Monday, June 22, 2020

Daimonic Love vs The Love and Twin Soul of Primordial Being

                   Daemonic Selves & Elements

I was recently asked about the idea of the Daimon, which originated the term Demon, even though it also referred to the higher Self, or at least, some “ruling or guiding selfhood within”.

And nowadays we hear much about the search for the higher Self and Christ consciousness. However, in ancient times these concepts not always referred to the Divine Self. There were many daemons and many christs. 

So saying we are looking for Christ consciousness or a Higher Self is dumping ourselves into the trash of confusing ideas.

Generally speaking, in ancient times a Daimon was a mediator between the earthly realm and the divine spheres, where the gods or higher beings dwell.

Daimons were regarded as bodies of fire and air, formed from the stars and the planets.

the substance of a daimon as daimon is associated with a body of air or fire ( Plotinus, Ennead III).

In this category we can include beings like the Djinn, Elementals like the Elves and Fairies, or even the Aliens and other weird creatures. 

Some of these bings work for the wellbeing of Kosmos, but many others rebelled long ago, as told in the Book of Revelation, with the Dragon whose taild dragged a third of stars with him.

The Coran also spaks of Iblis, the Invisible type of Djinn/Genie species, which became the Shaitan when they refused to bow before Adam, as commanded by Allah/God. And Iblis was precisely jealous since his race were beings made up of fire, not simply earth. They ignored Adam was meant to be a vessel for the deepest divine essence, beyond all elements.

In ancient times Earth represented the physical realm, Water the emotions, Air the mind, Fire the passions and Ether, the Divine substance or Quintessence.

This is why the Sumerians spoke of En-lil as Lord of the Air, representing a type of engineers that use their mind to build up mental matrixes.

Surely that´s what Paul meant when referring to the wicked spirits of the Air in Ephesians 6.

As for En-ki, the Lord of the Water and Earth, it refers to beings of a more emotional and physical nature, amphibous beings like Apkallu, Adapa, Oannes, Nommo...

Daimonic loves and destinies

Now, daimons are not just entities external to humanity, since these can grow within human beings as well, as a multiform psychological character:

Character is for man his Daimon (Heraclitus)

And Plato wrote the daimon is the ruling force in a soul:

Speaking about the main part of the soul that is in us, about the part which occupies, so to speak, the crown of the body, we have to bear in mind that god has given it to every one of us as a daimon; we argue that it lives in the upper part of our body and raises us from the earth towards our heavenly relations, because we are not the earthly but a heavenly plant. And we have every right for that (Timaeus 90a).

Later on, Plotinus, founder of Neoplatonism, explained that an inclination towards Beauty and the Good generates a divine type of Daimon within the person. So Daimon is basically a "loving inclination".

But in the same way, there are negative daemonic characters forged when a person indulges in weaknesses and evil doing.

And the damonic character depends on the different emotional soul, mind and spirit,  which in turn determine the aspect of the physical body, and thus the type of Daimon ruling the person.

We see that in all the racial variety on this earth. Different races are formed by different souls of different astral origin. Humanity is a hybrid reservoir of alien genes and truly divine souls. But the experiment is quite out of control, since it was not commanded by the Holy One, but by immature Architects.

Yet, many souls come here, having different destinations, depending on their origina and level of education. 

The daimon basically determines the life paths of a soul, in accord to habits and actions. Hence the importance of cultivating good habits.

Plato adds in his Phaedo that the daimon each person has in life, takes full control when the physical body dies, and it drives the soul to some place or another, in accord with the actions.

The Daimon also also serves as a guide during life, as we learn from the following classical anecdote.

Plato was presumably present in his teacher´s death trial, and he wrote that when the judges asked Socrates why he didn´t escape, he replied: my Daimon told me. Socrates thought if he had escaped, his wife and son would´ve been in trouble with the Law of Athens.

So, was this Daimon of Socrates his guiding personality or an external spirit guide?

Both would make sense. 

