Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Light Human and His/Her Master Guide across Spiritual Geography: Celestial Earth, Hiperborea, Tabel

New Video from EnaArmony Billingual Youtube Channel and Web



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The Light Human and His/Her Master Guide across Spiritual Geographies, Celestial Earths: Hiperborea, Hurqalia and Tabel 

Today´s talk is about a soul language that helped me to make more sense of the experience as light being in a human body. And it has to do with Spiritual Geography, true human Origins, the true Celestial Earth, the Soul senses and the communication with the Master Guide within. At the end of the video we´ll even see how divine presence is in our breathing and heartbeat, which can bring us back to divine awareness.

I discovered many of these keys through contemplation, meditation, self-study, the exploration of dreams, visions…

However, in my search for answers, I realized the ancients knew about all this very well. And one of the books that related very much to my journey and got my attention is The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism, by Henry Corbin. The voice of Conscience encouraged me to read it over and over again, giving many answers to my inner findings.

The author explains the symbolism of ancient teachings, specially those of Sohravardi, an Iranian mystic who revealed truths concerning the access to the spiritual realm and the growth of the spiritual senses to make that possible. However, because of that he was murdered by the Muslim doctors of the Law, as it happened to other great masters. Socrates in Greece, Yahoshua in Judea, a bit later a cabalist known as rabi Akiva was skinned alive, and of course, the Roman church murdered hundreds of masters and wisdom carriers from antiquity, making it common practice during the Ranaissance, when the Church burnt Giordano Bruno alive…

Anyway, going back to Sohravardi´s teaching, it has to do with rescuing the Being of Light which is trapped by archons, rulers in the cities of the Oppressors, which is a code for this world. And therefore the Man of Light needs the help of his Master Guide, which is the Real Self on a deeper level.

And he must become familiar with a Spiritual Geography surrounding the Truth North, something which is more than poetic language. There are even many parallels with the Teaching of Yehoshua, as we will see.

Now, to understand the subject, let´s consider that just as there is a physical compass, there is also a spiritual compass, which aligns us with a true Spiritual North. And this is crucial because humanity lost the north completely. Humans don´t know where they come from, where they go, what they are meant to do. And this is because souls lost conscious connection with the Spiritual place from which humanity came from. Since the fall from the Garden of Eden, humans were deprived of spiritual senses and became more identified with the world of  carnal senses.

So everything we see in this outside world is decaying and dead because it lacks the Soul, real animation, which is the connection with the deep planes from where true forms of Life originate, connected with the Universal Center.

That is why the absence of a Pole, a Unified Self within, is the root of all destruction, distress, confusion, disease… And it does not seem a coincidence that in the Book of the Apocalypse the Destroyer is called Apollion, which could be read as lack of central pole. And the absence  of central pole or even an opposite pole generates a destructive contrary pole that opposes from above.

And that is a tremendous key of understanding. Even Henry Corbin distinguishes opposites from contraries, which are the destructive darkness and shadows that entrap light. By contrast, opposites complement each other because they are an expression of the one central pole. For example, the personal Soul Self is the opposite of the invisible Self Witness, and it helps to express the invisible.

And we must recover the Communication between both opposites within. This is precisely the function of Conscience, which includes Spiritual Vision, Active Imagination, not passive imagination, which is rather fantasy, Kundalini hallucination. That only generates disorientation, due to the chaos of lights.

We seek the Orientation of the Armonious Light emanated from the uncreated Original Realm, the spiritual East, which is not geographical. As Henry Corbin says, geographical east implies a duality. The sun rises on the east and sets in the west. But in the spiritual east we have true North, where there is neither east nor west, and the sun never sets. It rests where all opposites are unified. Everything revolves around the true North Pole.

And once we remember ourselves, this is like climbing from the center of our Being. So we always come to ourselves, wherever we are.

And just as there are physical northern lights, there are also northern lights of the soul. Boreal Soul Lights which reveal our proximity to that North Pole around which all beings revolve. This is why the language of the Soul uses sapphire and emerald as symbols. These indicate the proximity to the spiritual North Pole. Hence the reference to the Sapphire Tablets of Mose; the Book of Revelation, Chapter 4 also mentions an emerald rainbow. We hear about the Emerald Tablets of Hermes Trismegistus. And Hermes is our being of light, which becomes thrice great when he breaks the chains of matter  by sublimating energy, elevating the body vibration to soul vibration, entering the spiritual north. Hermes Trismegistus came to be known as Prophet Enokh. Sohravardi calls this accessing the Eighth Climate, around the Qaf Mountain, whose top is the Spiritual North Pole itself. And all that makes me think of a new octave of vibration where all seems different. This was also described with Jacob´s Ladder, Sulam, as well as the multicolor mantle of Yosef.

