive in this madhouse called human society and tortured planet earth.


[1] Summary On Positive Desintegration:

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Enigma of the Pole, Hyperborea, Arkadia & other Spiritual Cities

The Enigma of the Pole, Hyperborea, Arkadia & other Spiritual Cities

The Lost Arkadia

Talking about Arkadia and Hyperborea is not only referring to legendary regions mentioned by the Greeks, but it is also entering the world of spiritual cities and races, as well as their influence on the formation of humanity and great civilizations of antiquity. 

Numerous traditions always talked about a spiritualizing polar origin, prior to the displacement of the earth's axis and the catastrophes that threw humanity into a constant wandering from one place to another, without North, disorientated under adverse climates and waves of ignorance that led to barbarism and suffering. 

In Greece, one of the legendary names of polar origin was Arcadia, associated with Arktos, which means North in Greek. Hence words like Arctic, Art or Ark.

Famous is Pausin's painting, Et In Arcadia Ego: In Arcadia I was.

Old legend say that every human carries within a spark of Arcadia and even Hyperborea. Nietzsche himself echoed the idea when writing in his work The Antichrist

Let's face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans; We know very well how far away we live. “Neither by land nor by sea you will find the way to the Hyperboreans,” Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice and death: our life, our happiness. We have discovered happiness, we know the way, we have found the way out of the labyrinth of thousands of years. Who else has found it? Maybe the modern man? 'I've got lost. "I am everything that has been lost," sighs modern man.

Later on, we will see how, precisely, the spirit of the anti-Christ or anti-messiah came from the Edomite and Adamic fall, from the polar regions. Something Nietzsche probably wasn't aware of.

The Mythical Hyperborea

To understand the term Hyperborea we must delve into the writings of ancient Greek authors, who placed it beyond the Rhipean Mountains, in the extreme North of Europe, where the North Wind or Boreas, one of the four Anemoi, is born. 

Pomponius Mela placed it in the Arctic while Pliny the Elder placed it in the Urals. 

And the legends said that beyond those mountains there was a paradise where men lived for hundreds of years in a kind of eternal youth, and turned into swans when they died.

Diodorus Siculus wrote that the Hyperboreans actually lived on an island beyond the land of the Celts, what would later be considered the Swiss Alps, the Albion Islands, and Scandinavia. And he said that the Hyperboreans honored Apollo above any other deity, that is, since they had a solar cult.

According to Strabo (15.1.57), the legendary Greek poet Simonides of Ceos (556 BC - 468 BC), precursor of the Art of Memory, said that the Hyperboreans lived for thousands of years. 

One of the oldest and most wonderful mentions of the Hyperboreans comes from the poet Pindar (518-448 BC). It is found in number ten of his Pindaric Odes:

Neither by boat nor on foot could you find the wonderful way to the meeting place of the Hyperboreans. Once, Perseus, the leader of his people, entered their houses and was celebrating among them, when he found them sacrificing glorious [spiritual] hecatombs of donkeys to the god [Apollo]. Apollo is very happy at the festivals of that people and their praise, and laughs when he sees the upright arrogance of the beasts. The Muse is not absent from their customs; everywhere there are dancing girls, the strong chords of the lyre and the sounds of the flutes. They decorate their hair with golden laurel branches and revel in joy. No disease or ruinous old age mixes in that sacred race; without work or battles they live without fear of the strict Nemesis. Breathing boldness of spirit, once the son of Danae went to that gathering of blessed men, and Athena led him there. He killed the Gorgon and returned bringing stone death to the islanders, his head shining with hair made of snakes.

The historian Herodotus was very skeptical regarding the existence of the Hyperboreans, but in his Book II of History, Chapter XXXII, he states that the officiants of the cult of Apollo on the island of Delos and the Scythians claimed to receive gifts from the Hyperboreans.

And this should already give us a clue, since both in Delphi and Delos, places associated with the solar cult of Apollo, there were Asklepeiai, Temples of Sleep, mainly designed for Incubation, the art of lying in silence and darkness, cultivating the senses of the soul, and especially the consciousness that unites the entire fabric of the Cosmos. For more information on this.See the work In the Dark Places of Wisdom, by Peter Kingsley.

It is not surprising either that the poet Pindar and other authors claimed that Hyperborea was only visited by spiritual heroes, such as the druid Avaris, Perseus himself, who defeated Medusa-Gorgone, whose head full of snakes had a look that turned men into stone. 

Pindar himself was the author of that famous verse: Become what you are.

Those ancient authors knew that a part of the human soul and spirit is etheric, and has its origin in celestial regions, to which it is necessary to return before following the evolution in the cosmic Olympics.

Heavenly Lands

To leave this world of delusions, one must overcome the fallen perception of the cave-earth, as the Pythagoreans taught. Plato even copied their descriptions of the True Earth, to which, in principle, the so-called Hyperborea would belong, as well as other mythical cities. Full description below [1]. 

