Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Unveiling the Corona Virus & Astral Parasites

Welcome to Spring 2020, which is under a global paralysis because of Covid19 pandemia.

So, thank you and congratulations for having come this far to listen this alternative view. It is not easy to find this information, and if you are paying attention, it means you are not mere zombie.

Here in Spain we´re only allowed to go shopping for food and a few other needs, or even take out the dog. But not more than one person at a time. There are fines for that.

And don´t get me wrong, but  I think this is very positive, because it´s giving Nature a rest. Less noises, less pollution, some people are forced to ponder, stay more calm and be more aware f others….

Even though we´re seeing many opposing attitudes and the chaff is being separate much more. Some politicians and power holders are trying to take advantage of the situation, and they will pay for that eventually. Don´t worry.

We´re also seeing the selfishness in how people invade the supermarkets to empty the shells, as if this were a zombi holocaust. But  this is in part a global histeria induced by the mass media, full of misinformation.

The main advises in general are not the best ones to infuse into people and keep the immune system strong. The main commands are: stay at home eating, having fun, watching movies, chatting or whatever. And of course, go to the pharmacy in case you need it. In part this is because here in Spain hospitals are collapsed. And even the weakest, older people mostly, have less preference and doctors cannot do very much about them.

Now, many complain, and cry for this horrible situation. But very few use this to ponder.

Most people don´t listen to the things true Beings of Light have been announcing for 2000 years.  Specially this year. And they have come to pass. Remember I said 2020 was a year of order in chaos, and also a Quarantine, because 20 + 20 add up to 40. And 20 is associated with the Archetype of the Trumpets of Awakening, so a Judgment of Conscience is underway.

So it´s time to understand deeper all what´s happening.

In the previous video I only gave tips. Remember  that protection is not only a matter of taking hygienic measures on a physical level, but it has a lot to do with energy protection, which also depends on food. It is essential to eat little and not too much mucous forming foods, unlike the usual recommendations of most nutrition experts and doctors.

And now we´ll see that the same word Covid, read forwards and backwards, gives the answer to everything that´s happening. And something similar happens with Influenza and Sars. It´s information that came to my Conscience during these days of reflection and contemplation.

But I´ll first give a brief overview so you can understand the global context.

I do not know if many of you have realized that this Pan-demia is not the first.


Remember that in 1348 there was a decade of massive deaths caused by the so-called Bubonic Plague, supposedly transmitted by black rats and other animals. This decimated Europe like never before, as well as other parts of the globe. 

And there were chroniclers in China and Europe who told how people witnessed the presence of men dressed in black, knocking on houses without justification and walking in the fields with instruments that looked like scythes, and they seemed to be even spraying something on the crop fields. Everything just before the plague outbreaks. This was the origin of  the famous image of the Death with the scythe. 

And also the legends concerning the popular Men In Black. And all this is because there is a strange relationship between pandemics, the UFO phenomenon and strange appearances. 

And that makes many think it is something caused by aliens. But there might be also entities monitoring humanity. Let's not forget there are opportunistic entities that may simply be taking advantage of calamities that repeat cyclically. And they can predict them because they exist in 4D.

But wait at the end to draw your own conclusions.

Let us now pay attention to the fact that the black death took place right after the Christian Crusades imposed by Pseudo-Apostolic Catholic Church. Those wars of religion inspired by false anointed ones lasted almost two centuries (1096-1291), and involved two of the three great religions, since the Catholic authorities persecuted not only the Muslims, but also the Jews, supposedly to protect Christians on the roads to Jerusalem.

Needless to say, all three religions had rejected the Messiah's Message. It is no coincidence that Peter, symbol of the Unpolished Stone of Conscience, was said to have denied the Messiah three times.

Also significative is that for the last 300 years pandemics have been repeating cyclically, every 100 years and increasingly.


In 1720 there was a new outbreak of black death plague in Marseille. In 1820 there was a n epidemic of cholera in Asia: the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.

