Sunday, November 17, 2019

Healing with 13 Spheres of Sensory Awareness

New Video from EnaArmony Billingual Youtube Channel and Web 

        Aesthetics of the Dermic-Sensory System

Apart from the 11 Physiological Systems, neuroscientists now add the Integumentary or Dermal System, whose amazing functions range from producing vitamin D to facilitating the connection of mind, emotion and body [1]

Interestingly, that connection was used by former healers, who called it common sense, koinê aisthesis.

By connecting with common sense, many of us have been able to eliminate allergies, eczema and other skin reactions, working on sensory-epithelial and emotional awareness, reactivating each body system consciously.

This is because the skin reflects either the armonious beauty of the Divine Soul or shadows of the Psyche. And the same can be said of the 5 senses, which are obscured when there is no unitary consciousness that encompasses them.

Interestingly, Aur in Hebrew means skin when written letter Ayin, while Aur with Alef means Light. So, when it is said that the First Adam or fallen humanity was dressed in fur, it is revealed that they lost their dresses of Light, which were left in the dense bodies of planetary creatures. Therefore, it is "common sense" to recover them. And this begins by beginning to rethink the body.

Therefore, the Dermal System must have its own sphere in what is known as the Tree of Lives, and it fits into the sphere of Beauty, Tifereth, where we recognize our Being of Light emanating from the Primordial Origin. And obviously that means accepting us on a physical level.

It is the center of the Common Sense, the interior and exterior aesthetics. That is why when there is absence of self-recognition, fears, victimism, inferiority complexes, and the skin reflects it in many ways, in all organs.

Let us therefore become aware of 12 vital fruits in the dermic sensory system.

         The 12 Aspects of the Dermic System

In the same way we saw 12 physiological systems related to the 12 fruits of the Tree of Lives, this criterion can also be applied to each sphere, since each is a holon, a whole with all aspects.

Therefore, if in the Sphere of the Cosmic Purpose (Telos, Ratzon) or Purpose of Life, we had the Fascia System, in the Dermis we also see that all cells form a unitary tissue that connects all organs.

And since the Respiratory System corresponds to Keter, the Crown or Sphere of Exchange, remember that the skin breathes and sensory impressions are an exchange of energy.

As for the Sphere of Wisdom (Jokmah), the Immune System is responsible for protecting even the skin, and can be activated through the senses gathered in the common sense.

In the Sphere of Vital Understanding (Binah) the dermis is nourished by the Blood and all its components: minerals, vitamins, oxygen, vital light ...

And when the Sphere of Conscience (Da'at) that armonizes the three brains (reptilian, limbic and hemispheres of the neocortex) is activated, the skin is reinforced and reassured. Otherwise, the state of nervous anxiety triggers sweats, chicken skin...

And thanks to the Sphere of Mercy (Jesed), the rivers of Water in the Lymphatic System, clean impurities excreted by the cells.

The Muscular System in the Sphere of Strength (Geburah) also tones the skin.

As for the Beauty Sphere (Tifereth), it is the center of the Sensory Dermal System.

Here we recognize the Beauty of our Light Being, armonizing the physical plane.

The Endocrine System generates hormones such as dopamine, which is activated with the attention of the senses; serotonin, which makes us feel good; the endorphins, which soothe our pain; oxytocin, which makes us feel integrated ... With them the Sphere of Success (Netzaj) develops that helps cells thrive.

Oxytocin, adrenaline and other hormones help us to have an adequate vital mood, guaranteed success.

And in the Sphere of
Structural Splendor (Hod), the dermis and the senses specialize in specific areas, but gathered in a net of tissues.

The Reproductive System corresponds to Yesod, the Fructification Sphere, where not only sexual reproduction occurs, but the growth of subtle cells and bodies.

Finally in the Kingdom Sphere (Malkut), the Digestive and Excretory System work on the dermal, sensory, emotional and mental levels. The skin cells digest micronutrients through water and light; exudate harmful substances. While the senses provide us with impressions, they have to be digested emotionally and mentally. Everything that is not digested must be expelled or transformed.

Once we have become aware of these twelve aspects, we must remember that they originate from an Infinite Allness, being expressions of the Personality of the Father or Universal Man. For none of them are fragments, but complete wholes, or holons.



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