Sunday, December 13, 2020

Unveiling the Problem of Evil and Satan Demiurge from the Mansion of the true Light Master

The 4 Adversaries

This time of year is perfect to remember what the nature of the Adversary is, but also for listening to the voice of Conscience, following the Will of the genuine inner Master.

So let's briefly recall the old Evil Problem: Why is there so much sickness, death, and cruelty? Was it all the result of random chaos, as science maintains or is there an Adversary/Satan who causes, promotes and even takes advantage of it, as various religious currents maintain?

Is there a Dark Side of the Force, as it is held in Star Wars? What is the Force then? Are there Mr.Smiths who work for the Architect of the Matrix? Is there a Neo-Rebel type of anomaly, as in the Matrix saga itself?

See how all this is closely related. But for now let's start by asking ourselves the following: if the Creator God mentioned in various religions is so benevolent and had such good intentions in creating, how can He be excused for the possibility of imperfection in his creation and for allowing the emergence of Evil? How is it possible for a benevolent Creator to be jealous, cast curses, and cause floods, as in so many ancient narratives? What does the wrath of the jealous God referred to in the Judeo-Christian Bible and the Koran?

Was the imperfect universe something generated by a type of false God, as various Gnostic currents have held since ancient times? In that case, how do they excuse the true God from allowing such a false God to arise?

The answer to these questions is not so difficult if we listen to the Logos, without even ruling out the mythological stories. It does not take very much to realize that the Universe has an immune system that can attack all is not in armonía. 

Besides, earth seems like a terrarium where various engineers left their seeds and did their experiments, allowing living beings to reach certain conditions of evolution. Humans do the same with pets, cattle, chicken and laboratory mice.

Unfortunately, an all-powerful Creator God continues to be mentioned in an abstract and mysterious way, just as an Adversary labeled as Satan, Devil, Lucifer, etc. All put placed into the same bag, when these are syncretic concepts that come from terms with different meaning. 
And the great dragon was thrown down, the ancient Serpent called the Accuser (Diabolos) and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown to the earth and his angels were thrown with him (Revelation 12: 9) 
Now, although here we speak of an Accuser, in reality there are up to three types of Adversary, and for simplicity we are going to call them Adversary 1 vs Satan 2 and Satan 3, but the last two are related, since they are two sides of the same. Formerly they were described as the Lord God, Yhvh Elohim or Divine mother and her Angels, who oppose minor rebellious gods (Elohim, Iblis, Shaitan, Prometheus, Enlil, Enki, Lucifer ...), plus their human descendants, whose genetics contain also tendencies of Adversaries 1 and 2, being an extension of Satanic destruction.

 In the Bible we have the Lord God (Yhwh Elohim), whose radiations form the human Soul, Adam, from the dust/residue of previous astral systems. And those higher radiations bring the intellectual awareness of lives or nishmat jayim, animating the guf. 

Then the cosmic plan disposes evolution so that Adam can find a suitable help within the body-soul, but Adamic soul did not find it, given the rebellious nature of different impulses. 

Then the Mother God herself puts Adam into a slumber (tardemá), a takes something out, a side (tselah) dividing the human body-soul into male and female. This can indicates a modification in sexual organs within the body.

Then the tempter Serpent arises,  inciting the feminine/emotional part of the human soul to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And by eating from it, Adam becomes like the Elohim, knowing good and bad, discovering the makings of the  Mother God. And before the presence of such Lord God, the man (male-psyche) accuses the woman, and the woman accuses the Serpent, who is cursed by the Mother God, who, fearing humans may become immortal, expels them from the Garden of Eden, allowing the Serpent residual nature to tempt them from the underworld/unconscious: you will eat of the dust of Adamah
Later on, these dark influence brings new hybridazations and the Lord God causes a catastrophe to exterminate the fallen demigods in mass like rats.

We find a similar story in the Qur'an, where Allah creates Adam out of dust and orders the angels and Iblis, the Djinn race, to bow down before Adam. But Iblis refuses, because being previous and made out of the heat of a smokeless fire (astral psychic energy), he considered himself superior. Thereafter he becomes Shaitan, promising to whisper evil into human ears, to show that they do not deserve mercy. And Allah agrees that Iblis act as Tempter until Judgment Day, punishing the infidels and rewarding the righteous. 
Therefore, here we have the clearly differentiated Adversary aspect of Nature vs Satanic rebellions. 