It is interesting to note that according to this description, the inhabitants of the True Earth see the earth and the moon as they really are. That contrasts with the following:

Diodorus Siculus speaks of a nation he calls Hyperboreans, who had a tradition that their country was closest to the Moon, on which they discovered mountains like those on the Earth, and that Apollo arrives there once every nineteen years (Mentioned in Paradise Found, William Warren, p.214)

If Hyperborea and the True Earth was closer to the moon, it means that it was located in the Earth's atmosphere. As Plato wrote: what is water to us, is air to them; and what for us is heaven, for them is the divine ether.

And Greece was not the only place where they talked about such a Heavenly Land. It is a recurring theme in the great mythologies of the world. 

From Altai, Siberia, comes the legend of Belovodia, which was once a civilization that existed in the northernmost area of ​​Siberia. It was led by wise men who predicted the arrival of a great cataclysm and who preferred to stay, unlike the majority of people of that civilization, who decided to emigrate southwards, giving rise to the cultures of India, Iran, the Celts and many others. Meanwhile, Belovodia became a spiritual city in another sphere of reality, inhabited by those first Belovodian sages.

We cannot forget  other cities mentioned in regions of the Himalayas, such as Aghartha and Shamballah, which seem to be different centers of various inter-dimensional cultures.

In Greece this spiritual region was also known as Middle Earth or Mesogaia, whereas in the Norse Eddas it is known as Midgard, the land of the edge, in the rim  of the Yggdrasil or Cosmic Tree, the Sacred Ash Tree.

In Yggdrasil there were nine kingdoms, such as Asgard, where the Aesir lived, led by Odin, or Helmheim, inhabited by demons.

In this video (Spanish channell) I give more information about it:

It is also advisable to watch the two films called Nosso Lar, Astral City. Despite these have the Brazilian Spiritist religion as a background, they describe some real processes that occur in these spiritual cities and their interaction with this physical plane. Yet it adheres to the old Adamic paradigm, where souls incarnate with projects, but are dragged by the strong darkness, sometimes trying to solve previous errors.

Our Home 1 (with English subtitles)

Our Home 2

Another version of said Cosmic Tree in Germanic-Saxon mythology was the Irmansul, a Pillar that connected Heaven and Earth, whose trunk has three roots, just like the tripod of the Temple of Apollo, where the fortune tellers sat to receive messages of the invisible regions.

The three roots represent three energies: receptive, active and reconciling.

It is very interesting to see the different names given by other traditions to different celestial cities.

In Persia there were legends concerning Hurqalia, the Country of the Emerald Cities, visited by great mystics such as the Sufi Sohravardi, who developed the senses of the soul and a great Wisdom about the region of the Eighth Climate, where the Soul ascends through the Spiritual Pole, finding those regions that Henry Corbin called Mundus Imaginalis, Imaginal World.

Corbin himself wrote a beatiful work on the topic, The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism. There he explains how the Hyperboreans represent those souls that have transcended opposites, returning to the Spiritual Pole, the origin where soul and spirit merge in an embrace, beyond the shadows of the material world. 

Likewise, Chinese Daoist traditions talked about the Land of the Immortals, which great sages like Lao Tzu would have accessed.

In India sages referred to a spiritual land called Śvetadvīpa (श्वेतद्वीप), an island where Mahāviṣṇu performed his austere tapas to obtain "Brahma Vidyā", the Knowledge of the Creator. The island is located on the northern side of the Milk Ocean, 32,000 miles above Meru Mountain. The inhabitants of Śvetadvīpa lack sense organs. They don't take food. They are rich in "Jñāna" (Self-Knowledge). Their bodies give off a perpetual fragrance. These sinless people are white in complexion. Their bodies  have bones are as hard as Vajrāyudha. Their heads are wide and flat like umbrellas and their voice is as loud as thunder. Each of them has four arms and sixty teeth. They all worship Śhiva (Mahābhārata Śānti Parva, Dākṣiṇātya Pāṭha, Chapter 335).

The Great Catastrophe & Lunar Genesis

Associated with the departure from Arcadia and loss of memory, mythologies always describe a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions, something that shook the earth to its foundations, shifting the Terrestrial Axis from the North, bringing both the seasons and the expulsion of the inhabitants of spiritual regions in the solar Arctic. Something that was repeated during various eras, in which new displacements of the geological pole occurred.

It is interesting to see that numerous terrestrial regions and symbols were associated with the Navel of the World. 

Not by chance, Gobekli Tepe, in Türkiye, literally means Navel Hill.

The Omphalos or Betilos of Greece, as well as the Black Stones, i.e. the Ka'aba or Lapis Niger in Rome, and the biblical Bethel, represent the Axis of the World, associated with the Pole and the course of humanity or its connection with the spiritual dimension.

This may well point to the awareness that before certain catastrophes, the geographical pole was very different, and the earth was under a more beneficial solar influence, suitable for inner growth.

In fact, such successive catastrophic events are not separate from the evolution of human consciousness.

Furthermore, the Hebrew prophets themselves assured that the waves of destruction coming from the North, and continue coming due to the failure of the Israelites in their attempt to bring Light to the Nations:

The Word of YHVH told me: From the North evil will be unleashed on all the inhabitants of this land. For behold, I call together all the families of the northern kingdoms, says the Word of YHVH...And because of all their wickedness, I will pronounce my judgments against those who have forsaken me, and have incensed other gods, and the work they worshiped at their hands (Jeremiah 1:14-15)

Conquering the North and filling it with evil is something that prophet Isaiah himself mentioned, in reference to Helel ben Shajar, Lucifer, who is presented as a source of terrestrial disturbance due to his haughty attitude: 

How you have fallen from heaven, oh bright Star, son of the dawn! You have been struck down to the ground, you who weakened the nations. But you said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far north (tzaphon).' I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will become like the Most High. Yet you have been brought down to Sheol,  to the uttermost depths of the abyss. Those who see you observe you, contemplate you, and say: 'Is this that man (aysh) who made the earth (eretz) tremble, who shook the kingdoms, who made the world like a desert, who tore down its cities, that he did not open the prison to his prisoners?

Was there an evil cultural influx trying to reach the North? This might explain why we find the root stan (Satan) in Central Asian regions such as Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhastan, Turkmenistan...As if a contrary evil culture had tried to destroy the Arian influence derived from Northern regions, as we will see later.

As we have seen many times, YHVH alludes to the existential movement of the Totality, which includes up to four worlds that must be in tune with the Primordial Source of Limitless Light (Ayn Sof Aur).

So how did the balance on Earth break? Why was the connection with the Primordial Source broken and who caused it?

Some traditions referred to several suns and several lands where various humanities would have lived destroyed by earth, air, water and fire [2] 

In some ancient visions, the entrance of the Moon in the scheme coincides with the separation from the Earth from the Solar influence. 

Aristotle himself and other Greek authors spoke of the existence of the Proselenoi, beings who lived before there was a Moon in the Sky.

In the Sumerian Enuma Elish we are told about Marduk, god of war, who cut Tiamat in two, and from there Kingu and Ki were born. This possibly refers to how the old world or Earth was impacted by a large object, giving rise to the Moon and other fragments. 

This was echoed by the dance teacher, G.I. Gurdjieff, who described the event masterfully in the chapter Cause of the Genesis of the Moon, belonging to his work All & Everything.

According to his vision, due to an error of calculation of Angelic Engineers, a long-orbit comet called Kondoor impacted the earth, causing two fragments to detach. One became the Moon, and another became Anulios, a small satellite that represents the deepest shadows, analogous to the black Moon or Lilith in astrology.

Curiously, modern science holds a very similar view, proposing that a gigantic body called Theia impacted the Earth, causing the detachment of the mass that would later become the Moon; yet they postulate the event at a stage when the earth was still in formation and did not harbor life.

Anecdotes aside, following Gurdjieff's story, since the Moon began to fall towards the Earth, the Angelic Engineers were forced to devise a containment plan: it occurred to them to lay the foundations for the earth to emit vibrations called Askokin, necessary to push the Moon outwards. But this required establishing on earth a system of functioning called Ilnosoparnian, in which the Law of Three and Law of Seven are separated, resulting in the emergence of microcosms and other more complex organisms, which, when living and dying, emit these Askokin vibrations.

According to Gurdjieff, this system was sanctioned by Divinity, and yet the Angelic Commission took the risk and asked permission to carry it out, being conditioned to supervise it.

However, in the course of this project, some beings began to evolve too quickly, putting the plan at risk, since there was the possibility that, perceiving themselves as slaves, they would commit mass suicide or violently rebel. 

And this is where the High Commission made the biggest mistake. According to Gurdjieff´s myth, the Angelic Engineers implanted a special organ in those beings with high evolutionary potential, so that they would perceive reality distorted, while the Moon was stabilized. Gurdjieff called that organ Kundabuffer or Sacrum Buffer, since it reduced or stopped the evolutionary vibrations of consciousness. 

But once the Moon was stable, without risk of falling on Earth, that organ was removed. 

Unfortunately, its properties remained during the evolutionary course of humanity.

Curiously, this narrative is reminiscent of what in Sumerian myth constitutes the famous rebellion of the Igigi, minor Sumerian gods, against their Anunnaki lords, who in the Atrahasis myth made them work opening canals and rivers in the primeval land. And this rebellion almost caused Enlil to exterminate them, if not for the intervention of Enki, who suggested a hybridization plan, to make a more docile race, mixing the intellect (gestu) of the rebellious Igigi, with more animalistic humanoids of the land.

Likiwise, the Book of Zohar reveals that once the Moon was as bright as the Sun, but she was forced to move away, losing its brightness, making it evident that it had no light of its own. It was then decreed that she must gain his light by following in the footsteps of her flock. A clear esoteric nod to the lunar absorption of earthly energy.

In the Zohar itself, this event is associated with the appearance of Lilith, described as an extension, appendage or dense shell that covered the brain of Adam, who saw himself incarnated in an animalistic creature that, according to Hebrew oral tradition, caused him disgust. 