Problems with Daimonic Education

According to Plotinus, true divine guides do not belong to the daemonic category, but they can fall into lower realms when they get trapped in the astral world of daemons.:

how is it that Daimons didn´t remain impassible? How is it they descended in nature to a lower level?...The answer is that in the intelligible world it is preferable not to call anyone Daimon, but say that even if there is a Daimon in itself (a form of a Daimon), this is also a god, and that in the sensitive world, in turn, the visible gods up to the moon are secondary gods (Plotinus, On Love, Treatise III, 6.9, 6.19).

This implies the fact some Beings, Messengers of Light or Angels, fell into the Daimonic realm long ago, something well told in different stories.

This is how many mixed up with the lower worlds, giving birth to new offsprings, half heavenly, half daemonic, such as the Nefilim or fallen ones in Genesis 6.

However, the fall was made possible by Dualistic condition.

We even find this in the Book of Genesis. After the earth and heavens were organized, a catastrophe made all void and empty.

And the Divine Architects or Elohim wanted to reorganize the chaos in conditions of duality to bring unity again. The Elohim or Architcts separated light from darkness, as told in Genesis 1. 

Then they reorganized chaos, established cycles of time and designed different species of earth, water, air and fire. 

The plan was to create an Adam or Humanity in their image and likeness, clothed with the four elements, represented by the lower I amness, the Tetragrammaton or Yhwh.

Remember Yhwh has two readings. When it refers to Elemental Beings, Angels/Messengers and Arch-Angelic Architects, it remains within the sphere of Time-Space, projected to past and future.

But the Great I Amness is always complete in the middle of everything, here and now, emanating from the Sphere of Emanation (Atzilut).

This is why Yhwh contains haya (it was), howwe (it is) and yihie (it will be).

And as we can see Genesis 1 and 2 are projections towards the future plans of creation (Beriah), by means of a World of Formation (Yetzirah) into a World of Action (Assiyah).

And Genesis 2 tells a stage in which Adam is formed (yetzer) from the dust of Adamah. Then, after receiving from the Elohim the divine mental breath or Neshemah, Adam became a vital soul (nefesh jayah).

This soul was meant to inhabit the Adamic species created in Genesis 1, beings which included the previous Fifth Day creatures from Earth, Air and Water. And we can deduce the creeping creatures are the passional firy aspect.

So we have a First Adam made up of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and why not, Quintessence, the Mental Breath. Although the Divine breath could also come from the World of Beriah, not nesessarily from Atzilut, the Emanation of Adam Kadmon.

The original Primordial Adam has five elements, with the Etheric Light from the Source. Hence the levels of Divine Soul are five: Nefesh (vital soul), Ruaj (Emotional soul), Neshemah (Mental soul), Jayah (Life) and Yejida (Unified).

In any case, Yhwh Elohim basically applied what we can call a Daimonic Education, based on struggling with different inclinations within to elevate the Soul and all Fallen Creation with it. But it failed.

In Hebrew those inclinations are yetzer ha ra or inclinations towards evil/scarcity and yetzer ha tob or inclination to satisfaction, good.

Hence the commands in Genesis 1 and 2: exert dominion over the creatures of the earth, air and water and do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad.

For this purpose Adam was put into a Garden of Eden, or let´s read, a body with mental soul (neshamah), since Gan (Garden) is Guf (Body) and Neshemah (Menta soul). 

And as it was not good for Adam to be alone, the Elohim brought into place other species from Adamah, with which the Human Soul could interact.

These were meant to be an “opposite help”, ezer kenegdo. And Adam was commanded to name them so he could exert dominion. And so did Adam.

But as the story goes, Adam did not found contrary help and the Elohim, the daemonic forces of Nature put Adam into sleep.

Thus the Soul of humanity descended into a lower level, being split into man and woman, not only externally, but internally. The higher self or spiritual mind was the man, while the woman was the emotional rational side and body of Adam: flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones. Jawah basically means "to reveal". And according to Hebrew sages Adam did not know Eve/Jawah originally. So th Architects gave Adam the opportunity to know his own divinity. But all under conditions of trickery which are not divine.

Adam´s emotional rational side became seduced by the whispers of the Serpent species of geneticists, which designed their own Tree of Knowledge of Good and bad, physical bodies prepared to trap souls.
And under this daemonic influence, Adam became food for creatures that were lower and could not evolve deeper. Not even the Architects knew how to deal with them. And their lower Adam failed.

Hence Paul´s words: first Adam was made a living psyche/soul, last Adam was made a Life giving spirit (1st Corinthians 15).

Yshua became the first great example for humans to manifest the Divine Personality of Adam Kadmon, raising the frequency above the Daimonic realm of Good and Bad, the tricky Divine Justice.

The Holy One Being remains beyond time and space, good and bad, always complete. His Just Justice is of a different kind.

Fallen Twin Souls vs Primordial Twin Souls

In the same way, Primordial Love and daemonic love are different. Later on we´ll see the difference. But for now let´s notice the first humanity was not initiated into Primordial Love, which does not choose between good and evil, since it never judges, but includes and transforms everything.

According to Hebrew stories, Adam, the Soul of Humanity, didn´t know nor understood his feminine side originally, and thus the Architects established the conditions for such inner revelation.

And as Adam did not find an appropriate helpmate to know his feminine side, Adam was split into two, externally and internally.

This originated the inner twins, spirit and psyche of Adam, as well as external men and women, meant to marry to be one flesh, in accord with daemonic inclinations of love and affinity.

Thus Adam mixed up with the physical world and the Adamic soul began to split further in two´s. 

Each split generated a new type of masculine/feminine pair. The first was called Adam and Javah, Atman and Jivah in India, and were the collctive Spirit mind, which remained in the unconscious after the fall, and the Psyche in contact with the physical bodies on earthly creatures with enough brain capacity. These were known as the twins or Geminii, one immortal and the other subject to cycles of death and rebirth.

And as the Adamic Soul split up more and more, different souls became incarnated into different people, originating twin souls on the physical levels as well. 

And the reason was the incapability of Adamic souls to handle all energy tasks and karmic debts at once. Some souls had to deal with issues of vitality (nefesh), others with emotionality (ruaj), others with mental understanding (neshemah)...

Thus we can say the souls from the original pair, share different common roots which make them all twin souls, more or less complementary depending on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels they work.

Yet only when there is a complete match of opposites on all domains there is full resonance of the original Twins and therefore a return to the original state of being. 

This is why there can´t be full match between masculine and masculine or feminine and feminine, as New Agers suggest, promoting the degenerated trans-gender ideology, which is aimed at causing more hybridization of daemonic souls, disease, infertility and reduction of divine soul population. Specially now that there are more divine souls present on the earth and the powers darkness can´t stand so much light.

Following certain ideas, many today still speak about finding their ideal Twin Soul or even their Twin Flame, a new concept coined by Elisabeth Clare Prophet,  in reference to a full match of masculine and feminine plarities derived from the original split, made by God at the beginning of Creation. 

But what God are we talking about? Confused Architects or the Holy One?

As we can now understand, this is plunging into the cave of misconceptions and hybrid mixes.

Even Plato wrote in his Symposyum that Zeus (Yhwh Elohim) split up the androgynous beings to decrease their power. And Eros was born in the Garden of Zeus when PenĂ­a (Scarcity) had relations with Poros (the resourceful mind), two aspects of the lower Psyche/Soul, known as Aphrodite, goddess of beauty.

Isn´t that the same story as Adam and the Serpent in the tricky Garden or Henhouse of Elohim? 

Most teachings concerning the twin souls and twin flames show how many are still subjecting themselves to the influence of daemonic
entities, whose prime interest is hybridating themselves with human souls, joining souls that can be somehow complimentary on a physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual level. But they still don´t express the divine personality.

Some suggest Yeshua and Mary Magdalene were an example of perfect twin soul or even twin flame, and
that they both married and had children, all of which has no real foundation, as I already explained in a video (see link below).

Some people even claim they have a twin soul or a
twin flame from the Pleiades, other star systems or in the astral real, and according to them, these
twin souls/twin flames guide them and give them wisdom knowledge.

This is the perfect example of how easy is for humans to give away their will power and access to the own Divine Conscience, a gift from the Holy One.

The problem of approaching the idea of twin souls from the New Age perspective is that it leads into idolatry, idol worship.

First of all, not everyone has a divine soul. Besides that, there can be matches on a physical, emotional, mental and not spiritual, or even spiritual, but twisted, since the spirit can come from fallen sources.

And since the term Twin Flame is being used in a fallen context, it is highly deceptive.

This does not mean there are no twin souls close to that idea. My conviction is that there are new divine souls which come from the Primordial Source with an specific mission, and they split in two, very much like in the idea of Twin Flames, but they do not work as “twin flames experts” suggest. This has nothing to do with courses on twin flame ascension, twin flame sex and other megalomaniac phantasies, which only reveal psychological imbalances in a profoundly seek humanity.

Yshua himself exemplified a deeper notion of twin soul by when he showed the true Divine Personality of the Holy One. And as some of his disciples manifested it too, being regarded as twins.

One of them was the so-called Beloved Disciple, which in my view is symbolize by Mary Magdalene, not John, as a sick Roman Church always preteded. As I already explained, this is in John 19, when the Master says to his mother: there you have your son (pointing to Mary Magdalene).

But we also have the case of Thomas Didymos.  Tomaso means twin in Aramaic. And Didymos means twin in Greek. So Thomas the Apostle and Evangelist was regarded as twin of Yeshua, since he manifested to some degree the Divine personality.

So all those manifesting the Personality of the Holy One are twin souls of the Holy One.

Overcoming the 72 Daemonic Characters

The manifestation of the divine personality
has to do with developing unconditional love from the
true wisdom and understanding of the Holy One. 

And the first step is to conquer Lunar, Solar and Planetary energies within ourselves. These was symbolized as Isis, Ra and El or Israel, name given to Jacob when he conquered his inner man. Israel is also a permutation of Rosh Ly, My Head (Head of Primordial Adam) and Yashar El, effort towards El, name associated with the sphere of Jesed, Mercy. That´s the inclination towards the good. Yet, this inclination is just a step not the key.

We must understand that the lower passions are marked by our psychological daemonic types. When we are born our human personality is somehow shaped by energies from the earth, other planets, the moon and the Sun.

This is why there is a cycle of twelves psychotypes symbolized by the Mazzarot or Zodiac.

And each one of them can be sub-divided into three: physical type, emotional type and a mental type. 

That makes 36 in total, for the first level of the personality. And as there are four in the wheel of Yhwh, all rounds make 144.

And just from body and soul rounds we get the 72 daemonic characters or fallen personalities. These are the 72 demons of Kabala.

In the same way, we have 72 remaining personalities which would be more positive and spiritual, since they imply the development of the mind and divine spirit.  

And we can use the positive aspects of our daemonic
type. For instance, my lunar and solar psycho-type is Aquarius, defined by “I Know”. So knowing and investigating ideas is very helpful for me. But I have to be very careful not to become a know-it-all, a proud wiseacree, imposing dogmatic views .

Moreover, we must collect all the twelves aspects, since our true being lies in the middle, as the thirteen aspect.

And this leads us to another interesting coincidence.

The Truth of Primordial Love

We know that Love in Hebrew is Achaba, word with a gematric value of 13, just as Echad, Unicity.

And the nature of true unconditional love was perfectly described by Paul in 1st Corinthians 13:7

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love bears all things because it's able to protect us against any type of suffering and fallen passions

Love believes all things because it includes everything, for even negative issues and horrible manifestations can eventually work for the growth of the soul.

Love hopes for all things because it always aspires towards the greatest manifestation of the miracle in our life. Expect the unexpected, as we saw last week.

And true love is capable of enduring everything, crossing all suffering without being destroyed.  

True Love makes us feel the fullness of Being here and now, because, unlike daemonic love, it´s
satisfied and can give its Essence permanently from the Primordial Source: emanating the true Life, the loving Conscience, Sun that never sets and endless blissful Serenity.

[1] Twin Soul in Yeshua´s teaching: