The Kanon of Duality & Primordial Conscience
The following article was written in response to the question about the Q Movement that some Light brothers asked me as well as to the suggestion of a listener who recommended me to read a document entitled Revelations of Insider of an from an Elite Family (see link below) [1]. And it seemed to me a perfect complement to the writing The Secret Covenant, [2], where we saw the self-destructive daemonic character infused in humanity. Both clearly reflect opposing sides, one operating in the Heavens and Earth and the other from the earth and its underworld and daemonic unconscious. Although they are all part of the Cosmic Game of opposing vibrations, Lyla, Maya, Matrix, Duality, Law of Good and Evil, Mother of a Thousand Things... whatever we want to call it.
There are various sources of Knowledge that describe the vision of elitist families and divine messengers who work in the dual game of the world and even giving humans tools to overcome it. Since ancient times it has been said there are Archons or astral-planetary Rulers that put on earth their own Archons or delegated rulers in human disguise, in order to reveal the Divine Law (i.e Dharma, Torah, Tao ...), and provide a balance between Light and Darkness, keeping a Canon of Duality, the opposite Poles of Space-Time. And here lies the old and deceptive challenge of the Law.
Therefore, it is not by chance that today, amist social chaos, the QAnon movement has become a new fashion, which claims to bring order. The frequency of the planet is also raising, and humans are forced to get adapted to a higher vibration, or a higher Qanon.
Very few know that in Arabic Qanon means Law. But what Law are we talking about? Law of Full Life or Law of false life and true death? Electromagnetic Law or Magnetic Law? Torah of Stone or Torah of Living Life?
Everything in the Universe is governed by laws, but they are not always attuned to the Primordial Being. And there are two fundamental principles: the Law of Three and the Law of Seven, which I already talked about in the videos on armonía. Both together, 3 and 7 sum up 10, which are the 10 Coins of the Woman, Nature, the Sefirot of the Tree of Knowledge, the Mother of 10,000 things in the Tao Te Ching, etc. It is in innumerable cultures.
And the same goes for the Septenary, which we see in the seven musical tones, seven basic colors of the light spectrum, seven days of the week, seven vices, seven visible stars, seven energy centers, seven divine spirits, seven veils of Salome, etc. And of course, the Seven Feathers of the Peacock, the so-called Taus Malek or Fallen and supposedly Redeemed Angel, who is worshiped by Yezidis, who claim to be descendant souls from him, and not from Adam, that is, genuine Pre-Adamites- always hunted and massacred, by the way.
There are various sources of Knowledge that describe the vision of elitist families and divine messengers who work in the dual game of the world and even giving humans tools to overcome it. Since ancient times it has been said there are Archons or astral-planetary Rulers that put on earth their own Archons or delegated rulers in human disguise, in order to reveal the Divine Law (i.e Dharma, Torah, Tao ...), and provide a balance between Light and Darkness, keeping a Canon of Duality, the opposite Poles of Space-Time. And here lies the old and deceptive challenge of the Law.
Therefore, it is not by chance that today, amist social chaos, the QAnon movement has become a new fashion, which claims to bring order. The frequency of the planet is also raising, and humans are forced to get adapted to a higher vibration, or a higher Qanon.
Very few know that in Arabic Qanon means Law. But what Law are we talking about? Law of Full Life or Law of false life and true death? Electromagnetic Law or Magnetic Law? Torah of Stone or Torah of Living Life?
Everything in the Universe is governed by laws, but they are not always attuned to the Primordial Being. And there are two fundamental principles: the Law of Three and the Law of Seven, which I already talked about in the videos on armonía. Both together, 3 and 7 sum up 10, which are the 10 Coins of the Woman, Nature, the Sefirot of the Tree of Knowledge, the Mother of 10,000 things in the Tao Te Ching, etc. It is in innumerable cultures.
And the same goes for the Septenary, which we see in the seven musical tones, seven basic colors of the light spectrum, seven days of the week, seven vices, seven visible stars, seven energy centers, seven divine spirits, seven veils of Salome, etc. And of course, the Seven Feathers of the Peacock, the so-called Taus Malek or Fallen and supposedly Redeemed Angel, who is worshiped by Yezidis, who claim to be descendant souls from him, and not from Adam, that is, genuine Pre-Adamites- always hunted and massacred, by the way.
Now, the movement of the Time Serpent depends on the impulse it receives from the Law of Three or Triad, with its dynamism and balance of opposites.
In existence we always have a Positive Pole, a Negative Pole and a Neutral or neutralizing Pole, it all depends. The crest of a wave is for example the positive pole, the valley is the negative pole and the calm sea is a neutral state. But the wetness they all share is the Neutralizing or Reconciling force. Later on we will see that this is the Real Consciousness.
This was also expressed in many cultures. In India they spoke of 3 Gunas of matter: Sattvas (balanced), Rajas (agitated) and Tamas (inert). Then there is Nirguna Brahman, beyond the Gunas, surpassing all states.
In the same way, in the New Testament we have the Essential Logos: In the beginning was the Logos/Intelligence/Purpose... in Him was Life, and Life was the Light of Men ... And the Word became meat.
Now, from the union of opposite poles, the Law of Quaternary arises: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. And we remember that the Peacock, Taus Malek, appears crucified in the Tau or Cross of the four elements, which come out of three, as in Flour + Water + Fire = Bread.
In our world the Quaternary is represented by the Astral Cross: Earth, Moon, Saturn, Sun, as we will see in more details later. And without this interaction, no creature would have emerged on earth, which is the result of astral forces.
Interestingly, Qanon and Kanon also remind of the name of the Egyptian god Khnum, creator of vital bodies or Kas, the carnal material world. And he was symbolized with the head of Ram, Aries, the biological impetus of carnal passions that attack with their own I Am. The Egyptian temple of KarNak was flanked by rams, like our carnal existence, where we are literally canonized by the Church of Death.
