Thursday, March 21, 2019

Regaining Universal Consciousness is Breaking Spells by Crossing the Tree of Life

             Con-science or without-science?

The human being who still has a seed of conscience that has not been seared by "indolence", "hatred" or "lack of hearing", feels today more lost than an anguished bandit, bewitched and dazed, without understanding where does the seed of conscience come from and what is its "hidden fruit".

So strong is the hypnotic state, that almost no one notices the "shell" or "mask" reflected on the languages, spells of-minds that must die so that the fruit grows in Life.

Tongues are the old Babelic confusion of the psyche, noisy husk, the ex-experience of fallen Adam, not the pure experience of transparent selflessness,
diamond like Truth.
Not perceiving this Truth is not a sign of con-science, but of false science, or as the ancients said, the idio-science, the science of the "self-concerned idiot", The Madman, Mad Adam, who follows his own idiosyncrasy, his own ideological and psychological mixture, his own demonic character, as the wise Heraclitus said: the daimon is for man his character.

So, listener and reader, you who want to continue waking up and eat your fruit of life, listen carefully to the whisper of a distant wind:

Have you heard of the Universal Wisdom encoded in the geography and languages of the planet, the fractals of spacetime?

Do you know the origin of words like Adam, Name, Man, Tone, Fool, Note, Father, Dad, Dad, Truth, Bread, Panacea, Mater, Mother, Cow, Ba, Ka, Kabalah, Baal, Balance, Bellum, Bell, Bell, Error, War, Matter, Mater, Mother, Soul, Calm, Torah, Torus, Torch, Tarot, Rotate, Rock, Crown, Dragon, Agony, Reality, Tally, Ser, Res, Semen, Nemesis , Seed, Seed, Lie, Satan, Adversary, Mastema, System, Saurian, Vine shoot, Residue, Resistance, Turkes-stan, Hindo-stan, Paki-stan, Uzbeki-stan ...?

Do you understand why the so-called New Testament says that the Anointed One/Messiah/Kristos was crucified in Golgotha, in Egypt, in Sodom and in Gomorrah? Why so many places? Who is crucified in the cultures of the world and who should really die?

We often believe that we know, with a mind full of prejudices and political, religious and scientific concepts, all false cultural speculations. But do we understand its origin and what we know? And is it true what we know?

A mature consciousness implies understanding that every fable contains a truth, whose meaning does not go away when we go to the...

When we listen to ancient languages, we see their semantic fractals tell us a story, such as the term origins, made up of Light (Or), information and genes.

Perhaps you have heard about Abram's fable. After receiving a letter Hei of Life, he became Abraham, which in Hebrew means Father (Ab) of Multitudes (raham). In other words, he became the Dad who brought the seeds of Vi-sion, sowing his vi-bra-tion in all spiritual cultures.

And it is said that his Conscience ordered him to leave Mesopotamia and travel to Egypt, the land of Goshen, and to spread there seeds of conscience.

Thus Egypt became a centre of cultural difussion over a extended period of time. Words like Pater and Mater, Father and Mother, came from a strange Egyptian god mummified and called Ptah (Pater). And Maat, Egyptian goddess of Balance or blind Justice, the give and take, eye for an eye.

The mummified Ptah symbolized the divine light "trapped" in the cruel Matter, Maat, i.e the Dad in the Mom. Hence the mummified.

In this world of deception, Mama became a Stepmother, fallen Nature, a crazy sea of fallen stars, mad stars, since this land of pilgrims is Compostella, as some say in Fisterra or End of the World in Spain. And Compostella is the compost where the dusty souls are recycled, "dragged" by the crazy tail of the lying Ser-pent, warrior mind implanted in every beautiful sleeping soul maiden, almah.

But listen, my brave listeners, because Truth may be painful, but it never lies.

                       Tones of fallen Adam

Stepmother Natura is populated by a net-work which is like Tennis, a wobble of balls, opposite forces full of tension, known in Egypt as Neteru gods, which were five pairs, i. a net of ten, 10. Although they come from One called Atom-Ra, that is, the Ra-diation of the Atom, which means undivided, even in the Greek.

