Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Breaking the Spells of Alice


Good news and well found, seekers and walkers on the inner path. As we saw in the video concerning spells, it is necessary to delve into the fact that in this world we live under spells that make us sick and impoverished, always for the fictitious benefit of powerful psychopaths without a divine soul.

The internal evolution consists precisely in breaking those spells, getting out of Wonderland, where Alice (human soul) stopped feeling sure of her identity, she saw herself bigger and smaller, as her swollen or shrieked ego; she was intoxicated by Mr. Caterpillar's smoke, from which a pitiful butterfly emerged; she got confused by the Mad Hatter and the Hare, who were celebrating the unbirthday, the crazy passing of time; and humiliated by the Queen of Hearts, a head-breaker full of fixations, who accused Alice of painting white roses in carmine red, like the divine hearts filled with karmic passion, having been mistakenly planted by three humanoid cards, which may well represent the three Adamic angel soul parts that carry distorted energy.

Breaking with such madness means to stop following the quantum rabbit holes into the vortex worlds, where everything rotates and decomposes under an apparent quantified and limited meaninglessness, according to light and shadow, which you never completely see at the same time, because Nature likes hiding (Heraclitus).

Overcoming the deceptive Tree of Spinning Opposites means letting go of the fears mentioned in the last video: 

Fear to your Light, thinking to much about making too many efforts, assuming too many responsibilities, suffering under your true conscience, which tells you to stop procrastinating.

Fear of not being good, perfect enough, or not knowing enough, imagining the possible criticism from others.

Fear of losing or not having, mistaking having with being, believing all depends on what you materially possess rather than what you really are and can manifest in such accord.

Fear of abandonment, feeling lonely and isolated, just because you keep the Light for yourself without realizing all the connections that are there to manifest.

Fear of failure, feeding the self-fulfilling prophecy that leads to cancel success, alluding the victory which is always guaranteed to those who never ever give up and insist with all their mighty intelligence. 

Fear of pain in all domains, succumbing weaknesses and momentary distress, unable to raise above the mirages of sensory suffering.

Fear of authority, complying with anything experts and power possessing sociopaths suggest people to do, out of threats and scams.

Each one of them is a spell, just like the victimhoods (i.e. poor me, they have done me wrong, I was born into a miserable family, I have no money); accusations (i.e. so-and-so hurt me, betrayed me, attacked me...); I cannot do; I don't have the strength to continue; I can't stop addictions (i.e. tobacco, alcohol, disordered sexuality...); I'm not worthy; I am sick, I need healing; If I had more money I would do this, that...

All of this depends on blind subconscious beliefs and emotions that attract curses, like a witchcraft spell that manifests every state of lack and illness.

Such is the fatality of the fallen soul, the deceived personality, the Old Adam asleep and devoured by the Serpent in Gan Eden, the famous Kundalini that became the atanic fantasy of those addicted to the world of shadows.

Yet the Truth of Life of the New Adam was already communicated and demonstrated, to deny that old ego itself and its Sophianic food.

Whoever wants to follow me, let him deny himself, take up his cross of matter and follow me.

Because I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

Thus said the Master.

Why do you call me Lord Lord and do not do what I tell you? (Luke 6:46)

I no longer call you servants, because the Servant does not know what his Lord is doing (John 15:15).

That means the true Self is not an external or internal Lord. I is your Deep Being, and joining it means assuming once and for all the new Adam, but from a certain emptying of the false.

Let this attitude be in you, therefore, which was also in the Anointed Iesous, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not consider himself equal to God...but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant (Philippians 2 :5)

Only a humble emptying allows the entry to the I Am, ENA, pure EGO, which is the Omnipresent Grand Experience/Omniacompassing, Alpha and Omega (OM-EGO), the infinite Spirit embracing dense matter in a body of flesh. And as Heraclitus also pointed out: do not seek the limits of the Soul, so deep is its Logos.

The same Eastern Christian fathers, such as Saint Athanasius, taught: God became man so that man could be a god by divine Grace and participate in the Divine Nature.

That is why we must also qualify: God is your Being, but you are not his, wrote a Carthusian monk in the work The Cloud of Not Knowing. For one does not exhaust all the Divine Essence. Although divine is the true Being of those who listen and follow the Logos, since only the one who listens comes from the Tree of Life, the genuine DNA of Light, and therefore his potential is Creative Consciousness and Will of infinite Goodness. Its mission is not submission or self-omission, but the denial of the false, and affirmation of the Master of Life, who orders one's own internal cosmos, body, soul and spirit, manifesting its abundance, purifying and uplifting the fallen soul, cleansing the spirit of adhesions. Because if the oneself does not do it, who else will do it for one? A sectarian God? An external lord? A church? A religious messiah? Your doctor? Your economic advisor? The political scammers? New Age salsa?

Let's put dots over i's, YES. So get to work. The harvest is abundant and the Workers are few. SaLuz then and see you next time.