Step Mother Nature makes experiments and makes failed creations that rebel against her. 
Satan 1 and 2 are those rebels themselves.
And Satan 4 are the descendants of the rebels, which inherit their rebelious nature. Not for nothing myths tell humanity is the "ashes of the gods".  
you are gods, but you die as humans (Psalm 82) 
You too have become as weak as we!
You have become like us!...
How you are fallen from heaven... 
Oh Light Carrier (Lucifer), son of Dawn! 
How you are cut down to the have destroyed your land, you have slain your people (Isaiah 14)
And the these types of Adversaries have been modifying things due to a lack of self-knowledge and understanding, so the expression Elohim, gods, also comes to mind.
This explains all the signs of catastrophes, madness and cruelty we see all over the planets and human society.
The Original Sin of the Creative Architect 

Taking into account all of the above, where does the Original Sin or Stumbling start?

My impression is that Yhvh Elohim was trying to restore a previous order, rectifying previous accidental catastrophes. So the fallen elements had to be integrated into a new species that could transform them. But the first experiment went wrong.

As a brother of Light said, all were Infants from the Infinite Light.

Yet, the Architects generated the illusion of free will, like a programmer who builds up conditions based on binary options: 10101010101010010101010101010.

Today I call heaven and earth as witnesses "against you" that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; choose, then, life, so that you and your descendants may live (Deuteronomy 30:19)
However, this should not encourage us to accuse, for that makes of us an Accuser (Diabolos), and therefore a Satan. This is precisely where many lose their minds and adopt the position of Negative Gnosticism, which considers Nature or Lord God as a group of evil Beings. But that is omitting what is narrated. 

Now, do the Nature Lords or senior Architects insist on the rectification of the human Soul through religion? 

What do senior Architects pretend by allowing humanity to eat from the Tree of Life? Making evolution possible, isn´t it?

So they allow fallen creations be reintegrated into the Tree of Life or corrected and thus justify their existence. The motto would be: there is no evil that for good does not come
For Nature´s Rulers, this is a mere question of economy and energy balance optimization. And if the adamic human evolve, the vibrations rise, providing very useful fine energies for their system. But in their day it was not convenient for them to allow human evolve en masse, because then the feedback system would collapse, as it happened with the Luciferian rebellion in pre-adamic times. 
This is why in the Popul Vu or Mayan Bible, the gods make several creations, and cast mud on the eyes of those who were too intelligent, so they don´t see their plots.  Then they made a more submissive humanity.
According to Hebrew tales, the first universe where the first Satanic rebellion took place, fell due to an excess of Justice. But we can see the system continues to operate under the laws of cause and effect, debt and payment, karma and Dharma.

 I, Yhwh Elohim, am a jealous God, who punishes the iniquity of parents on children until the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20: 5)

In Norse mythology it is the 3 Norns that determine the ørlog or destiny of each soul, depending on its nature, just as the 3 Fates do in Greek mythology. One governs the past, another the present, and the third the future. Obviously, all of this is not Mercy, but perpetuating a stumbling block. Even the Master taught it this way:

What father of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a Stone? Or if fish, instead of fish, will give him a snake? Or if he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion? For if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him? (Luke 11: 11-13)

This is not done by the Original Being and its manifestation as Father of Lights that acts on Mother Life or Universal Energy.

for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and prudence (2 Timothy 1:7)

So where does the idea of a fallen Creator Archon and his dark world come from then?
War is the father of all things, Heraclitus declared 2400 years ago. 
Was there a Star Wars?
So everything we see originated with a deception, which is the illusion of freedom, retributive justice. 
In religious views, the Creator God wanted to give his creatures the opportunity to earn merit in order to give and not just receive, thus avoiding the so-called "bread of shame." This is the idea posed in Kabbalah. But this is not what the Universal Messiah taught.  The Master said to the doctors of religious Law:

You are of your father the Accuser, and the wishes of your father you want to do. He has been a murderer from the beginning, and has not abided in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of himself; because he is a liar, and the father of lies (John 8:44).

But let's go step by step. Many of us know that the true Universe is a Pleroma, a state of Fullness. How then did it become a Kenoma, a deficient state?