And the vibratory ascension reaches up to the most intense Light, which is our Radiant Being.

As ancient Sufi affirmation says:

He who knows himself knows his Master (not Lord).

Even Paul said:

Now I see darkly, as through a glass, but I will know how I was known.

And this brings back memories of when I perceived myself emanated from a primordial Light Source. A memory that accompanies me since childhood. And that led me to the conclusion that our Primordial Being of Light is emanated, it travels through various dimensional planes, until it is attached to souls trapped in human physical bodies. This true Light Self comes to rescue these souls from all unnecessary bondage. And as being unfolds several times, we must also remember ourselves several times. But the spiritual Witness true beings of light are on a deep level knows everything we do or can do, aware of the potential that we must unfold.

The tragedy is that the Real Self or Divine Witness sees us, and we often do not sense the Witness, unless we start recognizing ourselves as expressions of the Divine Soul and its Origin, reason why we need listen to the voice of Conscience and remember the language of the Soul.

Keep in mind that the Invisible Universal Father knows himself in the Mirror of Existence, seeing his Image on the Divine Human Soul that must grow from the Being of Light in us. This is why Yahoshua said: I and the Father are one ... Whoever has seen me has seen the Father... And Paul repeated that Yesou is the Image of the Father.

So, the Invisible Holy One Divine expresses his I Amness of unconditional love, unmodified Life, Universal Conscience and Blissful Serenity through the Universal Divine Soul, which is the Cosmic Interface. Our souls must be its expressions. As the Master said: I Am the true Vine and you are the branches.

In the same way, the man of Light within, expresses himself through the feminine side, the Eve in us, which is love, longing, armonía, beauty, both internal and external. And because of this someone may even see the own soul reflected on another  soul. Sometimes a single soul might even manifest through two people, and they would call that Twin Flame experience, but it´s a complex subject and very rare. Most cases of supposed spiritual twins are not so.  Anyway, I think that seeing ourselves mirrored outside might be the reason why the Elohim that worked for the Source, put the Adamic soul in the world of opposites. But the Adversary sowed the tares, originating the contraries between opposites, showing a darkness which is incompatible with true Light.

So the luminous being trapped in the flesh needs a Master Guide, otherwise he becomes Lucifer, the Prometheus in chains and fallen Eve.

Alchemist Zosimus of Panoplis compared the story of Prometheus and Epimethius to that of Adam and Eve. Both were not well communicated, and the latter fell into the trap of matter because of it. In Hermetic teachings the  Light human (Prometheus) was known as Hermes, who needs to hear the perfect Nature, the Star of the Philosopher. Similarly, in Early Christianity an essential work was The Shepherd of Hermas, which was usually read by Christians, until it was banned by those who don´t want humans to wake up. And in that book the Shepherd is the Divine Son who guides Hermas, another name for Hermes.

Anyway, saying Shepherd is a language that somehow conditions us, because the sheep are to be sheared, milked and slaughtered eventually. And our true Soul is not a sheep. As for the true Master, he is not Shepherd, but a Guiding Self and Will, an Alarm Clock that moves us to Integral Conscience, increasing consciousness to find Supraconsciousness, which is what binds up the cracks of our perception.

We usually live with an incomplete sense of reality, because our false consciousness  bypasses the Unconscious field, where true conscience lies waiting. The energies of the flesh are the barrier.

But superconsciousness unites opposites, helping the invisible Self to Witness himself through our Image Personality Soul and even on the images of the spiritual world.

Here we only see illusory shadows that do not exist in themselves. It is us who give them reality with desires contrary to our true Soul, with pride, anger, violent reactions and fallen language... And we cannot escape unless we see them for what they are, letting them dissolve or lose strength.

And the first contact with divine reality is really attention to the Life energy that turns into anxiety, sadness, pain due to frustration, inability to self-express. When we do not give life the place it deserves, it gets sick.

On the contrary, the energy of the Serpent comes from the vehicles of the Adversary, the fallen Elohim. And the Love of Adam, called Eve, was precisely reversed when by coming into contact with the unquenchable desire of the Serpent, which only seeks external knowledge, data, da´at, not da´at Elyon, which is elevated Conscience. And the search for external knowledge gives rise to Babel, Confusion and finally Rome, the False Love disguised as a true a God of external flesh.

We can say that the external world is an excretion of the fallen Elohim, which can deceive the Man of Light by hijacking Eve, the emotional-mental energy.

So we must pay great attention to the trapped Soul, the Fallen Eve within us, which manifests herself as pain and desire for completeness and expression or revelation. That is precisely the meaning of Eve, Jawa in Hebrew. Psalm 19:2 says that night reveals (jawah) knowledge to the night. And the rulers capture this energy so she does not tell the truth of what we really love, which is apparently hidden. This is why we many times feel so frustrated, unable to express.

