Friday, December 4, 2020

Answering questions on Soul Darkness


I recently received a series of interesting questions concerning the recent article about the Judas of the Soul:

Here I post them with my reply:

Question: Who is the HaVaYáH that defends Israel? Why only Israel? Does Israel carry a Sar (Prince) that guards them? Is there any connection between The Worlds of Light and this physical world?

Answer: The true Israel is the Soul that has conquered its most basic passions. Therefore, protection comes from activating the true self-recognition of the Verb/Yhwh: I Am Love of Life and Serene Conscience.  This Self-recognition takes place in Tifereth, the Beautiful Armonía of the Soul, with mercy (Hesed), enlightened judgment (Din) and compassion (Rachamim). This is Jeder, the Chamber of the Heart. That brings into action the function called Prince Yakob/Israel. But it is a function of the Soul, not an external Prince or a God who protects a specific people. That only exists in the magical thinking of childish religious minds.

And the connection of the worlds of Light with this is multiple: on one hand there is the approach of emanation (Atzilut), but there are others, such as the world of Beriah (Creation), Yetzirah (Formation), whose creatures and laws are reflected in this physical world, which is a shadow or distorted reflection of the spiritual mutes.

Question: Actually Purim carries an internal background towards reestablishing oneself in function as Yashar-El, something that each one must apply in living, that is, the force of action in the ahavah (atzilut, mind of Mashiach) so that reverses what the enemies drew up for the internal Israel that each one carries and whom they have wanted to eliminate by causing that enemy to fall into those traps.

Answer: I understand what you mean. There is in fact an inversion Law whereby everything is reversed when the will and conscience are not applied. However, the Primordial Love Intelligence does not intend to reverse anything from any enemy. Esther / Hadasha asks the King to hang up the ten sons of Haman, and this expresses the emotional and mental neurosis of a people who began to worship the Golden Calf (Orion Religion). That is why the midot of Israel are disorganized and the Teaching of Light was taken from them, given to peoples who did not even belong to Israel, but who can join the Tree of Life. Those who call themselves Jews are so full of tribal ideology that they do not accept the uncircumcised or people of non-kosher blood in their sects. Likewise, a large part of Christians are so full of sectarianism that they cannot conceive either how a person who does not believe in a crucified Jesus can be saved.

Question: What do you mean by balancing light and darkness? Can there be a balance between two antagonistic ones, one that cancels the other?

Answer: As long as the Dark is more intense than the Light, there is nothing to do. As soon as the polarized Light gains ground, even if the darkness is strong, things change, because the Light can open the door to Magnetic Light, which embraces and dissolves all darkness.

Question: What prevents the force of love and life from manifesting itself to nullify the evil and chaos that lies in the egoism of the human being? On what depends the revealing of Yeshua, since it does not have to do with belief but with experience?

Answer: It depends on feeding the Mind of the Messiah so that emotional shadows do not drown out conscious Love. Yeshua reveals himself as soon as we are the Salvation of our own personality, taking it out of mental rigidity, victimhood, hatred, resentment, etc.

Question: How was the image of balance and equality (platform) distorted towards a government system of the "powerful", where did they obtain the power to subjugate others? What influence does the action of Mother Nature have on it?

Answer: The Forgetting of the Primordial Image due to immaturity in the First World of this universe. That forgetfulness is not seeing that the Blessed One is present even in the apparent concealment (Elem) and the Nothing (Ayn), which occurs in the matter of the Universe (Olam) and Maiden (Almah) of Life.
The Israelites tempted Existence and complained to Moses because they had no water, and they said: Is the Word (Yhwh) within us or is there nothing (Ayn)? (Exodus 17: 7)

To tempt the Word is to believe in what it is not, a distorted image. We tend to see existence where there is an Essence that suffers and still marvels full of Love, because the Truth is here. But hardly anyone sees or feels it. Few realize that their Self is the Holy One suffering and rediscovering himself over and over again. Because true Love is to recognize and remember oneself in the clean Mirror of the Heart and Body of Mother Nature, even in its fallen manifestations.
iQuestion: What generates this diffraction so that the light does not manifest as Ahavah (love) but as hate?

Answer: Oblivion. The distancing that is the result of a densification of matter-energy. Imagine an ice palace inhabited by ice people. Why are they so cold and stiff? Because they do not know or understand that they are Water, and they lack warmth.

Question: What does the death of those who were persecuted and massacred in the restoration process mean, including Master Yeshua Minatzrat, considering that it was their decision to let things happen that way, the spiritual state allowed them to avoid the persecutors? There is a text that says he was obedient until death. Who or what did he obey to?

Answer: Death is only of the physical vehicle, for those who have an immortal soul. That is why I do not believe there was a human named Yeshua Minazrat. We know that they called him Ysho, Yshu, Yeshua, or Yeshu ha Notzri, but because Yeshua is a code that means Salvation by the Logos Verb of Love, Life and primordial Serene Conscience. That cannot die and therefore never died. And when he incarnated in a human 2000 years ago, his human essence was immortalized and incorporated into the Cosmic Brain, from where he operates as an Adamic Model of Universal Man for our dispensation. He also showed a body of Light that even his disciples did not recognize. If he allowed his human body to be murdered, it was only to demonstrate what the Logos can do.

