As I said the other day, when I saw this painting hanging on the wall of the house where we stayed in Portugal, I saw it as a synchronicity. It was an invitation to reflect on certain experiences and jewels of Wisdom.
Many myths and teachings speak of the relationship and union of the Sun and Moon. Even the alchemists made numerous solilunar representations to speak of the transformation of what is called Yesod in Hebrew, the foundation that is related to the Imagination, the reflection of the Moon and also the apostle Peter.
We understand this better by remembering that passage where Simon recognizes Yeshua as the Master, Son of the Living Being. And Yeshua replied:
In truth, no one else but the the Father taught you this. And I also tell you: you are a Stone (Kefas), and on this rock I will build my congregation of the called out ones. (Matthew 16:18).
He was obviously referring to called out ones with conscience, not to a church or religious institution. What then is the Stone of Peter, an apostle who was proud, grumpy, bad-tempered, violent, fearful, the one who denied the Master three times before the Rooster crowed?
Can the charred stumbling stone be polished into living diamond stone? And what is the rooster that crows at dawn between day and night, the sun and the moon?
In the book of the Unveiling or Revelation 2:17 it was stated, regarding the congregation of Pergamo: To the one who wins I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will also give him a white stone (Revelation 2:17)
What does this all mean? We will see.
Along with all of this, a short story comes to mind. It was told to us by a fellow guide in an inner Work group in Ireland about 13 years ago. It was evening and we were sitting at the table having dinner. And he told us about a wise man who was asked by one of his students: what do you prefer, the sun or the moon? And the wise man said: the moon. And the bewildered student answered: but why? Well, because at night I need the light more, said the wise man.
We all burst out laughing after listening to this story. I imagine each one gave it a different meaning. And at that time the idea came to my mind that at night the moon is the only light that reflects the light of the sun and that only in the dark can we gain consciousness. But it was only many years later that I saw more meaning in it and made the connection to what Yeshua taught.
On the one hand, we live in a world of imagination full of darkness. It can be said that this is hell. Even in the Torah it was written: And YHVH (the existential Intelligences) saw that the wickedness of the Adam of the earth was great, and that every imagination (yetzer) of his heart was only wickedness (Genesis 6:5).
Therefore, the Foundation Stone is the first birth or flash of the Divine Conscience that armonizes our imagination and heart, freeing us from the lunar influence, within the luni-planetary astral body, which must carry the real Light, which is like the Sun. harmonizing the planets that we carry inside. That is the true ArmonÃa of the Spheres.
But if we only seek the Light of the Sun and flee from the planetary and lunar, we will never see the Truth reflected in our material experience, nor will we grow, because the comprehension consciousness and integrative Consciousness only grows by digesting the material darkness, releasing trapped light atoms. In other words, the Imagination must be illuminated, filtered and rectified, like the Moon bleached by the Sun.
Interestingly the word Levana means white and moon in Hebrew. And he is related to Laban, Yakov's uncle, who made him work 14 years to get the hand of Rachel, his twin soul, that is, his true Soul Understanding (Binah).
Thus we begin to come out of Adam's dream and have flashes of divine Conscience, full of Love and compassion. But only in the confrontation with the false teacher does the true birth of the Baby Messiah emerge, who must become a Man-Child despite having been crucified in matter. Within one there is no room for two masters.
Yeshua came to say this: if you develop what you carry within, what you carry within will free you; if you do not develop what you have inside, what you have inside will destroy you (Testament of Thomas).
Thus, in order not to get lost in dualistic fables and riddles, we must see the union of Sun and Moon as illuminating with Conscience and Awareness the unconscious and imaginative components that often torment us. This is how the trapped light is released, we put it at the service of reality and it merges into something new.
Yeshua hinted at it when commenting:
whoever wants to save his soul will lose it, but whoever loses it for my sake will gain it for eternal life (Matthew 16:25)
with patience you will win your souls (Luke 21:19)
This is what the architects never did. They even externalized teachings on pyramids and other temples. And the Master said the following about them:
Have you never read in the Scriptures:
The Stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. This was done by YHVH and is it marvelous to our eyes? That is why I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to a nation that produces its fruits. And whoever falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, he will scatter him like dust (Matthew 21:42-44).
Curiously Adam was made from the dust of the architects.
And he Apostle Paul seemed aware of this when he wrote in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we must proceed: casting down arguments and every lofty thing that rises up against the knowledge of the Divine Being, and attracting every thought to the obedience of the Messiah (i.e the Divine Consciousness).
However, certain nuances are often overlooked, and we need to see them to overcome conflicts and contradictions. Pastors and priests love to read that passage of Paul saying that thoughts must be taken captive and submitted to a certain external Christ. But that involves tension and violence, doesn't it? And the word capture does not necessarily imply strength in the mental realm. It speaks rather of seeing and neutralizing deluded thoughts and visiones.
And listen carefully: Who is the true Master? The ego that wants to dominate, control, enlighten himself, call itself Master to be followed, or the humble Light of Consciousness that is not even called Master?
Remember it was Peter who recognized the Master, who never called himself that. At most He pointed out things like: I am the Light of the Kosmos and you are the light of the cosmos. For his teaching is solar, not merely egoic lunar.
No one ever defeated evil by saying and feeling I am the Master who dominates the passions and rises above the stars. The one who dominates is dominated, the controller is controlled, the one who wants to ascend falls. And that was the fate of the Fallen Angel, who still dwells in the Unconscious of humans.
Instead, the Master said: whoever wants to follow me, deny himself, take his cross and follow me. That is to say, he does not deny the material cross of moons and planets where the light of his body was trapped. But he disidentifies from the suffering astral ego that condemns the world. The Way of Life involves remembering this and unmasking the entire mental apparatus full of traps. The astral intellect that is I think and I suffer, must merge like a wave in the ocean of the light of the real Conscience, the magnetic Light of the true Self, Any/Ena, which is Ayn, Nothing, Nada, Adan in reverse in Spanish. Nobody can feel the Ocean with concepts.
It is the psychological tares or false energy of pride and intellectual consciousness that torments us the most, not an external devil.
It is also important to discern the origin of the vital energy and consciousness that generated life forms. We must realize it had a divine origin, but it got twisted by astral electromagnetic fields, becoming destructive, remaining trapped in the flesh, activating the alarms of the immune system of Nature, which not only became against some enkian/prometheic fallen angels, but also against their successors, modern humans.
And mind I said consciousness, not divine conscience, which never got trapped. Consciousness is intellectual feminine perception, which can be vitiated and trapped, like the Adamic neshemah or the mercurial intellect associated with Prometheus, Enki, Hermes, the mythological precursors of humanity. It was the feminine or receptive aspect of the Divine Light what was trapped in material space-time. She is traditionally known as the Bringer of Light, divine Abode or exiled Shechina in Kabbalah, as well as Uranian Sophia, for the Gnostics.
Uranian Wisdom was with the existential group of Intelligences (Yhvh Elohim) in the beginning, as it is said in Proverbs 8. But Wisdom built its own house of suffering and sacrifice, as it is deduced from Proverbs 9. This means that certain Beings with some wisdom used certain creative energy of life, the energy that allows for expansion and centrifugal motion. That was part of the Original Cosmos or Adam Kadmon. Specifically, it corresponded with Yesod, the gonadic energies of the Kosmos Adam Kadmon. But by separating from the real Light that they carried, the constricting material universe was generated. With that vital energy they generated a separate world full of chaos and disconnected creatures. And by trying to fix the short circuit with the Uranian Light and the Promethean fire, everything got worse. I will explain this more another time.
There precisely lies the key to the Rooster and Peacock, associated with the Fallen Angel, The Great Archon Abraxas or Planetary Mind and so many other little understood figures. All of them associated with the left column of the sefirotic tree.
The accusation and severe judgment began with the Kings of Edom, prior to the Adam of the Garden. And from the ashes of those kings arose the fallen Adam, no less proud, judgmental and destructive. There we have an example of how with something divine in origin, vital energy and intellectual consciousness, something diabolical can be generated if it operates without the help of the other two columns.
The fallen Light is to follow half-truths, and all half-truths are the greatest of Lies.
This explains why the Understanding (Binah), the Judgment of justice in Geburah and the perception of the Truth in Hod, constitute the left side of the sefirotic tree and are dangerous on their own. There can be no balance without uniting logical rigor with mercy from the elevated Conscience.
To live in the Heaven of serene Conscience, leaving the Hell of Ignorance depends on the correct attention and discernment. The solution is then to locate what has been twisted in the electromagnetic world. And then separate the tares from the wheat with which our true bread is made. I am the Bread of Life, said the Master. And that Bread is kneaded under the light of the Moon, although it comes emanated directly from the true Sun reflected on the sublunary world. That is part of Armonic Beauty (Tifereth). But it depends on the elevated Conscience (Daat Elyon). For Daat alone is mere intellective Knowledge, the Mind of the Fallen. Through Daat the Archons generated the world of chaos and through Daat Adam knew Java, giving rise to the weak consciousness of Habel.
The mercurial-lunar bread is only the old manna that did not save the Israelites from dying in the desert. Because mana comes from manas, which in Sanskrit means imaginative mind, the one that generated arts, languages and sciences, always associated with Enki/Azazel/Hermes/Adam/Prometheus, mercurial archetypes par excellence.
Mana are also the alchemical teachings encoded in fables. And although there is nothing wrong with these fables, when the seeker gets lost in them without understanding, it feeds occultism and religion, be it the old religion of gods, fallen angels and demons or the new religion, full of fantasies about bloodthirsty Jehovahs, aliens and who knows what else.
The sleeping human only sees the bad outside and in others, never in himself. Pride is still his problem, as was the Fallen Angel, which is not what people imagine, since it has various manifestations.
Now l invite you to reflect on the Song of the Rooster. Why did he sing right after Peter's three denials? What were those three denials?
The more one victimizes oneself and blames old fallen beings, the greater the darkness in mind, heart and lower passions. Thus the unconscious psyche remains unenlightened, projecting a world of chaos, just as the Great Archon Abraxas, the planetary Mind, projected a disordered system.
The apostle Yakob knew this when he said that it is not God who tempts us, but our own passion.
Some philosophers and proponents of quantum theory even acknowledge that the world is projected by the perceiving mind. But they forget that there is another Mind where there is no chaos or quantum disruption. In the Father of Lights there is no shadow of variation, taught the apostle Yakov (James). Only with that Mind can we live unchanged in the Darkness and embrace it without rejection or pain.
True Love, Light and Life have a unique price and condition: the death of Pride and Intellect that judges and divides, which does not recognizes the full Whole beyond it. Who´s the Master in us? The one who claims to be a Master or the one who is without complaining one iota or condemning the world? Remember the reflection of the sun on the moon, and open yourself to a greater reconciliation. Do not forget that the Self of the Universe is Ayn, an apparent Nothing that embraces the Whole to become fully Conscious of its Plenitude, to be a Whole in all, as the Apostle said. Thus we discover that the Absolute Divine always dwells in Light but also manifests in Darkness.