Many years ago I wrote about this, arguing that Gurdjieff's Kundabuffer organ was actually Lilith's dense covering. 

Now we can say that Adam was expelled from Gan Eden precisely because of the residual influence of Lilith.

And what does this have to do with the Pole? A lot, because the initial Adamic life forms occurred at the Pole, until the arrival of the Catastrophe and Lunar Genesis, which brought humans out of the most spiritual state.

Since its fall, Adamic humanity has been subject to cycles of catastrophe, in part due to the energy imbalance that was never restored.

This was echoed by other mythologies that talk about how the gods get angry from time to time, sending lightning and bolts on the noisy humans.

In the Norse Eddas, the Yggdrasil or Cosmic Tree was destroyed in Ragnarok, the Universal Catastrophe, and only Midgard or the Middle Region remained.

A fatal destiny that Odin strove to avoid by sacrificing himself, hanging himself from the Tree, after piercing himself with a spear and gouging out his eye to access the runic knowledge, with which the three Norns weave of the ørloc or destiny of beings.

May the Norse gods be those pre-lunar inhabitants who inhabited polar regions?

Could they have something to do with the fallen Kings of Edom who died without wives, according to Geneses 36?

Is it a coincidence that the descendants of the Edomites are described as having reddish hair, like the typical races of Scandinavia?

Polar Exile of Humanity

One of the recurring themes in ancient legends is the existence of various humanities at the North Pole, and the polar origins of humanity.

In Greece poets also spoke of the Arcadians, inhabitants of Arkadia, which is associated with the Arctic, and even with the Omphalos, or Navel of the Earth, another symbol of the North Pole. 

Zoroaster spoke, for example, of Aryana Vaeja, the Paradise of the Aryans, destroyed by ice in a great catastrophe that forced them to move southwards.

We have already talked about the legend of Belovodia, a legendary spiritual civilization that would have existed at the North Pole thousands of years ago, and that became a spiritual city in another sphere of reality, like many others, such as Shamballah, Agartha, etc

But what tangible evidence do we have of the polar origin of civilization?

Well, the truth is that there are both genetic clues and cultural traces, polar symbols and other elements.

To begin with, there are genetic-anthropological studies that speak of the ANE or Ancient North Eurasian lineages, Eurasian people who originated in the north, and from which the oldest human genes come, associated with hunter-gatherers and even the originators of agriculture, horse domestication, etc. 

Reddish or blonde hair was among their features, something they shared with the Neanderthals, originally hunter-gatherers who became extinct when they mixed with the Homo Sapiens race.

Later we will see some modern theory that relates a Hyperborean project to the mixing of Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals. 

But for now, let us point out that behind all modern speculations there are great leaps of imagination, since the supposed experts do not know how to explain the transition from the Neolithic to the Mesolithic; they go from the supposed life of wild cave dwellers to the domestication of animals and plants as if it were an anecdote; for them everything arose as by trial and error, in just a few thousand years, and that is pure fantasy. 

A curious indication of those waves of northern civilization are the mummies of the Tocharians, whose blonde and red-haired features, with clothing full of Celtic ornaments, constitute an apparent anomaly in the lands of extreme eastern Asia, but fits perfectly within the legends about the Aryans and their lost land. Coincidence?

Where did the Tocharians come from? Were the Aryans from the North or Celtic peoples who traveled from the West? That´s ironically the belief of scholars who have never set foot in the capital of Mongolia.

These physiological traits were also closely associated with the Scythian and Phoenician culture.

The Scythians or Sakyas were great transmitters of Knowledge.  And great figures belonged to that line, such as Sakyamuni Buddha, or Ammonius Sakkas himself, the mentor of Plotinus, precursor of Neoplatonism.

Nor can we overlook the relationship of the Sakyas with the tribe of Abraham's son, Ytzaak or Isaac, belonging to the Hebrew people. A connection widely documented in the work The Story of Celto-Saxon Israel, in English.

Curiously, the Hebrew people always used an alphabet very similar to Celtic ogham, Nordic runes and Phoenician letters, especially in the paleo-Hebraic form, which again points to a polar origin.

These symbols were not letters, as in modern alphabets; they were rather vector symbols indicating the vortex movement of energy, according to both the Tree of Dual Knowledge and the Non-Dual Tree of Life. So they represented a science, closer to the wisdom of frequency.

If there is a work par excellence on this matter of the polar origins, that must be Paradise Found, The Cradle of Civilization in the North Pole, where the author, William Warren, provides hundreds of ancient references that point towards this polar origin of humanity. 

In that spot was located Paradise, the Garden of Eden from which human beings fell, and of course, it is the place of the Celestial Jerusalem, Zion, the spiritual Fortress of the Israelites.

Another author who provided interesting data about a polar origin was Bal Gangadhar Tilak, an Indian independence activist, who while imprisoned for his political ideas, wrote The Arctic Home in the Vedas. There he argues that numerous references in Vedic verses are linked to the polar region. For example, the Seven Sages or Rishis were always associated with the seven stars of the Big Dipper.

