Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Principles of Transformative Magic


1.Lives of Life and not human sheep
Whether we like it or not, our world society and economy is mostly governed with Babylo-Greco-Roman laws that are draconian, as they are based on a social pyramid structure and a tyrannical distribution of resources, a noose around the neck, since the richest and powerful have access to more control and knowledge, obtaining greater capacity for genetic, mediatic and technological manipulation, to continue existing at the expense of the most ignorant, whose condition plunges them into misery.
This system does not consider humans as beings with a respectable intimacy of life or with spiritual needs, even medicine regards people as pieces of meat. 

And to hide this, the "enlightened ones" say humans are legal entities, subjects with civil rights, which are of course established within the conditions of artificial states, based on the same draconian system.
And the evidende this does not lead to the development of the Inner Luminous Life, are cities full of aggressive, selfish, stressed, sick, frustrated people, tired of so much competitiveness and socio-economic injustice. In society we rather find human cattle, sheep destined to be sheared, milked and slaughtered. Curiously, in Spanish being is ser and its reverse forms the word Res, which in Spanish is "cattle", and "thing" in Latin.
Precisely, this is how human society was described since ancient times, telling how self-proclaimed  gods divided the land into sections and led humans as sheep. Plato and other sages wrote about this. But some of us are witnessing this today. The great misfortune that humanity is experiencing is that the social educational systems, especially religious and political, were designed by twisted minds at the summits of an inhuman social pyramid, and with them they taught the human masses to regard themselves as sheep in need of shepherds, poor people in need of garbage, sinners in need of payment... In short, cattle and objects without will or conscience, plus masochists, lovers of suffering, struggling for competition to achieve superficial goals and recognized success. Even when many reach the pinnacle of success, they indulge in corruption, drugs, sex, and alcohol because they can't stand the inner emptiness that supposed success leaves. 

Meanwhile a small circle of pseudo-enlightened psychopaths want to dominate over those who believe themselves to be less powerful, exploiting resources that must be wisely protected and administered, not politically or religiously.
According to Bill Gates, no one is responsible for being born in a poor country, but everyone is responsible for dying poor. And the truth is that this is highly debatable in various ways, because there are souls who are simply born in poverty because in previous existences they wasted all the energy and knowledge they had. But many others are simply victims of a system of oppression. It would be interesting to see what magnates would do if they had been born in towns of Africa or India, forced to inflate their stomachs with the contaminated and modified starch their companies produce and sell to poor countries. It would even be more interesting to see a young Mr.Gates running naked through the savanna, in front of or behind the lions.
What is missing then? Very simple: Awareness and exercise of the most basic principles of Being and Life, none to be found in politics, religions or pseudo-spiritualities.
In the miracle of the present moment lies the key to transformation and abundance; but there are different nuances and principles to understand: presence, magnetism, energy economization, right effort, direction, armonía... All of them constitute the keys to existential magic. And they were both taught and exemplified by the Master who manifested: ask and you shall receive.

Everyone on earth is receiving what they ask for. And as it was clarified: the problem is that you do not know how to ask, because you do it for your selfish purposes (James 4.3).

It is time then to ask for what corresponds to us, as it corresponds to us.

2. Magnetic Principles and Magic of the Full Being
From the earliest times it has been revealed that the world of chaos and scarcity was the result of a violation of cosmic laws, a fall from a sphere where the energy of Life is complete and not fragmented.
And all unmodified Life of Light emanated from a Source of Fullness, the Home of the Primal Being, which is always Present everywhere. Its magnetic essence is I am a self-subsisting and self-transcending immortal Love, serene Life and vital Light for all and in all.
That is precisely the meaning of Love, Amor, A-mort, absence of death, that is, the Life of serene Light that is donated without constricting time.
And Love is basically an attractive energy, pure magnetism, but not everyone is able to express it fully. Some beings express it only through opposites, the fractal world of electromagnetism, positive poles that give and negative poles that receive, but get exhausted.
So let's say that the first universal principle is that Love grows in direct proportion to the absence of selfishness. The greater the Love, the greater the fullness of Being, the lesser the egocentrism, the lesser the electromagnetic polarity and the lesser desire to receive or impose oneself.

The movement of true Love is also a principle of Self-transcending identity where the I becomes You and Us. In Spanish we even have an amazing palindrome, read the same backwards: Yo Soy Seres Somos: I Am Beings We Are.