In Sumeria that One was known as Anu, which is actually a huge Anus, a Ring of a Dark Lord hole that swallows and spits everything up, as black hole, an empty Zero behind the 1, what we know as 10, that combined always gives 10101010101010, the bin-ary, whose relationship with Aries will emerge later.
There was also a pagan god named Moloc, who eats babies and pure consciences. Even the Israelites worshiped him, despite having heard the voice/kol of Conscience, which at first helped them escape the ten plagues of Egypt. But sometimes even the Lamb eats the cabbage, as in a legendary riddle. What are you going to do?

But the network of ten forces or black holes is governed by a principle or balance of opposites, which interact to generate the natural rhythms of Ma'at, which in reverse sounds:

tam, tam, tam, tam... mata, mata mata, (kill, kill, kill in Spanish)

And what about the tones of the god Aton, ton, ton, ton ...? Is not playing on the foolish who think they're smart? And the echoes of the celestial goddess Nut? Are theynot  the big fish that eats up everything, like a Tuna, tuna, tuna...?

Is this the language of Reality that the Greeks called on and ontos? Will An, On, Ontos be a mirror for fools, tontos (in Spanish)?

Whoever does not understand it, will remain locked up in solipsism, more alone than the Alone One.

Oh, no way.

Let us listen then to the Note Vi-bra-tion of the god Amon, which backwards gives Noma, root of Name and Name.

But whose name? Do not tell me you do not know. 

According to the Universal Sacred Scriptures the Divine Name is Man, which is no longer complete, but Divided, like Adam and Eve, Adam Java in Hebrew; Atman and Jiva in the texts of India; Ba and Ka in Egypt; Spirit / Pneuma and Psyche, lovers lost in Greek myths.

And the Semantic Fractals of Man are the letter H, which in ancient languages indicated the opening of Life; the Om or primordial sound; Bre, who in Gaelic is Bello; and Brah, which in Sanskrit means expansion, as in Brah-mah, expanding Mind.

Likewise, breadth in English is breadth and breath, which in German is called atem, reminiscent of Atman, the solpo of divine consciousness that comes from Brahma.

But notice that Adam in reverse is Mad, Mad, while Adam is Nothing in Castilian inverted.

But the man is nothing at all or "na de na" as they would say in Andalusia?

The fact is that once Adam looked like the morning star or day, but fell so low in his passions, that now is Na and just looks like Venus, which in Hebrew is Noga, that backwards gives Agon, dispute and challenge in Greek, all associated with agonistic desire, the dragon of unconsciousness that leads to Nothingness with its adversity.

Perhaps that is why in the Sumerian languages humanity was known as Na, while in India there was talk of a certain Krish-na, the Universal Soul of the fallen Humanity.

But in Sanskrito Nada designates the inaudible Sound from which Om is born.

And who has heard of the Omphalos or Falo of Om?

And the navel of the World? Or is it the om-ego of the world?

And the Mastema that pursues evil in Hebrew folklore? Are not systems and themes of thought that incur the same vacuum of good and bad? Is not the activity of the Adversary, Satan, empty?

Do you already feel your Adam's breathing in your draconian mind and body? Do not?

Do we hear it at least in the first and last letter of the Phoenician, Hebrew and Greek Alphabets: Alef Tav, Alef Tav, Alef Tav, Alpha Omega, Alpha Omega, Alpha Omega?

And in the echoes of the god Atlas and Atlantis?

And in the Timeless? Can we find it there? That one is difficult. But who knows, maybe the death of the tones of Adam leads to discover the Light of true understanding, which starts from madness and ignorance to get to dis-veil that ...

I am the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end says the Alphabet of Divine Forces (Revelation 1: 8)

A-tension to the Adamic Mind.

That. Attention, dear listener Adam, that enlightened you are not a mere object, nothing or entity.

The name vibration or breath of the inner Being can vibrate with the Calm of the Soul, or in the Balance of extreme forces, the tennis of the Ba'al god, which in Egyptian means the strength of the Ba, the spiritual mind trapped or mummified in the Matter, like the Ab, the Pope invested in the Flesh, in the Mama-drastra. Remember?

Ay mommy! Don´t say no!

In Egypt, the counterpart or carnal psyche of the spiritual Ba was the Ka, which after physical death is separated from the Ba, reason why the sa-priests sought to unite them in a compound called KaBaAkh, without reaching even beyond the Kingdom of Ausar. , or Osiris, for the Greeks, and who was none other than the old Adam of Light, Aur.

Later the Hebrew prophets spoke of the Merkaba or spiritual chariot, elevating the fallen teaching with the Torah or Teaching of Light, which still remained coded, incarnate, since even the people of Israel who left Egypt had inherited the hard siege of the ram and the mind of the calf, which was more of iron than gold, although it was still Toro, the Tav or material cross that encloses gold.

In Egypt Ka was represented by the head of the Ram, Egyptian god whose horns resemble the amygdala of the brain

So, enough of karmas and markas, debts and payments. All lies of goats, aigos in gri-ego, the network of egos, idiots re-killed.

But do not forget it. As the Master said: Not one iota of the Torah will pass before everything is fulfilled (Matthew 5).

The Goal of the Father: His Son in the Mother

What Atem or Adam is our "goal"? The breathing of Life or the fear and gasping of death (met)?

Because the goal / purpose [telos] of the Torah is the Anointed One of Understanding (Romans 10: 4)

In Greek meta is Telos, whose obverse encloses the Sun Alef and Tav, a sun that is alone but very accompanied.

Not even Abraham was a single person, but a lineage of Consciousness of Light that incarnated on earth as a collective body of Anointed of Understanding or Messiah, to bring Pure Knowledge, what had been lost in the carnal nature, the five senses, the Ser-piente that lies.

And those consciences represented the King of Justice or Melki-Tzedek, called Prince of Calm, Salem, which resonates in the Almah, Hebrew code that designates the Maiden, the Virgin of Consciousness. A message enclosed in the same term Soul and Calm.

I will multiply your offspring [son of Abraham] and make it as the stars of heaven, and I will give you new lands and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in your seed (Genesis 26: 4)

The same sacred story tells that Abraham came from Ur (Light) of the Cal-deos, in Mesopotamia, which comes from the Greek meso and potamos, "between two rivers". And we reverse the somato, the somatic, the body with which we pot or eject everything we roast and we eat.

Not by chance the main "deos" or "god" of the Chaldeans and Assyrians was Baal, that is, the fallen mind tied to the vital psyche, the famous Ka of the Egyptians. Remember?

That is why the same Divine Consciousness of the Almah ordered Father Ab-raham to leave the hostile and idolatrous earth, or rather idio-ego-latra, to be able to spread the seeds of Universal Consciousness in Shalom, Calm of Om. , with the help of his wife or Princess of Life, Sarah, known as free almah and Yeru-shalaim from above (Galatians 4:26), nothing to do with the outer Jerusalem, which became the summum of religious intolerance and hatred , today more than ever.

The mission of the beings of Light was then to bring the Vibration of Harmony to the nations of the earth, that is, to cross with the Tree of Life to the Dark Side of the Being-pi-entity to rescue the consciences / almahs that they had been lost in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, unable to remember the Name or Vibration of original Divine Life.

The Scripture says that Eber refused to participate in the construction of the Tower of Babel. And from Eber would come the Hebrew term, which meant precisely the one that crosses to the other side, a company of which Abraham and his lineage participated.

Therefore, being a Hebrew is not being a practitioner of the Jewish religion or any other.

However, the plan was to bring the Teaching step by step, given the great hostility and imbalance of the unconsciousness of this world, the Dominus or Lord Ego Mag-Net-ism or Great Lunar Net. .

Satanic unconsciousness

Those who cross and know how to read the Truth, are awakened beings who have always inspired the great Wisdoms, from which the great religions were born, which due to unconsciousness and incomprehension are still trapped in the flesh, skinning each other, despite their common origin in the Matrix Ten (5x2). We talk about:


How many "isms", right?

Although to be more precise and faithful to reality, we should speak of a Sumerian-Babylonia-Hinduism, Babylonia-Judaism, Babylonia-Christianity and Babylonia-Islam, plus all its derivatives, which anchor their roots in the Sumerian culture, originated towards the 5000 BC

Even Zoroastrianism already has its root Zara, which in Hebrew is seed. Zoroaster means seed of the stars. And the misinterpretation of his teachings gave rise to many dualistic misunderstandings, in lands with a conflicting mentality.

From Sumer and the Zones of Turkestan and Kurdistan were born precisely the first warring, oppressive and destructive societies, with their principle or idea of imposing their culture -culture- establishing the principle of confrontation between Good and Evil, Cultural Friends and Cultural Enemies.

Curiously, Adversary in Hebrew says Satan, reminiscent of the Sanskrit Sat, Being calm, they say.

And in an enigmatic but revealing way, satan appears as a root in geographical areas such as Turke-stan, Kurdistan, Afganistan, Tajiki-stan, Paki-stan, Hindo-stan, Uzbekis-stan ...

In India there was in fact a culture called Satan, and in the Siberian region of Altai there is still even a shamanic tribe known as the Satan, almost in extinction.

Did someone identify a group of conflicting souls who were always incarnated in those areas and that over time gave rise to the idea of an eternal Adversary?

All due to the famous Confusion of the Tower of Babel, which is the heart, Lebab.

The reversed Heart is the Natural Magnetic Forces that drive the fallen psyche of Adam.

Many may ask: But does not Genesis 11 say that it was the Lord God, Jehovah Elohim, who overthrew the Tower of Babel so that Nimrod and company did not reach heaven making a "proper name" for themselves?

Let's be mature of mind, please. Elohim means "powerful ones" in Hebrew? And what about Yhwh? Are we going to keep calling him Jehovah, Yahweh, Yahve?

Only the one who crosses and wins from the "other side" can understand that YHWH is a code of conscious Love, original Life, Light of Truth and solid Calm, but when taken for "name of some external god" and is worshiped as such, separated from oneself, it becomes False Love or Proud Hate, False Life of Vice, False Conscience or Human Knowledge and False Calm or Peace imposed by force.

According to Genesis 5, it was Enosh who first began to invoke the name of Yhwh. But how they invoked it, that is the question. Murderers also invoke it by feeling I am hatred towards you.

But was not Yakob named Yshrael after defeating his ego in his confrontation with his inner divine man conscience, his Elohim? Is not Israel an effort towards Him or Yashar El and a dominion over Isis-Ra-El: lunar, solar and planetary forces?

The false is only meant to be sacrificed in favor of the to Truth.

That is why all religions depend on these lunar, solar and astral forces, re-linking people to the Luni-Astral Magnetism, worshiping the cube of time, with the mind oscillating between opposites enclosed in the Cube or Kaba. Some even go around it, rotating with the broken souls, around a Ka´ba.

What, then, is the true Re-ligion? Only that which becomes des-legion, to break the bonds of lies and to become one and free, linking the energies of the Almah or true Soul.

                     The Universal Teaching

Being universal mean seeing the Truth of the Father (Dad) in all nations.

Sadly many still do not know why Paul / Shaul stated:
if in truth you remain in the Faith [of Abraham or Father of all Nations] well grounded and constant, without moving from the hope of the Good News [evangelion] that you have heard, which was proclaimed to all creation under heaven, and of whom I, Paul, was made a minister (Colossians 1:23).

Saving that seemingly "Pauline arrogance", we could say little Paul was very aware of a Universal Truth, which had already been proclaimed in other cultures. For there is nothing new under the Sun (Ecclesiastes 1), not even the Teaching of the Anointed One of Understanding.

It was proclaimed to all the Creation under Heaven means that it was not only communicated to this or that "religious church", a concept that does not exist even in what they call Gospels, which must be translated as Good News about Universal Wisdom:

The YeHoSua the Anointed One of Love, Light, Life and Peace is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13: 8).

 His departures are from the beginning (Micah 5: 2)
However, for the anesthetized mind "without-science" that Truth always remained hidden and hidden.

It is no coincidence that the Hebrew sages spoke of the Jokmah Nishtar or Hidden Wisdom, which later they would call Kabalah, a word contained in the Solomonic proverb: listen to advice, receive teaching, shema etza kabalah musar (Proverbs 19:20)

Thus Paul also spoke of the Hidden Wisdom, which was predestinated by divine forces before the ages for our splendor (1 Corinthians 2: 6)

The Master had already manifested: the Truth will make you free (John 8:31). Receive my way of being pure (John 20:22).

That is why Paul spoke of "receiving" (kabalah) the divine influence, which is to receive that Universal Teaching, which was never hidden from the pure mind.

An influence that the zombie mind translated as "grace" and other abstract terms that do not reflect its content.

That made Christendom overlook a surprising key, since in Hebrew, Divine influence is called JeN, which is the permutation of Noaj, Noah. As it was said:

And Noah found divine influence in the eyes of the Divine Word / Yhwh (Genesis 6: 8-9)
And this Universal Wisdom filled with Chen or Jen, originated seeds of cultures like ChiNa, perverted along dinastic wars. It´s what happens in human culture not illuminated by the universal Love, Light of Truth and Life.

         Was there a Prehistoric Krishtianity?

Anyone who searches with sincerity, comes to the conclusion that in prehistoric times ideograms associated with the letters KRShT were very important and
unfold even in the alphabets: Quf Resh Shin Tav> QRST

However, they ended up "crystallizing" in the form of religious idols like Krish-Na, Krystos, because the human mind cannot accept the Truth if it is not in the form of fables, lies, whose existence is to reflect the truth of the ego and its pride, which must be sacrificed in the Cross of Matter.

Certainly, the universal mythological fables helped the diffusion of Objective Wisdom. But history has shown that almost no one within religion has managed to decode and transmit the original message that must now be recovered so that there can be healing.

The idea of Anointed of Love, Light, Life and Calm was expressed before the romanized Christianisms spoke of false Christs hunged up on crosses.

Although some researcher, like Gene D. Madlock, who openly considers himself a Roman Catholic, came to an idea that seems not far-fetched. He assures that when the Scriptures of India speak of the Krystayas, these refer to the messianic seeds that were sown in the five human races for the collective incarnation of the Christ, Messiah kings.

And seconding that idea I would add that the Wisdom of India were surely the gifts that according to the Torah were sent to the East by the Light Beings known as Abraham/Sarah. Hence the Hindu myths of Brahma and Saraswati.

Thus, the origin would not be so much cultural as "central-spiritual", since everything emerges from a point and expands as waves towards the four directions, where the Light is crucified so that the false dies. That was the original meaning of the Cross in the most ancient cultures.

The dance master Gurdjieff even claimed that the foundations of Christianity come from a prehistoric Egypt, and that the true Katolicism or Universalism was the oldest religion on earth, the only one that could have taken the human from the dream of not having perverted.

That truth was reflected in the New Testament, which not even many self-proclaimed Christians are willing to understand:

And their corpses will lie in the street of the great city, which symbolically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified (Revelation / Revelation 11: 8)

But who is crucified?

That's what nobody wants to understand, because nobody full of ego wants to die.

According to the passage Matthew 27:33 - keep an eye on the numbers - he was also crucified on Mount Golgotha, or Site of the Skull, which is mentioned even in the Zohar or Book of Splendor, where the symbolism of the Torah is revealed.

And is that Golgotha can be read both geographically and physiologically–energetically. In fact, the Nile and the Pyramids were a representation of how the vital energy of the Ka travels through the nervous energy system, passing through the path of 33 vertebrae, 5 of which are the sacrum, which symbolizes the 5 senses, the carnal Torah. Then we have the 26 sacrum-lumbar, which are the numerical value of YHWH. And finally 7 cervicals, where the energy crosses the nape to be crucified between the cerebral hemispheres, the famous Sancta Sanct-Tor-Um, where the Ark of the Covenant resided with the Cherubim, in the midst of whom appeared the Divine Presence according to the Torah. Why? There lies the Pineal Gland, called as Pany-el, or Strength of my face, name of the place where Yacob fought with his Elohim and saw those divine forces face to face.

