Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas: Worshipping the birth and fall of Lucifer/Adam

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And it is true, because when we choose what seems good, we end up more twisted than melted iron; every decision and choice in this deceptive world is flawed.

On the other hand, when we remain in what we have always been in the deepest level, there is no room for error, for we do not even choose, since He chooses for us, providing All that is full and necessary, since He is the All in all (1 Cor. 15:28).

That is why it is better to be guided diligently towards the real and complete, which is the true meaning of worshiping the Eternal Living in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), not in exteriority and falsehood.

However, it is curious how everything in history has become twisted up to unsuspected limits, despite all the data that is in front of our noses.

How many times have we heard that a "child god" is born on December 25th. But what god is symbolically born at this time? What? Don´t you know him yet? How can that be possible? ... Ay, ay, ay ... With so many info-misiformation, many are more lost than a lamb in a slaughterhouse decorated with garlands, lights, cakes and other Christmas baits.

It is not new hearing that the cultures of Egyptian and Sumeri-Babylonian origin always worshiped - and still do- a "god of astral light" that is born on December 25th, well known by names such as Horus (considered reincarnation of Osiris), Tammuz (reincarnation of King Nimrod), Mitra and Sol Invictus for the Romans. All names of the not less famous Baal and Lucifer, the Fallen Star, who disguises himself even as Lord, Virgins, Christs and other Carnal Saviors of the World, stealing the title of he who really deserves it, starting with the Nazarene leader.

But what may happen to those who presume of being enlightened shepherds without being so? The weight of true divine Conscience is similar to that of a rock crushing all iniquity:

And whoever falls on this Stone will be torn to pieces; but on whom she falls, she will scatter it like dust (Matthew 21:44)

But who is really Lucifer?

In principle he is the astral intelligence trapped in the world of matter, from the Fall of certain Adamic-Promethean beings, who used the fire of intelligence and its technology to tame Nature, mixing with this world before time, being tormented in it, pretending to be "gods", establishing worship cults, Towers of Babel, i.e external religions, social castes, domination policies, exploitative economy, wild market, slavery, domestication of plants, food handling, alteration of the animal and human genome …

Does this story sound familiar? From whom did humans learn to be such bastards?

Now, as the Master said:

“What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?” (Matthew 17:25)

It is evident, since those who deem humanity as cattle, shoot taxes at ease, leaving their own people free of charges. This is what oligarchies are for.

However, they become justified when the masses, conditioned by enormous doses of ignorance, buy their lame donkeys and laugh with their jokes by feeding consumerism and superficial feasts.

Now, why is the apotheosis of human sacrifice occurring on these dates?

A few years ago one recalled the subject [1], noting that the word Solstice or Solstitio in Latin, comes from sol stare, or sun that remains, since astronomically and astrologically the sun seems to rise on the same place during the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of December. A phenomenon that was formerly represented as the "execution" or "crucifixion" of the Sun for three three days in the underworld.

And although this period was associated with the stormy birth of Lucifer, it also represents the point where a new seed must be "sown", "fertilized" and "gestated" to counteract the sick fallen Adam we are wearing, like lizard disguise.

As you know, Genesis 3 talks about two seeds or genetics. On the one hand there is that of the Woman, which is the Divine Presence, Shekinah, Spirit of Holiness, female-emotional Christ, received by humanity as "divine breath", and who offers the possibility of developing the masculine seed, or Mind of Christ.

He has begotten us according to his will by the Word of truth, so that we may be like the first fruits of his creatures (Jacob/James 1:17).

That is, the New Adam, the family of the Blessed One.

On the other hand we have the line of the Serpent, astral souls (psyches) that are already over twisted after thousands of reincarnations (gilgulim), and more deranged than the Mother (Sophia) that brought them into the world.

Therefore, the dark region where old Adam is crucified is also the battle point where the true divine Light must be "sown", "fecundated", "resurrected" and "gestated" to grow amidst darkness.

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of [second] Adam be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Matthew 12:40).