It is curious to see the root Ka in Kali, Goddess of destruction, and Qayn/Cain, murderer of Habel/Abel, breath of conscience.
In Egyptian religion the Ab was the heart, the Ba was the mental soul, while the Ka was the vital soul.
But also Ka is the name of the Serpent that chases Mowgli in the Book of the Jungle.
And KukulKán was the serpent god of Mayan mythology.
Canaan was the promised land that the people of Israel had to conquer, defeating the Canaanite peoples, a manifestation of the draconian passions. And the conquest of this passion took place on Mount Zion, Tzion in Jerusalem, where calm, Shalom, comes.
Khan was in fact one of the Dragon names and King's title, like the fearsome Genghis Khan.
We see the same root in Kabbalah, Qabalah, Cabala, derived from the Egyptian KaBaAkh and MerKaBa, which in Hebrew means Soul vehicle. In Ancient Science this actually alludes to what in Egypt was the union of Ka and Ba, vital and mental parts of the soul. The priests of the kings taught to purify and unite both parts of the Soul to obtain the Akh, a spiritual and immortal soul that can return to the stars and dwell with the gods, surpassing the Judgment of Ma'at, Goddess of Justice, who weigths the Ab (heart) and often kills, finding guilty those souls with carnal passions, which is why they are recycled. Hence the ideas of paying karmic debts, atoning for sins, doing tikun, soul repair, restoration.
Let´s say this Justice is a Recycling Mechanism that is perpetuated by the Mechanical Mind, the Astral Judges that determine: this is good, that is bad, you pass, you stay.
As we have seen on other occasions, the Dual Law is based on the Ouroboros, the Serpent of Time whose head bites its tail. And this is seeking the recycling of energies to relieve vibrational tension, debt, the need for payment and resolution. All “conditional” reasons not in accord with the Primordial Logos, the Purpose and Intelligibility of Infinite Love that neutralizes and reconciles opposites even in the flesh.
Battle of Gods and Magi
Certainly there are benevolent divine entities who put "earthly rulers" to offer tools and promote the development of humanity, as the Insider suggests in the document mentioned at the beginning. But later on we will see that benevolent is not synonymous of primordial.
Those who dig deeper know that the origin of political priests or god-kings and religious laws date back to ancient times and belong to a battle to win over humanity.
There is actually a document from Qumram (there we got the letter Q again) where we´re told about the suggestive Vision of Amran:
I saw Watchers in my dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me, saying ... We have been given power and government over all mankind.
I leave the entire text below [3], but it basically describes "two men", one with the appearance of a Serpent, named Belial (beli-, without power,-al) and Prince of Darkness, and another is Michael, Chief of the Angels, Prince of Justice.
Those who dig deeper know that the origin of political priests or god-kings and religious laws date back to ancient times and belong to a battle to win over humanity.
There is actually a document from Qumram (there we got the letter Q again) where we´re told about the suggestive Vision of Amran:
I saw Watchers in my dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me, saying ... We have been given power and government over all mankind.
I leave the entire text below [3], but it basically describes "two men", one with the appearance of a Serpent, named Belial (beli-, without power,-al) and Prince of Darkness, and another is Michael, Chief of the Angels, Prince of Justice.
Actually, years ago I had an experience in which my spirit took me to a place where I saw two men of such characteristics walking through a Virtual Garden, as described in a video:
I did not even know what that was, until years later I associated them with the Son of Man who sows good seed and the Enemy Man who sows tares, as the Master explains, according to Matthew 13.
Of course, this points both to the ancestors of humanity and to ourselves. People look for devils and angels only outside when we also have them inside. Precisely for this reason Michael and Belial rule the whole of humanity.
The same battle between both men is described in the Book of Revelation, where Michael, Chief of the Angels, fights against the Dragon and defeats him.
And the Great Dragon, the Ancient Serpent, who is called the Accuser (Diabolos) and Adversary (Satan), who deceives the whole world, was thrown; he was thrown to the earth and his messengers were thrown with him (Revelation 12: 9)"
Of course, Michael can be seen as an archetype of consciousness, but in reality he also represents solar intelligences.
In addition, as I explained in another video [4], the same movement of the astral system sends in its time cycles astral intelligences of opposite polarities, some of which are spirits that when incarnated as humans become tyrants, because they want to maintain on land the riches they enjoyed in their celestial kingdoms, as Plato explained in Book X of the Republic.
Plato himself, in his Critias, speaks of some gods who divided the earth, raising and ruling the human masses like "sheep", through persuasion [5]. And many of them were those fallen tyrants.
Persuasion through lies is the policy applied in all theocratic civilizations such as the Egyptian (heirs to the Atlanteans), the Sumerian-Babylonian, the Mayan, Aztecs and Chinese, with their lineages of dragon kings, as well as Judaism and Christianity, with their systems of rabbis and priests.
On the other hand, all religions appear ruled by solar, lunar, martial, Venusian and Saturnal gods, above all. Is the earth ruled by the messengers or neurotransmitters of the stars? Who were the ruling gods? In the end we will see it in more detail.
For now let's note that all ancient civilizations were founded by astral kings who brought cultures based on cycles and rites of time. And it was not aliens on ships, but souls, as we will see.
Many were the builders of civilization reflected in myths, such as Osiris, the first civilizer, whose Greek name seems to indicate his astral origin.
And in Sumeria they spoke of the Anunaki, which means those who descended from Heaven (Anu) to Earth (Ki, Gea).
I did not even know what that was, until years later I associated them with the Son of Man who sows good seed and the Enemy Man who sows tares, as the Master explains, according to Matthew 13.