The Scriptures mention that there was a casting out of the Kosmos, translated as "the Foundation of the World" (Revelation 13: 8). And in Proverbs 8 it is said that Yhwh performed his works of old in the possession of Wisdom. But in Proverbs 9 it is said that: Wisdom built her own house, raised her seven pillars, killed her victims, mixed his wine (genetic) ...

Therefore, with a certain Wisdom, some architects did something they should not. Later on we will see that this is reminiscent of the myth of Sophia. 
But first of all, what is Yhwh?

We have already seen several times how Yhwh backwards reads Hawayah, Existence, and contains the verb to be and to exist in three tenses: Haya (Was/ Existed), Howwe (Is/Exists) and Yihie (Will / Will exist)
Now, in a certain line of thought, Limitless Being and Existence are not exactly the same. The fullness of Being includes an invisible essence that does not exist in itself but makes things to be and to exist, including what we can call gods or Elohim, the divine powers of Being. To exist comes from ex-sistere, which means "to be from what is still and is permanent or persists". However, existence is in principle contingent, since what exists today may not exist tomorrow, at least in the sphere of space-time, while in the essential sphere of the Pleroma, what exists may perhaps be immortal, but also it can be reabsorbed into unmanifested Essence.

Even Hebrew Kabbalah usually distinguishes between the Ayn Sof Aur or Boundless Light, and its verb of manifestation: Yhwh, whose attributes are Yhwh Elohim. Elohim means "powers", "forces", "powerful" of Nature, ha Tevah, whose geometric value is 86, like Elohim. And Natura comes from Neter, who were the gods of creation in Egyptian theogony. 
And it is necessary to clarify that those powers or beings of Nature can be in uniqueness or adversity. In the Shema the state of oneness is appealed: Listen Israel, the powers of Existence are an Existence Oneness: Yhwh Elohym Yhwh Echad. 
That is why in Kabbalah, Yhwh and Yhwh Elohim are considered as Oneness and Multiplicity respectively. When both are united, there is Life. When the two separate, there is fragmentation and destruction. 
Why then does the Kabbalah based on the Zohar say that the Holy One created and destroyed worlds? 

Let us remember that Yhwh is a movement that implies the passage from the invisible essence to existential manifestation, where there is the possibility of fragmentation of the Instant due to a false self- perception that leads to perceiving the sensation of separation and passage in a temporary fabric where Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow where the three main stages.


Therefore Yhwh is a dynamic of intelligent energies that potentially contain Kronos, the energetic Serpent that coils itself at the bottom of the Divine Presence or Shechina, the Original Abode. 

In India this is expressed with the image of a Lord Shiva, the Destroyer, with Serpent Vasuki around his neck. Yet Shiva is just an aspect, together with Brahmah (Creator) and Visnu (Avaytar).

It is not surprising then that Proverbs 9 explains that the Wisdom (Sophia) of the Serpent (Ophis) erected “her own house”, with its seven pillars of Time, killing her victims (due to the passage of time), mixing her wine (temporary genetics). Obviously this refers to the first Architects who laid the foundations of the dense space-time Universe where we live. 
And this fits the name Demiurge, which comes from demios (public) and ergon (craft action). Therefore it describes a type of being or set of beings that we can call Public Artisan, because it acts "outside" the existential-essential Reality where there is no longer neither outside nor inside, but a complete and full Whole, what formerly was called Pleroma. Now, the notion of external Public God is very broad.

The Demiurge that Plato describes in the Timaeus is an Architect of the Universe who has no evil component. He simply makes a material universe as a copy of perfect ideas and builds up it with five elements, following musical principles, and as such, it can become disarmonized, like a guitar that is not cared for.

However, in the Gnostic-Babylonian currents, especially those collected in the texts of the 2nd/3rd centuries found in Nag Hammadi (Egypt), there is a tendency to speak of the Demiurge as an abortion of Sophia. 