The three days in the belly of the Fish or the Underworld correspond in the astrological symbolism to Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn, from which the soul is spitted out, ascending through Sagittarius, the arrow shooter, Scorpio, where it is pierced by the spear of Longinos, and Libra, where the final Judgment of the soul begins before being born in Virgo

Thus the Sun of First Old Adam (fallen humanity) is crucified to be able to be transformed and liberated, ceasing to be a tyran, melting under divine Consciousness.

Let´s remember that Jonah refused to carry out the divine mission of bringing Light to the inhabitants of Nineveh. That's why he demanded to be thrown over the ship, which led him to be swallowed by the Fish, which finally vomited him. 

Certainly, darkness terrifies anyone, to the point that sometimes we want to erase ourselves from the map to avoid having to assume our divine responsibility, doing the works that the Blessed One prepared in advance for us to walk in them (Ephesians 2:10 ).

Now, Jonah ended up accepting the challenge. And the same happens to many in these times of confusion and anguish. So, let no one in this adventure surrender, let´s endure, listen and seek the voice of real Conscience, the guidance of the Master, our deepest Being, because now we have access to His image and likeness, i.e Conscience and Body of harmonious action, through the seed of the Teaching that grows as perhaps it should have grown if the Rome of the Invictus had not gotten in the way -a little unforeseen obstacle.

Needless to say, symbolically, the birth of the genuine Divine Seed does not happen until nine months after December 25th, that is, towards September, during the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot, when according to tradition the true Anointed One/ Messiah/Christ is born.

This fact is clearly indicated in the Gospel of Luke, as already indicated [2], for those who study and do not believe blindly what is hammered into the mind.

Winter was always the time to sow, not to be born or to reap fruit. It´s hard to be born amidst the desolate and demonic cold of the carnal mind, which must be first tamed by the warm heart of objective Conscience. 

So, in order for our Life Body to be gestated and truly born, connected to its Head, the Anointed Master, are we not meant to sow the seeds of the Spirit in everything we do? 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; Against such things there is no Law (Galatians 5: 22-23) 

Not even that of Luci.



Friday, December 1, 2017

Are you that strange woman?

For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword (Proverbs 5:3-4)

But who´s that Strange Woman, that Jezabel which persecuted Elijah (divine spirit within), after he unmasked the falsehood of her Baal prophets, with the power of the Name/Personality of the All Being? 

Why is the harlot still sitting on human hearts, the Congregation of Thiathyra, the Throne reserved to the Morning Star of true Conscience, as hinted at Revelation 2:18-29?

Now beware, for Winter is getting close and the fiery energy of  Sagittarius, the Centaurus Horse-Man, the Emotional-Mind, is ruling hard on earth, whether humans know it or not. 

So it is now easier to get caught by the fallen ego-personality and its self-centred mind, ruled by Jezabel´s false prophecies, which make people fear monsters, external adversaries, the end of the world.

That leads to miss life goals, get depressed, bittered and finally lose the temper with others, saying or thinking unkind or brutish things that may trigger very painful and long term situations. Words are indeed a double edge Sword, even when they are "sweet as honey".

But why now, is it because of clogging starchy foods mixed with the evil temper of congested bodies annoyed by cold, clouds and lesser sunlight? 

Truly, lack of light absorption as well as clogged up intestines and fatty liver are the cause of most mental problems. But what energies make humans eat non-human foods?

The psycho-astrological science of the Mazzarot, with its twelve or thirteen animal signs is very exact. The idea of letting stars be for signs (Genesis 1:14), is not to be taken lightly. 

Not by chance one of Adam´s first callings was to "name the animals" (Genesis 2). 

So it is required for humanity to know, illumine, transform and elevate her animal qualities, not to be ruled by Fifth Day Creation beings, which are not mere animals, but other species of creatures, source of airy alien thoughts that distract, watery emotions of attachment, firy-agressive reptilian instincts and stubborn behaviors that anchor to matter. 

Adam´s creation started on Day Six. So humanity contains the previous four elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Air) plus a fifth that completes the Name.