Of course, this points both to the ancestors of humanity and to ourselves. People look for devils and angels only outside when we also have them inside. Precisely for this reason Michael and Belial rule the whole of humanity.
The same battle between both men is described in the Book of Revelation, where Michael, Chief of the Angels, fights against the Dragon and defeats him.
And the Great Dragon, the Ancient Serpent, who is called the Accuser (Diabolos) and Adversary (Satan), who deceives the whole world, was thrown; he was thrown to the earth and his messengers were thrown with him (Revelation 12: 9)"
Of course, Michael can be seen as an archetype of consciousness, but in reality he also represents solar intelligences.
In addition, as I explained in another video [4], the same movement of the astral system sends in its time cycles astral intelligences of opposite polarities, some of which are spirits that when incarnated as humans become tyrants, because they want to maintain on land the riches they enjoyed in their celestial kingdoms, as Plato explained in Book X of the Republic.
Plato himself, in his Critias, speaks of some gods who divided the earth, raising and ruling the human masses like "sheep", through persuasion [5]. And many of them were those fallen tyrants.
Persuasion through lies is the policy applied in all theocratic civilizations such as the Egyptian (heirs to the Atlanteans), the Sumerian-Babylonian, the Mayan, Aztecs and Chinese, with their lineages of dragon kings, as well as Judaism and Christianity, with their systems of rabbis and priests.
On the other hand, all religions appear ruled by solar, lunar, martial, Venusian and Saturnal gods, above all. Is the earth ruled by the messengers or neurotransmitters of the stars? Who were the ruling gods? In the end we will see it in more detail.
For now let's note that all ancient civilizations were founded by astral kings who brought cultures based on cycles and rites of time. And it was not aliens on ships, but souls, as we will see.
Many were the builders of civilization reflected in myths, such as Osiris, the first civilizer, whose Greek name seems to indicate his astral origin.
And in Sumeria they spoke of the Anunaki, which means those who descended from Heaven (Anu) to Earth (Ki, Gea).
Precisely, on a Sumerian stele, an Anunnaki god appears giving the plow to a human ruler. From Enki the human psyche inherited the creative quality and from Enlil the logical-scientific part, but there were humans who had both more developed because in them there were souls of non-earthly origin. They were offspring of Anu, Enlil and Enki. And they fostered artistic and technological civilization on earth.
This is how Prometheus gave astral fire to humans, creating cultural humanity. An image that is identical in Egyptian, with Thoth and Khnum; in Greece with Prometheus and in Sumer with Enki, as we can see here:
But let us not forget either that there were builders who rejected the Foundation Stone that has become the corner head, as it is said in Psalm 108. In other words, they refused to work on the dirt that covers the Diamond of Divine Conscience.
Many builders of civilization came as representatives of Divine Law on earth and became legislators. And it was said they came from the stars, as starseeds, a very popular expression that is older than Zoroaster himself, which means precisely seed (zera) of the stars (aster).
Abraham and the Brahmans are another archetype of light rulers or starseeds who were allowed to come and play the role of seed sowers.
There are also numerous ancient tales that speak of Black Wizards against White Wizards.
For example a Midrash speaks of how the dark king Nimrod threw Abraham into the fire because he wanted to share Knowledge with all humanity and the other did not. And Abraham escaped from the fire, that is, certain "rulers of light" left crumbs of Wisdom here and there, despite the repression of the Black Magicians.
The same pattern is repeated in the old story of Pharaoh against Moses, the God of Israel against Ba'al.
And of course, J.R.R Tolkien expressed it as Saruman against Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, which is the Matrix that governs them all, the Space-Time where the Dynamics of Opposites is the Law, the Qanon.
This battle is reflected even in political-religious monarchies. For example, the same figure of the Tsar or Russian King represents a seed (zera) of stellar lineages that fell into some royal families. Likewise, Tsar Nicholas II, who belonged to the Romanov royal family, claimed to be an envoy of God. And as we already know, he, his wife, daughters and all his close servants were executed in a basement in 1918, during the Bolshevik revolution. As a result Nicholas was "canonized" by the Orthodox Church.
And here in Spain, the popularized character Alexandre Eleazar claimed to be descendant of one of the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II, Tatiana Nikolayevna Romanov, the only survivor of the massacre. And today many follow the historical-mythological interpretation of Alexandre, a history of the celestial-earth lineages which he splits into two opposing factions: Beres and Paios. Yet this is a in sui generis way to reflect the conflict of the gods which mythologies have always mentioned.
In general let's say that starseeds have mixed up with human souls since prehistoric times, and they have always brought opposite fruits, because their teachings have led to religions and politics and cultures, both light and dark.
Although we must not confuse the terrestrial rulers who are delegated messengers of Light, with tyrant terrestrial rulers, who come from those angel/messengers who left their heavenly positions on their own account and were later imprisoned, as recounted in the Letter of Jude 1:6.
Even the Hebrew Kabalah teaches that the sons of Elohim of Genesis 6 were the Cainite souls of Genesis 4. And they became Fallen/Nephilim because they taught Luciferic sciences and arts that intended to overthrow the same heavenly planetary architects.
Hence the old confrontation of Celestial Forces against the astral souls thrown into earth. In Sumer this was the battle of Anu, Heavenly God and Enlil, Lord of the Air (Logical Mind) against Enki, Lord of Earth and Water, Arts, Magic and Deception. Likewise, Hebrew tradition tells of the Architects of the existential Word or Yahweh Elohim, against Ba'al, which literally means Power of the Mental Soul, associated with psychic energies and the Collective Unconscious. And in Greece the poets spoke of Zeus and Olympian gods against the Titans.
