Thursday, February 9, 2023

Origins of Planet-Dimensional Disarmonía & Human Misperception

In reply to recent questions posed by readers and listeners, here are my answers:

Certainly, our perceived world (specially our solar system) appears as an electromagnetic illusion in a dual matrix when seen from the eyes of the asleep human. As we have already seen in the previous article, we only perceive the 1%, something confirmed by the brainiacs of so-called science. From this view, not even the earth is a sphere floating in space. And of course, it is not flat either, but rather a fragment of a larger multi-dimensional body. It seems that grandpa Plato and the Pythagoreans were right when saying that we live in a hole, a cave, and that we do not see the real earth.

Moreover, this planetary chaos in which seemed trapped, originated due to catastrophes derived from genetic mismanagement and technological abuse in multiple planets/dimensions, caused by previous mankinds and civilizations, as multiple evidence suggests. This hint even matches the descriptions of the legendary 7 Kings of Edom in Genesis 36, the fallen Lucifer Adam of Isaiah 14, the Anunnaki and other Titanic figures that left the earth and other planets desolate. 

But who were they? Were all of them evil? Did they design the human race genetically? Did they implant a pineal gland or just modified something which was present? If we only perceive the 1% of reality, what about the other dimensions or 99% that we don't see with our carnal eyes? Did those other humanities remain in hidden earthly dimensions?

Well, let´s go step by step. The main idea here is to present how the origin of human misperception, evil and slavery was undoubtedly one of the outcomes of Edomite transgressions, which led to later Adamic falls under the power of Serpent energy, also known as Kundalini. Is it a power of transformation or a deceiving energy?

And we will see all that is linked to the origin of the Moon. But the truth is far more complex than just saying all was caused by some Anunnaki aliens who wanted to produce human slaves by means of implanting pineal glands. We must also be cautious when interpreting ancient myths, whose language has many layers, from astro-theological and spiritual references to exaggerations of cultural, geological and cosmological events. There are several dimensions involved. So what do we mean by kosmos, earth, planets?

A Greater Multi-Dimensional Earth

Since ancient times, it has been declared that humans are asleep and don´t live in the surface but on the cave of an illusory shadow world. Even Plato wrote in his Phaedo that we live in a hollow or concavity of the earth, not on the surface, and we ignore the True Earth, where people live with incorruptible bodies. This would even fit with the view of an earth that was just part of a larger earth.

In Hebrew language there are up to 7 words translated as earth, since in reality there are 7 layers of the earth. 

Tzyah is the land of desolation, present in many destroyed places, like Mars. 

Neshiya is the land of forgetfulness, lived even by people with dementia or schizophrenia. 

Others live in Ge Hinnon or Gehenna, a state of infernal suffering, in this land or other dimensions. 

Eretz is the physical dry land dominated by the illusions of sensory perception. 

Adamah is a four dimensional earth, dominated by astral vibrations. Genesis 4 says it was the place from which Kain was expelled, entering the sensory perception of Adamah. 

Arqah is a pentadimenasional earth where mysteries of light and darkness where gathered together. 

And finally true cosmic earth is Tavel, where all life is in armonía. Even the gematric value of Tavel is 432, since it is aligned with Universal Vibration.

And I saw a new heaven a new earth (Apocalipse 21)

This was represented as spheres within spheres in ancient cosmologies. And today many claim that over the earth, upon the sky, there is some sort of electromagnetic dome and an ice wall surrounding the earth´s rim, what certainly expands the conventional view. Everything is possible when narrow barriers fall apart.

Unfortunately these ideas were also taken out of context and are used as a pretext for flat earth religion, concave earth views and other syncretic visions that are rehashes of old myths. There are many modern philosophical fables, but few question reality sanely, presenting new dogmatic visions about what reality is (Oahspe Bible, Urantia Book, Bock Saga, History of Beres and Paios by Alexander Eleazar, etc.)

As it was said, humans would go back to their fables. And this is so even in Faculties of Science.

But all the unthinkable is possible when narrow barriers  crash down and we open our single Eye. 

A first take on the Pineal Gland

We should not take lightly images like this one, which shows an Eagle-headed Cherub, with a sowing and reaping basket, plus a pine cone pointing towards a man's head:

Bird figures pointing with pine cones can perfectly represent astral ingeneers as well as communication from certain astral and spiritual planes.

Perhaps that is why someone told the story of a puppet called Pin-occhio (literally Pineal Eye), made by the carpenter Jepeto, that is, Iapetus, the old Haephestus, a deity associated with metallurgy and godly tricks.