It is also well known that the Swastika is a symbol widely spread in regions of India and the Himalayas, although curiously it is also found in many other cultures, which confirms everything said above.

Interestingly, the stars are represented in two directions, clock-wise and counter-clockwise.

In my view, this has to do with both the movement of the Big and Little Dipper, as well as its spiritual meaning, since the movement to the right is the path to the center, to the Spiritual Pole, as in the Little Dipper, while the movement to the left, it is the externalization, the flight from the center, and therefore the fall of humanity, as shown in the Big Dipper, or the Nazi Swastika itself. 

Precisely, the entire esoteric Nazi ideology is based on a deformation of old ideas associated with the polar origins and the waves of the Aryan civilization, which at a genetic level is associated with tall, strong, blonde and red-haired people, as we have seen.

The Nazis even drew on nineteenth-century imagery on the subject, so let's investigate those sources. 

Hyperborea according to Nineteenth-century Occultism

To understand some of the more modern ideas about the Aryans and Hyperborea, we need only look into the literature of the 19th century.

At the beginning we read a quote by the philosopher Nietzsche, who, without being romantic, made use of the concept of Hyperborea, perhaps having in mind his idea of ​​the Super-man or Übermensh.

Now, the first striking nineteenth-century work on the theme of Hyperborea was Vrill, the Power of the Coming Race. In that novel, Edward Bulwer-Lytton talks about a man who, when traveling to the interior of the earth, finds an advanced human race that lives without disease and with great abilities, thanks to a vital power called Vrill. The author goes so far as to propose that this race would go out to exterminate humanity on the surface to avoid the destruction of the planet. An idea that in a certain sense constitutes the seed of Nazi philosophy, which we will see later.

In that same 19th century, Helena Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, presented in her work The Secret Doctrine, a curious vision of seven root races, which emerge every time a great cataclysm occurs. And the first two would have arisen at the North Pole.

The Polar Race was described as composed of incorporeal, ethereal beings, born from the astral bodies of the Lunar Parents, ruling gods of the moon. And millions of years ago those polar beings would have landed on an island in the polar region, to sow the evolutionary seeds of the planet. They evolved in seven different polar regions, and were not divided into sexes, but rather they reproduced like cells, by division, emerging from within other polar beings. That's why they were called Self-born.

However, they lacked a mind or manas that would allow them to connect the spirit to the body, so they evolved into another phase.

In this way they would have given birth to the Hyperborean Race, which existed in northern Asia, and although they were also incorporeal, they developed a certain sense of touch. At first they reproduced like trees, flowering, giving rise to beings that exuded a fluid from which another Hyperborean was born.

Strange, isn't it?

Later, in the 20th century, Rudolf Steiner, founder of anthroposophy, developed this vision, but with different nuances. He explained that the Polar race arrived when the earth was linked to Sun energy, not Lunar, and that the Hyperboreans had a great imagination, having the ability to be fertilized from the outside, by rays of light or energy, and thus they could hybridize with other beings they perceived.

Thus, the third root race, the Lemurian, was born, and it went through three phases, beginning in Madagascar, developing the sense of vision and awakening the mind. First came those born by exudation, and they only had one eye, the hyper-developed pineal gland; then the Androgynes emerged, who were born from the Hyperborean astral egg, with three eyes, the third on the back. And finally, eighteen million years ago, sexed Lemurian beings would have emerged, experiencing the Fall of Humanity.

Without a doubt, this is an interpretation of the myth of the Androgyne contained in the Platonic Dialogue The Symposium, where complete beings are divided by Zeus so that they did not conquer Olympus, traditionally associated with the Pole—another curious coincidence.

Now, both theosophists and anthroposophists taught that after the Lemurian race, almost a million years ago, would come the Atlantean race, which would already have two eyes, a sense of taste, and the capacity for telepathic language. They would have reproduced with beasts, giving rise to humanoid spawns.

As for the fifth root race, it would be the Aryan, which developed the sense of smell, and would also have subraces, like the Europeans or Americans. 

The sixth race would be about to arrive, within thousands of years, and would develop clairvoyance, giving way to the seventh race, which would already have full contact with its Atman or Christ-Luciferic Self. 

It seems incredible, but, indeed, in Theosophy they believe that evolution consists in realizing the Lucifer Christ, an idea taken up by more modern authors, such as Luis Felipe Moyano and other occultic cranks.

Do not expect to find genuine teachings of the Tree of Life and the Divine Master in Blavatsky or her plagiarists.

Modern Pseudo-Hyperborean Dementia

From the Vrillian and theosophical pastich, a large part of German national-socialist philosophy was born, under which the Vrill Society and the Thule Society were founded by deranged Nazis, which studied occult ideas with minimal scientific rigor, trying to base the expansionism of the Third Reich on the existence of a superior Aryan race from which the Germanic people would descend. An irony, seeing the appearance of that hysterical and coward midget called Hitler.

Of course, in their expeditions to the East, the Nazis sought the mythical Hyperborea as well as Shamballah. Yet they found nothing but the reflections of their own unhealthy ego.