That is to say, this has been known for a long time and allows us to understand an old confrontation between the delegate rulers of the Celestial Powers and the Luciferic beings or entities that promote low vibrations to hijack the Collective Unconscious of humanity.
Of course, both sides have their own rulers in current or past politics, religion and entertainment culture.
And as we see, none of this has been hidden from those with uncovered eyes. Sadly uncovering the eyes requires comprehensive education, and that is what is unfairly banned on this planet, because there are those who have risen to the throne without deserving it, while from parallel 3D frequencies, some Djinn or Genie beings inspire ideas twisted that confuse humanity.
It was already said that the enemy had sown weeds and it was necessary to wait for the Lord of Air (Logical Mind) against Enki, Lord of Earth and Water, god of Arts, Magic and Deception. In the Hebrew tradition we have the Architects of the existential Word or Yahweh Elohim, against Ba'al, which literally means Power of the Mental Soul, associated with psychic energies and the Collective Unconscious. And in Greece the poets spoke of Zeus and Olympian gods against the Titans.
That is to say, this has been known for a long time and allows us to understand an old confrontation between the delegated rulers of the Celestial Powers and the Luciferic beings or entities that promote low vibrations to hijack the Collective Unconscious of humanity.
Of course, everyone has and posts their own rulers. Let each one identify them in current or past politics, religion and entertainment culture.
As we can see, none of this has been hidden from the uncovered. The sad thing is that uncovering your eyes requires comprehensive education, and that is what is banned on this planet, unfairly, because there are those who have risen to the throne without deserving it, while from parallel 3D frequencies, some Djinn or genius beings inspire twisted ideas that confuse humanity.
It was already said that the enemy had sown weeds and it was necessary to wait until the end of time for the tares to uncover themselves and be able to be cut off. And precisely for this reason, humanity in general cannot be judged, as it is done in religion and politics, which claim the right to dominate over those they consider to be sinners and ignorant animals. And it must be admitted that if it were not for white magicians, humanity would have been fully kidnapped.
Anyway, there are two types of white magician, those who fight and those who do without even fighting, because they operate from a Consciousness where there is no space-time.
Astral Energetic EcoNomy
The fact the families of the Light rulers were placed as administrators by planetary Architects considered "superior and benevolent beings" does not mean their procedures are enlightened to manage the planetary jail where a few prisoners have rebelled and mutinied. The energy stagnation was and continues to be real, and it does not come just from humanity, but the Pride of the Peacock, the energy of the Serpent, that was placed in Adam, the Soul of Humanity.
Actually, the Celestial Rulers or Architects work for the solar-lunar-planetary nervous system, and although some are positive, that does not make them less selfish and agents of the dual Matrix. They require certain evolutionary work of humanity, because when humanity evolves, this releases fine energies they need to balance the Sun and the Moon, which absorb dense energies, together with the Earth and planets like Saturn, associated with lead, which heavy.
Actually, the Celestial Rulers or Architects work for the solar-lunar-planetary nervous system, and although some are positive, that does not make them less selfish and agents of the dual Matrix. They require certain evolutionary work of humanity, because when humanity evolves, this releases fine energies they need to balance the Sun and the Moon, which absorb dense energies, together with the Earth and planets like Saturn, associated with lead, which heavy.
Genesis 2 states Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to till the land of Adamah, astral earth symbolized by precious stones, which represent energy spheres, the Sefirotic tree. The finest energies are "gold" and "sapphire" above all, the materials of the Ark of the Covenant and the First Torah. Then these energies were spoken of as "a pleasant smell to the Lord." That is, humanity was made to polish thoughts, emotions and astral passions, the pride inherited from the Serpent race. In Hebrew they call it tikun or repair, but it is part of an Energy Economy or Nomos/House Energy Law (Oikos).
However, working conditions are restricted and the Celestial Rulers do not get involved, they only provide planetary delegates and tools, watching from outside. And it is precisely the tools what generate the illusion of free will and the formation of fallen entities due to the influence of the Serpent's passionate energy, as happened in the famous Garden of Eden.
However, working conditions are restricted and the Celestial Rulers do not get involved, they only provide planetary delegates and tools, watching from outside. And it is precisely the tools what generate the illusion of free will and the formation of fallen entities due to the influence of the Serpent's passionate energy, as happened in the famous Garden of Eden.
I will always remember the strange feeling 21 years ago, when reading that humanity is food for the moon, a famous phrase by G.I. Gurdjieff, an Armenian master of sacred dances. His father was one of the last heirs of the Sumerian oral tradition, which he passed on to his son. And as the Armenian teaches in his work All & Everything, in Atlantis emerged a group of Workers of the Soul, the Akhaldan Society (reminder of Akh-Al-Dan) who spoke of Food for the Moon and Food for Anulios, which he associates to a forgotten dark moon that will not let humans sleep in peace. It can be interpreted as the famous moon Lilith in astrology or even the soil or terrain of Anu. And Gurdjieff's account asserts that the Moon is not natural, but originated in a catastrophe, a collision with a periodically orbiting comet. And in the beginning the Moon in formation was getting too close to the Earth, so the Planetary Engineers implanted organic life to release energies and push its electromagnetic field outwards.
And it is not at all unreasonable, because according to my research that is also deduced from the Enuma Elish or Sumerian Creation myth, about which Zecharia Sitchin speculated too much, pointing outside the pot. But we also have the Song of Solomon, which the Zohar illuminates with the story where the Moon shone like the Sun, but wanted to have its own light, so the Sun told her: "follow unto the footsteps of your flock." Of course, that herd is humanity.
An Armenian tale told by Gurdjieff even assures that a shepherd bewitched his sheep so they would not run away, and made them believe that they were lions, birds, and that nothing would happen to them when they were sheared or slaughtered [6].
