Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Liberation in the Matrix & Alchemical Christic Cross

In the previous episode we already saw some principles of transformation and today it is time to see a very important question that is hardly addressed because most of the spiritual teachings are inverted or incomplete. The misinterpretation of the spiritual way and divine Selfhood is very common, so we need true discernment.

Let´s begin by pointing out that there are four main paths of spirituality:

The Path of Heroes and Shamans

We may call the first path of heroes, which includes shamanism. We find their characteristics in the famous journeys of the mythological heroes, which travel to the underworld, where they fight with all kinds of monsters using enormous force and cunning of intellect, undergoing severe physical tests, etc. In Greece we have figures like Hercules and his 12 works, which symbolize the 12 astrological psychotypes. In Judeo-Christianity the famous is perhaps Samson, who after killing the lion of his passions, fell into the hands of Dalyla, the Darkness that left him blind. Then he destroyed the temple (of the body) throwing the pillars of duality where he was tied, but he ended up dying like the rest of heroes.

This makes us see that despite all the strength, cunning and spiritual powers, the world of illusion catches anyone whose ego is still too elevated.

This does not mean we should not endure hardship. Israel is precisely the title given to those who conquer the negative astral radiations which are constantly bombarding us, causing dark thoughts and emotions.

Devotional Path

Then we have the typical path of loving devotion, typical of external religion. There many try to follow rules and rituals stipulated by what is called Lord God, which requires obedience, worship and submission.

Unfortunately, in this second way the faithful ones usually ignore how to transform negativity inside and become robotic sheep ready for the slaughter, without questioning what is illogical. Very few come to understand that Primordial Love cannot have to do with a Lord God, a Babylonian idea that meansowner of someone inferior. Divine Love elevates everyone to the expressions of Holy Oneness.

The Holy Being does not give commandments or rituals either. Even Paul of Tarsus assured in his letters that commandments was the ministry of the Angels. And of course, the Angels claim to work for the Holy One, but there are two sides and are subject to mistakes, as humans.

Furthermore, we see that religions come from fallen Adamic lords who tried to make the human correct the fall into the physical world, with chaotic consequences. So the second path is duality and conflict.

However, within the scope of religion, mystics like Meister Eckart or Rumi arose, breaking their mental chains by means of true devotional Love, abandoning scriptures and the idea of a separated God Lord, showing devotion towards the Limitless Being who lives in everything and everyone. This shows how even Love transforms religion.

Path of the divine intellect

Thirdly, we have a path of investigation and self-inquiry, with several variants. Some speak of Gnosis, in India some speak of Royal/Radja Yoga, which cultivates the divine mind through the eight steps of Yoga that lead to meditation and nirvana.

Very interesting is Gnana Yoga, based on Advaita Vedanta, Knowledge of Non-Duality, or Aduality. It has different variants and approaches but the most famous are those of Shankara, Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta.

The fundamental idea on that path is to ponder constantly on the question: who am I? And the one who perceives the root of his ego, can see that it is the knot from which all the phenomenal illusion arises. And once the egoic I am egoic is perceived, one can release it into the boundless ocean of Sat (Being), Chit (Consciousness) and Ananda (Bliss). In traditional terms some express it as going from Ahamkara (egoic contraction), to the Atman (inner divine soul), which dissolves into Brahma (Great Creative Mind), which dissolves into Brahman (Absolute) and finally dissolves into Para-Brahman, the ungraspable.

In this way, the Sat Guru or Universal Master Being is sought and revealed, leading to the dissolution of all illusion and cessation of all reincarnation, which is part of the illusion.

Ramana Maharshi is said to have become enlightened as a young man and only remained alive as a Liberated Soul (Jivanmukta), letting the remaining karma go, just like the potter wheel that spins by inertia. And we can see in Ramana a man who retired to his mountain and stopped taking care of his body. People would visit him and he would sometimes remain long periods of silence, absorbed.

Now, is this self-annihilation really enlightenment?

This misses many traps, because not by dissolving all are we going to free ourselves. There are souls who can be recycled by dissolving their garments in a certain light and given their lack of understanding, they are forced to return. Hence the revolving tunnel of light that many see, meeting family members, Buddha, Jesus himself or angels, who await to assure that the soul returns to earth.

Another approach to the path of the mind is the Greek Gnosis, which leaves out many elements and relies too much on syncretism.