And the unconscious use of language is one of our limitations.

In Spanish Soul is Alma. In Hebrew Maiden is Almah, almost the same word. And Almah can be pronounced as Elem, hidden, because our Soul contains a huge reality to be revealed. But in english the sole of our shoes sounds almost like our Soul, which should be a sacred interface, not something to step on, as society does, obeying archontic commands.

So it´s time to be aware of divine longing and turn it towards the Being of Light within, he is our witnessing consciousness, which can listen to the Master of Life, the Greater Witness in whom we are attuned to the Kosmos. There everything is unified with respect to the Spiritual North Pole, which is the center of everything. YHWH

That elevation is precisely the unfolding of our divine Soul.

And as we approach the understanding of Life we know the boreal nuances, the sapphire, emerald, turquoise of the Soul, the Midnight Sun, even the Dark Light of the Black Sun.

And as the ancient language says, by approaching our uncreated Light we move away from the influence of the City of Oppressors, which is this material world, ruled by Apollion, the destroying force.

Curiously, the Greeks called the sun god Apollo. So I think Apollo can be seen as a false externalized Light, the Light of Prometheus, which is trapped. However, a legends says Apollo visited hyperborea every winter to find rejuvenation.

So what is Hyperborea? Well, for most Greeks, it was a land beyond some geographical north. But all indicates Hyperborea is the Spiritual North where the spiritual auroras are born, in the Midnight Sun´s resting home.

And ancient poet said it very clearly:

Neither by sea nor by land will you find the path that leads to the assembly of the Hyperboreans (Pindar)

And Corbin wrote it even more clearly:

the hyperboreans symbolize the man whose soul has reached such perfection and armony that he is free from negativity and shadow; he is neither from the east nor from the west (Henry Corbin).

And that´s the type of soul that can go back to the source of humanity.

The prophets and other ancient sages spoke of a Heavenly Land . Plato describes it in his Phaedo, calling it True Earth, where immortal souls live, beyond death, beyond old age and suffering. The Persians, like Sohrawardi, called it Hurqalia or Land of the Emerald Cities; the Celts knew it as Avalon... 

And I attest for its existence, because I recall remember visiting that plane. Many years ago, during a night vision while my physical body was sleeping, I found myself in a Heavenly Garden, where I saw energetic plants, incredible armories coming from a Tree, and also whom I call my opposite soul pole, who manifested as a woman beside me, encouraging me to look at the Tree.

This gives me a taste of what divine opposites are.

And it´s interesting to hear Henry Corbin say that the complete beings of Hyperborea have a bi-unitary relationship, they are twins.

We might say in Reality we are I and You at the same time, a display of Soul and Spirit.

On a lower level this is the Ka and Ba relation, which make the Merkaba or vehicle of the Great I Am.

However, there are also fallen merkabas moved by shadow beings who fell and live in underground cities, in dense dimensions.

And there are indications that once existed a civilization at the geographic North Pole. And after a catastrophe, that polar humanity originated many civilizations, the fall of spirituality and other things. But this is for another video.

For now let´s say humans have the chance to enter deeper dimensions back again. And some will even return to the true Celestial Earth, beyond space-time dimensions. Such earth is very likely what in Hebrew is known as Tabel, a fruitful land which. And to my surprise, it has a name with a gematric value of 432. And this cipher is a pure armonic of perfect tuning. Central A is 432Hz in instruments attuned according to armonic ratios, in relation to the Unity.

So attunement is key to perceive the subtle vibrations, and this depends on the quality of our attention.

In this sense, conscious attention to breathing and heartbeat is a way of connection. And notice how Divine Love is reflected in both activities, for we would die physically if armonious Elohim or Divine Forces were not working in our bodies.

And conscious breathing favors the absorption of essential solar and planetary substances, essential for the health of the body. Especially abdominal breathing with long pauses, which calm us down and help us find true north. This nurtures and strengthens the astral body,  helping us listen to the voice of conscience more clearly and be aware of awareness itself, which is actually the experience of by-unity in us, the spirit Witness and its soul vehicle.

In the Videos Kosmocommunication and 13 Spheres I gave a simple approach to contemplative relaxation and divine awareness.

Now, if you are interested in exploring deeper the art of breathing slowly, I recommend the Buteyko method.Slow breathing even kills viruses and bacteria, and regulates the organs. 

But for now, here you have a link to the book of Henry Corbin in case you want to have a look. It´s a jewel:


And as always, thanks for listening and reading.

Let´s remember true North by allowing ourselves to express the Unconditional Love, unmodified live, listening to our divine Witnessing Conscience in blissful serenity.

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