The universal religion of the cultures associated with the Cross seems also reflected in the Ten-gri or religion of the Turkish culture.

Tengri sounds very much like a permutation of Ten and Grid, i.e Matrix of Ten. And in that network resides the root of the Confusion of Babel, which is the reversal of Lebab (Heart).

There are many sacred words whose roots contain the semantic fractals Tür, Tor and Kor, such as Tora, Turkey, Tür (door in German), Corona (Crown in Spanish), Kor (dragon in Sumerian), Korea, Khorasan (Northeast of Persia), Corpus etc.

And again, according to the Armenian sage Gurdjieff, the Turkoman was the oldest language on earth.

So, according to my interpretation, the Turkoman can be read as draconian (Kor)
Door (Tür), of the Mind (Manas in Sanskrit).

Interestingly, there is in Turkey a river called: River of the Goat, Egospotamos. And
the word Ego comes from Aigos, Goat/Cabra.

So, you deduce the rest.

Yet we must however resolve another ancient riddle, posed by the prophet Solomon: the trace of the serpent on the Rock (Proverbs 30:19)

                       The Universal Rock

According to Psalm 118, the Rock that the Architects rejected became angle head. That is to say, a Stone Foundation on which to build solid calm, the Tower or Migdal from which the Maiden of Conscience/Almah contemplates in calm, even in the desert.

Even Paul/Shaul said that

... the Israelites drank water from the spiritual Rock that accompanied them on their journey [through the desert], and the rock was the Anointed One / Kristos (1 Corinthians 10: 4)

A rock that in the Aramaic and Hebrew text is associated with the Divine Presence or Shejinah:

My Presence (shejinty in Aramaic) will go with you (Exodus 33:14, Targum of Onkelos).

However, the same term Rock seems a cabalistic reversal of Kor, Sumerian dragon, which makes us go for a run.

And it is associated, as we said, with Noga, Venus, the Morning Star or Hesperus and the Evening Star or Phosphorus.

And is not it in Isaiah 14:12 where we read the famous passage?:

How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, Son of Tomorrow, how you were thrown down to earth, weakening the nations.

In the Septuagint the Morning Star is Eosphorus, known in Latin as Hesperus and translated by Jerome as Luciferus. And traditionally Hesperus is opposed to the Evening Star, or Phosphorus.

And who said: I am the root and offspring of David, the shining morning star (Revelation / Revelation 22:16?

And to the overcomer, who keeps my works to the end, I will give him authority over the nations ... I will give him the morning star (Revelation / Revelation 2:26)
you do well to pay attention as to a lamp that shines in the dark place, until the day dawns and the evening star (phosphorus) appears in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19)

The question we should ask ourselves is why Kefas / Peter speaks of the evening star and not of Eosphorus or morning star.

What is the relationship between the two in the inner work?

Interestingly, the Hebrew text concerning Isaiah 14 speaks of Lucifer as Helel ben Shajar. And Shajar is a term identical to Najash, except for the letter Resh, which indicates Head.

Surprisingly, the same numeric value of the Serpent or Najash, the one that tempted Java in the Garden of Eden, is 358, just as Mashiaj or Anointed One.

And according to the Apostle James it is the passionate desire that tempts (James 1:12).

At the same time, remember that the term Rock seems to be a Kabbalistic reversal of Kor, which in Sumerian means Dragon. Likewise, the letters KR are in the word kerub, guardian.

And is it not a dragon the guardian of treasures in ancient myths?

 Moreover, Ezekiel 28 assures that the anointed fallen Cherub walked among the "stones of fire".

What kind of fire was that?

Equally surprising is to see that Noaj or Noah is the same word as Najash / Serpent but without the Fire / Esh symbolized by the letter Shin. That is, without fire of emotional passion that consumes.

In Hebrew Venus or Noga is associated with agonic love, an energetic shell that covers the Head of conscience. And either it becomes an impulse that supports and elevates towards a superior Love that comes from the Crown/Kor-on-a, or else Noga becomes an agonizing passion that drowns.