Another mental approach is Kabalah in its various forms. Its essence is meditation on the structure of reality, the existential verb (Yhwh), understanding the vibrations that are expressed in Hebrew letters, the DNA of Creation. However, even Hebrew Wisdom has been mixed with the science of this world.

Since ancient times there has been talk on how divine Light came to be trapped into a dense material universe, and this was expressed in the language of Nature, as we see in numerous teachings, including the Hebrew Alphabet and Astrology.

Jewish Kabbalah speaks of the science of oneness expressed in the Sefer Yetzirah, attributed to Abraham. An it Basically it tells how this physical world was formed, whose codes are 12 astrological signs associated with 12 single letters, 7 planets associated with 7 double letters, three mother letters (Mem, Shin, Alef), and four stages marked by Yhwh. All these structures hide the Almah or Maiden of Divine Reality, which remains as an exiled Shekinah and must return to clothe the Blessed One.

From there numerous traditions of knowledge drank, although everything remained hidden.

Great Kabbalists expanded this vision and clarified many secrets encoded in the Torah and Sefer Yetzirah. Rabbi Shimon bar Yojai transmitted the Zohar and Isaac Luria clarified the issues concerning the fall of the Elohim, First Adam, and reincarnation, in the context of the Universal Messiah.

It was Luria who explained how the mind souls (neshemot), who belonged to the first Adamic beings, got trapped in reincarnations, gilgulim ha neshemot, and must return by means of a repair or tikun, either in the form of nefesh/vital soul, in other physical bodies, or by returning through Ibur, within other souls, when they are more advanced.

In spite of this clarifications, Kabbalistic work is eminently intellectual, and in general it implies rituals and meditations with religious overtones that block the reality primordial Life expresses.

Way of Integrated Life Soul

When Messiah Yshua came, he demonstrated  very different walk of life and spoke of canceling all tikun or need for repair and reincarnation, through the integration into the Universal Soul or Primordial Adam, the Humanity that has never fallen. It was called Yahoshua in Hebrew because it means Salvation through the armonized Existential Verb, as well as Emanuel, divine Force in us.

But the Master taught that new wine cannot be put into old wineskins.

Liberation is not by means of complete dissolution, nor the study of the written or codified Torah, nor any other sacred book, because everything is leavened with  lies. He himself said to the Pharisees: is it not written in “your” Torah ...?

Yet he did not come to cancel it, but to manifest the inner Torah of Light.

Be gentle as doves and cunning like serpents.

So we must separate the chaff from the wheat and access the living Truth, which is the Reality of Being that grows within us, across all of our experiences.

Of course, that involves knowing how the world and its deceptions are structured, starting with the perception of ourselves, the world, and others. Let's see it in a summarized way.

The Self-transcendent I Amness

It is not entirely exact to say that everything is an illusion, as Non-Dualistic currents hold. The world is a mixture of Truth and Lies. The illusion has degrees and a lot of success, by the way. If it were all a lie, no one would believe it.

It was once written: You will not take the name Yhwh (Existential Word) in vain (Exodus 20).

And almost nobody understood that he was referring to the use we make of the perception of Being. The existential verb makes real everything it touches.

Hence the sentence: I am Yhwh, and no one else creates light or forms darkness (Isaiah 45: 6-7).

So if we feel “I was mistreated”, and “I am a victim”, we do that to ourselves.

The cosmic Ego is a Quantum Double that encompasses past, present and future, giving us false personalities, subject to victimization and death. That is why it is necessary to be Nothing first, so we can taste everything at once.

In Hebrew I am or I is called Any, but in reverse it is Ayn, Nobody, Nothing that we can define with words.

And its radiance would be the Primordial Adam, to whose Soul we really belong as new neshemot souls (neshemot).

So the true Self is not a Subject versus Objects, but  two poles united: the subject becomes an object, the observer is the observed. The Great I Am feels itself and perceives others as expressions of Love, Life and Serene Conscience.

This keeps us from falling into the illusion of pseudo-mystical monism saying that we are all One because everything is matter and matter is energy.

In reality matter and energy are only a qualities of the luminous glow of the Blessed Being, which expresses itself as Cosmic Humanity of Light and dwells in the infinite Space of Light, the Ether.

Now who got out of the Primordial Adam? And how are we released?

Creation of the Adamic Matrix

The Space of infinite Light received various names. In Greece the sages called it Aither, while in India it is the Akasha. Its existence is already posed in Quantum Physics, although still in diapers, they speak of fantasies, such as the God Particle, Boson of Higgs.

Some scientists even speak of five states of matter: solid, aqueous-gelatinous (intracellular), liquid, gaseous and plasma. And although they are getting closer to Ancient Science, they still have a way to go.

The Ether always was and will be the invisible substantial Space that permeates everything and where the Loving Infinite Light that comes from the Primordial Origin impacts. Thus a Kosmos with luminous Life forms where the perceptual Consciousness of Life grows, leading to serene blissful Conscience.

However, just as Solomon himself said in Proverbs 8 and 9, Wisdom, Sophia, was with the Existential Word (Yhwh) at the Origin, and Wisdom built up her house, carved its seven columns, killed her victim, tempered her wine and set her table (Proverbs 9).

This was how everything began to thicken and Serpentine Beings of twisted Wisdom took advantage of the movement of Love, turning it into Eros. The false Yhwh was thus born, an existential verb that not only generates forms but constrains, because forms generate a Matrix where Life loses itself and disconnects.

This is how Heaven and Earth became chaotic and desolate (Genesis 1: 2).

We can say that this was the breaking of the vessels or shevirat ha kelim of which Isaac Luria spoke.

And Elohim separated light from darkness.

The divine forces began to divide into Light and Darkness, generating dimensional planes, stars, cycles of time and diverse species, as described in Genesis 1.

And the Elohim or Architects, wanting to rectify the chaos said: let us make Adam (humanity) in our image according to our likeness, and be taught about the beings of water, of the air, creatures of earth and reptilian beings. And Elohim created Adam in his own image, the image of God created he him, male and female (Genesis 1:26)

Few understand this was not referring to the humanity and animals we see in our dimension, but to alien creatures from various dimensional planes, especially the lower three, Beriah (World of Creation), Yetzirah (World of Formation) and Assiyah (World of Action): Adam gave name to all beast, beings of the air and creature of the field, but Adam did not find suitable help (Genesis 2:18)

Divine Consciousness could not marry alien creatures fully, but of course these became more intelligent animals, after receiving divine intelligence.

But in primordial Reality there is no similarity because there are no shadows, therefore the attempt to make a humanity by uniting Light and Darkness was an experiment of a Demiurge God, destined for failure. Even the Elohim did not know what would come: And Yhwh Elohim created creatures ... to see how the Adam (vital soul) would call/impregnate them.

This is how a new type of Adam emerged, divided into man and woman, Adam and Jawah / Eva, mind of light and bodies of light, who mixed with reptilian souls of the previous fallen creation. They ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

This was expressed in Alchemy as Immortal Light trapped in the material Adam, made of Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

In the teaching of Empedocles it was Eros or selfish Love what brings together the four elements, Earth, Water, Air and Fire, trapping Aither, the substance of the immortal Soul, which is forced to reincarnate and transmigrate in different creatures until it is released by the disintegration  of chains, to return to the Sphiros, the Original Sphere of Light.

And most authors misinterpreted Neikos as mere Hate, seeing the generation of Eros as positive, when it is the opposite according to Empedocles, heir of Pythagoras.

Empedocles spoke of planting the divine word in the space of consciousness, so that the Tree of Life can grow. A teaching that the Master would later expand and demonstrate.

He himself said I am the Light of the Kosmos (John 8:12) and you are the Light of the Kosmos (Mato 5:23).

Not I am the Light of the World and you are mere sinners, as pseudo-Christianity defends.

It was also said I am the Alpha and the Omega, which in Hebrew would be the Aleph and the Tav, first and last letter of the Alphabet. Why?

Aleph represents the Spirit that was trapped or crucified in the four elements, the Cross of dense matter, which in Paleo-Hebrew and other picto-symbolic languages was represented as a Cross.

In Egypt the Krst was the embodiment of Light in the brain.

And interestingly, the last four letters of the Alphabets are QRST, which comes from Quf, Resh, Shin, and Tav.
Hence the word Christos, anointed with light in Greek.

But that does not imply illumination, because there are fallen christs, such as the pharaohs, the heroes, the anointed cherub, the fallen Adamic messiahs, star seeds ...

However, we can see the entire Alphabet as levels of understanding that must be integrated so as not to get caught and dissolve the tensions that form the Cosmic Ego or Experience of Great Darkness.

For example, the three mother letters: alef is the spirit that results from uniting water, symbolized by mem and fire, letter shin. Applying the fire of conscience we sublimate the existential waters.

