Monday, August 20, 2018

Illumining the Shadows of YHVH

Primordial Wisdom tells the Limitless Divine Being (Ayn Sof in Hebrew) contracted a sevefold of such shadowless Light, opening a space to make Himself known, since Being dwells in unapproachable Light; whom no man has seen or can see (1 Timothy 6:16).

As apostle Yojanan/John said, no one has seen God; the only-begotten God who dwells in the Father's bosom has made him known (John 1:14).

The Only Begotten is the Word-Verb-Vibration-Personality known also as Primordial Man of Love, Life and Serenity, qualities emanating from the Holy One. And the emanated Adam organized a Creation to incarnate as Anointed Mankind, Adam.
The Head-Brain of the Primordial Adam is an Ocean of Full Light.

His Heart of Loving Life beats in the midst of all Galaxies, while His solar and planetary extremities reach the confines of the Universe, establishing Peace-Armonía. 

His Name is thus four attributes: Love, Life, Light and Serenity. All known through a journey process of self-knowing represented as YHVH.

However, as a result of the concealment of the primordial Light, part of Life got disconnected from Love and Light, building its own world of chaos, as explained in Proverbs 9.

As a consequence, the Name YHVH was turned into his Shadow: lack of Love gave way to Hate and Division; lack of Light brought a Knowledge of Good and Evil; Life became trapped into a separate existence, and Peace came to be falsified, imposed by the force of draconian Laws.
There we have the origin of that violent, jealous and blood thirsty Jehovah of religions, the shadow of the Eternal YHVH, manifested by the Divine Man.
Yet the Primordial Man kept sending His genetics of Love, Light, Life and Peace, through various stages in which He gradually became incarnate as Son of God, appearing under different names.
This is why His seeds must be born in the midst of darkness to fulfill the divine purpose announced from the very beginning:

In the beginning was the Word [YHVH] ... in Him was Life, and Life was the Light of Men. The Light in the darkness shines and against the Light the darkness does not prevail (John 1)

And if there were no Light hidden to be found, neither would there be darkness and shadow, nor would there be the possibility of full Life and Conscience. 

 The Light itself can only be recognized in the midst of darkness.

Thus, knowing the Light of oneself implies experiencing one´s own darkness. And what better way than to come to this lunatic asylum called Earth? It is the perfect place to know the bitterness, discouragement and other turbulent emotions, that in principle are lived in automatic pilot, unconsciously, with an ego-personality acquired genetically-socially.

This personality is composed of fragments of vital soul (nephesh), emotional soul (ruaj) or even mental soul (neshema), and these are loaded with memories, dragging debts from many epochs and levels of evolution.

All those imperfect fragments are being integrated and transformed into a New Adam or Mankind that reflects the Divine Name, the Body and Soul of the Spirit or Universal Father, so Mankind will no longer fall into the errors of innocence of the first Adam or fallen reptilian humanity.
And in our dispensation this collective Man or Adam of Light receives the Name of Mashiaj Yehoshua:
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the [anthropos, collective essence] man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5)

Why?, some wonder. First of all, the Nazarene man was given that title name for He is until today the only one who manifested the Body of divine Powers in our world:


Here is the Adam/true Man (John 19: 5)

Holy Father, keep them in your Name-Vibration, the name you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are ... And I have made known to you your Name [Character], and I will make it known even, so that LOVE with that you have loved me, be in them, and I in them (John 17:11)

I am the Path [of Love], the Truth [Light-Conscience] and the Life ... Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you; I do not give it to you as the world gives it (John 14)

Thus he was able to merge his personal human soul (nefesh) with the Father, acquiring full body immortality and soul-reproductive abilities, in order to replicate his Life in those who receive His Conscience.
That was the plan very few Jews and Christians understood.

In Hebrew, the Name is symbolized by four letters: Yod, Hei, Vav, Hei, which resembles a man when placed vertically. In fact, its displayed numerical value is equal to that of Adam, who must represent the Love, Light, Life and Peace of the Infinite Being.

And when the letter Shin or Divine Reconciling Spirit is added in YHVH, we get YeHoShua, which means Salvation (yasha) of YHVH.

In John 19: 19-22 the Gospels even teach that the same name and complete title of the Messiah, Yehoshua the Nazarene King of the Jews, was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, from which three acronyms come:

YHVH: Yehoshua Hanotzri VeMelek HaYehudim

INBI: Iesous Ho Nazoraios Ho Basilias Iodaion

INRI: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum

Unfortunately, Christendom was denied access to Kabbalistic teachings and only knew the famous INRI. And since the name was translated as Jesus, its meaning was lost even more, even though Paul knew it very well:


if you confess with your mouth that Iesous is the Lord (YHWH), and believe in your heart that God (Elohim) raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10: 9)

Hence the importance of manifesting the elevated Light of Yehoshua, our unfallen Adam, the Personality of the Powers (Elohim) that emanate from the invisible Divine Being.