And as a result of all those pseudo-esoteric fantasies, another pastiche was born known as the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom, written by the Argentinean Luis Felipe Moyano, also known as Nimrod del Rosario.

In that work he proposes a series of initiations that can develop the spirit or viarya, which, even while asleep, carries the original potential transmitted by the Hyperboreans, but in a submissive manner. 

Del Rosario said that first one must adopt a graceful Luciferic attitude, which courageously faces the truth without fear, without resorting to the moral codes of religion or hobbies to escape from oneself. The virya must overcome the drama, laughing at the laws of the world, dictated by a certain Jehovah-Satan, whom he identifies with the Demiurge, just as some clueless Gnostics did. 

Then there are three initiations:

First, the lost self must be isolated under the sphere of consciousness, after awakening from the Great Deception, like the prisoner who discovers the way out of his prison. 


The second initiation would be crossing the bridge to the Selbst or pure Self, with "hostility" towards the demons that dominate the planet. Thus he becomes a Tyrodal pontiff.

Wow! With that and a cake, see you tomorrow at eight.

Well, wait. The third phase remains, which would be to reverse the Hyperborean spirit, returning it to its state of "hostility", removing it from the state of defenselessness. Thus the Vrill primal force would be conquered, becoming immortal Siddha.

This man must have been hallucinating in colors within his own fantasy world of Viryas, Siddhas, Hyperboreans...

In his novel, The Mystery of Belicena Villca, he explains in a literary way that Hyperborea was both an uncreated Paradise outside the Creation of the evil, soul-trapper, Demiurge, –a pseudo-gnostic touch– and a terrestrial continental Paradise where millions of years ago got established liberating gods who came from Venus – theosophical tip –, having their origin first in an uncreated Hyperborea. There they would have built the city of K'taagar or Agartha. Later on, the Hyperboreans would have transmitted their Wisdom to Atlantis, entrusting the white Cro-Magnons to make a Blood Oath through which they should only mix with inferior white humans in order to infuse animal humanity or pasu, with the spirit, virya which once awakened, can return to uncreated origins. 

With this mixture they had to eliminate the Neanderthal race, since they only had body and soul, but not immortal spirit. From there royal lineages would be born, and although they achieved it, there were groups of Atlanteans who, betraying the Blood Oath, mixed with indigenous Negroid and brown races, giving rise to the brown Atlanteans, who revered the forces of matter, serving the imprisoning Demiurge, destroying the buildings of the Atlanteans. whites, establishing a Culture Pact

Felipe did not see some of the representations of those Neanderthals or the Scythians themselves, who combined dark skin features with the Aryan ones, as in Sakyamuni Buddha, or Yeshua himself, who was also curiously represented as mulatto, with blue eyes. 

As we see, del Rosario created his own Tower of Babel, just like the old biblical Nimrod, but this time making a mixture of Pseudo-Hyperboreal Wisdom, with Gnostic, Grialic, Blavatskian, Anthroposophical, Hindu ideas, Nazi supremacist esotericism and the mother who gave birth to his own inner devils. 

Nazi racial supremacism was deeply felt, thanks in part to Bulwer-Lytton, but later promoted by the Nazis and insane authors, among whom is also Miguel Serrano, a national-socialist activist who also defended his particular pseudo-hyperborean Wisdom, going so far as to say that Hitler was actually an Avatar incarnated to trigger a more rapid evolution in humanity, which, as these visions usually maintain, must be annihilated, for being the product of an evil Demiurge.

All these authors overlooked not only the true origin of the term Demiurge and its true meaning, but also bypassed there are various origins of the white race. The albino race, for example, was always associated with the Little People, who inhabited the Albion Islands and many others; although its origin is located on the continent of Mu in the Pacific. Not in Madagascar, where there are Lemure monkeys, but no Lemurians.

In any case, concerning Moyano's thesis, it should be noted that according to some anthropological views, Neanderthals, originally hunter-gatherers, became extinct when they genetically mixed with the Homo Sapiens race.

According to official anthropology, in the Altai region, Siberia, there existed a species of human called Denisovans, who mixed with Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens, giving rise to later descendants whose genes are in modern humans. 

Anyway, I invite everyone draw their own conclusions and make an effort to think consciously, without swallowing any cheap garbage that appears out there. 

Solar Consciousness is sacred, and has nothing to do with race, but rather with the transmutation of experiences and views, raising a fallen world in its own journey towards the only Absolute Source of Life, which was never Hyperborea, nor any other citadel of spiritual transition, but the Ocean of Love and Light Without Limits.

Hyperborea Today

Although it may seem a thing from the past, even today there are thinkers who keep reviving the theme of Hyperborea to support even geopolitical enterprises. 