And right after the First World War, two years before 1920, there was a virulent worldwide outbreak of the so-called Spanish flu. And today many would surely believe that the Spaniards were the source, when in reality it was called the Spanish Flu because Spanish journalists were the ones who spoke more or less openly about the subject, which was taboo in the rest of the world.

And back then a possible source was identified in the United States. Anyway it killed 40 million people in 1918. And the total number of deaths reached 100 million.

But I don't think there is a mere physical source for these viral phenomena. It is true that the virus that caused the flu was found, and it was a mutation that made the common flu almost fatal. And in principle it was because at that time people had not developed antibodies and there were no vaccines.

Now, in the old days there seemed to be more sensitivity to certain truths, and everything was expressed more naturally.

Actually, the term flu comes from the French grippe, which is to curl up or hold on shivering,  with high fever.


And the Italian word influenza has been used since the 15th century to designate a series of flu-like symptoms that were attributed to the influence of the heavenly bodies, including the moon. And that is not very far from the truth, because there is an electromagnetic factor that promotes the appearance of viruses.

In fact, viruses remain an enigma for "science", which has not definitively concluded what a virus is, or how it originates. They are known to have an energy structure, and some look like nanobots. And everything indicates that they are generated by negative vibratory patterns. They might be a byproduct of the Elohim, vibratory intelligences of the fallen world.


In fact, the researcher Royal Rife projected vibratory frequencies to pathogens and viruses, verifying  they can be disintegrated that way. But shortly after discovering it, certain power holders destroyed his laboratory and ordered him to close his mouth.

Science responds to pharmaceutical demands and focuses on blood plasma when many more factors are involved.

There is in fact another great puzzle, a pandemic that cam right after the Second World War. It is the so-called AIDS, which in the 1950s was not known as such. But in 1983 Luc Montaigner discovered it is a disease in which the person runs out of immune defenses. Then it was called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

Unfortunately today many continue talking about the HIV or Human Inmunodeficiency virus, when there is still no Nobel Prize that has proven its existence yet.

In my view, low immunity conditions are the result of energetic alterations in the magnetic blood of Life, mainly due to disharmonious behaviors.

And there is something in the blood that can be transmitted, some kind of astral energy that can get corrupt. We´ll see that later.

But let´s emphasize that the greatest pandemics have always come after great wars. And in the last twenty years they have increased.

Since the fall of the Twin Towers, there have been many micro wars around the world, and the great war of Afganistan. Basically we can consider this the Third World War, based on chemical weapons, viral threats and economic instability.

Precisely, in 2003, an outbreak of Asian pneumonia called Sars arose, which spread from China to India and even Canada.

At the same time, strange coronavirus mutations have been taking place, such as the famous Avian influenza of 2009. Vaccination campaigns were even carried out here in Spain and the government spent a fortune on those vaccines that they had to give for free. But, of course, someone did his business.

And all this coincided with a great economic depression worldwide.

Then another coronavirus appeared, the Mers-Cov which affects the lungs and was detected in Saudi Arabia around 2012, just after the long war in Afghanistan.

In 2014 came a new Ebola epidemic in Africa. And in 2015 Zika emerged in Brazil, spreading throughout South America.

And to make matters worse, in 2015 Mr. Bill Gates appeared in his TEDx giving a speech, saying that the next threat would be a viral pandemic. Coincidentally, Mr. Gates has just left his position at the Microsoft executive office and is now in charge of a Foundation that promotes vaccine research. One of the most lucrative businesses in the short term.

So, ley each one make their own choices. The universe will put everything and everyone in its place, specially those who want to take advantage and rule over the weak.

It does not fit into my mind that a virus like Covid-19 can spread so quickly and worldwide by the mere contamination from pangolins and bats, as many say in the media.

The Chinese have been eating rubbish for long and obviously many diseases come from eating carrion, but they have not always caused pandemics. In Europe, they also eat pork and shellfish, which are scavengers, which has a great impact on health and increases the assimilation of toxins and pathogens. And it is logical that humanity becomes ill by eating what it should not eat.

However, people are not only infected by absorbing more than bugs.

Scientists cannot explain for sure how virus mutations occur or why. A virus is not a natural organism and sometimes they are completely artificial. So, what are we dealing with?

So what are we facing really?

Let's start with Sars virus. It immediately reminds me of the ancient word Sar, Prince, present in various languages, including at the root of Sarumán, the evil black wizard in the Lord of the Rings. But also in Saros, the lunar cycle of 223 in Sumerian-Babylonian astronomy.

And Hebrew Wisdom speaks of the Sarim, heavenly and planetary Princes who rule the nations, like the Prince of Persia, who stood in the way before prophet Daniel (Daniel 10: 13-21). That Prince was not a another man, for sure.

In Greece they were known as Archontoi, Archons or Rulers. And as Plato said in the Critias Dialogue, they split the planet  into sectors to rule the human masses like sheep by means of persuasion.

And of course, Master Yhshua announced that the Prince of this World was coming. Was he referring to these old princes? And what are they?

Well, to me the heavenly princes are not physical entities, but rather psychic-energies and fallen planetary intelligences that govern areas and nations, forcing certain events.

Great leaders of nations serve these forces, moving cultures toward certain directions. And by putting on the crown of death they reject the Crown of loving Life, Divine Will.

And manifesting that Will of Life is the purpose of humanity, which should grow in awareness of its divine purpose. However, humans agree to serve those who steal their will. And thus many deprive themselves of the qualities of the Divine Being, the unconditional Love that leads to undisturbed Life and serene Conscience.


Those qualities of the full Being are represented by the four Hebrew letters that we see here.

And after losing contact with true Being, humanity fell under the influence of cold residual energies that in Hebrew are known as Qar, Cold.

Interestingly, the two letters of Qar are Quf and Resh, and they are also in Keter, Crown, the Will to give. By the way, Corona is the Spanish word for Crown.

And in Corona lies the root Kor, which is Dragon in Sumerian and other ancient languages. And it is not by chance that all the royal houses have the dragon, which is a symbol of the draconian architects who implanted the psychic energies in the earth. The raw energies are the Rock on which the divine temple cannot be erected. Only by merging with the fire of the Heart Conscience does it merge again with the Rock of Salvation, the Universal Messiah.

But society is lacking such Foundation. Therefore, it is not by chance that a new Corona Virus is now emerging, indicating an excess of cold energy at the planetary level. There is a lot of coldness and cruelty.

And humanity was already warned by the Dragon itself:

I am coming soon, hold fast on what you have so no one steals your crown (Revelation 3:11)

When humanity does not express her Love for Life, she not only does not digest celestial energies of a psychic order, but also becomes a slave to parasites of very low frequency. And this is not something that can be tolerated.

Therefore, in the same way that steam and vapor kills pathogens and virus, even coronavirus, humanity must raise the frequency of spirit to have warmth in the heart, escaping all selfish illusions.

And it should not be forgotten that Primordial Wisdom has always warned that when humanity wastes vital energies that should be absorbed and transformed, certain entities and parasites take advantage. This implies not only negative emotions but excess of imagination, incorrect use of sex energy, onanism and even the use of birth control, because the energies of life were not designed to fall outside on the earth. They need protection. Otherwise they generate a series of parasites and viruses that make humans sick.

In fact, I recently noticed that Covid reads Divoc backwards, and it sounds almost like Dybuk, which in Hebrew Wisdom is an astral adherence, which can be of various kinds. 

On the one hand, there are obsessors, disembodied human personalities who stick to people's energy bodies and induce compulsive behaviors such as addiction to sex, drugs, tobacco, alcohol. And they feed on energy leakages. All that can make people sick, generating psychic viruses that generate physical viruses or immunodeficiency conditions such as AIDS.


There are also astral vampires of various kinds. One can be a disembodied human personality who during physical existence developed an astral body with mental powers, practicing black magic. And when the physical body dies, it can use its power to keep influencing others negatively and steal their energy. They can even induce violence or wars. The best known case was Vlad Tepes or Impaler from Transylvania, who inspired the legend of Dracula. And many false saints fall also under that category. They have inspired classical religions, the worship the bloodcovered Christs, virgins, fatty Buddhas and so on. And these vampires offer favors in exchange for worship. They can reproduce any images they want. And this is how many naive people come to think they are helped by God, Mary the Holy Virgin, you name it.