It is an old truth told in old stories and sacred texts. This has never been hidden. For example, in Egypt the lunar god was Yah, which is reminiscent of the Hallelu Yah praise, Praise Yah. And Enki was known as Ea. Curiously, in Exodus 20 and other passages the Divinity appears saying to Moses: Enoky, I am, Yhwh Elohim.
To understand this, it can be seen that the pronunciation Yahweh or Yahve alludes to the lunar-earth god. In Egypt, Yah was the lunar god, while Yehou pronunciation alluded to its Solar aspect. Numerous ancient texts speak of the Sun as Yeu, Iu, Yo, and in Swahili sun is pronounced as Yuwa. And the Sun absorbs its energies coming from human spiritual work, while the Moon is used for souls of low vibration.
By the way, this can be demonstrated armonically. In fact, I already partially did it in a video, showing the extraversion and introversion of armonics with my voice. Although only those who study harmony understand it [6].
Instead, the true YHV is (Yo, You, I-You) a silent I Amness, the true Loving Consciousness of Primordial Life that comes from the Absolute Sun, the House of the Holy One, who does not need anything external to himself, and does not have to choose between good and bad to build a Temple of Temperance or good daemonic temperament. It is much more than that, being based on the inexhaustible Tree of Life.
On the contrary, the Tree of Good and Evil is the essence of the great mousetrap known since ancient times as Maya, Matrix, run by Aphrodite´s Daimonic Love, which belongs to the existential I Am, the Material Cross of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, or Earth, Moon, Saturn and Sun.
Interestingly, the illusion Maya, read backwards gives Ayam, I am. In other words, our real essence underlies external existence, where there are opposite poles.
Our nervous and immune system is also designed with polar opposites, so it can protect and cultivate certain energies, cells, tissues, etc. But it is too strict and even harmful, because it can go crazy attacking when it cannot handle stagnant energies. And we see it in auto-immune diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cancer, etc.
Even Kabbalah teaches that the Kings of Edom fell into previous worlds of darkness by basing their management on Justice (Din), and not Mercy (Hesed). The surprising thing is that many Kabbalists follow the same dynamics of a Stone Torah, which is based on the sacrifice of passions to release the "pleasant smell to the Lord", who, by the way, did not like the sacrifice of animals, which was part of the Luciferic Religion of Ba'al, like many other rites of black magic.
As I said in Breaking Quantum-Kabbalistic Spells video, it is no accident that the word Rabbi, teacher in Hebrew, is identical to Rabbit. And who fell into tricky Wonderland chasing the rabbit? Wasn't it the girl Alice who ends up on a battlefield with the Queen of Hearts? What does it all represent? A drunk soul in the world of dualism and Justice?
It is an old truth told in old stories and sacred texts. This has never been hidden. For example, in Egypt the lunar god was Yah, which is reminiscent of the Hallelu Yah praise, Praise Yah. And Enki was known as Ea. Curiously, in Exodus 20 and other passages the Divinity appears saying to Moses: Enoky, I am, Yhwh Elohim.
To understand this, it can be seen that the pronunciation Yahweh or Yahve alludes to the lunar-earth god. In Egypt, Yah was the lunar god, while Yehou pronunciation alluded to its Solar aspect. Numerous ancient texts speak of the Sun as Yeu, Iu, Yo, and in Swahili sun is pronounced as Yuwa. And the Sun absorbs its energies coming from human spiritual work, while the Moon is used for souls of low vibration.
By the way, this can be demonstrated armonically. In fact, I already partially did it in a video, showing the extraversion and introversion of armonics with my voice. Although only those who study harmony understand it [6].
Instead, the true YHV is (Yo, You, I-You) a silent I Amness, the true Loving Consciousness of Primordial Life that comes from the Absolute Sun, the House of the Holy One, who does not need anything external to himself, and does not have to choose between good and bad to build a Temple of Temperance or good daemonic temperament. It is much more than that, being based on the inexhaustible Tree of Life.
On the contrary, the Tree of Good and Evil is the essence of the great mousetrap known since ancient times as Maya, Matrix, run by Aphrodite´s Daimonic Love, which belongs to the existential I Am, the Material Cross of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, or Earth, Moon, Saturn and Sun.
Interestingly, the illusion Maya, read backwards gives Ayam, I am. In other words, our real essence underlies external existence, where there are opposite poles.
Our nervous and immune system is also designed with polar opposites, so it can protect and cultivate certain energies, cells, tissues, etc. But it is too strict and even harmful, because it can go crazy attacking when it cannot handle stagnant energies. And we see it in auto-immune diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cancer, etc.
Even Kabbalah teaches that the Kings of Edom fell into previous worlds of darkness by basing their management on Justice (Din), and not Mercy (Hesed). The surprising thing is that many Kabbalists follow the same dynamics of a Stone Torah, which is based on the sacrifice of passions to release the "pleasant smell to the Lord", who, by the way, did not like the sacrifice of animals, which was part of the Luciferic Religion of Ba'al, like many other rites of black magic.
As I said in Breaking Quantum-Kabbalistic Spells video, it is no accident that the word Rabbi, teacher in Hebrew, is identical to Rabbit. And who fell into tricky Wonderland chasing the rabbit? Wasn't it the girl Alice who ends up on a battlefield with the Queen of Hearts? What does it all represent? A drunk soul in the world of dualism and Justice?
Accused Accusers, Hunted Hunters
In this world we are all dressed as a Serpent, which is Space-Time and its mechanisms of mechanical selection. Therefore, the first accuser to be dissolved is the own. There is no use in complaining about the Matrix and the Archons. That is feeding the black magic of the promoters of the false Electro-Magnetic Light, who always talk to us about choosing good over evil, the blue pill over the red, as Morpheus does with Neo, Mr. Ander-Son, the New Son of Man (andros). And let's not forget, Morpheus was the god of sleep. In other words, the choice takes place in a state of dreamlike hallucination.