That makes Life find less duality and less limits to the extent that it expresses complete Love.
Something that made me renew my way of thinking was understanding that my real Self is like a sphere of magnetic Light that grows in the fertile ground of life experiences, but only to the extent that self-awareness, attention, intention and understanding elevates the quality of experiences.
So, two other principles are:
The quality of attention and intuition is proportional to the degree of essential self-remembering.
The more we perceive our fullness, the more the attention and intuition of high vibration grow.
On the other hand, keep in mind that the more our consciousness grows, the more connectivity with the environment and full Life Consciousness increases.
And this improves the quality of our life, due to another principle:
The level of your Being attracts the experiences you live.
If we have energy, attention and intention but we waste it by focusing our attention on low pleasures, pain, bitterness, weakness, lack, we feed all that, because likes attracts like and energy flows where attention goes.
And that is to channel the will or intention towards what we do not want: pain, suffering, lack ...
From here another key is derived and it is the principle of reverse effort and fading away: the more one strives in something, the more difficult it becomes. In other words, what you run into, runs away from you.
The key to success lies in the principle of effortless effort or action without action, Wei Wu Wei call it the Taoists, a state of complete attention where mind, heart and body align with the energy of the All, channeling the Presence of the complete Being.
Therefore, another principle of Life is that the efficiency and integrity of action increases as the Presence of Being grows and the thoughts or emotions that interfere decrease.
It is of little use to think a lot positive, and less negative if it steals mental energy necessary to keep our attention on specific tasks and goals that are in tune with the Primordial Source.
All this is precisely what Yshua the Nazarene taught:

learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden light. 

He was a master of effortless action and self-trancendence, reason why he emptied himself from his false self:

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christos Iesous (Cosmic Man/Universal Soul), who, though he was in the form of God (vehicle of Infinite Light), did not count equality with God (Endless Light) a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross...(Philipians 2:5-8)

Many still ignore that even Talmudic records (Sanhedrin 43a) state that Yeshu was hanged on th Eve of Passover for practicing magic and having led the people of Israel to apostasy.

His teaching is based on the highest form of Magic, which starts from the conscious and unconditional Love that springs from the Primordial Being, whose magnetism of serene Life can transform everything.
And if Yshua's human carnal expression was murdered it was not because he couldn't escape, but because he decided not to run away and give the last lesson of staying among the insane to awaken even more souls:

He who wants me to come, deny your false ego, take up your cross and follow me (Matthew 16:24)

With this he also demonstrated that divine will can change everything, making the death of the ego the greatest triumph.
And the keys of magic that the Master gave are not hidden. Even in the canonical Gospels great keys are found. Ask and you will receive, said the Master, keeping in mind the old law of attraction and opposition: like attracts th like and opposites repel each other.
In Mark 11 it is collected in a creative way: Have faith in God (the fullness of Being). I assure you that whoever says to this mountain: "Take off and throw yourself into the sea" and does not hesitate in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, he will get it. That is why I tell you: whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have already received it and will obtain it (Mark 11)
The tragedy is that the human mind interprets everything from the physical level, without understanding that the God to whom the translation refers is not an external entity and that the Master does not teach how to speak to a mountain, because he could not be trusted in a physical object. We must trust the subtle Being of reality. There are much bigger mountains that we must get around first, and they are psychological and spiritual in nature, beginning with the selfish intentions that keep us trapped physically. In fact, the Aramaic translation of that passage alludes to asking without hidden intent, with conviction in the miracle.
And the true Faith is to trust with Hope in the accomplished miracle of our full Being, which aspires to manifest itself here and now. This can be expressed in a phrase by Heraclitus:

he who does not expect the unexpected will not find it, for he is hard to seek and find.

What corresponds to us for Being complete is greater and better than our narrow mind imagined. 

And when we are really tuned in, even the most implausible can happen. The Master was an example of how it is possible to influence the physical at all levels.
But first we have to see this on manageable levels. 

For example, feeling unconditional Love and transforming a negative emotion is already a miracle.

So this is not asking for anything, in a big way, how and when our egoism determines. What is the point of asking for a mountain to be thrown into the water, or asking for a mansion that is too much for me alone and I cannot take care of it? What is the use of receiving a lot of money if I don't even know how to distribute it intelligently? Don't the great magnates who drown the world waste enough money already?
As it was also said: He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much (Luke 16:10).

Here souls can gain understanding of much greater functions. And what would the unresponsible do with Light merkavas and other wonders? They would become fallen architects or deceiving spiritual teachers, as some of the alien species that brag about technologies.
We even rarely appreciate the great talents and strengths we are born with.
The parable of the talents teaches that whoever does not use what he has to increase energy, the few he has will be taken from him. And this is because the darkness will not stop stealing that energy.
That is why the Master teaches to ask from the authentic personality.
And whatever you ask the Father in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son (John 14:13). 