And many manifestations of negative energy come from collective prayers which generate Egregors, psychic entities that take over people´s hearts and minds.

And despite all this involves human activities or energy residues, many astral vampires were never human. They can be ancient demons.


In addition to that, there are astral larvae or astral worms that steal energy through their tentacles.

High in the atmosphere they are also worm like creatures or luminous snakes that have been actually filmed. Check that out, searching for sky worms.


Very popular are also the flying rods, energetic insects that cross at very high speeds.

Photo by Mark Lichtle

And of course there are luminous orbs, fragments of light bodies that in some cases can suck energy instead of helping. Many come from soul loss that requires soul retrieval, something practiced by shamans.

Now, the only way to protect ourselves from all this astral parasites is by quickening the life vibrations, strengthening the energetic vital body and developing the mind of the astral body. This subtle light body is the vehicle or merkaba the vehicle of the primordial Loving Life.

And all this also implies taking measures to avoid feeding negative parasites. We must avoid accumulating garbage, because it radiates biophotonic light, avoid accumulating dust, papers, old junk that leave astral traces and odors; we should not accept religious or tribal objects, even if they are a gift from a relative. My sister brought me from Africa a little horrible mask and I recently threw it into a wood destroying machine, because it did not resonate with me.

It´s also important to avoid all contracts with fallen beings, guides that demand worship, prayers, etc. Many contracts are also established by means of negative emotions, incorrect sexuality and tattoos. This is why some people with fallen souls demand reptilians and aliens on tattoos. Some even sharpen their teeth and cut their tongue.

And overall, mass negative energy is the greatest food source for astral parasites. This explains why major epidemics occur after wars and ideological conflicts.


Actually, in the 1920s, a sage named Gurdjieff said that the flu or influenza is the result of an accumulation of undigested energy. All because people does not work inwardly to absorb those necessary substances from the atmosphere to form well their astral light body, which is made up of planetary and solar energies, which enter through the breath.

And it makes a lot of sense, because if these energies are not used, they become food for the an entire gang of parasites.

Apart from this there are obviously biological pathogens and physical conditions.

The reduction of the protective vital field is also due to transgenic foods, pollution, contaminated water, toxic additives, mobile networks, Internet signals, 4G, 5G, whose potency will fry all those who do not have a good protective vital field.

For sure viruses can mutate due to various influences, including human misuse of electromagnetism.

But loving Life can purify everything. Even the earth is now recovering with this temporal rest.

We should not forget a good hygiene either. I always have washed my hands after touching money or unclean surfaces, and before eating. This is something many people do not consider, ignoring viruses lie anywhere.

For example, some weeks ago I  found in a little box with lip cocoa cream that had been at home for almost 20 years. It belonged to my sister. And I put a little on my parched lips. And coincidently, hours later I felt very bad, with a  flu like symptoms. Surely that thing must have had some virus, because who knows where that thing had been in. But when I rested with warm, eating little, and with conscious determination to heal, the symptoms only lasted for two days. It was when I recorded the video of my encounter with the amphibian humanoid.

And this is because the immune system is not only biological, but bioenergetic and spiritual.

But how many can understand this? How many can hear? I don't think many. A minority of the minority.

The human was zombified a long time ago, and has fallen prey to all kinds of parasites, which are even worshiped through religion, politics, sports, cinema…

And where is now the Lord God worshiped on the temples and holy places now all these are closed down by a little bug Covid19?

The god Amon, the ego ram, is being slaughtered in mass. This is the true Passover.

Only those who manifest the qualities of the divine Being will be able to raise frequency, perceiving even a higher Earth to which we will return after the mission in this madhouse.

And let us not forget that even if physical death occurs, nothing can touch us, because we are under the cover of the immortal Being and its intelligent energies.

And meanwhile Blessings of unconditional Love, unmodified Life, Universal integrative Conscience and blissful Serenity.

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