Ans as I was writing these lines, a song by Bailen came up. It's called Going On a Feeling, and the chorus caught my attention: gonna get it wrong before get it right ... which would be something like: go and make the mistake before you get it right.
And it is the philosophy of trial and error applied in the fallen universe. Learn by the painful way.
The elitist rulers of the light side recognize that they themselves have brought religions to provide "tools of evolution" to the human soul. That is, they created Theocracies, political-religious systems to open the door to free will. We see that in the Stone Torah, the external Law that was given to Moses after breaking the first tables: I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; Choose, then, life, so that you and your offspring may live (Deutronomy 30:19).
Even so, the people of Israel preferred to worship the Golden Calf, which is the Religion of Ba'al, the Lord of the Underworld, Luciferic souls that came from the region of Taurus, near Orion. It is no accident that some Anunnaki and other gods were depicted with bull horns.
And it is the philosophy of trial and error applied in the fallen universe. Learn by the painful way.
The elitist rulers of the light side recognize that they themselves have brought religions to provide "tools of evolution" to the human soul. That is, they created Theocracies, political-religious systems to open the door to free will. We see that in the Stone Torah, the external Law that was given to Moses after breaking the first tables: I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; Choose, then, life, so that you and your offspring may live (Deutronomy 30:19).
Even so, the people of Israel preferred to worship the Golden Calf, which is the Religion of Ba'al, the Lord of the Underworld, Luciferic souls that came from the region of Taurus, near Orion. It is no accident that some Anunnaki and other gods were depicted with bull horns.
Even calves have horns. And in the biblical account Moses breaks the first tablets written with the finger of Elohim, the gods. And the Kabbalists claim that they were the unveiled teachings that Adam had access to in the Garden of Eden. But we already saw the fruits. An excess of Knowledge without Understanding brought him down from the earth of the 5th Dimension (Arka) to 4D (Adamah) and then to 3D (Eretz).
And of course, the souls of Israel were far less prepared to understand it than the Adam from Adamah. By they accepted the Golden Calf religion, based on fallen Adam´s views.
And there are so many rabbis, gurus, priests, priests, popes and other false teachers who teach the vision of Alice in Wonderland. They say: “choose the Good to feed the Lord with pleasant smell. With Dharma you pay karma (negative action). With study of letters and meditations you do tikún (repair) and thus avoid reincarnation, the Gilgulim or cycles of correction of the Soul. And you also avoid the suffering that is promoted by the designs of the lower Lord, the Luciferic Serpent that was banished to the underworld, condemned to eat Adamah´s dust, human passions (see Genesis 3). If you do, you will go to the next world –or level of the video game, so much riding–, enjoying the kingdom of light. Otherwise, you will remain a demonic and gentle animal, condemning yourself, for misusing tools, feeding Satan. Because you, and only you, are responsible for all this madness you have mounted on earth ”.
The so-called elitist families, including many
Kabbalists, see humans as animals, beasts, behemoths, and mere
"peasants", producers of energies for those "higher archangelic beings",
who have made the rulers of elitist blood.
In thinking like this, many are actually the Devil's Advocate by saying they provide the tools of this game and that those tools can be used for one purpose or another. That is, they admit they are double-edged weapon, and this doesn´t mirror Primordial Truth, since true Love, Life and Light are not dual, they cannot be used for evil or to judge. As the Master said: What father of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone (Mosaic Law)? Or if fish, instead of fish, will give him a serpent (that from Eden for example)? Or if he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion (the sexual sting)? (Luke 11:11)
That is why I ask myself: is the Accuser of the Heavens less Adversary or Satan than the Accuser of the Underworld?
As I have already explained, this Great Dragon is an astral system and has Administrators who enforce the fulfillment of material Laws, for the production of planetary energies. And among them there are even adversaries who locked in the Earth Prison the so-called Lucifer, fallen beings who tried to rise above the stars, as Isaiah 14 says. Many came from Orion, the hunted Hunter, which in Hebrew is Kasyl, Foolish.
In Sumer this war was known as Anu-Enlil against Enki. In Judeo-Christianity it was expressed as Yhwh Elohim against Ba'al. In Greece it was Zeus against the Titans, etc. And in our society we see it as Judges, Police and Military against certain criminals, although they themselves are also corrupt, because the System is Corruption.
Unfortunately people confuse both sides. Although in reality Satan 1 and Satan 2 are part of the same dual game, since the second arises because of the first.
Thus, it does not make sense either to accuse and say all Yhwh Elohim are bad Archons, as do the Gnostics and modern agents of the Matrix. In the Universe, there are two poles, and each playes a function mechanically according to a positive or negative nature. Stars send archangelic messengers as solar neurotransmitters. Planetary architects implant physical bodies, playing a limiting negtive role. All as a result of an accident caused by electromagnetic technologies.
As I have already explained, this Great Dragon is an astral system and has Administrators who enforce the fulfillment of material Laws, for the production of planetary energies. And among them there are even adversaries who locked in the Earth Prison the so-called Lucifer, fallen beings who tried to rise above the stars, as Isaiah 14 says. Many came from Orion, the hunted Hunter, which in Hebrew is Kasyl, Foolish.
In Sumer this war was known as Anu-Enlil against Enki. In Judeo-Christianity it was expressed as Yhwh Elohim against Ba'al. In Greece it was Zeus against the Titans, etc. And in our society we see it as Judges, Police and Military against certain criminals, although they themselves are also corrupt, because the System is Corruption.