In reality the Pineal Gland is an atrophied vestige of a previous larger organ that represents the Inner Third Eye (Daath), organ of mental communication, which actually protruded out of the human head, connecting the human mind to the natural magnetic crystal grids of the earth (i.e Laylines) and the whole cosmos, including spiritual realms, as shown in the  Sumerian image below on the left:

But this organ of perception shrienked and got enclosed within the skull, leaving only a little pineal gland and the fontanelle hole in babies? How did this happen?

Such a gland is also known in esoteric circles as the Lantern of Osiris, which apparently shrank under the influence of the Setian (Dark) forces that dismembered Osiris, father of Horus, who in myth avenged his father with the Wisdom of his Eye and the Mental body that hunts like a hawk. 

To me Osiris and Horus were a type of civilizing mankind descendant from Atlantis. All those myths seem references to what in my view are the consequences of planetary catastrophes and destruction of civilizations with spiritual technologies that managed to survive cataclysms, passing down their science to more primitive humanities, with which they had descendants. Hence the stories of fallen messengers (Enki/Azazel/Pan) mating or mixing with human animals.

For more details on those previous advanced civilizations view, I recommend Graham Hancock´s works Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods.

Now, why the Pineal Gland seems to be echoed in the Torah as Peny-El, the place where Jacob struggled with the power El and conquered the passions of the Edomite man, Prince of Edom? 

The Fall of Edom & Time Cycles 

To understand that atrophy and human misperception we must go back to the beginning of chaos in this solar system.

The Sun, some planets and their moons were originally here but with different configurations, since there was a Paradise, until certain experiments with  electromagnetic technologies from the Edomite mankind led to planetary imbalances, causing the deviation of planetary orbits, attracting the impact of certain comets and asteroids. We hear about this even in Enokh´s book, concerning the fallen angels that deviated the stars, falling deeper and becoming convicted and judged after that.

An important key in this story seems Mars, the famous planet of War, which in Hebrew Wisdom is called Ma´adim and mysteriously linked to Edom and the Adam placed in Gan Eden (a dimension for spirit-body state of consciousness). Let´s not forget either  the spiritual Adam (not the animal Adam of Genesis 1) was formed from the dust of Adamah, the astral dimension inhabited by many species, across several planets. 

But as Genesis 36 explains, the 7 Kings of Edom lost their wives (bodies), and Edom became a symbol for desolation, war, deception, fallen bodiless spirits, many of which incarnated in later Adamic humanities, which ate from the Tree of Knowledge, mixing up  with animal humans. The myth of Enkidu, Azazel (Goat human-god), Java and the Serpent are some of the most classic references about such illfated tragedy. This is why Adamic humans contain evil Edomite and animal inclinations within ourselves, together with the Tree of Life genetics of Light. 

Those Edomite inclinations are precisely what Jacob conquered in the famous Torah story, calling the place of victory Peny-El, since he conquered in his Head. 

However, it was Y´sho/Yeshua, who manifested the true Vine, the full Tree of Life genetics, showing the Way to raise our humanity. More on this, later on.

Now, to understand Edom´s Fall, we can go back to several creation myths that go back to pre-lunar times.

New Astral System & Refried Humans

The powerful ones (elohim) that have not made the heavens and Arqah (5D earth), even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens 

(Jeremiah 10:11)

A commentator recently pointed out to me that according to the Enuma Elish, it was Marduk who built our solar system. And my view on this is that legends and myths have their own language, referring many times to astro-theological and cosmological frameworks. For example, Anu, Enlil, Enki and Marduk were also symbols used on astrolabes, to measure astrological movements, reflected in myths. Anu was Ur-anus,  the Ruler of the Pole Star Thuban in Draco (today it is Polaris in Ursa Minor). Enlil was linked to Saturn, the cycle bringer. Enki symbolized Capricorn (Goat-fish) and Neptune (pro-atlantean god), and even Mercury/Hermes (messenger of the gods). Marduk was linked to Jupiter-Zeus or even Nibiru, as others suggest. So the idea of Marduk as the arranger of the planets and stars cannot be literal, since in reality there are no such gods, except religious minds, full of superstition. Later we will see a possible explanation for this as the impact of a comment on other planets.

In Greece poets talked of how the primal Age of Uranus, husband of Earth-Gea, gave rise to the first generation of Titans, giant men. Then came the Golden Age of Kronos (Saturn, The Black Sun), with titanic humanities that fought against the Olympian rulers under a sky and sun different from ours, dethroning Uranus. Thus Kronos was dethroned by his son Zeus-Jupiter, who finally gave way to the Age of Apollo-Helios, our Sun, father of Selene, our Moon, Luna.