In this sense Paul spoke of not being under the Elemental forces of the World (Galatians 4), of not being under the Law of material intelligences–he never cancelled the spiritual Torah, wrongly called Law, when it´s Instruction.

Now, the Gospel passage dedicated to Saggitarius is Mark 11 (dual number), where the Anointed One enters Jerusalem, the City of Peace in the Heart, on top of a never before ridden donkey, as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9.

And in Zoharic symbolism the donkey represents Lilith, the first wife or animal body of Adam (soul-mind), which still survives in the form of passional energies and shadows that make humanity spill the precious "spiritual seed", eating, drinking and fornicating with the world´s deceptions, losing thus "spiritual vision".

The Hebrew word for donkey, chamor, relates to chomer, clay, matter, torpor.

Now, donkeys are stubborn outside and "loyal servants" inside.

Miguel de Cervantes was definitely aware of the Zoharic symbolism when he made Sancho ride on a donkey and Don Quixote on a white horse.

The image of Messiah riding on a donkey makes him a humble anointed servant, the stage of transformation preceding that of a spiritual Knight. Hence the Scripture also tells of the Anointed One coming on a white horse, accompanied by miriands of angels, spirit-consciences ready to incarnate into the world. Something that is yet to come.

An old Torah commandment states:
Every firstling of a donkey you shall redeem with a Lamb; and if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck... (Exodus 13:13)

 According to Jewish Kabbalah the first born is the first impulse of the body, which some think must be sacrificed to avoid the reaction.

The Nazarene approach in the New Testament seems to go further, revealing the Lamb not as a "carnal sacrifice" of some kind, but as an effusion of "the light-blood of the Messiah", which is able to erase all energy patterns (forgive all sins), cleanse Conscience and transform all animal energies. 

Without the effusion of blood there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22)

Hence the Son is emanated as Light that comes to be crucified in the four elements of matter. View that was clearly established:

the Lamb was sacrificed before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8)

Therefore, we´re not dealing with physical blood, as suggested in sadistic religion. Neither it requires to make efforts in order to repress physical impulses, specially without the help of the Anointing Light of Wisdom and Understanding that incorporates a new DNA, with the experience and spirit of action of Yeshua, a spiritual DNA that grows inside those open to receive it to become divine neurons.

Wrong translations twisted the message, causing too much pain and unnecessary bloodshed.

The Nazarene Messiah, Jesus Christ, was murdered but not offered as carnal sacrifice to expiate humanity´s sins. He didn´t even sacrificed animals, nor broke the donkey´s neck, nor struck the rock (body) to get Water (Holy Spirit), as Moses did. 

He followed the advice His Father gave to Moses:

Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its waters (Numbers 20:8)

Hence the Anointed One or Divine Conscience does not preach religious torments nor hard labours. He simply speaks the Word gently, overcoming like a Magician. 

The magic of the Messiah resides in his supra-senses, and above all, the silent Word-Name, YHWH, which speaks with that same "still voice" Elijah heard in the cave (1 Kings 19). 

And it is the Anointed One who communicates the rectified Name of the Father, who really says I Am humble Love, Life, Light and Peace. 

There it is the true Eternal One, YHWH, full in mercy and slow to anger.

Such is the true strategy of salvation.

Thus, Divine Conscience and his collective body/family, known as Yeshurun, get disguised as "serpents" (human bodies), to charm and rectify matter from within, like a sheep in wolf´s clothing, but the other way around.

And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Adam be lifted up, so that everyone who believes may have Eternal Life (John 3:15)

Ain´t an easy task though. But Our Head Master did it already. So protect the shield of Conscience and keep following him without looking back.

...pangs have seized me, like the pangs of a woman in labor; I am bowed down so that I cannot hear; I am dismayed so that I cannot see. My heart staggers…Arise, O Princes; anoint the shield! For thus the Lord said to me: “Go, set a Watchman; let him announce what he sees. When he sees riders, horsemen in pairs, riders on donkeys, riders on camels, let him listen diligently, very diligently.” (Isaiah 21)

In Hebrew, the camel is repressented with the letter Gimel, ג, which looks like a person bowing down humbly, lowering the "ego", also represented by the camel. This is why Gimel is the only letter never used in the 72 divine names.