Following a quasi-nineteenth-century thread, the Russian philosopher Alexandr Dugin proposes that Hyperborea was a polar culture from which came the Slavic race but also other subraces, which would have introduced spiritual culture into human civilization (as we already saw with the Sakyas), bringing thus the solar spirit, which is creative and liberating, contrary to the lunar spirit of psychic, materialistic and conservative humans. His argument is very much in tune with the research I presented here:

"The man of the North is not simply white, 'Aryan" or Indo-European in terms of his blood, language, and culture. The man of the North is a particular kind of being endowed with a direct intuition of the Sacred. To him, the cosmos is a texture of symbols, each of them pointing towards the First Spiritual Principle that is invisible to the eye. The man of the North is the 'solar man. Sonnenmensch, who does not absorb energy, as black holes do, but allots it- the streams of creation, light, strength, and wisdom flow out of his spirit.

—Dugin, "From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics. Translated by J. Arnold and J.Stachelski.

"Pure Nordic civilization disappeared with the ancient Hyperboreans, but its messengers laid the foundations of all present traditions. This Nordic race' of Teachers stood at the origins of the religions and cultures of the peoples of all continents and colors of skin. Traces of a Hyperborean cult can be found among the Indians of North America, among the Ancient Slavs, among the founders of the Chinese civilization, and among the natives of the Pacific, among the blonde Germans and black shamans of Western Africa, among the red -skinned Aztecs and among the Mongols with their wide cheek-bones. There is no people on the planet that does not have a myth about the 'solar man, Sonnenmensch. True spirituality, the supra-rational Mind, the divine Logos, and the capacity to see through the world to its secret Soul - these are the defining qualities of the North. Wherever there is Sacred Purity and Wisdom, there, invisibly, is the North - no matter what point in space or time we inhabit... The North; looked at in terms of Tradition, is a meta-historical and meta-geographical reality. The same can be said about the 'Hyperborean race' - it is not a 'race' in the biological, but rather, in a purely spiritual, metaphysical sense.

—Dugin, "From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics: Translated by I. Arnold and J.Stachelski.

As we see, unlike Moyano, Serrano and other champions of Nazi Hyperborism, Dugin has a more open vision, or as he says, Multipolar, proposing the need for coexistence of diverse cultural blocks that are neither totalitarian nor inter-exclusive. It does so under a rigorous geopolitical analysis where it ratifies the fall of communism and capitalism, envisioning the birth of a new political order, the Multipolar world, where diverse economies can coexist without killing each other. Something suggested in view of the excessive advance of the Chinese economy, that already surpasses the economy of the West.

Another idea Dugin suggests is that the North has taken precedence over the South since ancient times, with the North being a source of spirituality and superior culture [3], which does not always fit with reality, because in the same Torah of the Hebrew prophets, there was also talk of the evil that comes from the North, to the extreme North. Although it is true that the North was the Edenic cradle, and even Lucifer himself tried to ascend to the extreme north, as we saw.

In any case, Dugin even prophesies the end of geopolitics, predicting a supposed awakening of the old universal Hyperborean spirit:

"Over the course of this struggle, the flame of the 'resurrection of the spiritual North, the flame of Hyperborea, will transform geopolitical reality. The new global ideology will be that of Final Restoration, putting a final end to the geopolitical history of civilizations - but this will not be the end which the globalist spokesmen of the End of History have theorized. The materialistic, atheistic, anti-sacred, technocratic,

Atlanticist version of the End will give way to a different epilogue - the final Victory of the sacred Avatar, the coming of the Great Judgement, which will grant those who chose voluntary poverty the kingdom of spiritual abundance, while those who preferred wealth founded on the assassination of the Spirit will be condemned to eternal damnation and torment in hell. Lost continents will arise out of the abysses of the past. Invisible meta-continents will appear in reality. A New Earth and a New Heaven will arise."

—Dugin, "From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics. Translated by J. Arnold and J.Stachelski.

However, getting involved in matters of geopolitics and economics is perhaps a big mistake, since spirituality and world politics are like oil and water; they never mix no matter how much they come together.

Dugin's vision even seems to be in line with Vladimir Putin's policies, proposing things like:

"Without Ukraine, Russia will never be able to become a full-fledged sovereign power, an Empire, an independent pole of a multipolar world. This means that the fate of unipolarity and globalism... depends on whether the West is able to pull away Ukraine.

After all, if Russia and Ukraine unite, one way or another, unipolarity will collapse and the geopolitical map will change irreversibly again." —Dugin, "'Great Game' in Ukraine:"


After all these findings, there is no doubt in me that Hyperborea is simply another reference to spiritual earthly dimension where souls experience some completion in their transit to a greater source. And as many other spiritual regions, it´s connected to the Spiritual Pole in the spiritual geography, which finds its correlation in the physical geographical Pole. 

But as we can see, humanity lost trace of its polar origin, lacking the spiritual compass that helps find the Spiritual Pole.

Yet, it´s still a task left for everyone who aspires to be a true Adam, mirror of the Holy qualities, wherever we are to be evolving.

Thank you for accompanying me in this fascinating journey. 