Similarly, the Sumerian creation myth or Enuma Elish, tells there was a first generation of gods from the union of Tiamat, a Salt Water Serpentine Deity (possibly large watery planet/s filled with reptilian creatures) and her consort Abzu, god of the Underground Waters. And when Ea/Enki killed her consort Abzu (likely allusion to water energy manipulation), a war started between the gods and Tiamat. She then rebelled, giving birth to dragons filled with poison instead of blood. 

Could this be the origin of dinosaurs and draconian humanities depicted all over the planet earth? Why not?  Needless to say, many Anunnaki gods were often regarded as Ushumgal or Great serpents and dragons. 

Now, at some point in the story Tiamat was cut into pieces by the storm god Marduk, son of Ea/Enki, giving birth to Ki (our Earth Gea) and Kingu (possible reference to a satellite, our moon precursor in particular). Later on Kingu´s blood was mixed with the earth´s clay, giving birth to human beings. 

Popular opinions on this tend to focus on the interpretations of the Azerbaijani writer Zechariah Sitchin, who since 1976 began theorizing that ancient Sumerian seals represent up to 12 planets, and that Kingu was a satellite of Tiamat, a large watery planet among Jupiter and Mars, and which would have been destroyed by the crossing of a planetary object associated with Nibiru, the so-called “crossing star”. This is how the Moon, the asteroid belt and our earth would have arisen.

Later we will see that this approximates an older view given by G.I.Gurdjieff.

Now, which human beings came out of the mixing of earth´s clay and lunar mass? There have been many humanities, and some descend from each other by means of certain weird genetic mutations.

Old stories tell even about Pre-Moon people or Pro-Selenoi who existed before the Moon shined on the sky. They were mentioned even by grand-dad Aristotle, who taught how for the ancient ones, the gods were stars and planets (Metaphysics Book I)

Yet it´s not difficult to think either there were  humanoids regarded as gods or angels, when they were simply other species, and even highly technological civilizations. And these existed before all chaos started. But there were some fights, as the ones described in the Mahabarata Epic of India, Greek Mythology and so forth.

Later humanities came as a result of a destruction of previous mankinds and a reconfiguration of the solar system.

We also find hints for this in Genesis 1, which starts saying the physical earth (Eretz) was chaotic and desolate (tohu vav vohu), when the Cosmic Flow of Divine Breath (YHVH) did not establish the earth to be chaotic (tohu), according to Isaiah 45:18. Genesis 1 is a re-organization of the solar system, not a full creation of all the Universe.

Likewise, it´s strange that both planetary dry land, seeds and first fruits appear in Day Three, while in Day  Four, the Sun and the Moon are brought as luminaries, together with the stars, setting a field of astral influence to bring new species into life (Day 5+Day 6). 

All this is attributed to the action of Elohim or Powerful Ones, the agents of Natural forces, which were different forces and architect species, some of which got disconnected from the Cosmic Flow or Existencial Breath, YHVH. 

This is why Hebrew Wisdom says Elohim or Natural forces must be reconnected with the unifying Cosmic Flow of YHVH in order to be armonized.

It is only Genesis 2 when the action of Yhvh + Elohim appears, bringing the light of the vital mental soul or nishmat chayim. 

And all indicates, a tilt in the earth´s axis (represented by fall of Uranus/Kronos), caused the apparition of Time cycles of life and death, seasons, cataclysmic periods on earth. Hence the idea of planets as gods who fight against each other. Their tensions and negative radiation affect all life on earth plus other planets, where beings of light get trapped.

Although all this was foreseen from the Absolute. That is why in Sefer Ha Tikun or Revelation 13:8 it is said that the Lamb (Messianic Light) was sacrificed before the throwing (kataboles) of the kosmos.

So what keeps us trapped as light lambs in a collective hallucinatory slaughterhouse?

Origin of Kundalini and Fallen Humanities

So obviously, when our Moon appeared, the Earth became highly influenced by the Sun, but also the electromagnetism and other astral energies (blood) of the Moon, and many species changed by means of genetic mutation. This explains why the Sumerian myth tells how Kingu´s blood  was mixed with the earth´s clay, giving birth to the human beings, or should we say, Lunatic people?

Popular views about this tend to focus on the interpretations of the Azerbayan writer Zechariah Sitchin, who since the year 1976  started theorizing ancient Sumerian seals depict up to 12 planets, and Kingu was a satellite of Tiamat, a larger watery planet which was destroyed by a comet. Thus Kingu became our moon after the impact of a long orbit object linked to Nibiru, the so called “crossing star”. 

Now this interpretation is likely based on an amazing earlier view shown by an Armenian sage and teacher of dances G.I.Gurdjieff, and also son of one of the last Ashoks, oral story tellers from the Sumerian tradition. So as a kid, Gurdjieff learned the original stories first hand, not from books and interpretations. And the Sumerian story is echoed in his Magnum Opus  All & Everything. The first five book series are called Beelzebub Tales To His Grandson, where the Armenian man tells how the Moon originated from a previous larger Earth, which got impacted by a long orbit comet, and its gravitational inertia made it fall back again towards the Earth. Then a Comission of Angelic Ingeneer Physicists and Chemists were compelled to implant some life on earth, including the first human beings, in order to release certain energies for the moon´s magnetic field, pushing the satellite away and making the system stable. 

Now, the story of the Armenian man goes on to say that those first human beings on earth had a tail, what makes me think of mermaid like humans, from the so called Lemurian epoch. Perhaps they were  like those in Avatar.

Now, when those first human creatures began to evolve quickly, the same Angelic Ingeneer Physicists and Chemists in charge of planetary and lunar management, saw this as a potential risk since life on earth at that time had the purpose of releasing certain energies to push the moon away, since it was falling into the earth. But knowing this might have led to those first humans to commit suicide or destroy in rebellion. This reminds me very much of the tale concerning the lesser gods Igigi or Watchers who rebelled against their chiefs, but let´s leave that for later.

The key issue here is that the Ingeneers implanted an organ under their tail, in the coccyx region of those human species, and this made them see reality distorted, seeking for pleasure more than Truth. Later on this organ, which Gurdjieff called Kundabuffer (buffer in the Kunda/coccyx), was removed from those first human creatures, since the Moon became stable, but the negative consequences of such organ remained and humans got filled with lust, greed, envy, rage, deceit, etc. 

This explains stories about mermaids, Lilith and how her energies keep tormenting and deceiving humans, starting with Adam in Gan Eden. 

In later generations, the Atlantean culture and other civilizations developed spiritual arts as an aid to the Moon and aid to God Mother Nature, absorbing also solar energies to transform lunar energies. But again, fallen beings inspired new rebellions against the system, as Gurdjieff told in the myth of King Apolis in Atlantis. So humans themselves got also deceived by their own Edomite passions. This is probably the Gan Eden episode and the two trees, something that mostly took place in  Atlantis. 

Now, such ancestral organ of misperception seems somehow connected to sexuality and the famous Kundalini energy, the serpent coiled at the base of the spine to be transformed and raised through the seven chakras, in Yoguic Science. Nevertheless, as Gurdjieff said, Kundalini is in everything, being the Power of Imagination, which usurps the function of real Consciousness. So most theories about Kundalini powers are just mambo jumbo. 

And the connection between Kundalini effect and the Pineal Gland´s atrophy seems obvious. We can see that mirrored in the two directions where the Ankh or Key of Life points in this Egyptian depiction, head and gonads:

And as I said, Gurdjieff´s information seems to fit the Sumerian myth about the Igigi or Watchers, lesser gods (let´s say technological mankind) who worked opening canals and digging the earth,  manipulating or misusing the natural Laylines or magnetic conduits of the earth.

Yet the Igigi got tired of working for higher gods since their toil was too hard and they rebelled (like the rebels of Tiamat). 

This is why Enki suggested Enlil to replace them with more docile humanities, one of which inherited part of their genes and mind, since the Igigi intellect (gestu) was mixed with animal clay by Enki, giving birth to Adapa, ancestors of modern humans. 

To me Enki represents both a type of Edomite mankind and the neural soul activity that brings planetary Arts & lower Wisdom. I doubt human beings were made in laboratories. All came by means of genetic mutation mostly through the influx of spiritual soul/spirit incarnation. 

My guess is also that Lunar humanities might have evolved from the previous Pro-selenoi or Pre-moon people (Sumerian gods, Edomites), being the dust of Adamah mentioned in Genesis 2. And they came to include many animal natures plus a spiritual life breath that Adam received from the Sun, breath of Yhvh Elohim (Powers of YHVH), as the mixture was aided by different architects that worked to bring order back again, with the Tree of Life. This is why Adam,  who is an incarnation of Yhvh, was told to eat from the Tree of Life and avoid the Tree of Knowledge from carnal indigenous species. But certain catastrophes led Adamic humans to mix up with indigenous races.

