Friday, December 1, 2017

Are you that strange woman?

For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword (Proverbs 5:3-4)

But who´s that Strange Woman, that Jezabel which persecuted Elijah (divine spirit within), after he unmasked the falsehood of her Baal prophets, with the power of the Name/Personality of the All Being? 

Why is the harlot still sitting on human hearts, the Congregation of Thiathyra, the Throne reserved to the Morning Star of true Conscience, as hinted at Revelation 2:18-29?

Now beware, for Winter is getting close and the fiery energy of  Sagittarius, the Centaurus Horse-Man, the Emotional-Mind, is ruling hard on earth, whether humans know it or not. 

So it is now easier to get caught by the fallen ego-personality and its self-centred mind, ruled by Jezabel´s false prophecies, which make people fear monsters, external adversaries, the end of the world.

That leads to miss life goals, get depressed, bittered and finally lose the temper with others, saying or thinking unkind or brutish things that may trigger very painful and long term situations. Words are indeed a double edge Sword, even when they are "sweet as honey".

But why now, is it because of clogging starchy foods mixed with the evil temper of congested bodies annoyed by cold, clouds and lesser sunlight? 

Truly, lack of light absorption as well as clogged up intestines and fatty liver are the cause of most mental problems. But what energies make humans eat non-human foods?

The psycho-astrological science of the Mazzarot, with its twelve or thirteen animal signs is very exact. The idea of letting stars be for signs (Genesis 1:14), is not to be taken lightly. 

Not by chance one of Adam´s first callings was to "name the animals" (Genesis 2). 

So it is required for humanity to know, illumine, transform and elevate her animal qualities, not to be ruled by Fifth Day Creation beings, which are not mere animals, but other species of creatures, source of airy alien thoughts that distract, watery emotions of attachment, firy-agressive reptilian instincts and stubborn behaviors that anchor to matter. 

Adam´s creation started on Day Six. So humanity contains the previous four elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Air) plus a fifth that completes the Name.

In this sense Paul spoke of not being under the Elemental forces of the World (Galatians 4), of not being under the Law of material intelligences–he never cancelled the spiritual Torah, wrongly called Law, when it´s Instruction.

Now, the Gospel passage dedicated to Saggitarius is Mark 11 (dual number), where the Anointed One enters Jerusalem, the City of Peace in the Heart, on top of a never before ridden donkey, as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9.

And in Zoharic symbolism the donkey represents Lilith, the first wife or animal body of Adam (soul-mind), which still survives in the form of passional energies and shadows that make humanity spill the precious "spiritual seed", eating, drinking and fornicating with the world´s deceptions, losing thus "spiritual vision".

The Hebrew word for donkey, chamor, relates to chomer, clay, matter, torpor.

Now, donkeys are stubborn outside and "loyal servants" inside.

Miguel de Cervantes was definitely aware of the Zoharic symbolism when he made Sancho ride on a donkey and Don Quixote on a white horse.

The image of Messiah riding on a donkey makes him a humble anointed servant, the stage of transformation preceding that of a spiritual Knight. Hence the Scripture also tells of the Anointed One coming on a white horse, accompanied by miriands of angels, spirit-consciences ready to incarnate into the world. Something that is yet to come.

An old Torah commandment states:
Every firstling of a donkey you shall redeem with a Lamb; and if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck... (Exodus 13:13)

 According to Jewish Kabbalah the first born is the first impulse of the body, which some think must be sacrificed to avoid the reaction.

The Nazarene approach in the New Testament seems to go further, revealing the Lamb not as a "carnal sacrifice" of some kind, but as an effusion of "the light-blood of the Messiah", which is able to erase all energy patterns (forgive all sins), cleanse Conscience and transform all animal energies. 

Without the effusion of blood there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22)

Hence the Son is emanated as Light that comes to be crucified in the four elements of matter. View that was clearly established:

the Lamb was sacrificed before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8)

Therefore, we´re not dealing with physical blood, as suggested in sadistic religion. Neither it requires to make efforts in order to repress physical impulses, specially without the help of the Anointing Light of Wisdom and Understanding that incorporates a new DNA, with the experience and spirit of action of Yeshua, a spiritual DNA that grows inside those open to receive it to become divine neurons.

Wrong translations twisted the message, causing too much pain and unnecessary bloodshed.

The Nazarene Messiah, Jesus Christ, was murdered but not offered as carnal sacrifice to expiate humanity´s sins. He didn´t even sacrificed animals, nor broke the donkey´s neck, nor struck the rock (body) to get Water (Holy Spirit), as Moses did. 

He followed the advice His Father gave to Moses:

Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its waters (Numbers 20:8)

Hence the Anointed One or Divine Conscience does not preach religious torments nor hard labours. He simply speaks the Word gently, overcoming like a Magician. 

The magic of the Messiah resides in his supra-senses, and above all, the silent Word-Name, YHWH, which speaks with that same "still voice" Elijah heard in the cave (1 Kings 19). 

And it is the Anointed One who communicates the rectified Name of the Father, who really says I Am humble Love, Life, Light and Peace. 

There it is the true Eternal One, YHWH, full in mercy and slow to anger.

Such is the true strategy of salvation.

Thus, Divine Conscience and his collective body/family, known as Yeshurun, get disguised as "serpents" (human bodies), to charm and rectify matter from within, like a sheep in wolf´s clothing, but the other way around.

And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Adam be lifted up, so that everyone who believes may have Eternal Life (John 3:15)

Ain´t an easy task though. But Our Head Master did it already. So protect the shield of Conscience and keep following him without looking back.

...pangs have seized me, like the pangs of a woman in labor; I am bowed down so that I cannot hear; I am dismayed so that I cannot see. My heart staggers…Arise, O Princes; anoint the shield! For thus the Lord said to me: “Go, set a Watchman; let him announce what he sees. When he sees riders, horsemen in pairs, riders on donkeys, riders on camels, let him listen diligently, very diligently.” (Isaiah 21)

In Hebrew, the camel is repressented with the letter Gimel, ג, which looks like a person bowing down humbly, lowering the "ego", also represented by the camel. This is why Gimel is the only letter never used in the 72 divine names.

And does anyone recall something about a camel and the eye of a needle? Matthew 10:25?

Well, some day we´ll speak of "false richness", and what´s the meaning of selling everything to follow the Anointed One. Nothing to do with getting rid of all and having nothing to give.

For now let´s keep an eye on the hysterical pride of Jezabel manifesting on the chest, but realizing the harlot cannot cannot be pulled out by the hairs nor violent ranting. Do not even try, for she will show her nails and may pluck out an eye or two.

And let´s also keep the eye on Jezabel´s judgements over others. The carnal mind never sees reality, but "her own images" and "twisted expectancies". The inner tyrant demands from others the Acceptance, Recognition and Love that only the true Father gives.

So listen, listen to His Word gently, till the Word speaks to us, in a still silent voice.

This might help us plant the seed, since, for Winter is not a time to be born but to plant the seeds of the nine spirits of Galatians 5, mirrored perhaps on the Feast of Lights and the Nine Arm Menorah.

Friends, only the Prince of this fallen World is born in Christmas, for he always brings the same: false electric lights, consumerism, paraphernalia, red Satans with belly, deific plump babies, egoism and rampant gluttony.

Hopefully we´ll get back soon with more keys and who knows, videos perhaps. We all are in need of support  on several levels.

Till the next time, Shalom.

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