And does anyone recall something about a camel and the eye of a needle? Matthew 10:25?

Well, some day we´ll speak of "false richness", and what´s the meaning of selling everything to follow the Anointed One. Nothing to do with getting rid of all and having nothing to give.

For now let´s keep an eye on the hysterical pride of Jezabel manifesting on the chest, but realizing the harlot cannot cannot be pulled out by the hairs nor violent ranting. Do not even try, for she will show her nails and may pluck out an eye or two.

And let´s also keep the eye on Jezabel´s judgements over others. The carnal mind never sees reality, but "her own images" and "twisted expectancies". The inner tyrant demands from others the Acceptance, Recognition and Love that only the true Father gives.

So listen, listen to His Word gently, till the Word speaks to us, in a still silent voice.

This might help us plant the seed, since, for Winter is not a time to be born but to plant the seeds of the nine spirits of Galatians 5, mirrored perhaps on the Feast of Lights and the Nine Arm Menorah.

Friends, only the Prince of this fallen World is born in Christmas, for he always brings the same: false electric lights, consumerism, paraphernalia, red Satans with belly, deific plump babies, egoism and rampant gluttony.

Hopefully we´ll get back soon with more keys and who knows, videos perhaps. We all are in need of support  on several levels.

Till the next time, Shalom.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wake up in the anointed One, be of the Last Adam

Wake, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and the Anointed one [Divine Conscience] will illuminate you  (Ephesians 5:14)

Even those of us who feel a strong call to be filled with Life, forget that we descend from the Adamic family, those legendary beings of Light or "living souls" who once enjoyed the Garden of Eden, a higher plane of consciousness from which they were allowed to explore this physical world, where there was found the famous Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the dual vision of things: painful-pleasant, right-wrong, etc.

And what was it really to eat from that Tree?

Simply, the living souls intimated too much with the carnal senses of animal humanity, those beasts of the field made to multiply, inhabit the earth and be dominated by
the living soul (Genesis 1: 25- 27).

According to Genesis 3 the transgression was to pay too much attention to the suggestions of the most carnal, astute and rebellious mind of those beasts, which served the adamic souls as vehicles at that time, and whose nature literally teased them. She only saw the good side of things, missing the negative. Thus, she suggested: "eat, eat, binge on tasty vegetables and leaves, cook seeds, and even become divine in form, like Elohim."

And that was what the Adamic souls did: eating solids instead of the Light of Wisdom. Thus they ended up disconnected from their divine origin, earning their bread with the sweat of their foreheads. And from them came those who eat macaroni with meat to burst the intestines, as Cain the farmer, murderer of Abel (spiritual consciousness).

Yes indeed, from that mixture of the divine and the animal, we came up, being still animals in comparison with the adamic souls of Light. This is actually stated in the Midrash, the Hebrew oral tradition.

Obviously, the adamic family was not prepared to descend to the world of the physical senses, because as the Zohar says, to eat from the Tree of Knowledge one must also eat from the Tree of Wisdom of Life, since this world is full of traps that cloud the vision, as for example, the excess of physical feeding to which we are subjected. By eating so much we lost our divine wires.

And the Fall was so frustrating, that there are still grudges and uncontrolled emotions that do not really belong to us. However, we must transform them with the Light of Grace that has been.

That's why it's not enough to be descendants of Adam. Some of us received the seed of Abraham the Hebrew, who defeated rebellious kings within himself; he subdued his Ego, Lot and his wife (Genesis 14), and finally transmitted the Light to the nations, the best he knew.

That is what the term "Hebrew" means, come from the other side to bring light for those in trouble.

Yet being Adamic and Hebrew is not enough either. 

Adam fell because he did not know how to till his flesh and eat of the Tree of Life. 

