Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Global Crisis

To many people the present confluence of socio-economic and geo-climatological perturbations seem a bad thing, something to be avoided. Now, isn't it all a cosmic requirement to force us pay debt?

Very few realize that the modern and supposedly civilized ways of living (consumerism, superficiality, exploitation of nature...) are what the Hopi called "koyaanisqatsi", life out of balance, which is in itself a call for transformation.

It's not the first time the human race experiences that state. But we keep so bussy believing our fantasies that can barely remember the previous collapse of other civilizations, as the one suffered by a legendary and greedy empire –akin to our Western world– that existed in prehistoric times.

Although those far off days were a twilight in the so called Great Year of the solar system, whereas today, after twelve thousand years, the night is over and a new dawn grows very slowly, following the steady rhythm of the stars, cleaning the ground for something new. An old and forgotten truth revived by Swami Sri Yukteswar in 1895, with his book The Holy Science. Something which is even in tune with modern discoveries (see

Whether we respond accordingly or not, is uncertain. But as wise elders say, it's a priviledge to participate in this process, even though the dissolution of our socio-cultural and psychological structures brings pain.

It's a time to stop and to ponder on our place and role in life. The rest will come by itself.

In tune with the theme, we leave now a reflective video with a musical interpretation of the film score Koyaanisqatsi.

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