Unfortunately people confuse both sides. Although in reality Satan 1 and Satan 2 are part of the same dual game, since the second arises because of the first.
Thus, it does not make sense either to accuse and say all Yhwh Elohim are bad Archons, as do the Gnostics and modern agents of the Matrix. In the Universe, there are two poles, and each playes a function mechanically according to a positive or negative nature. Stars send archangelic messengers as solar neurotransmitters. Planetary architects implant physical bodies, playing a limiting negtive role. All as a result of an accident caused by electromagnetic technologies.
Now, whoever understands the interpellation of all forces is already outside the system.
Some try to approach this by speaking of Non-Duality, but that already denies Duality. And they speak of the One Good and its Divine Law. But where there is Good, there is Evil. It is the Matrix of bits 10101010… That is why the Tree of Knowledge has 10 spheres.
In the Tao Te King that is called the Mother of 10,000 things, the network where hunters are hunted. Instead, as Lao Tzu said: the Tao that can be talked about is not the true Tao truths. It is a pristine Reality. Let us listen to this inefable Truth.
Some try to approach this by speaking of Non-Duality, but that already denies Duality. And they speak of the One Good and its Divine Law. But where there is Good, there is Evil. It is the Matrix of bits 10101010… That is why the Tree of Knowledge has 10 spheres.
In the Tao Te King that is called the Mother of 10,000 things, the network where hunters are hunted. Instead, as Lao Tzu said: the Tao that can be talked about is not the true Tao truths. It is a pristine Reality. Let us listen to this inefable Truth.
Suchness Awareness
on suffering, pacification rituals, sacrifices and prayers of worship
to serve a Lord and produce positive energies and obtain the support of
Celestial Rulers, decreases the frequency of vibration, as it is not an
expression of Primordial Love, Life and Witnessing Consciousness, which,
by the way, also feed archangels or positive solar neurotransmitters,
but never from conditions, looking for profit. They are part of our
total body, which is the whole Kosmos.
Many seek methods and techniques of all
kinds to be librated from suffering. But the
truly enlightened action starts with witnessing who we are, showing Loving Will,
Life and original Light in a world where the sleeping human no longer
knows the purpose of Life. The most important key is to understand onself and
cultivate attention and awareness in everyday tasks, seeing where we are
conditioned, savoring the real impressions of Life. And that implies
stopping looking at ourselves or others as inferior. That is not
And certainly, it is necessary to purify mind and emotions, but only to clean the Diamond of our Being, without deception or conditional games, simply seeing all as it is in front of the original awareness.
And certainly, it is necessary to purify mind and emotions, but only to clean the Diamond of our Being, without deception or conditional games, simply seeing all as it is in front of the original awareness.
Seeing things as they are starts with a loving silent witnessing. Then, all of a sudden, everything might appear as a Wholeness flowing. And in deep spiritual teachings this is called Suchness, like the humidity of the ocean, shared by waves or the ocean in in calm. This is not even a state of consciousness between the states, but Absolute Reality here and now, where even the three states of matter (neutral, agitated and inertial) are transcended, neutralized in the imperturbable Serenity.
India, Suchness received the name of Turiyatita, which is, so to speak,
the point where one arrives jumping from Turiya, the Fourth State of
Consciousness, which is the Witness detached from thoughts, emotions and
sensations, the Witness of Vigil state, Dream State and Dreamless
State. All three together are AUM, and are embraced by the forth, OM, Turiya.
Curiously, Turiya and Turiyatita share root with
Torah, the Law, which here is not the Stone Law, but the original Law of Life and
Magnetic Light.
Interestingly, the root Tür comes from one of the oldest languages, Turkoman, and indicates entry. In fact Tür is Door in German.
Interestingly, the root Tür comes from one of the oldest languages, Turkoman, and indicates entry. In fact Tür is Door in German.
And narrow is the gate and narrow is the path that leads to Life (John 7: 13-14).
But as a brother once said: when you enter the Way, it gets wider.
But as a brother once said: when you enter the Way, it gets wider.
Interestingly, in Hebrew Wisdom there are also five levels of the
Soul: Nefesh (vital soul), Ruach (emotionality), Neshemah (mind), Jayah
(Willing Concience of Life). And the fifth is Yejida, total Unification or the Root of the
Soul. That can be seen as the Suchness or Tissue of Reality. This is the true Messiah or Universal Savior.
Yet, do not be misled. This wholeness is not reached or attained and it´s not easy to realize. We only have to discover it, leaving behind all illusion of Dual Law, being the Law of Life as the Master revealed it: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Life is a true temperance or armonía which is not achieved through sacrificial rituals, meditations, prayers or other techniques. The only thing we have to sacrifice is our suffering, all self-deception, pride and egocentricity, recognizing the Logos or Intelligence and its Purpose, which is to always be the same, be always one and bring all back home:
In the Origin was the Logos ... in Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men ... and the Logos became flesh (John 1)
That is, the magnetic Light of the Primordial Being is always present, even in the carnal world, to bring all back to the original unchanged Life.
When the veil of carnal illusion falls, here and now, we realize full Reality and thus can feel, with the Master: It has been consummated.
Thus says the Master just when his existential ego is crucified according to the account of John 19:30. It is crucified in the 4 elements, Earth, Water, Air and Fire, generating the fallen Adamic Consciousness, which is finally released unto the Father, transcending the elements. And the first step is to become a Witness of these, as in the Fourth State.
Sadly, despite the beautiful subtlety of this, many prefer to worship wooden Christs and the old idea of a crucified God Tammuz or Christos Serapis, who pays for the sins of others. What a cheating trick or treat spirituality.
Yet the true living Master teaches that the Way is to help others to realize the awakened Life that breaks delusions, from a Love where there is no choice, for when real Love takes you by surprise, one cannot resist and nothing is impossible. A tree does not choose to bloom. Those who choose certain conditions are the gardeners, and as the Master said in a Parable, some were killer vinedressers (Matthew 21: 33-43).
Sadly, despite the beautiful subtlety of this, many prefer to worship wooden Christs and the old idea of a crucified God Tammuz or Christos Serapis, who pays for the sins of others. What a cheating trick or treat spirituality.
Yet the true living Master teaches that the Way is to help others to realize the awakened Life that breaks delusions, from a Love where there is no choice, for when real Love takes you by surprise, one cannot resist and nothing is impossible. A tree does not choose to bloom. Those who choose certain conditions are the gardeners, and as the Master said in a Parable, some were killer vinedressers (Matthew 21: 33-43).
Only by tasting the Witness or even the whole flowing Suchness where even the Witness is apparently missing, it is possible to remain untouched by the Tree of Knowledge, which is a raw sense of divided existence, lacking sense of Being One.
Notice how Yhwh backwards gives Hawayah, Existence. And Elohym are Powers or Forces of Existence, which are rather external, dual, the action of everything we see, think, feel, sense and do.
Now, when we feel the Consciousness of the Primordial Being that encompasses everything, here and now, inside and outside disappear, because the 10 Spheres of the old Tree are connected in the Tree of Life. Then the Essential Action of Life prevails over the Existential Verb. This is the meaning of the Shema: Yhwh Elohym Yhwh Ejad. The powers of Being and Existence are Being and Existence as One.
The Great I Am shines first as a connecting Witness, Any, I, opening the Way to a Wholeness which is Limiteless Nothing, Ayn Sof, where Essence and Existence are in the Flow itself. Then we feel how the Holy One who lives through us, bringing the 12 fruits of the healing Tree of Life. For in Him we move, live and are...his lineage.
Let's say that the powers of existence are part of a cosmic body where there are cancerous organisms that need to be reconnected to the Kosmos of Original Life and Magnetics Light, as our nervous system and organs should be connected to our Unconditioned Consciousness.
Thus, our true Head and Profound I, remains as the Infinite Mind, whose Logos (Purpose and Intelligence) carries out the essential action where everything rests and is carried out or healed without effort. It is doing without doing. The Great I Am that becomes I am not this or that to be more I Am, engendering itself in each one.
That is what Paul meant when he said that there is only one God and Father who is above all, through all and in all (Ephesians 4).
Although in reality, superior and inferior also disappear, together with all earthly, planetary, stellar and galactic hierarchies, since they are part of the levels of deceptive reality.
In Absolute Reality there is a Holarchy where all the atoms reflect and express the Whole, Flowing ceaseless Loving Life filled with deep serenity. Then, we can only be quiet, because as the wise man said, the Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao...or else Order, Law, Torah, Way ... All words for the same Reality.
[3] Visions of Amran: I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me...holding a great contest over me. I asked them, 'Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?' They answered, 'We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me, 'Which of us do you choose to rule you?' I raised my eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak, many-colored yet very dark....And I looked again, and in his appearance, his visage like a viper....I replied to him, 'This Watcher, who is he?' He answered, 'This Watcher...his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness and King of Evil.' I said (to the other Watcher), 'My lord, what dominion (have you?)' He answered, 'You saw (the viper), and he is empowered over all Darkness, while I (am empowered over all Light.)...My three names are Michael, Prince of Light and King of Righteousness (Visions of Amram, Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q535, Manuscript B)
[5] Once upon a time the gods were taking over by lot the whole earth according to its regions,—not according to the results of strife: for it would not be reasonable to suppose that the gods were ignorant of their own several rights, nor yet that they attempted to obtain for themselves by means of strife a possession to which others, as they knew, had a better claim. So by just allotments they received each one his own, and they settled their countries; and when they had thus settled them, they reared us up, even as herdsmen [109c] rear their flocks, to be their cattle and nurslings; only it was not our bodies that they constrained by bodily force, like shepherds guiding their flocks with stroke of staff, but they directed from the stern where the living creature is easiest to turn about, laying hold on the soul by persuasion, as by a rudder, according to their own disposition; and thus they drove and steered all the mortal kind.(109b-e, Critias, Plato).
[7] Fragments of an Unknown Teaching
[3] Visions of Amran: I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me...holding a great contest over me. I asked them, 'Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?' They answered, 'We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me, 'Which of us do you choose to rule you?' I raised my eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak, many-colored yet very dark....And I looked again, and in his appearance, his visage like a viper....I replied to him, 'This Watcher, who is he?' He answered, 'This Watcher...his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness and King of Evil.' I said (to the other Watcher), 'My lord, what dominion (have you?)' He answered, 'You saw (the viper), and he is empowered over all Darkness, while I (am empowered over all Light.)...My three names are Michael, Prince of Light and King of Righteousness (Visions of Amram, Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q535, Manuscript B)
[5] Once upon a time the gods were taking over by lot the whole earth according to its regions,—not according to the results of strife: for it would not be reasonable to suppose that the gods were ignorant of their own several rights, nor yet that they attempted to obtain for themselves by means of strife a possession to which others, as they knew, had a better claim. So by just allotments they received each one his own, and they settled their countries; and when they had thus settled them, they reared us up, even as herdsmen [109c] rear their flocks, to be their cattle and nurslings; only it was not our bodies that they constrained by bodily force, like shepherds guiding their flocks with stroke of staff, but they directed from the stern where the living creature is easiest to turn about, laying hold on the soul by persuasion, as by a rudder, according to their own disposition; and thus they drove and steered all the mortal kind.(109b-e, Critias, Plato).
[7] Fragments of an Unknown Teaching
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