Question: If we are all one in the anointed Yeshua, where is the separation of that consciousness? Can the unity of the Ahavah deny or deny someone, for the simple fact of having received religious and cultural influence that does not allow them to accept a Jesus? In what part of creation is the anointed Yeshua?
Answer: Wherever your whole mind, body and heart is, there is the Anointing of true Understanding. There is only One Being, one Great I Am. Do not search apart from your essential being, for you will not find. You just have to let it express itself, instead of the Adamic monster that we carry around.

Question: What are these seven pillars? How do they influence the Adam? How to counteract that effect?
Answer: Hesed, Geburah, Tifereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkut. Adam was made in their image and likeness. That is why he has 7 types of fallen virtue: Envy, Anger, Pride, Laziness, Self-deception, Lack of gratitude and Lack of generosity. All of them derive from the fear and unhappiness of the Soul, that is, the lack of vital Love. Therefore they are counteracted by healing the root in Binah (Understanding), the womb where the seed of vital Wisdom is gestated. When there is understanding, there is integration of energies, and Mother Life in Binah ceases to be saturated with pain, fear, sadness, suffering and death, all external qualities of Saturn, the observationally slowest planet. This implies going through the 50 doors of understanding. The first Hey has a value f 50. When it joins the second Hey, it adds up to 55, and 10 Sefirot, the Woman's body, the feminine aspect of the Kosmos. The problem is not understanding the emotional and abusing the body of Woman, Nature. That is why she becomes a Stepmother and not a Mother.

Question: "If there were 7 kings of Edom, as stated in Genesis 36, they must have ruled in their own Kingdoms with their stone of Justice”. Where is the kingdom of those kings? Is there anything that is preserved from the world of Nekudim? What relationship does this world have with SAG and the qualities of Binah?

Answer: According to Jayim Vital this story alluded to spiritual events. But in my view that had an effect on a pre-Adamic world that was destroyed with physical chaos. That was a Realm of Death and Destruction. Here on earth it would be what remains of dinosaurs and out of place technological artifacts called OOPARTS (Out of Place Artifacts), such as steel balls, machines and other things that are in strata millions of years old. Who built them? The Adam of Gan Eden? No, the kings of Edom. Islamic tradition even teaches that before the Adam in the Garden of Eden there were thousands of Adams. Regarding Sag, it is the name given to the third Parzuf of the Adam Kadmon. But Jewish Kabbalists complicate things too much with labels and they seem to understand little. Surely the Universal Master Messiah did not speak of Sag. Why complicate existence when you can speak of the Body/ Woman of the Father? Now, what was disarmonized in the cosmic body or Universe? In my view it was the areas of creative energy. Some beings used creative energies to generate something that was contrary to Life. And this generated the problem of opposite sexes, the multiplication of aberrant species, etc. That is why the Bosom of the Father or Universal Heart sends Metatrons/ Messengers of the Order of Melki Tzdek, to teach the true Order of Energy (Ki). And that heart is the Core of Mother Life. Don't you think? It is what the Messiah of the body teaches.

Question: "Moshe is told to speak to the rock, instead of hitting it with the rod of Aron. But Moses hits it again to draw the water (Numbers 22). And then Israel is again cursed”. Why does the cosmic body need apparently physical actions to perform a supernatural action, let's say?

Answer: There is really nothing supernatural. Everything works according to laws of vibration. What happens is that the laws of a higher density can manifest in a lower density, making many think it is something super magical. But Magic is the result of Universal Love Magnetism, which reconciles opposites, such as Mind and Body. And if the physical plane is full of death it is because something is interrupting the Magic of Love and Life with spells that constrict matter. But true Magnetic Light is a potential within constrained matter. That is why it is said that Olam can be read Elem (hidden), and Almah, Maiden of Conscience.

Question: In what dimension is the rock from which water flows?

Answer: The Messiah or Universal Brain is called the Rock (ha Tzur) of Salvation (Yasha / Yeshua), and also the Diamond of Reality. And it is in all dimensions at the same time, but not all perceive the same "vibration density". As I have already explained, the space-time dimension is not the same as density of spirit and density of matter. In solid planes there is little density of spirit and a great density of matter.

Question: What does it mean to speak to the rock?  

Answer: Of course it does not mean going to the desert and speaking to any stone, because we can be sure it will remain as mute as a diamond, and no water will flow from it. To speak to the rock is to communicate with the Life Intelligence in the body, and to listen to what it tells us, here and now, not flying in astral or imaginary journeys. We have to understand why there are certain sensations, emotions, thoughts, acts of conscience ... It is the ABC of self-knowledge. In the Vital Enarmonía Channel I have already begun to initiate people step by step. Well, I hope this little by little awakens the intuition in us, which comes from the Rock of Salvation within. Surely post these answers as is on the blog.


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