Sunday, April 28, 2019

Are you awake and risen? Will you bear the truth awake?

New Video from EnaArmony
Billingual Youtube Channel
and Web of Vital Orientation:

Mentioned article:

   Will you bear the truth awake?

 Sumerian depiction 
of Cosmic Architects manipulating 
the Tree of Life


Each human who came to this world of falsehood with a beam of true Light are destined to unveal a great mystery. If that mystery is not solved before the physical body dies, the quantum wheel of unnecessary repetitions will continue rotating, yet not forever, since there are seeds eaten by birds and many failed paths. 

 What did we come to unveal and do in this existence? Do we follow others or listen to the Truth to discover yourself? Do you know who you serve and where do your confused genes come from?

If you are a person who is still full of hatred, envy, jealousy, worries, belief in an external and superior God, beliving that you are a god, or beliving in politics, human science and all its culture, you sleep deeply, you are literally pasture of ancient predators that you do not see.

The same can be said about following Non-Dualistic Dualisms that do not recognize the mission of the Universal Man,  which is to rescue trapped Life; and the same goes for mysticisms based on meaningless nirvanic disolutions, Monisms of an abstract One Being; or ritualistic Kabalas based on the witchcraft of amulets and Sephirotic Trees that only show 10 Spheres, when the true Tree of Life has 13 spheres. Why are three missing?. Who took them away and why?

                                          Solving the Mystery

Without assuming our luminous I Amness in the Great Being, we will continue in Babylon, as we read in Revelation 17.

The Woman dressed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold ... on her forehead was a written name, a mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and the Abominations of the Earth (Revelation 17: 5)

But before discovering who that Harlot is and how it  torments life, we must understand that the Great Mystery was forced upon us within a System or Matrix of Illusion where a cruel genetic manipulation was carried out. All described in Sumerian myths, the Book of Genesis and other sources.

The Illusion System was organized by self-proclaimed Powerful Elohim, Powerful ones, the Killer Vinedressers of which Yeshua spoke according to Matthew 21.

They who organized a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, a Network of Organisms that eat each other and steal energy, what led to the destruction of planets. Something that caused atmospheric imbalances and deviation of stars.

Everything was described in myths and sacred narratives that many took for fables.

We can remember now how the Vinedressers tried to correct the flaws in their Tree in a sloppy way: they decided to create Adam (first humanity) in their own image, male and female, telling the first Adamic beings to dominate over other creatures (read Genesis 1).

And what Love is that which dominates and commands to dominate? Unconditional Love?


Now, in Genesis 2 we read about the formation of a psychic androgynous Adam,
formed from the dust of Adamah, a Red Land –associated with a dimension of Mars, Ma'adim in Hebrew– with a breath of divine intelligence (Nishmat jayim):

For there was not yet Adam (psychic body) to till the Red Earth (Adamah)...and Adam was made a living psyche (nefesh jayah) (Genesis 2)

According to Hebrew Wisdom Adam was a subtle body capable of travelling dimensions, explore other forms of life, knowing the Universe coast to coast, even accessing the Tree of Life or Original Kosmos.

However, the Architects gave rise to that "vital soul" in a limited dimension symbolized as the Orchard of Eden. And according to Hebrew sages, the garden or GaN represents the Guf, a body, with Neshemah, breath of vital understanding, which comes from the Source of Life.

Therefore the Garden of Eden was an intelligent body, where the vital soul made from the dimension Adamah, Red Earth,
was placed.

Yet he was not a fully spiritual being. As Paul taught, first comes the psychic, then the spiritual...Adam was made a living soul/psyche (psychen zoosan), but the last Adam a living spirit (pneuma zoopoioun). 

Paul even clarified the First Adam was a prototype of Messiah (Romans 5:12).

However, his stardust gave him an evil inclination or yetzer hara while his life breath, gave him a good inclination, or yetzer hatob. An explosive unnatural combination which opens the door to choice and evil.

And once they had the psychic Adam, with an inner potential friction, they gave him the choice of eating from the Tree of the Life or Tree of the Death, to limit his power of action and correct energetic imbalances, of "lower quality".

It is what Jewish Kabbalists call Tikkun or correction.

But is that Unconditional Love or death conditions?

Choosing and patching old wine skins is synonymous with death, whereas the Being of Life does not choose, it is what it is, and never puts new wine in 
old wine skins.