The Universal Soul, Messiah Yehoshua/Iesous, integrates and disolves the shadows of our fallen Adam, who likes torturing such Christic astral body, which must grow in those who feed it instead, by eating the flesh (Word) and astral blood of Christ. Only thus can we be Sons of God.
And if in life Iesous Christ incarnated the Head of the Song of God, it only remains for us to incarnate His astral body, so we can be really Sons of God:

My children, I am again in labor of you, until Christ is formed in you (Galatians 4:19)

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ for his body, which is the Congregation of the called out ones (Colossians 1:24)

This involves forgiving and integrating the incoherence of others, integrating thus our own incoherence and inherited state of transgression, which inverts the Divine Name, converting Love into hatred and jealousy; Light into false knowledge, Life into false vitality and Peace into false peace imposed by force.

Thus it can be said we are perfect in our imperfection, because our fallen personality is a shadow of perfection so the Divine Soul achieves its maximum expression of the Divine Name through us. 

In the passage from John 9, when the disciples asked the Master if a man had been born blind because his father or his own sin - from another life presumably - the Master answered that neither of the two things, for his blindness was so the power of God manifested.

My grace is enough for you, for my power is perfected in weakness. Therefore, I will gladly glory rather in my weaknesses, so that the power of the Anointed One may dwell in me (2 Corinthians 12). 

Therefore, the problem is not the dark shadow of ego-personality but the lack of connection with the Anointed Mind, the higher Soul, Neshema, which can help us understand, forgive, receive and transform our personal name into a righteous manifestation of YHVH. 

Now, the Soul/Neshemah is compassionate without being too indulgent, so we do not always like what it suggests.

But in what we do not like lies the structure of our shadow, which accompanies us and scares us, like Peter Pan feared his own shadow. But it's time to hunt it and leave Neverland.
When we enter into internal spiritual strife, we experience the Light in the form of torment in the lake of fire, for old Adam, the Serpent must become a Seraph of Love, ceasing to be the fallen cherub.

Our stuck existence mirrors the shadow we do not perceive. And the level of our Being attracts the experience we live.


Do you want to discover and neutralize the structure of your shadow? Maybe there is something that can help you:

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Who do men say that I am?

First of all, announce that coinciding with the tenth anniversary of this blog, the project whose idea-seed was glimpsed those ten years ago is finally underway. Now with the name Enharmony of Life. See link below, still in Spanish [1].

The mission entrusted is to help others to live their life and vital mission in depth, discovering the Tree of their Being, the relationship between the ego-personality of the fallen soul with the anointed divine Soul, cell in the Body of the Messiah. More details in another post.

And speaking of the relationship of the Ego and the Tree of Being, we are already ending the lunar month of Av, ruled by the archetype of Leo, which represents the Ego or I Am, both in its divine form and non rectified, satanic form.

                  Gilgamesh and the Ego-Lion

For simplification, let's assume the Ego is the darkened mind that is unable to transcend itself and recognize who the divine I Am is.

We see this a lot in the personalities with a lunar ascendant in Leo, especially the Solar Aquarians, who know many things and like to teach in public, but can end up hurting others, believing themselves to be masters and masters of Knowledge.

When obscured and blinded by the forces of the world, I Am manifests a Nimrod or Gilgamesh king, whose divine Ego was just serving himself to enslave others and contaminate the Creation with his Luciferic ideas,
a science that manipulates Nature, religions that impose dogmas and politics that impose social ideals.  
And the only antidote to spiritual blindness is to be anointed with the divine Light.

Hence the passage of Mark that corresponds to the archetype of Leo is preceded by the episode of the blind man who, when anointed with the saliva of Messiah Yehoshua, began to see the spiritual dimension:

I see men as trees, but I see them walking (Mark 8:24)

And shortly after the Messiah poses his famous leonic question:

Who do men say that I am?

And among the various opinions, Kefas/Peter-archetype of the ego-aknowledges: 

You are the Anointed One, the Mashiach.

But let´s not make a mistake here. Mashiaj/Christ pre-existed the Nazaren man in whom the Light was incarnated to hint at the Way.

For that reason we speak of Yehoshua Hamashiaj or Iesous Kristos in Greek, which gives us the key to find its meaning in the old Greek-Septuagint version of the Scriptures, where Iesous corresponds to the Hebrew Yehoshua, meaning: Yhvh or Eternal Being is salvation (yasha).