[1] The Celestial Earth according to Pythagoreanism and Plato: 

Because living in some concavity of the earth we believe we live above it, and we call the air heaven, as if it were the sky and the stars moved in it. And this is the same case: due to weakness and heaviness we are not able to advance to the end of the air. Because if someone reached the top of it or, becoming winged, ascended to its limit, he would see when he raised his head, just as fish raising their heads out of the water see things here, so he would see things there, and in If his nature were capable of resisting contemplation, he would know that this is the true heaven and the true light and the earth in the proper sense. For this land, and the stones, and all the land here, are corrupted and corroded, like the things in the sea due to salinity, and there is nothing produced in the sea worthy of consideration or, to put it in a word , nothing perfect, but there are only caves, sand, incalculable mud and swampy areas, where it mixes with the earth, and there is nothing valuable, in general, to compare it with the beauties existing among us. In turn, the things above may be even more superior to those in our area. For if it is well to tell a myth now, it is worth hearing, Simmias, how things are on this earth under heaven.

"For our part, of course," said Simmias, "we would gladly listen to that myth." "Well, my friend," he said, "it is said that this land in its visible appearance, if one contemplates it from above, is like balls with twelve leather stripes, of various colors, decorated by the colors of which the The colors that are here, those that painters use, are like samples.

There the entire earth is made up of them, which are also much brighter and purer than those here. One part is purple and of admirable beauty, another is golden in appearance, and another is all white, and whiter than plaster or snow; and in the same way it is also adorned with other colors, more numerous and more beautiful than all those we have seen. Because its own cavities, which are filled with water and air, also provide it with a certain beauty of color, shining among the variety of other colors, so that they project the image of a continuous and iridescent tone. And in it, because it is what it is, the plants grow proportionately: trees, flowers and fruits. And, at the same time, the mountains also present their rocks with the same proportion, more beautiful than those here due to their smoothness, their transparency and their colors. Precisely those particles are the little stones that are so valued: carnelians, jaspers, emeralds, and all the similar ones. But there is nothing there that is not of such kind and even more beautiful.

The reason for this is that the stones there are pure and are not corroded or damaged like those here due to the rot and salinity of the elements that have come together here, which cause both the stones and the earth and the animals and plants. ugliness and diseases. But the real land is beautified by all that and, furthermore, by gold and silver and other things of that kind. Well, all these riches are exposed to view, and they are many in quantity, and large in any place on earth, so that contemplating it is a spectacle typical of happy spectators. In it there are many living beings, and among them human beings, some of whom live inside the earth, and others around the air like we do around the sea, and others live on islands bathed in air a short distance from \to solid land.

In a word, what water is for us and the sea is for our use, that is air there, and what air is for us is ether for them. Their seasons maintain such a temperature that they are unaware of diseases and live much longer than the people here, and in sight, hearing, intelligence and all other faculties they surpass us in the same proportion that air is distanced from water and ether. of the air regarding lightness and purity. Of course, they also have forests consecrated to the gods and temples, in which the gods are truly present, and they have prophecies, oracles, appearances of the gods, and personal and reciprocal dealings. As for the sun, the moon and the stars, they see them as they really are, and the rest of their happiness is in accordance with these features. (Phaedo 109b-110c)

[2] In Aztec mythology there is talk of five suns: 

Tezcaltilpoca, where giants reigned destroyed by strong earthquakes.

Quetzalcoatl, where ape-men reigned destroyed by the wind.

Tlaloc, where the ape-men were consumed under Fire fallen from the sky.

Chalchiuhtlicue, where the fish men perished in great floods of water, becoming the current marine fauna.

And finally Tonatiuh, where the present human race was created, while Qutzalcoalt recovered the bones of the fish-man race from the Underworld.

In Greece, the poets narrated that there was a time of Uranus, which was castrated by Saturn, giving rise to Aphrodite, born from the foam formed by the genitals of Uranus that fell into the primordial ocean. Thus Giants, Furies and Nyfas-trees arose, under the reign of the Titans and Saturn-Kronos, who began to devour their children.

But one of them, Zeus, escaped, and managed to overthrow Saturn, beginning another stage that was succeeded by the era of Apollo, the present Sun, who currently rules, and whom the Hyperboreans venerated.

[3] More quotes from Dugin:

"The oldest and most primordial layer of Tradition unequivocally affirms the primacy of the North over the South. The symbolism of the North corresponds to the Source, the original paradise of the North from which all human civilization originates. Ancient Iranian and Zoroastrian texts speak of the northern country of Airyana Vaeja with its capital Vara, from where the ancient Aryans were driven out by the glaciation sent upon them by Ahriman, the spirit of Evil and opponent of the brilliant Ormuzd. The ancient Vedas also speak of such a northern land. ancestral home of the. The Hindus called Sveta-dvipa, the white land located in the far north. The ancient Greeks spoke of Hyperborea, the northern island with the capital Thule. In many other traditions, this land was considered the homeland of the brilliant. god Apollo, the oldest traces, so often forgotten and fragmentary, of this "Nordic" symbolism can be detected. Translated by I. Arnold and J.

Stachelski.  —Dugin, "From sacred geography to geopolitics. Translated by J. Arnold and J.Stachelski.