Adamic passions were strong and fell because many forces of Nature came to be altered, with lunar winds and harsh climates, becoming thus Step-Mother Nature: the Witch that poisoned Snow White with the Apple; the Serpent who deceived Adam; the Sophia or Lower Wisdom that built her own house (Proverbs 9); the Zeus who commanded Hephaistos blacksmith to make Pandora for Prometheus and Epimetheus, etc. Same story, different outlines.

Yet, all was part of a process of learning  carried out by species that got cut off from the Tree of Life, feeding the Tree of Knowledge. However, their Life energy still came from Divine Source, and all energy goes back to its source. And there is also a Recycling Ouroboros or Serpent System, where energies get trapped as long as they are not pure and liberated.

Tragically, as many human souls continue reproducing destructive technologies and views, they fall under the Recycling System, cancelling Evolution in the Monadic Holarchic System.

Master Mashiah and the Kings of Edom

As for the role of the Universal Messiah in all this, let´s recall how He said an enemy man seeded tares in the field, and the field is the cosmos (Matthew 13). And from an evil mankind came an offspring of carnal humans, from the Tree of Knowledge, which also represent indigenous tribes with which some Adamic humans mixed up, losing the greater percentage of Tree of Life and the beatific state of consciousness held in Gan Eden.

Having seen many details, we can now understand how was serpent lunar energy what made Adamic humanity fall, experiencing the atrophy of the pineal gland,  developing more their sexuality and carnal existence.

But let´s not forget how with regard to the episode of Yakov´s struggle with a mysterious man, it is taught such man was the Prince of Edom, ruler of Esav, Yakob´s brother. And facing this fallen manhood, he won the struggle. So the Prince called him Israel (He who struggled with the planetary force El or He who made an effort towards El). El is linked to Jupiter and Lightning, and rather than a god like entity, I prefer to see it as an Electric Force in need of Magnetic reconciliation.

And Yakov-Israel in turn called that place Peny-El, which sounds like Pineal, he overcomes delusional third eye perception, derived from disarmonious El-ectrical/nervous impulses.

Hence Master Y´sho came to say: if thy Eye be simple, your body will be full of Light, But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness 

The question that remains is, who a are the Edomites in relation to Mashiaj, the Master and his tree of Life Offspring?

Well, first of all they were not gods, but men with a highly advanced technology, although their power is lower than many believe, from a cosmic scale. Specially now that the rebels got cut off from certain functions, since they lost their wives/bodies, as stated in Genesis 36. Many of them are just spirits in chains of darkness, since they abandoned their appointed places (Jude 1:6).

In Sumerian myth many Anunnaki were degraded, and they no longer have so much power, since their were isolated mostly to the sphere of the moon and the earth. The dragon was cast down to the earth by Michael, says Revelation 12. The earth was then shielded by he Cosmic Immune System or left-wing messengers/angels. That´s why Y´shua said: The Prince of this World has already being judged.

The Torah even says that seven Kings of Edom lost their bodies (wives), but the Eighth King of Edom preserved his body of manifestation, and oral teachings add he became the precursor of the Messiah on this solar system. So, while many Sarim are chained in darkness, the Eighth King of Edom thrived and brought a new human offspring called New Adam.

You are the Light of the Kosmos, said He (Matthew 5).

And it seems the Kings of Edom belong to the so called fallen Sarim or Princes, Planetary Rulers or Archons whose function is to protect or guide king/rulers on earth. As prophet Daniel 10:20-21 says, each nation has a Prince. Enoch explained there are 70 Shepherds for the 70 gentile Nations, while Michael is the main Chief Prince ruling over all of them, being the protector of Israel, that is to say, those who conquer their spiritual passions. 

So not all Princes are evil, only those affected by the Satan, the old Sepernt energy.

Furthermore, not everything in this solar system is evil. Due to accidental circumstances, certain Architects from Right and Left Wings declared the Earth in quarenteen, with a energy layer/dome, establishing barriers of protection to avoid spread of darkness into other parts of the universe. 

This would be the place of a Recycling Serpent System or Ouroboros.

Yet, all evil is the result of ignorance, fear and naïve behaviors that lead to darkness, but also to the possibility of evolution from darkness and redemption. In a last instance, there is no absolute enemy for the Divine Being. New Adam contains every force in the Universe, and becomes divine as we overcome the inertia of Serpent energy. For the purpose of Satan is to be defeated inside and outside, cancelling the fruits of the serpent, crossing Time Ouroboros without being affected by it. 

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