Asking the Father or Primordial Origin in the Name is not asking in the name of an idol-deity like Jehovah, Jesus, Yeshua, Yahoshua, Yahshua or whatever we want to call it. The Hebrew word shem is translated as a name but it means a state or vibration that determines the essence of something. Yahoshua itself means the Personality of the Primal Being is Salvation, an I Amness of unconditional Love and Life of serene Light. Thus it is stated in John 17: 

I have manifested your Name/Personality to them, and I will still manifest it; so that the Love with which you have loved me is in them, and I in them. 

Manifesting the abundance of the primordial verb is not possible if we do not live bearing fruit with the gifts of our luminous seed, the genetics of the new humanity: 

I am the Vine (genetics of true Light), you are the branches; he who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing .... You did not choose me, but I chose you, and I have appointed you to go and bear fruit, and your fruit to remain; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you (John 15:16). 

It obviously alludes to those who are emanating from the Primordial Source and not mere astral souls. Furthermore, not manifesting the light energy of the New Humanity causes destructive emotional fire to arise in the form of frustration and groach towards what we do not understand and what we think prevents us from achieving our highest goals, when in reality we were given everything to get out.

He who does not abide in me will be cast out as a branch, and will wither; and they catch them, they throw them in the fire, and they burn (John 15: 6) 

That same thing was taught in the Gospel of Thomas in a more complete way: 

If you develop what you have inside, those you carry inside will save you; if you don't develop what you have inside, what you have inside will destroy you (Gospel of Thomas).
The fundamental purpose of each Being is therefore to flourish fully with a unique potential. And that implies recovering three spheres that were denied to humanity:
The Universal Self, Ena; his Purpose and Will, Ratzon, and his elvated Conscience, Da´at Elyon, which allows us to recognize them and give meaning to our complete experience of reality.
And no one can achieve that alone. Let's remember the principle of connectivity. Yshua himself taught it: 

Father, keep them in your Name/Personality so that they are one like you and I are one... Love one another as I have loved you. 

Therefore, we must not only ask ourselves what our origin and purpose are, but we must also know the connections of life, in order to better know where to put our attention and energy.
3. Oneness of Being
Understanding the essence of our participation in the full Being can be further understood by investigating the qualities of the so-called Divine Word or Tetragrammaton (Yhwh). It was not by chance that it was said: you will not take the Name Yhwh Elohym in vain (Exodus 20: 7). Yet we can translate: you will not take the energies of the Being in vain.
As we saw, in Hebrew a name, shem, is not a label that is stuck on someone, but a vibration that determines the essence of something. And Yhwh basically means Being and it underlies all existence. Hawa precisely means to Exist and the reverse form of Yhwh is Hawayah, which is Existence. And it contains the verb forms: 

It was (Haya), It is (Howwe) and It will be (Yihie).
So Yhwh sometimes refers to temporal existence, what comes from the past or what will be, as the potential of a seed.
From there come the four elements and the beings that represent them, be they of fire, air, water or earth.
The four letters also reflect the four steps of manifestation: emanation/intention, organization, formation and manifestation.
This is how we see it in a seed, root, stem and fruit.
But the full Being remains outside of space-time, in an ever-present completeness. And the qualities of that complete Being were very well described by the master Parmenides in the 6th century BC. His poem says that the only thing absolutely real is the One Being, complete and homogeneous, while what we see with the five senses is relative because it vanishes and is subject to opposites: more, less; black, white ... 

This helps to understand why in Acts of the Apostles we see Paul tell the Greeks that the followers of the Master worship the unknown God to whom the Hellenes had erected a monument, that is, the full Being. And in that context of meaning Paul added: in Him we live, we move and we are… His lineage (Acts 17:28).
That is why its first emanated Light is known as the Primordial Man or Father of Lights, the luminous body through which the Infinite Being multiplies in each of its expressions.
Now, the Vibration of Love and Life of serene Light should not be taken in vain because when one of its qualities or Elohym is missing, the shadow of Being (Yhwh) arises. Not by chance, Howeh (Hwh), is calamity, disaster.
I am Existence (Yhwh), the one who generates light (electromagnetic) and forms darkness (Isaiah 45: 6-7).
The inability to feel the fullness of Being leads to see only Shadow of existence. For example, if there is Love in us but Life and the Conscience of serene Light does not manifest, an insatiable desire arises that destroys us, because it does not recognize itself. 

Life disconnected from magnetic Love and serene Light, becomes dark, sorrowful, spiteful and agitated.