In the Gnostic myth of Sophia, she wishes to engender as the Source of Pleromatic Light where she dwells, but out of ignorance, her wish engenders what they called Yaldabaoth, who in turn possesses a portion of Sophia's Light and believes to be Creator God, carrying out imperfect creations. He also received other names, such as Saklas (Fool) and Samael (Poison of El). 
And in Gnostic texts such as the Hypotasis of the Archons or the Omega Letter of the alchemist Zosimus of Panoplis, a group of rulers (Archontoi), fearing to be defeated, imprisoned the Man of Light (Anthropos Phos) in a man of flesh. But the Man of Light begins his liberation by listening to the so-called Son of God, the Intelligence or Logos, not the Wisdom of the Serpent.
Ahura Mazda

Of course, there are dozens of ancient Gnostic views, and most of them anchor their roots in Babylonian Dualism, which grew out of a later radical interpretation of Zoroastrianism, where Ahura Mazda or God of Light is the leader of Seven Spirits or Amesha Spentas, each of which it has their counterparts or Adversaries:
Mentality vs Unconsciousness
Purpose vs Lack of Purpose
Truth vs Deception
Mastery  vs Lack of control
Devotion vs Indifference
Integrity vs Division
Immortality vs Mortality
 In Zoroastrianism the God of Light always predominates and pre-exists evil. However, in an offshoot called Zurvanism, the eternal existence of Zurvan, the God of Time, cannot be annihilated. Hence derived Manichaeism, the religion in which the God of Good Light, Ormuz, eternally fights against the evill God, Ahriman. And that radical dualism was infused into the three great religions. 
However, they are also biased interpretations of views held by the Essenes, whose line of transmission goes back at least to the School of Elijah and the Nazarites, originating at least 12th century B.C.E. They were custodians of the true self-knowledge that allows us to recognize the inner and outer Messiah.

 Pseudo-Gnosticisms vs Real Consciousness 

There are few who ignore all these details. But some even venture to deny, as do many Christians who assure that the Gnosis is of the Devil. And when talking about Gnosticism, they already think they know what it means, when in reality it is just a label to put everything in the same bag. And unfortunately they don't usually meditate on the Master's words: 
Woe to you, interpreters of the Torah! because you have removed the key of Science/Knowledge (kleis tes gnoseos); You yourself did not enter, and those who entered you prevented it (Luke 11:52)

Therefore, the first to speak of the Key of Gnosis explicitly was the Master Y´shua. And he was referring to what allows us to open the chambers of the inner Mansion, where we find the Steward Conscience, a Lady of the Keys or Woman of the 10 Coins, a Delegated Butler or Personality oriented to help, and some servants (thoughts, emotions, body, etc). And only when the house is tidy, clean and with the lights on, can the Master come to live. And the most dangerous Adversary is not the one outside, but inner traitors who can open the door to thieves, rob or set the Mansion in fire. By not establishing all these distinctions, many supposed scholars elaborate their own pseudo-Gnostic visions, based on concepts of diverse origin, including the cinema.

In the 70s the famous Star Wars Saga began to propose the fight of Good against Evil, but in terms of an impersonal Force that can be accessed through self-knowledge. 

Actually, in the episode The Force Awakens, Han Solo assures that the Force is "a magical power that holds together good and evil, the Dark Side and the Light" (see link: 

Both the Jedi and the servants of the Dark Lord fight with the sword. A vision that ignores how the Force comes from the Shejina or divine Light, but directing it armoniously depends on the Will of Love where there are no more opposites and everything operates in oneness and humility. So one of the morals of the Star Wars saga is that violence, desire for revenge, and victory are the entrance to the Dark Side of the Force.

Today there is also a neo-Gnostic current that revolves around the idea launched by the Matrix saga, where the Archons are robots and programs at the service of an Architect, while Neo, Trinity and Morpheus lead the opposition. However, Morpheus (god of sleeping and dream) gives Neo the option to choose between the red or blue pill.

 But as the Merovingian reveals, the choice is part of the illusion. So even Morpheus and Zion are part of the Matrix. 
 By ignoring this, many believe they know the Matrix, getting obsessed with draconian and insectoid archons they have never seen or met in first person. They take for granted what alleged channelers or other followers of the New Age religion say is true, and they do not apply any solid criteria of discernment. Much is said about the Matrix without understanding the most elementary principles of self-knowledge and inner growth. Many follow what simply resonates with their mind and heart, without even wondering if their mind and heart are aligned with true Reality. It is ignored that no one can escape the Matrix by liking or disliking, taking offense when someone steps on one´s foot. That is to be as asleep as the rest, believing to be awake. An even worse situation. Now, there are other cases of neo-Gnosticism.