Abraham dwelt in the elevated Mountains of meditation, while Isaac worked hard in "the Field".

But none of them could build the inner House of the Soul and gather the Twelve Tribes in it. That was the deed of Jacob, son of Isaac. He went to work in the land
of his cunning uncle Laban [carnal mind], in order to get the woman he loved, Rachel, the Shekinah, the Divine Presence, the Virgin that fills us with peaceful light. Although after seven years of hard work, his uncle only gave him his other daughter, Leah, which represents Binah, the Understanding without which cannot receive the Shekina.

With the spiritual seed inherited from Abraham the compassionate and Isaac the industrious man, Jacob managed to find the middle ground and defeated the Fallen Angel who whispered evilness within him.

That is why Jacob was called Israel, which derives from Yi-Sara-El, he who struggles against the god-elohim, the fallen divine nature (Genesis 32:28). But also Yashar El, straight to the non fallen or divine Elohim-Nature.

So it was said:

To him who overcomes, I will give him to sit with me on my throne, just as I have overcome, and I have sat down with my Father on his throne (Revelation 3:21).

Israel the victorious is the nascent "soul-child" in a rectified adamic nation. And that happened in fact once in history, with the coming of Israel (conquering souls) and after receiving the Torah. Unfortunately, they got lost with religion, the adoration of the Golden Calf, a new fall:

We were pregnant, we writhed in pain, we gave birth, apparently, only wind. We did not achieve liberation for the earth, nor were inhabitants of the world born (Isaiah 26:18).

That's why Paul came to say something that even today many Christians misunderstand:

Christ [the anointed soul-Israel] died for our sins, according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15: 3)

What Scriptures? The Gospels? How, if they did not exist?

The text does not speak of a savior of flesh who died in sacrifice for the sins of humanity. That would be savagery of cosmic proportions. The only blood that saves is the spiritual nature of the growing Soul.

Precisely, the Christ who dies or goes back to sleep is the seed of a soul-embryo overcome
by the animal mind, becouse of a lack of higher development.

Now, today we already have an example of true "birth and resurrection":

[Christ/Anointed One] was born and resurrected on the third day, according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15: 4) 

Now think again, recalling the beginning of this article. Where was Divine Conscience buried for the first time? And which Scripture says that the Anointed One rose again on the third day? The Gospels? How, if Paul did not know them yet? There were no written Gospels yet. 

Revealed Wisdom hints at the third day of Creation (Genesis 1: 9-13), when the dry land of the Ego arises, under the waters of blessed Conscience, thus giving birth to the inner seed and vegetation that has to bear fruit. Certainly, in the spiritual world we are like trees. Some of you may have even verified it already. 

Yet the Creation of the divine Human ready for the Celestial Earth is not completed until the seventh day, which collectively is about to begin, after this sixth millennium of adamic history.

In spite of this, many churches still focus on doctrines of external religion that do not follow the Anointed One/Christ nor help to develop Anointed Ones/Christs, but rather hang up Christ, literally, anointing not with conscious Love, Life, Light- conscience and Peace.

Why seek Light among brambles when the first example of resurrected Adam, lives!!!!!

And he lives not just in glorified body-soul, but with his "spirit of loving action" within those who manifest trans-ego Love, Life, Light and Peace, instrad of fighting external adversaries.

Certainly, Yeshua, the first example of regenerated Adam was saved in body, soul and spirit. And everything began with the resurrection of the emotional and mental parts of the Anointed One within him, showing the pattern: 

But now Christ [New Anointed Adam] has risen from the dead [Adamic beings], the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. Because since death entered by a man [first living souls], also by a man came the resurrection of the dead. So it is written: The first man, Adam, was made a living soul. The last Adam, the spirit that gives life (1 Corinthians 15:45). 

When all the inner anointed ones awaken emotionally and mentally, being thus twice born, the prophecy will be fully fulfilled. After the seven Pastors (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David) comes the Eighth One, the Messiah who gathers them all, embodying the rectified Humanity, the last and true Adam of Light, who does not only defeats the fallen angel, but vivifies and immortalizes the human animal soul. Yeshua was just the beginning, the first born/resurrected, but is also the Only Begotten or Head of all the living souls. Now we must follow and do the same, avoiding First Adam´s failure.

And that is what gets on the Serpent's nerves. The friend Luci, Iblis for the Muslims, the Adversary that fell within humanity, thought he was superior to her animal part and decided to start an arm wrestling with the Primordial Adam (The Word), to see how many absent-minded ones he lures to the sack of carnality. Although, as the Scriptures and the Quran says, S/he has until the day of Judgment, the end of the seventh millennium. 

At the moment S/he has caused a bag of abortions inspiring the ideas of foreign religion, politics, scientifism... 

But the inner struggle continues, and consists in not giving respite to darkness, because she will not do it. As always, the so-called "strange woman" of dark thoughts and emotions will continue to creep into empty and unprepared minds. 

Hence the importance of a clean, attentive, humble and silent mind. 

Back in the thirteenth century, the great Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart, taught that within us awaits a pristine space not contaminated by the images of the world, a pure soul that is the virgin where the divine Spirit begets himself and is born as puer aeternus, Eternal Child, Divine Human. In that sense he said

We are all meant to be mothers of God. What good is it to me if this eternal birth of the divine Son takes place unceasingly, but does not take place within myself? And, what good is it to me if Mary is full of grace if I am not also full of grace? What good is it to me for the Creator to give birth to his Son if I do not also give birth to him in my time and my culture? This, then, is the fullness of time: When the Son of Man is begotten in us (Meister Eckhart, 1260-1328). 

Awesome words, aren´t they? What do we expect then to assume our true nature? 

Many are called to complete a fourfold ascendancy, going from the fallen Adam, to Abrahamic-Hebrew conscience who carries Light, Israelites who overcome their Ego and finally Sons of Righteous Adam, Divine Man realized, as Jesus/Yeshua, the first example.

Then we will be made not only on "a bodily likeness" of the divine nature, on the Image of the Original Idea, the Primordial Adam. Although, for now: 

The foxes have burrows and the birds of the sky nests, but the Son of Man does not have where to lay his head (Matthew 8:20). 

The Anointed Mind must grow in us to give Him shelter. Each one must attain the Mystical Marriage, the anima-animus, Jung would say; the Christos Iesous of Paul, the complete Yahshua of the Nazarenes ... Call it as you like. 

When we manifest our fully human and divine natures, labels are no longer relevant, and nothing can overthrow us, neither the Serpent traps nor physical death. 

So then, let´s binge on the Tree of Life-Wisdom.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Gestating the Mind of Messiah

And he [Yoseph, son of Israel, the conquering Conscience], awakening, took the Child [soul-embryo] and his mother  [spirit of holiness] by night, and went to Egypt [land of captivity and inner alchemical work], and was there until Herod's [tyrannical Ego] death; that it might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke through the prophet, when he said: 
Out of Egypt I called my Son (Matthew 2: 14-15)
The carnal mind desconected from the Light of the Soul would think the text simply refers to a super god-child born of the flesh two thousand years ago to save the world; but the truth is much deeper when one pays attention to the clues of the text, especially the last one. What is the prophetic passage? Who is that Son? Well, here it is:

When Israel [victorious Yakob] was a boy [Soul-embryo], I loved him, and from Egypt I called my son (Hosea 11: 1)

And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh: The Lord [YHWH] hath said thus, Israel is my son, my firstborn (Exodus 4:22)

 As we read in Genesis 32, Yakob was called Yisrael after defeating the Fallen Angel within himself, marking the path each must follow.

Curiously, both Yakob-Israel in the Old Testament and the Anointed Messiah in the New Testament are the first-born of the Divine Emanation/Word (Elohim, Divine Powers), born miraculously of women who cannot conceive, both are taken into and away from Egypt, both are rejected by the men, and both are resurrected. Why? Are they the same?