And awakening implies remembering the Father's house, Beyt, walking humbly, releasing the burden of the ego, symbolized by the letter Gimel and the camel. Consciously contemplating that we are Light and not dense material forms. That would be the letter Hey, who in Paleo-Hebrew was like an alert being:

That connects  earth and heaven in us as the Vav does. And we need the ax of discernment, the letter Zain, leaping walls and waxes, letter Jet, etc.

To dissolve tensions is to transcend false creations. Krst itself derives from Krrrrr, energy crystallizing, or put another way, Creation.

And this physical creation was not to liberate but to subject the Light to torment. And so it was taught by the prophets: as a lamb he was taken to the slaughterhouse ... Yhwh wanted to break him with suffering (Isaiah 53)

We can deduce that here Yhwh means the constrictive action and fallen entities that give rise to dense matter. It is the realm of the star and planetary radiation.

We see this in the 7 simple letters, which are linked to the 7 planets, and 12 Hebrew simple letters, which correspond to the 12 zodiacal houses: Hei goes with Aries, Vav with Taurus, Zain with Gemini, Jet with Cancer, Tet with Leo, Yud with Virgo, etc.

The wheel of signs or mashalim and the Alef-Bet represents the stages of incarnation of the Light or Shekinah of the Primordial Man or Adam Kadmon, whose liberation involves going beyond the constrictor Ouroboros Serpent of Cause and Effect, which governs reincarnation.

Yhwh persecutes the wickedness of the parents over the children until the third and fourth generation (Deuternomio 5)

This not only refers to the family generation, the so-called trans-generational sin, but Kabalah itself associates it with the Ibur or return of more advanced souls. Reincarnation from generation to generation concerns the Nefesh, while Ibur occurs when a spirit (ruach, pneuma) enters a new emotional Soul or ruach to further evolve or serve as a guiding spirit, like the famous spirit of Elijah.

Liberation in the New Adam

When we understand the path outlined by the ancients, including the prophets, we can still glimpse the path of struggle proposed by the heroes.

Elijah himself exercised power against the priests of Baal, and fled so as not to fall into the hands of Jezebel. He even left his body at will, supposedly.

Elijah did not die; he was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind while riding in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:11)

This was referring to a light merkaba. And since then he became what Kabbalists call Sandalphon, guardian of incarnated souls, along with Metatron, who are Enoch-type souls.

So Elijah represents an additional type of soul that Ibur comes to help.

Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet, before the day of Yhwh great and terrible comes (Malachi 4: 5)

The Master hand in mind that prophecy when saying:

And if you want to accept my word, John (the Baptist) is the Elijah who was to come (Matthew 11: 7-14)

because he (John the Baptist) came in the "spirit and power of Elijah" (Luke 1:17)

However, even with the Spirit of Elijah, John the Baptist had his head cut off. It was an incomplete paradigm.

Who have you seen in the desert, a reed? asked the Master in reference to the John, who was a rather broken dry trunk.

The Master did not suggested a path of effort, opposition and rigidity, but one of reeds that bend with the wind.

Yet, in the transfiguration Elijah and Moses appear at his side, because the Soul of the Messiah integrates and transfigures the previous soul robes: the vital Nefesh of fallen Adam, the emotional Ruach of Moses and the mental Neshemah of Elijah.

That is a state that had already been achieved by Enoch in previous times, without so much obstruction:

Enoch walked with Elohim, and disappeared, because Elohim took him (Genesis 5:24)

It means that he walked with the true Self and transcended the Matrix of Illusion, meeting the family o light. That is why it is called Metatron, beyond the Throne of the Ego we can say

Yet Master Yshua went one step further, crossing the darkness in a body of the fallen Adam Enosh. Thus he became a model of the Last and New Adam:

The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45)

The New Adam is the Soul that reveals the Primal Father Adam, the vehicle of the Infinite Being.

Father keep them in your Name (Personality), which I have manifested to them, so that they may be one like you and I are one (John 17:11)

And this is abiding in the Great I Am, which becomes you and us, because it grows everywhere.

So everything is not just an illusion of an impersonal Self, as many say, nor we are just a creator God. We are the Self-Conscious Soul of the Infinite Being, which neither creates nor ceases to create, because what creates is the mind that believes and manifests, according to its understanding of the existential Word, YHWH.

Thus we can say that it is an I Am Beings We are, Yo Soy Seres Somos, read the same back and forth.

I, now, choose to believe in unconditional Love, unaltered Life, blissful and serene Consciousness, where everything sublimates and returns to the original state.

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