The other day I heard an interview with the famous author Timothy Freke [1], promoter of the vision about the mythical Christ that is found in many cultures. And according to him this would prove the non-existence of the historical Messiah, an argument which in itself is a fallacy, or false reasoning, first of all because non-existence cannot be logically proven, not even by different notions of the term messiah. We will see there is even ontological, psychological and athropological-historical evidence that demonstrates the appearance of a Master without equal 2000 years ago. But let's save that for next time. 

What most caught my attention in the interview is that Mr. Freke, after saying that the Matrix saga is a work of genius and that David Icke defends a paranoid Gnosticism that sees reptilians everywhere, he himself falls to defend what he calls a neo-Gnosticism based on emerging evolutionism. And basically he comes to say we do not need any God prior to the universe, nor any false God. In reality, the universe is evolving from the simplest to the most complex states, where consciousness emerges, becoming little by little something like a God for itself. All this only in reference to an increasingly self-conscious humanity. What? If there were no human like beings, would the universe would be a mere collection of atoms and energy? Really?

This seems to me a combination of an anthropic solipsism that points to a clear nihilism, since the only valid foundation of all ethical and aesthetic values cannt be an emerging evolutionism but a pure Will of Being coming from an Absolute One whose manifestation is absolute Loving Light and Lives and in a armonious order of Kosmoses.
 [1] Link to the interview:

1 comment:

  1. There are three classes of evil. There's Moral evil, Natural evil, and Supernatural evil. The subject of evil and suffering are the most disturbing mysteries, especially if one believes a God created all things and rules all things. The terrifying quantity of Moral evils and Natural evils in the world is a threat to my Christian faith.
    Moral evils are from humans and from the Devil, Satan, demons, evil fairies, and evil aliens. There is overlap between Moral evil and Supernatural evil. Malice, cruelty to animals, rape, stealing, serial killings, road rage, reckless driving, torture, cannibalism, and genocides are examples of Moral evils.
    In my opinion, its Natural evil that is the hardest to explain and the hardest to justify if an all good, all mighty, all wise God really exists. Why are there cancer, stroke, aneurysm, heart disease, tooth decay, harlequin ichthyosis, malaria, ebola, diabetes, rabies, centipedes, black widow spiders, box jellyfish, stonefish, mosquitoes, screw worm flies, tapeworms, ticks, fleas, lice, bed bugs, tsunamis, typhoons, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, vog, acid rain, lightning strikes, birth defects, miscarriages, intense heat, intense cold, polluted water, and the list goes on and on. Why is the majority of humans and the majority of animals meat eaters? Why is there gross, repulsive things such as execrement, vomit, mold, mildew, grime, scum, earwigs, and tapeworms? None of these horrible things makes sense for a loving, mighty, wise God to allow.
    Supernatural evil is harder to prove of its existence, but I believe it. Demonic possession is one example of Supernatural evil.
    The claim that Adam and Eve caused all Moral evil and all Natural evil by eating a forbidden fruit is a silly myth. Natural evil is vastly older than Adam and Eve and vastly older than humanity. Evil is a vastly older problem and a lot more complex problem than just two humans eating a forbidden apple.
    Satan is the best known version of the Devil. There's also the Persian Angra-mainyu/Ahriman of Zoroastrianism, who is probably the most evil version of the Devil. The Egyptian Set, Mastema, Beelzebub are other names for the Devil. It's believed that countless demons exist to aid the Devil.
    Job is the only book in the Bible where Satan inflicts physical torture, killing, and death, whereas elsewhere in the Bible, Satan is better known as liar, tempter, and deceiver.
    The Bible says that God creates both peace and evil in Isahaia Chapter 45, verse 7 in the King James Bible. Other Bible translations say either disaster, calamity, catastrophe, misery, woe, which are different forms of evil, in my personal opinion.
    The world is a hellhole and horror movie ever since it was created 4.6 billion years ago. The early earth during the Precambrian era was an unbreathable, suffocating, toxic, h ellish inferno. The Natural world is a horror movie and the Human made world is a horror movie. All history and prehistory is a horror movie. The world is scary and dangerous, and will continue to be so. The Devil rules this world and not a loving God. Among the novels and movies about the Devil are Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist, the 1974 movie, Beyond the Door, The Devil's Rain, The Sentinel, the novel Legion, and the 1990 movie, Exorcist 3, Legion.