The Doctrine of the Messiah, which is Grace (Chen), Hidden Wisdom (Chochmah Nishtar), Language of the Branches (Netzarim), Nazarene Kabbalah, reveals that both are symbols for a divine organism, where Israel symbolizes the divine souls, the Collective Body of the Anointed Messiah, who is the leading Head of that divine organism, as Paul revealed:

he [the Anointed One] is the Head of the Body which is the Congregation; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18)

Who are those dead ones?

The Wisdom of Scripture reveals that the first adamic souls of light were united to their Head, the Divine Emanation (Yhwh Elohim).

However, certain Fallen Angels from the previous destroyed Universe had made certain animal bodies with capacity for higher intelligence, and eventually a living soul or Adam got traped in them. 

At first, Adam was unable to find a "contrary helpmate", i.e, he could not anoint docile animals with higher consciousness. So Adam was put to sleep and split into two: Adam and Hawa/Eve, which in Hebrew Kabbalah means that Adam, being Intuitive Vision,  was separated from his female side, the Reason/Understanding developed inside an animal creature called  the offspring of the Serpent, mirroring the separation of the waters in Genesis 1. 

And as Adam (Vision) and Eve (Reason) were torn apart, Heaven and Earth became disconnected, giving rise to an asleep humanity that is forced to make a conscious and voluntary connection between the earthly soul and the angelic part (Adam).

Therefore, the dead are those "divine souls or primordial adamic kings" who entered Gilgul or Wheel of Reincarnation after being buried in the Collective Unconscious when the Adamic family fell, first in the Garden of Eden and then with the slaughter of Abel, which was another seed of the Anointed One killed by the passions of the carnal soul (Cain).

He was distressed and afflicted, and did not open his mouth; as a lamb was brought to the slaughter [earthly experience]; and as a sheep [of Israel] before his shearers, he was silent, and did not open his mouth (Isaiah 53: 7)

Several are the passages where Israel is identified as the Suffering Servant, whose torment was experienced by the Messiah himself, who was a non-fallen part of Adam, the incarnation of the Verb- Emanation or Adam´s Head. And eventually:

He came to his own [body], and his own people did not receive him (John 1:11).

It is not surprising then that He took the sin of the world upon himself. The Adamic family of light is His own body. And what head would not plunge into the waters to save cancerigenous organs?

So by Church, Ekklesia, the Gospel does not refer to stone sanctuaries or groups of believers in Jesus, Mary and Joseph, but the souls who are called either to integration (if they are not part) or to take active part in the Body of the Collective Anointed One:

he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do them; and greater than these shall he do (John 14:12)

This was especially directed to the group of souls buried since long ago, called to be reborn, to flourish, to fully incarnate and lead spiritually, as it was taught in the Old and New Testament:

Speak to all the Congregation [Ekklesia] of the children of Israel, and say to them: "You shall be holy, for I am holy, YHWH [God's Emanation] your Elohim (Leviticus 19: 2)

 you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God ... to the congregation [Ekklesia] of the firstborn (Hebrews 12: 22-23)

Now, as we see in the Torah and the Gospel of Matthew, the Firstborn is called out of Egypt, that is, he is not born as such, for it is the Mental Soul or Neshema born as fruit of an inner work.

In other words, a person can receive a seed of the Anointed One –Christ if someone prefers–, either by inheritance, from the parents via genetics, or by reincarnation, or because the person listens to the Teaching and something is stirred inside, activating the call of the Holy Spirit of Promise (Ephesians 1:13), which provides emotional satisfaction, but not mental soul growth (Neshema).

Yet only a stronger influence can bring the so-called Spirit of Truth, who is the male/mental Assistant of the emotional Holy Spirit (John 14: 17-26), and allows a personal deeper relationship with the Master, the Head.