For Christ/Mashiaj is not a Roman, Lutheran, Evangelical or Pentecostal Jesus Christ, nor a great anointed as were Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Pythagoras, Socrates, Lao Tzu...The Son of God is the Master Mind inside all of the great messengers; although until now He has has been fully manifested by the Nazarene Master, to the point He saved his human soul and gave him spiritually reproductive abilities.

In the context of Hebrew Wisdom, the Messiah or Mashiach is not the second person of a divine trinity, but the Spiritual Husband or Divine Head of Humanity, the so-called Last Adam who gives Life (1 Corinthians 15:45), the luminous Mind-
Heart-Body of the Invisible True God, so to speak, since there are not three divine persons, but Only One, which is the Divine Being, the Universal Designer, whose Spirit, Soul and Body are the seal that perfects the spirit, soul and body of the organzied Adam, true Mankind. Thinking otherwise is falling into idolatry.

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8:29)

Thus, the Messiah is the manifestation of the Great I Am, the Universal Mediator without which there is no possible definitive liberation from the snares of the Ego, which is His dark inversion, the Satan/ Adversary.

And what the passage presents is an authentic conversation between the "scandal stone" or ego-personality and the so-called Tzur or Rock of Divine Salvation, which is the Messiah, the Anointed, the Divine Body-Mind.

The Hebrew mekubalim say this Rock is the Shekinah or immanent presence of the Supreme, and all the higher mental souls or neshemot are cuts of it, as facets of a Great Diamond.

However, we must bear in mind that since the fall of Adam (first divine humanity), there were neshamot that broke away from the Great Diamond and now remain fallen in the form of sparks. 

Hence the story of Perceval in Western Celtic tradition, which speaks of the Grial as a fallen stone from the crown of Lucifer.

And those souls remain in the unconscious of some people in the form of sleeping kings, whose ego is so great that it sometimes manifests itself as a luciferic impulse, going against the Universal Designer.

When some of those kings repent and perform teshuba, return to their divine origin, they become recipients of Grace, precious stones that can be reinstegrated into the Great Diamond of Messiah.

Then they become part of the real stone on which is built the Congregation of the called out ones, Ekklesia-not churches of stone or flesh.

One of those neshamot or fallen soul kings appears in the Gospel accounts as Peter/Kefas, whose Ego was still so rebellious that he opposed the Master, when he confesed he had to suffer.

For this reason the Master rebuked him saying: go away from me Satan, because you do not set your sights on the things of God, but on those of men! (Mark 8:33)

This rebellious satanic attitude intensifies in the lunar Leo or solar Aquarians who already have a neshama or mental soul. Being kings who were stripped off in ancient times, today they believe they deserve more and preach about what should be perfect. 

Hence Peter's comment after the Master said that he would suffer in Jerusalem. Peter wanted to impose a destiny without suffering, something that he considered better, more perfect. 

And the Teaching of the Messiah is not about avoiding imperfection for the sake of perfection, but to find perfection immersed in imperfection. 

Our fallen soul must suffer torments in the lake of fire, so that the Ego is tamed and submitted to the I Am. 

Hence what He adds: 

If anyone wants to come after me, deny himself [soul] lower], take up your cross, and follow me (Mark 8:34) 

Separating oneself with the Sword of Conscience from the position of the ego is manifesting that: get away from me Satan!, letting the I Am shine: 

With the Anointed I have been crucified, and it is no longer I who live, but the Anointed through me (Galatians 2:20). 

The Light of Divine Conscience in us is wounded every time we act as unbelievers or luciferic savages. 

But because of the torments that fall on us, we can rectify and let the divine I AM make corrections: he was wounded by our transgressions, but by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53: 5)

As some Jewish Kabbalists teach, if we are able to transcend and correct the dark suggestions of the Ego, we discover the Light of YHWH or Eternal Being within ourselves. 

Now, if we let ourselves be carried away by their shadows full of impetus, Yhwh mirrors the Satan, as in the case of Job: and Satan came out of the presence of Yhwh ... and filled his body with pustules (Job 2)

That is the paradox, from which it makes no sense to say that some being called Jehovah or Yahweh is the Evil One, as do Gnostics and other religious interpreters. 

Within each of us there is a lion, capable of being I Am or his Egoic nemesis: 

Do not cry; look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has won to open the book [of Life] and its seven seals (Revelation 5: 5) 

So, be sober and watch, because adversary the devil [shadows and egoistic mind] walks as a roaring lion seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5: 8)

[1] For services of Harmony and Kabalah applied to neutralize the Shadow and manifest the divina Soul, I present a new web, still in Spanish form: