Vision ENArmony
Principle of Mentalism
Everything is Mind. This taught by the great sages:
With our thoughts we build the world. Speak or act with an impure mind and problems will follow you as the cart follows the self-absorbed ox (Buddha)
Even the Gospel of John begins saying:
In the Origin was the Logos (Intelligence) and the Logos was towards God (Holy Being) and the Logos was God.
And in quantum physics there is also an approximation to this idea of universal mentalism, since the observer/perception, collapses the wave functions of probabilities, generating a particular reality in tune with perception itself. There is no objective reality outside our modes of perception. All we see is a projection.
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness (Max Planck)
So everything in the universe is based on a Holomind. Even vegetables and rocks have consciousness, but in different degrees. A crystal for example is a type of mineral that can store more Light than a pebble, and light has qualities of consciousness.
And it is essential to understand that we are not islands, but a tissue in a Holarchy, an organism of Holons, functional wholes. A liver is an organ that functions as a whole, but it would not live without the other organs, because it´s part of a global organic intelligence.
In that Holarchy we see four basic functions mirrored in trees: a seed is sown, it is gestated and blooms with trunk, branches and fruits. That is the Intelligence or Logos of Life.
And the same goes for Divine Family: Father, Mother, Son
and Daughter. The Holy/Wholly Being is seeded in the Universal Mental
Life Matrix, generating the Son, expressing itself through soul groups,
and particular souls, the Daughter, the body of the Son.
The mind is meant to realize how armonía manifests itself, not to serve the ego. Reason in service of oneself has generated a sick world. And today the idea of attracting what you want through the Law of Attraction, reciting affirmations and other mental formulas has become a popular fashion, what some call The Secret.
However, this has distorted the truth, since not everything that is thought, desired and attracted is legitimate for true Life. Anyone can definitely attract an object of their selfish desires working on some mental bases, but is it in tune with one´s true being? People wish for fortunes and relationship when they have not even learnt to manage their own energy and deal with themselves in a healthy way. How can they expect to handle money and other souls? The narcissistic discourse is rampant in a scam society that crumbles.
The Universe gives what it receives, but desires must be aligned with our essential being, otherwise what one receives can be a curse. Be careful with what you think and wish for, as it could become true.
Moreover, our thoughts and awareness are framed in context. The real change does not depend only on oneself. Do we understand to what extent the projections of others and the world affect us? Sandwiched between four walls and sociopaths, it is easy to understand why many get depressed. A trapped mind also leads to eating things from boxes ending up in another lifeless box.
Where does chaos fit within the Universal Mind though?
Well, the Holy Being and his Mind-Logos generates an armonious Kosmos, an Holarchy, Nature, with its angels / messengers (Elohim). But it is also true some messengers mentally proyected a space-time world of hierarchy, the fruit of an immature mind. That was the tragedy of Sophia, the immature Wisdom.
And now we cannot change the whole world directly, but we can change the attitude and way of seeing things. Then things change in a certain sense and also by influence. By understanding our complete Light we affect the Whole. But it is not only up to us to change ourselves and the world. Yet the whole universe comes together to help us, to the extent that we work to help it armonize what is out of armonía
Vibration Principle
In the Universe, everything vibrates and moves according to the Law of Octaves. What does not evolve devolves. What does not grow, decays. From Do to Do there is an increase or decrease in vibration: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Ti, Do, and backwards, Do, Ti, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.
Everything is energy-consciousness, so the higher the vibration frequency, the higher the consciousness. While like attracts the like by affinity, the contraries repel each other. Depending on our state of vibration, we will live according to greater or lesser armonía, attracting what corresponds. Your state of being attracts what you live. Selfishness and a state of adversity vibrate very low, since they are based on the limited mind that sees everything disconnected. Being against something brings the vibration down. Only the balanced mind-heart can keep darkness at bay, delivering shadows to a high level of vibration, through humility, compassion, forgiveness, sublime love. This generates a tone of emerald healing energy, associated with Netzaj in the Tree of Life. The life-giving Spirit is what gives us Life Force. Our disconnection with it leads us to illness.
Rhythm Principle
Everything in the Universe goes through cycles and is completed in seven steps, according to the Law of Seven or the Law of Octaves and the Law of Dodecaplicity.
For instance, in a musical octave there are seven whole tones and twelve semitones; there are seven steps of digestion that involve twelve physiological systems; there are twelve zodiac signs ruled by seven basic planets, etc.
Everything has a beginning, a middle, and an end. But it can only be completed with additional forces. A plant cannot grow without sunlight, water, and a supply of nutrients.
Understanding this helps us to act where we should act, detaching ourselves from the result, without wanting to obtain fruits before time, trusting that the Universe will do its job.
However, impatience leads us to break cycles, wanting to reach a point or result sooner, generating attachment and longing for future fruits that do not come, because what you try to run into you get away from.
Now, on the plane of the Divine Soul and Spirit, everything is immediate. All lives happen simultaneously. Living a life is like taking a water bucket from a stream and exploring a finite set of possibilities in a particular cycle. Thus it is possible to know the details and nuances in each tree of life and not only the forest. Fractality gives us perspectives that we did not see before. But we can always access fullness at any time, in the same way that we can immerse ourselves in an ocean or return a bucket of water to the stream from where we got it.
Polarity Principle
In a dual Universe, everything manifests in a dual-polar mode because every vibration oscillates from pole to pole, like a pendulum. So opposite poles are complementary aspects of the same process, like the crest and trough of a wave. They differ only in degree and direction, but they can be reconciled according to the Law of Three.
Thus the extremes meet, and all truths are half truths, just as man or woman alone are not complete. When crossing a pole and hitting bottom, we cross its opposite, like in a Möbius twist band.
Let's see some other examples:
The poles attract or repel like a magnet. Pole – and Pole + attract each other. Pole – and Pole – or Pole + and Polo + repel each other.
E = mc2 means energy is matter due to its level of vibration. The more energy, the lower the density of matter and the higher the density of matter, the lower the energy density. Spirit and Substance, Energy and Matter are two faces of the same action.
Then in the Sefirotic Tree we have Keter and Malkut being the same, but on a different degree.
And the opposites destroy each other, like light and darkness. But we can discover more light in darkness.
Yet, in the Dark
Background and photonic conditions, we better recognize the Truth of
Light by contrast. He who does not cross darkness and pain cannot
understand or overcome them with conscious Love.
everything that has been experienced is necessary as part of the growth
process. By accepting it, we live from Grace and not Misfortune. We are
fertile soil. Gifts are seeds. Consciousness is Fire and Water is the
goodness and acceptance that makes us fertile.
Now, the ontological status of the Primordial Light is absolute and has no opposites. This adual Light is not the same as that of the world of electromagnetic light, based on the photon, the elementary particle that has no mass, but it is the result of certain fragmentation and its hologram shows a fourfold polarity resembling the Templar Cross:
Correspondence Principle
The old hermetic saying goes: as above so below. But there are many more correspondences.
And what does above really mean? Since ancient times it has been said that the earth reflects celestial movements, which is part of a higher world and laws. But superior in what way?
Governing from the top down implies that there are hierarchies of domination, what explains why there is violence and chaos in society and nature. The big fish eats the little one; the strong dominates the weak.
But that is not part of the true Reality, where there is neither up nor down in the space-time sense. Let's say that the visible reflects the invisible and its laws. So, as within so outside. The micro reflects the macro and the macro reflects the micro. We see this in fractals.
This means we are all in the Whole and the Whole is in us. Therefore, the one searching is the one sought after before even starting the search. To find and feel the other, I have to feel and find myself inside first. Don't look, find.
As we modify our
inner world, we will receive positive or negative astral influences. And
the exterior will always reflect the interior. That is why the Master
And I will give
you the keys to the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed
in heaven (Matthew 16:19).
Principle of Causality
Everything in the Universe obeys a justice of causes and effects. The ball bounces and the bomb explodes. As Isaac Newton rediscovered, every action generates an equal and opposite reaction. And that action is called karma in Sanskrit.
The question then is: What causes and effects do we sow and reap? Are we enlightened enough to get away from the bouncing ball and the exploding bomb? As we sow so we reap. He who sows thistles gathers thistles. He who gives affection receives care. The universe provides the corresponding feedback as it is fed. And to whom much is given, much is required. That is why when someone with a lot of help or creative force does not manifest it in response, he becomes ill. This is how the Nazarene Master taught it, according to the Gospel of Thomas:
If you bring forth what is inside of you, what you have inside will save you. If you don't bring forth what you have inside, what you have inside will destroy you.
The master lines are already in place. We just have to take the courage and through them.
This is why the Master also said: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Generation Principle
From the union of the active and receptive poles through reconciliation there is always a generation of something new. It is the essence of the Law of Three, the Essence of the Divine Word. By uniting masculine and feminine a fruit arises that contains both poles. If we join fire and water we get steam. From the polarity of spirit and matter new light-energy is always produced.
But how were the first opposites generated?
In the Infinite Light or Ayn Sof Aur there are no opposites or forms. That is why the very nature of the infinite Love that gives itself implies opening a space or belly of Light by reducing the light frequency. An act of humility called Tzimtzum in Hebrew. And in that act, the Full Being manifests as the Father of Lights and the Mother or Presence of Divine Light, where more light is gestated. And in the same longing produced by the separation, the union of the divine poles took place, thus engendering the Messiah, the Loving Soul of the Kosmos, without which it is not possible to generate and reconcile the Light in the worlds of darkness, where it is they generate immortal souls, the cosmic neurons.
In the beginning was the Word ... Through Him all things were generated. And without Him nothing that is generated was generated (John 1: 1-4)
Thus, each of the divine souls is a generation and expression of the Son, who can act as Father and Mother, just as he expressed:
I and the Father are one (John 10:30)
Holy Father, keep them in your Name, the one you have given me, so that they may be one, like us (John 17:11)
Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? And stretching out his hand towards his disciples, He said: Here are my mother and my brothers. For everyone who does the will of my Father who is in heaven, that is my brother, and sister, and mother (Matthew 12: 46-50)