The Loveless Light is a play of light, a simulation full of chaos and electromagnetic agitation between negative and positive poles, lunar and solar, including false Wisdom and Knowledge based on external data.
And the same applies to Serenity; there is a false peace imposed through immediate satisfaction or peace imposed by force. None of that leads to fulfillment. Only by being vehicles of the complete Being can we participate in it. And this involves our whole mind, heart and body.
That was expressed even in expressions that were perverted.
The same name Yehudah (Yehwdah), from where they want to derive the word jew, literally means door (delet) for Being (Yhwh), because in the middle there is a letter Dalet. 

But how many of those who call themselves Jews open the door to the Love of Oneness? How many have spoken of Hashem, the Messiah, God, the Divine and the angels, without even knowing their Purpose of divine Life, beyond the images, the concepts, the rituals and beliefs in external idols?
Very few can even be called Israelites, who according to Jacob's narration are those who defeat the selfish inner Adam, the powers of the Moon (Isis) and the Sun (Ra) through the effort towards El, name associated with the planet Jupiter, which symbolizes expansive mercy. Yashar El means effort towards El. But Israel can be read as Rosh Ly, my head, because Israel is the head of the Primordial Adam. All beings are called to integrate into armonía:
Listen Israel, the forces of Being (Yhwh Elohym) are Being Oneness (Yhwh Ejad) –Deuteronomy 6.
Of course, oneness means an interrelation of beings with regard to Unity. And this implies integrating even those opposing forces that were disconnected from the Tree of Life, as the "wind" that pushes the sail to move the boat. As the Master taught, a divided house cannot stand. An old saying goes: what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
That is only achieved with the opening of Love, since the loving Reality encompasses and connects everything in Oneness (Ejad), making Life flow towards Unity (Yihud).
The same language contains all these meanings mathematically:
In Hebrew Love is Ahaba, and has the same numerical value as Ejad, Oneness, and is 13, like the value of Einai, Being in Greek.
And 13 is the Space that includes the 12 edges of a cube or the Seed that contains the 12 fruits of the Tree of Life. 

The very essence of Being reveals its Truth in Existence. And that making himself known is his Universal Soul or Messiah, to which the divine souls belong. 

In fact, in Hebrew, Olam (Kosmos), Elem (Hidden) and Almah (Maiden) are the same word, and their gematria is 145, which adds up to 10, the spheres of the manifestation, symbolized in the Parable of the Woman that had 10 coins, lost one, she turned on the lights and swept the house to find it.
Few understand that the Essence of Love has the virtue of opening a space of constant flow and self-discovery, like a heart with four ventricles. Otherwise it would stagnate.
Heart in Hebrew is Lebab, but the other way around it gives Babel, confusion.
In the same way, when Love is ignored, it gives rise to the opposite, Rome, symbol of the old Babylonian system, which continues to confuse its dualistic language and religion, with books whose altered letter kill.
Having seen the beauty contained in the dynamics of Being, does it not sound absurd and babelic to speak of a God Lord and owner of souls who fights against a Devil or Accuser? Why insist more on calling Love Lord, if the Being Love is not the owner but an all-encompassing and unitary donating Source? 

The Loving Being does not reflect the idea of the Supreme Creator God either, an entity different from his creatures, who become fallen and diseased cattle. What kind of God bears decadent fruit? Being Oneness does not lead to the creation of things but to the generation of Life. No seed creates its tree or other fruits, but unfolds them from within. And the same happens when we love from the Holy Being, becoming generations, descendants. But the forked tongue sowed division and hatred, since it comes from the "generation of vipers" referred to by the Master, pointing to the religious authorities full of accusation. 

Even Pablo expressed some truth by saying that there is only one God and Father (Origin) who is above all, through all and in all (Ephesians 4: 6). 

Unfortunately words such as Theou (God) and Iesous, were associated with astral deities, such as Zeus, god of Olympus, who remains above all and never in all, while the Being transcends space and time, manifesting himself even in illusion. So let´s those who have ears not hate and understand.


  1. Greetings and Blessings In True Loving Light Brother Fernando!!!

    Simply Beautiful!!!

    The words, visions and revelations revealed in this writing are Truly In complete Armonia with ones manifesting in TrueSelf!!!

    Like For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

    Sensing True Light seed unfolding from the place of Being fully known!!!

    Read thru it 3 times already and still receiving renewed revelations each time being reminded of The Words and Ways of The Universal Soul!!!

    Truly Alot to Ponder as True Blessings flowing rivers of Living Water in True Infinite Unconditional Loving Source!!!

    Hope this message finds You Well and as Always Thank You for All You Do, Truly!!!

    Lets Keep Manifesting Purpose in Divine Life!!!

    Brother Frank

    1. Thank you for the feedback Light brother. Glad you found inspiration. Writing is also therapeutic and clarifying to me. Blessings