In this case the person no longer has a seed of the formed Christ/Anointed (Galatians 4:19), nor is that babe in Christ mentioned by Paul (1 Cor 3: 1); this soul no longer wants "spiritual milk," but "solid food", being the throne of a developing Anointed Adam, whose Mind is capable of guiding and revealing the Teaching, boiling the personal soul (nephesh), burning all impurity, and growing in fervor with the Teaching, until a complete Adult Soul-Child is formed, strong enough to carry that energy.

This means to become a conscious body of the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:22), who is already the completed Anointed Adam, with his Collective Body (Souls Neshema), and his Head (Divine Emanation),
which in turn is vehicle of the Infinite:

the Anointed One is the head of every man ... and God [Infinite Father] the head of the Anointed One (1 Cor 11: 3)

For there is only one God [Infinite], and one Mediator between God and men, the Anointed Man Iesous [fully born Man-Child] (1 Timothy 2: 5).

If someone reading does not feel enticed, it means that the seed is missing or undeveloped. If on the contrary one longs to understand more, the Higher Mind has begun to be developed, and must reach the full birth of the Spirit without measure, becoming the living body of Messiah on earth, as it should be, if not in this life, in another.

It is necessary to be warned though. Following the thread of the last article, the divine Soul-Child that is being born is besieged by dark forces, like the Dragon that chases the Virgin and the Child in Revelation 12, or King Herod who orders to murder all babies, i.e first-born, or King Kamsa who does the same to get rid of the newborn Krishna in Hindu mythology.

This happens because astral parasitic forces have no light of their own and want to suck on everything they can before a Divine Soul matures and eats them up.
It's like being in a jungle and turning a lamp on, getting all insects around.
This is how things work in a world of suckers.

So there is just one option: to eat the celestial Bread of Life and learn to give not be eaten by darkness.

Fortunately we have the Doctrine of the Anointed One, whose Light feeds and provides the necessary protection cover so a higher birth can be completed.

This covering is represented by the Feast of Sukkot (Huts), which plays an important role during the birth of the Messiah, and in the end, when the Messiah enters the Feast in Secret (John 7).

In both Nazarene and Judaic traditions, the festive period that represents the birth of the Anointed One, the Messiah, was always Sukkot, during these autumnal days, and not on December 25th, which corresponds to the birth of pagan gods like Mitra, the Sol Invictus of
Babilorroman Empire, which has so much influence on this world of chaos and falsity.

This is also indicated by the Gospel of Luke, which indicates that the Messiah is born on September, that is to say, six months after John the Baptist, whose date of conception is marked by the data the Gospel gives concerning his father Zechariah.

And now that we have the Anointed One's Mind (1 Corinthians 2:16), we can remove veils of astro-mythological and carnal conception/birth of a Child God, seeing the importance of times and other patterns.

It is no coincidence that Sukkot is celebrated under the Moon of Libra, for it comes just after Virgo, the Virgin, which obviously has to give birth to the Messiah, and of course, not just two thousand years ago, but in the life of each, so the sheep stops spinning around with so many sucking shearers around.

It is also said that the Messiah was resurrected on the third day. And since every day is a thousand years (2 Peter 3: 8), it also refers to the Messianic Age that begins after the last two thousand years of the Adamic Era, which is approaching its final line.

According to Torah calendar, we are in the year 5777 of this Cosmic Age, and therefore at the gates of the 7th Millennium, when the Messiah (Revelation 20) is supposed to reign, incarnated in His Body, in all those who do their duties.

Those who achieve it, can be authentic Rulers, Judges and Kings of the New Kingdom, and even live the remaining 223 years plus the thousand of reign on this earth, because a body connected to the Spirit without measure is like a dynamo and cannot get sick

That is why it is a call to those who carry within them old fallen adamic kings waiting to be resurrected and also to other foreign souls who want to be part of what is being cooked. It does not matter what creed or religion one belogs to. No one is excluded, not even the Adversary, who is still in time to change sides before the Light of the Kingdom rains on him scorching the hairs of his tail.
Those that hath ears, let them understand, and those that doesn´t, let them at least seek all the oil of Wisdom they may find, and fill their lamp to the brim, before it is too late.

Shalom to everyone.