Therefore, the Najash or Serpent on the Rock refers to a "loving energy" with a potential that can be manifested in opposite directions: the Anointed and the Anti-Anointed One, the Mashiach and the Sotech ha Mashiach, the Kristos and the Anti-Kristos, Love/Amor or Rome.

The Light transforms the passionate fire into garments of light, whereas the fire of passion covers up the Light:

You are Petros and on this Stone I will build my Assembly of the Called-out ones and the gates of Hell will not prevail (Matthew 16:18)

The wars of religion, division and scandals in the churches are evidence that the Stone fell upon those who presumed to possess it and rejected it again:
And whoever falls on this stone will be torn to pieces; but on whom she falls, she will scatter it like dust (Matthew 21:44)

Powder that is the food of the Serpent according to Genesis 3.

The Energy of the Dragon/Kor is therefore the same Stone Foundation that when fed and not rectified becomes the Scandal Stumbling Block, the pride that hides the Light of Love, Life and Calm with which few want to work.

Therefore, the fractal roots of the sacred lexicon thus speak of a fragmentation of Consciousness and castration of the Pure Spirit, which amounts to swallowing up the Light (Or), leading to a cultural or-gy, the Fall of Eden, the Babel, wars and human idiocy in general, which is the food of the Ego, Agon, Agony, Dragon, the Goat/Cabra Aigos ...

                          Gate of Freedom
From the same language fractals we learn that the reptilian brain supports the ego of the fallen human psyche, disrupting the meanings of the Wisdom of Light. So it is necessary to recover an Objective Consciousness by returning those lexical fractals to their origin. As the Master said, the Truth will set you free.

Talking about the Door implies associating roots like Tür, Tor and Torah, but also remembering the words of the Master:

enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13)

In India some teachings even speak of a state of objective consciousness as Turiya, which leads to Turiyatita, the complete integration where it is no longer possible to speak even of Consciousness, since there is no sense of subject or object.

In Spanish we know it as Talidad, Suchness, Life "as it is", without the dis-torsion of the noisy Psyche of Sion.

And Suchness is more accurate than Reality, since Being is not Rhea (goddess nature) or Res (thing in Latin), but the otherness of an entity, as Heiddeger would say.

Turiya can also be read as Gate of Yah (Yud Hei), Love and Life, very similar to Yehudah, which is YHWH with a letter Dalet, which read as Delet means Door. So being Yehudi means Being a Door for the Divine Being.

Thus we understands why the Master manifested to the Samaritan woman:

You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation comes from the Yehudim [who are the door to the Divine Being] (John 4:22)

Therefore, nothing to do with being Jewish or Christian in the conventional sense of those terms.

Healing and salvation is a matter of integral and orderly con-science where each piece fits without generating syncretisms or unconscious frictions.

For we do not fight against flesh or blood, but against principles, dominating forces, powers and fallen thoughts (Ephesians 6)

The true Adversary is therefore the same artificial intelligence or AI-gos of the Sogol (inverted Logos), implanted in fallen human nature, whose energetic parasites generate all the false beliefs and tormented desires of the heart, Cor-azón in Spanish, which is a Kor-agon full of quicksilver and agony.

The origins of all infirmities and agonies are then unconscious and subconscious dissonances that were expressed in the form of false perceptions, grudges and deep hatreds towards one's lie. And that resentment comes precisely from the political-re ligious thought that does not discern the fractals of ancient language.

Freedom is thus to perceive the concrete Truth or Suchness, in the solid and polished Rock of Life that acts as a Universal mirror, detaching us from any fixed point of view, that is, dog-matic.

Wake up sleepers, get up from the dead and the Anointed One of Love, Truth, Life and Calm will enlighten you (Ephesians 5:14)

More and more we bring that influence of Universal Healing Life, which implies making use of JeN, the divine Influence, but without imposing dog-matisms. Something that is not yet understood in general.

There is a lot of work ahead. Who are encouraged?                       

                            Copyright © 2019
[1] More information in the video about the transmission of the Seeds of Light and the rescue of the Beings of Light:

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