Now, the Book of Genesis says that Adam found no contrary help (ezer kenegdó) in the creatures that the Architects had formed in Adamah. But Adam named them all, i.e, impressed his nature on them as a collective Soul. 

Did that psychic Adam join them in some way without finding the right companion to inhabit?

Is this not reminiscence of the Hebrew stories about Lilith, Adam's first wife, who ended up fleeing from his side, joining other species and forming hybrid species? Did he produce wild astral bodies after joining animal forms of life?

Yet the architects, put him to sleep and from one of his sides (tselah), made him a new suitable one, new modified creatures. Thus they divided him into Man and Woman, Mind and Body with Emotions: this is flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones.

And that contrary help already limited his potential for Infinite Intelligence and Life.

In a suspiciously similar way, the Sumerian myth of Atrahasis explains that Enki mixed his genetics with a some being to free the lesser gods who did not want to work for higher gods.

Meanwhile, the Popul Vu or Mayan Book of Creation talks about the gods throwing dust unto the eyes of a humanity that had made them too smart.

Now, that new sleeping Adam, with mind and emotional body, was not alone in the Garden. What had happened to the old psychic partd of Adams that belonged to his non-suitable partners from Adamah?

Thus came the deadly influence of the Najash, translated as Serpent, being the previous lower natures of semi-Adamic creatures, which whispered to his emotional body: you will not die, but the Powerful Ones know that the day you eat from the [Tree of Knowledge] you will be like the Powerful Ones, knowing the good and the deficient

This Najash were amphibian-reptilian souls, the old Mermaid, Sirens, whose name already indicates a possible stellar genetic provenance, i.e Sirius system, just like the amphibious beings called Nommo, according to priests of the Dogon Tribe in Mali.

Being influenced by that Serpent, the Woman or body of Adam, ate what seemed good to taste, sight (five senses) and to acquire Wisdom, feeding her husband as well, the Adamic Psyche.

And when the Adamic Psyche merged with those creatures, he fell down, like Prometheus chained to the rock by Zeus, after helping Epimetheus, who opened his Pandora's box.

The Book of Zohar says the Woman copulated with that Najash, or rather got contaminated with that psychic energy.

Thus, the fallen Adamic beings, naked of understanding, felt ashamed and fearful, acquiring the false Wisdom from the Serpent, which made them perceive lack and not the Truth of Life.

Such a condition led them to cover themselves with religion, politics and science, the Leaves of the Fig tree that the Master cursed, because it did not bear fruit.

This shows that the strategy to correct the energetic imbalance of the Planetary Network went wrong for the Architects, who now saw how the psychic Adams and their old wives ruined their plans, revolutionizing their henhouse. But as the Master said:

Which father gives a stone or a Serpent to his son when he asks for bread or fish? (Luke 11:11)

Who made the Serpent if not a killer trickster?

Now, to keep the Adamic beings from becoming immortal, the Architects, Powerful Ones, expelled their souls from the Garden of Eden, or rather Orchard of the Dead. So the tricksters must have made some type of new modification.

As for the energies of the Najash, these were condemned to go after Adamic humanity, chasing like owls in the night, as Lilit was depicted in Mesopotamia:

Upon your belly you will walk and dust you will eat ... I will put enmity between your seed and ... the seed of the Woman (Genesis 3:14).

Since then the Woman or adamic emotional bodies have been given the name of Javah/Eve, Mother of the living Creatures that arose from both the hybrid mixtures with Najash and the Adamic psychic Soul.

Cain was the first son of the fallen one, according to the Zohar and the emissary Yojanan, according to one of his letters (John 3:12).

 And from that procreation, Javah became object of ancient worship, the Great Mother Goddess, Ashera, Isis, Mother of gods or whoever pretends to be a god.

Oh Lucifer, Son of the Dawn, as you fell from Heaven (Isaiah 14)

The hybrid mixture propitiated the cainanite killing of the breath of Conscience (Habel). Thus Cain ws expelled from the Land of Adamah, condemned to wander Eretz, the 3D earth where we are.

But the chaos on earth had only begun. Later, new mixtures happened, as the various hybrid souls and Sons of the Architects / Elohim, returned and entered fully into the Unconscious and Subconscious of humanity, the Daughters of Adam, as recounted in Genesis 6, in Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek myths ...

The Art of Mesopotamia and priest Berosus tells us about how the Fish god Uan/Oannes taught humanity Arts, Religion and Science. Similar to the stories about the Nommos or amphibious beings from Sirius that transmitted knowledge to the Dogon tribe of Mali.

                                               Sumerian Stella
                                        Amphibian beings seeding
                                          the Tree of Knowledge.
It seems the old fallen Hybrid Adams had become princes of the Earth, influencing as fish gods fish/ mermaid gods and who knows what else.

They were known in Mesopotamia as Apkallu, and Oannes, and Calypso in Greece ...

god Oannes with his basket of
   seeds to plant Human Unconscious

In his Timaeus, Plato told the myth of Atlantis where the god Poseidon possessed Clito, daughter of the first humanity. And in his Critias he explained how the foreign gods exerted "lordship over mankind", just like a Shepherd looks after his flock.

                                      god Enki giving the plow to humans

His idea was to instruct humanity with Arts, Sciences and Religion, which perverted humanity, as the prophet Enokh teaches in his Book, found even among the texts in Qumran.

And from these mixtures came those muds: hybridization of species, corruption of the earth, diluvian catastrophe, repopulation...

After that chaos, the Sumerian-Babylonian Empire was born, where the Great Confusion of Languages took place, the Tower of Babel, perpetrated by fallen Adamic hybrid souls.

And Babel reads backwards in Hebrew as Lebab, Heart. And confusion is called Bilbul, from which comes the expression Tower of Confusion. Just as Live backwards gives Evil.

So many alien voices  have turned human hearts upside down, filling humanity with hate, preventing us to listen to the Unitary Language of the Reality.

The doctrines of fallen Adamic beings brought the distinction between God and Satan, Good and Evil, Saints and Sinners, Life and Death, Truth and Lie, Man and Woman, God the Father and God the Mother ...

Hence the Babylonian religion that opposes Good to Evil, promoting the worship of benefactor gods of humanity (Enki, Dagon, Oannes, Baal, Fish Redeemer god) and suffering mother virgins (Ninhursag, Javah / Eve, Asherah, Isis, Mary ...) by means of blood and death oaths (Tamuz, Apis Bull, Christos Serapis ...). All against evil gods (Zeus, Yahve ...)

Not to mention hierarchical politics that divide culture. Later we will see how this implies the inversion of Love or Divine Name.

All that, dear listeners, keeps the Mystery, which comes from the Greek myein, close, shut up so there is no understanding. For no other reason the religious say: "that is a mystery my son, do not get involved, that the devil lashes". And I think so. He is involved in all the temples, including those that are burned, like Notre Dame, Our Lady: the old Woman of Babylon (Apocalypse 17).

When the old hybrid Princes of Earth direct from their Command Chairs (Catedra> Cathedrals), there is no understanding, but fire of confusion, conflict, war, poverty and disease, energies that are the food of the gods and their planetary network of retro-feeding.

                                  Time to wake up and get up

Wake up you who sleep, and rise from the dead and the One
Anointed with  Understanding will enlighten you -Ephesians 5

And that anointed one is in you, your real Being. I will be the one I will be, the Divine Being told Moses. For He must express himself in each One, since in Him we live, move and have our Being (Acts 17).

In the Tree of Real Life we are all an expression of the All Being, and that is why we have everything we have to do and we are everywhere. We do not need to choose the Love, Light of Life in Calm for we are it and nobody should remove us with cruel and illegitimate mixtures.

Here lies the absurdity of religious rites and practices that seek enlightenment with techniques or try to acquire success and abundance with meditations, or some kind of salvation through the sacrifice of someone or some other condition.

That is why the Master said: call no one rabbi (distinguished teacher), because Master there is only one, the One of Anointing Understanding.

And it was also said: the Anointing of Understanding that you received from Him will teach you everything (1 John 2:27).

You who teaches others, do not teach yourself? says Paul in Romans 2:21.

The Master is therefore not a separate Christ, Jesus, nor external Yeshua mediator, nor a Supreme God. The Anointed Master is our Being of Light and True Life, cell in the Great Tree of Life. Let no one take  your Crown says in Revelation.

And their understanding is uniqueness. For example, reconcile mind and body in the serene heart. If your mind is not at peace because it does not understand, your body does not either, and that is why it is restless, anxious, full of addictions, voices of alien genes, until finally it becomes confused and dies.

Only in the Unity of Understanding we open ourselves to the space of Truth, which leads us to Life in Calm.

And the Truth will make you free, said the Master.

Only those who began to uncover the False Vine System began to rise from the dust, as Ezekiel 37 prophesied: And the dry bones will rise.

And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken, some for eternal Life and others for ignominy, eternal contempt (Daniel 12: 2)

Your dead will live, their corpses will rise. Dwellers of dust, awaken and give shouts of joy, for your dew is like the dew of the dawn, and the earth will give birth to the spirits (Isaiah 26:12)

It is what the Master called the rising of the Son of Adam, his body. And as Moses raised the Serpent in the wilderness, so will the Son of Adam be raised (John 3:14)

But only when you find your Head of Light, because until now, the foxes have a lair and the birds of the sky (ie demonic thoughts) have nests but the Son of Adam has nowhere to lay his Head (Matthew 8:20)

In the same way that our body is not so without a head, Son of Light is only complete when it joins the Adamic Souls of Humanity that dwell in each of us.

Only then are we the expression or Face of the Father. And as the Father and I are One - not two - His Will is Our Will.

Thy Will be done on Earth as well as in the Kingdom of Life (not heavens, Ouranos, where Anu lives, "Sumerian god of the heavens).

Thus, what we command in His Name of Love to the Truth of Life in Calm, will be done: I command to receive understanding and not to remain stagnant; not to be carried away by envy, jealousy, hatred and gluttony of amphibian-reptilian residues; to find the people and circumstances that can help me in my rescue mission ...

That is not only to wake up, but to take off, returning to the original state of Light, mistranslated as resurrection, when even the Greek Gospel says Ana-stasis. There is the danger of the lying pens of the scribes, which Jeremiah mentioned.

If you have returned to the original state with the Anointed Understanding, seek the things above where the Anointed One is seated at the right hand of Elohim-Colossians 3

For those who already know how to read the Sefirotic Tree, that right hand is Wisdom, Jokmah, which means the Power (Koaj) of What Is (Mah). For nothing is more powerful than seeing the Truth.

In Colossians 1: 9 Paul describes 12 Sefirot, Fruits of the Tree of Life or Clothes of the Total Sphere or I Am (Ena / Any):

has declared your Love (Ahaba) in the Spirit [of Life] (Ratzon, Telos, Purpose) ... so that you may be filled with the Knowledge of His Will (Keter, Thelema) in all Wisdom (Jokmah) and Spiritual Intelligence (Binah) ...

           Unmasking Gods and Tri-gods

The Trinitarian doctrine of Three Persons is based on a blood covered Son sitting to the right of a Mighty Father who sends him to sacrifice, plus some Holy Spirit who guides those who consider themselves slaves of Christ and mortify themselves as Anti-Christs.

What kind of Love is the one that dominates and mortifies with conditions?

It comes from old Trini. Yes, the Trini-Deity: Anu, Enlil, Enki; Osiris, Isis, Horus; Dragon, Beast and False Prophet ...

The language implanted by hybrid fallen souls on this planet hides Truth in Lies, and vice versa.

And She expresses the Seven Pilars of Fallen Wisdom (Proverbs 8 and 9); the Seven Heads of the Dragon (Revelation 12) and the Beast and its False Prophet (Revelation 13), which is manifested by Seven Chakras or energetic wheels; the Seven Heads of Kundalini; Rome and its Seven Mountains, which are inside and outside.


The Seven Energetic Seals in the human would be:

1. False Identity: I am unworthy Slave. Adversary on His Throne.

2. False Purpose: serve the Anti-Messiah System of Sacrifice.

3. False Crowns of Life or Diadems: spells of
Consciousness, ritualistic magic, witchcraft with repetitive psychic prayers.

4. Cauterized Consciousness or absence of Da'at, Universal Consciousness.

5. Heart full of Rome without Unconditional Love.

6. False works of wealth, false happiness and false charity without Foundation

7. Fable Kingdom governed by Covenants of Death, Blood and Insecurity.

Is it coincidence that the Vatican State sits on Mount Vaticum, one of the Seven Hills of Old Rome, whose Seven Mountains are where the Harlot of Babylon according to Revelation 17?

And the Obelisk in the middle of Saint Peter´s vulva? Is that the religious Falo sowing a world of division?

And how is it that the Popes insist on wearing the hat symbolizing the Dagon Fish Oanne, Fallen Adam? Who is still in the belly of the Fish?

Because Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights; thus will the Son of Adam be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40)

The fallen Son of Adam continues to rule as Prince from the earthly depths, emerging in the Unconscious, instigating the religion of the Lord God that requires sacrifice, blood and adoration.

The great misfortune of taking the YHWH or Great I Am in vain is that it becomes Jehovah, Yahveh, I am a jealous God, a punisher of unjustice; I am the Lord ...

And he who says I am slave and you Lord, ceases to be Lord of himself. Think and feel I am unhappy, and you will become unhappy; feel I am a slave and you will become a slave, even the Justice of the Powerful.

That's why the Master said ...

But why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say? (Luke 6:46)

But only oneself can be Lord of oneself. How many understand that?

                  Inversion of the Divine Name

Being another's Harlot is precisely what is false in Divine Name:

Love becomes the false moral Love of religion: "if you do good, I will reward you; if you choose Life, you will live; if you obey the commandments of this God, you will be saved ... "

The Light is replaced by Science that manipulates everything genetically, and lies saying disease is not cured if it is not by means of mortal procedures.

Life is replaced by Political hierarchies: "you belowand I above; me igh class and you middle/low class ; I have and I know, you do not." And this goes also for the anti-system, which are part of the system of Mastema, old name of the Adversary.

And finally the Calm or Serenity of Being is replaced with Peace imposed by painkillers, food, television, democracy (cratos / power of a people or alien crater), and a culture of lying based on the war and division that we see in sports, hobbies, video games, bloody television news with psychopathic presenters who mix cruel news with smiles ...

Awakening is seeing all that and being able to endure and rescue surrounding Life without being affected by the bite of the Serpent, which is already rather Dragon, whose tail drags not just a third, but more than half of unsuspecting humans.

And it was said she would bite us in the heel. But the adamic seed of Light that was placed on the Woman would step on the Head.

Therefore, it is understood that only those who stand up and are immune to fear and confusion can step on heads, not only of snakes but of Dragons.

And did not the Master say that?

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and above all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you (Luke 10:19) 

Do you dare to assume the Master of Truth that you carry inside?

Fernando Umberto
April 26, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Avoid the Ten Plagues

New Video from Enarmony  

Billingual Youtube Channel 
and Web of Vital Orientation:

Monday, April 8, 2019

Revealing the Divine Son: Rescue Mission on Earth slaughterhouse

Transcription of the entire message from the Spanish video version:

Today's message is profound, very important. I beg  the Blessed One to inspire me with his Light, which is the Light of our true Being and that must be expressed in each one, we each have an individual mission to carry out with that Light. And this implies realizing that we cannot go
separate through existence but always aware there are more beings around connected to that Light and fundamentally carrying out a collective mission. The individual mission and the collective mission go together because we are all forming a collective body of Life that is the expression of the Face of the Universal Father. 

Maybe many of you have had deep experiences. Some of us even remember coming from the Light. However, perhaps you have also noticed something very curious. And it is that in the realms of light, when our being is born so to speak, in the kingdoms of light, we have no autonomy. One can only contemplate that Light in astonishment, entranced with so much Love. And when we arrive here we forgets, we disconnect. It has happened to many of us. And we only have the flashes of that. 

However, there comes a time when one realizes the purpose is to acquire understanding and autonomy, which is to be able to express Divine Loving Will in this world of darkness

As we saw in previous episodes it´s not the same Wisdom than Understanding. We can have many intuitions of the Truth but to understand them and to develop them in a world full of suffering is a different subject.

We are all here to rescue a spark of vital Light that was lost and for this we have received unconditioned Life and Light that have the ability to rescue what
that had been lost. This is what the Master said.
He came for his own and his own did not recognize Him. Each of us has also come to rescue. We are on a rescue mission and that rescue plan obviously involves facing mechanical forces such as this unforeseen event. It's beginning to rain it's windy, it's cold. So I will continue at home.

As I was telling you, the divine rescue mission in which we are immersed –those who have given birth to something more than an embryo of conscience– implies facing forces that oppose us. Many times they do it intentionally and evidently a seed cannot grow automatically, it needs nutrients, it needs sunlight, it needs water, it needs care so it can flourish well. And the same happens with our Almah [divine soul]. Those of you who have received a seed of conscience, keep in mind the seed must grow, become the embryo of almah, reach the state of baby, and the baby wants milk - perhaps teachings with a religious flavor. But there comes a time when the baby wants to grow in order to become the true Almah Child. If you do not become like Children you will not enter the Kingdom of Life, which is the functioning of the Conscience integrated in us, with the divine qualities. 

And as we become more aware of these dimensions we can face those forces that try to dominate us and that we must understand very well. That is, we cannot go blindly in this mission, otherwise they´ll scrub us. Many of them [dark forces] are fallen souls, luciferic souls, we could say. Some of them originated thousands of years ago when the collective Adamic soul was incarnated in creatures that had been designed by divine architects who did a series of experiments with rather crooked intentions. Yeshua called them Killer Vine Keepers, in the parable that appears in Matthew 20.

And well, from those modifications came hybridizations between the divine and animal consciousness. And as you know, perhaps, the Teaching of Light says that Cain, that is, the carnal psyche, killed Habel , the seed of conscience, Habel means breath. And as a lamb was he taken to the slaughterhouse, said prophet Isaiah referring to the Light trapped in animal humanity, in this slaughterhouse we call earth. We will talk about it in depth some day. Now, there arose evil souls who began to incarnate in successive animal bodies and previous generations of humans and try to dominate humanity by possessing ithem, since those souls cannot exist by themselves, they need bodies and are making war against the Only Divine Son who is meant to inhabit Creation without destroying it, while the luciferic souls exploit creation. In fact, we see it everywhere: religion is organized by leaders who try to control always with sectarian divisive ritualistic behaviors, putting God outside. The politicians are alike, trying to dominate people by cheating. And the same goes for science, which makes experiments, mistreats animals, sells medicines and perform operations that go against Life. All for the sake of progress and the supposed benefit of humanity. When it does not really promote Life. Human culture in general is dominated by these luciferic souls that operate from the unconscious, influencing the subconscious, manifesting in uncontrolled actions. 

And obviously, the more Light a human being receives, the more capacity he has to face the forces that oppose development. But the opposition is also greater. That is why we should be aware of what we nourish in us. The Master showed the Way of how to do it by incarnating into a fallen human, who was also given the name of Yeshua. The human Yeshua was not the Divine Son, the Divine Son lived within him, in the same way He can grow within us as a divine body. And by showing the Way, the Divine Son within Yeshua said: he who eats my body and drinks my vital essence remains in me and I in him. He meant learning from his Teachings of Light to feed the divine Child that grows within us with that vitality. The essence of life from that Universal Body, that is, the Divine Son can face all darkness and transform the fallen Light,  integrating it into the  divine body, since the fallen light of the Adamic soul or fallen Adam must be merged again with the divine body. The fallen branches of the tree of life must be grafted back, said the prophets. Now, his reinsertion into the Tree of Life is only possible through the death of his carnal psyche, that is: its hatred, grudges, envy, lusts, proud. If the seed does not fall to the ground and dies by breaking the shell, it does not bear fruit, said the Master. 

And in this process it is very important to understand at all times the origin of each impulse, each thought, each sensation, each emotion... Normally these impulses usually come from fallen Adam. And they make us fal, whereasl the real son has no thoughts and emotions , for these all belong to the world of  lies, while the True Heart is above. We have already talked about a Vitality that transcends everything. 

And feeding it implies strive to understand we cannot continue with religious stories, but must go to the root of what the teachings mean. That is precisely mature and responsible to grow by initiative that comes from our authentic being. The child must be able to grow with the food he receives. And the Divine Child comes precisely with integrated understanding, because He grew in Yeshua already. And as I said in the video about Yeshua, in the sense of Divine Neuron, His Life was transmitted to the divine brain. And therefore, He acquired the ability to reproduce in each of those who receive His understanding. This was the true key of the messiah that very few came to understand, reason why the underlying problem is still going. The Light comes down but very few receive it because very few assume that they are really "called out" to be it, because they are already part of it. That is, when you already perceive Light acting within, there is no reason not to assume it as your own. It does not make sense to consider oneself "unworthy". The transgressor is "fallen Adam" in us, the human. But if we have received the Seed of Conscience and it has already beared fruit, we also have a divine spark and it is that divine side what has to take responsibility. Then we don´t even have to choose when we see it springs spontaneously. But we have to feed it day by day. And especially on specific points where the forces try to pull us down. If you watch the previous video you´ll know in which points of the week those forces try to throw us down. And this is what means to be Mediators between the merely human animal and the Blessed One, because as Shaul said in 1st Timothy 2:5 there is only one mediator between the Holy One and humans, and He is the man anointd with divine understanding, the divine qualities the Name, the four aspects: the Conscious love that opens the way in the Light of the Truth that fills us with Vitality and Calm. That was translated as Christ Jesus and later even as Jesus Christ. So you now very few know what´s referring to. Many still think he is a character that existed 2000 years ago and  that he died on a cross to pay for all the sins. An idea that comes from the old Jewish ritual of the scapegoat and alsothe ritual concerning the Greek Egyptian god Christos Serapis, whose blood washed the sins of the people after being sacrificed. And in reality the Teaching of Light does not say that the murder of the human  Yeshua gave the forgiveness of sins. And apparently, he was not killed on a Roman cross but rather in a tree, according to the Jewish tradition. Acts 10 and and other passages  suggests. On the other hand the Book of Revelation tells us that the Lamb was sacrificed before the foundation of the world, before the cosmos fell. And the lamb is the humble conscience of life. Therefore only he who acquires humility opens up to the vital essence that washes the transgressions. What actually happened is the regeneration of fallen Adam within Yeshua and his fusion with the divine light. And then the distribution of that essence in the form of seeds to all who receive the teaching: my body will be delivered for you. And that body is already the Son of Adam Regenerated. Actually Yeshua calls himself Son of Adam– some would translate Son of Man. And he also had within himself the Son of the Holy One or son of the Father. Son who is the head of the Son of Adam, because the Divine Son has head and body. The head is the Father, the light of the Father and the body is the deified human soul. Therefore he completed the process in himself. And we have been given the potential through the Teaching to have the body of the Son of Adam –regenerated Adam–  connected to the Son of the Blessed One in us, who is the head. That is why it was also said in the Nazarene gospel of Philip that there is the Son of the Holy One and the Son of the Son of the Holy One. That son is the regenerated Ada, the Son of Adam, the raised Son of Man, the divinized man soul, the Mediator in us. In other words, the real sacrifice that the Divine Son made within the human was to let the impulses of the fallen Adam die within him, forming a reconciliation of the soul of God.
Thus the Divine Soul made possible a distribution of that essence which allows all those who walk on the same Way to form that new body, the new man, the divine soul as you want to call it that has degrees of growth.

This is why Shaul/Paul said that we wil be transformed from the splendor to splendor and that there is a splendor of the moon, a splendor of the sun, a splendor of the stars. That is to say, the immortal body goes through degrees. Many people may have a body with lunar vital energy. As for the solar body, very few have it and fewer have the stellar degree. 

When the soul grows in those degrees it becomes more and more free, acquiring more and more autonomy because it expresses the universal Will and consciousness. Therefore it does not depend on mechanical forces. 

And this begins in us with the formation of what is
called the Man Israel, which comes from the Hebrew, Yashar El, effort towards the Holy One. And it can also be interpreted as the one that defeats Elohim, the lunar natural forces or Isis, solar forces or Ra and El, stellar forces. So He is overcoming the mechanical forcesm getting closer to the Will and Love of the Blessed One. He has to grow from the deep. Actually it´s the Light of Holy One what grows through us, born as the Divine Son. Only then can we say the Alpha becomes Omega. 

He reconciled the cosmos to himself. 
 My path goes from the Alef, in humble wisdom to the Tav, Understanding of Life that transcends the cross of material death, expressed by the teacher. I am the alpha and the omega, we read in the Greek version

And that understanding was already from the beginning. An intuition difficult to understand: the lamb was sacrificed before the fall of the throwing of the cosmos means that before all the falls occurred, all the accidents that led to the Adamic catastrophe and later to what is as Mabul or the Flood, before all that happened, the Divine Mind had already predicted it could happen and all the Wisdom was already contained for the rescue. But obviously not without great suffering. And this is the great paradox. Yet suffering originates when someone decides to leave the realm of Life by imposing his own will. On the contrary, the Blessed and Holy One is not a man who has slaves, He is not a god who rules over others. So he does not tell anyone what he has to do. He shows His own nature. And that which is not according to that nature, is contrary, a great paradox. But the whole division can also be part of reconciliation. So that's why there can be a renewal, an infinite discovery in each one.

All mysteries we must got deepe into more and more because they are not easy to understand. In fact this is just the beginning. Each one of us lives an Alpha and an Omega in the process of development. So be aware of the Mediator within, the Man, the Divine Soul that expresses the Love that opens to the Truth without masks from where calm and vitality springs forth. This is where we are truly sure of who we are and what we are doing here. That is known as blessing, berajá. Let´s receive then this Blessing of Life to continue moving forward.