Monday, December 21, 2020

The Universal Messiah and his Collective Body: the Irrefutable Evidence


Today, at request of one listener and also due to the situation of extreme darkness that we are crossing and the deceptions  some want to impose on us by force, I start to present all the historic, anthropological, psychological and ontological evidence about the messiahs and especially the Universal Messiah or Primordial Loving Mind Heart, which has been manifesting since immemorial time on earth, but began to be fully expressed through a man 2000 years ago, as it was said: the Logos became flesh. And today he continues in his collective body of beings of Light who have been working in teams since that time. And our influence has been so powerful that dark forces had to hunt us down, torture and slaughter us, physically. But here we remain, being the nightmare of all those servants of the Dark.

The Historical Evidence

 First of all, I would like to clarify that I have been researching this question thoroughly for 25 years. First on my own, but also academically, because I also completed a Degree in Philosophy and studied Anthroplogy, and one of my specialties was studying ancient texts in their original language, investigating the Origins of Christianity. I even studied with a professor who claimed to be able to rescue the Aramaic background of the Gospels, even though some of his translations were not convincing to me, I deduced this Aramaic background is real. This was 20 years ago. And years later I began to study Hebrew and Aramaic on my own, discovering clues about the Essenes and other followers of the Messiah that reminded me of my mission on earth.

And I was not convinced either by some of the historical quotes that are used to demonstrate the existence of the Messiah, especially the famous Flavian Testimony [1], a text attributed to Flavius Josephus, in which there are clear Christian interpolations, and therefore there is something manipulated and doubtful. You have it referenced with the interpolations in parentheses in the article that I will publish on the blog, Song of Reality, the music of

Now, there are references that are very valuable, and we will see that the one on which we have more historical information is the brother of the Master, Yacob the Just, whom Flavius Josephus also mentions, apart from the New Testament. And you will see there is no Flavian conspiracy about it, as many claim today, denying the existence of the messiah, affirming that the Gospels are completely invented by Flavian emperors, with the help of Flavius Josephus.

And now, to start opening the box of truths, the references to a Messiah and the Christians made by the Roman historians of the first century cannot be ruled out: Tacitus, Suetonius and Pliny the Younger are interesting because they are external commentators who were neither Christian nor Jewish. Tacitus even mentions that the one called Christos suffered the maximum penalty under the reign of Tiberius and Pontius Pilate [2]. And Suetonius refers to a Messiah who stirred up the Jews with his behavior [3]. And all this fits perfectly with the figure mentioned in the Gospels.

I leave those references in the article, in case you´re interested. They are so well known that I am not going to repeat what others have said, but will contribute with something that is not usually said. I also add one of my favorite references, that of the Syrian Mara bar Serapion [4], which alludes to the murder of three wise men: Pythagoras, Socrates and the Jewish king. And notice how his language is neither Jewish nor Christian, but rather that of someone who loves Wisdom and recognizes what has been known since the first century.

Now, to give another well-known quote, one of great value is that found in the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin Tracte 43a: Yshu was hanged on the eve of Pesach for leading the people of Israel to apostasy and practicing magic.

And taking into account the hatred that many Talmudist Jews have had towards Christians, it is not possible to think that this is a forgery, because if they denied Yshu was the Messiah, why didn´t they say he did not exist and that he was an invention? But no, they affirm the existence of the man many regarded as Messiah, and it is also mentioned with the Aramaic form, Ysho or Yshua.

Although in the 1930s a new religion emerged from the Seventh Day Church. It was called the Sacred Name Movement, which made the revival of Hebrew roots. And apart from promoting the names Yahweh and Yahshua, with all that eventually came the theory that the name Yeshu was an insult and acronym of: "be the name and memory of him erased". But in my view this is  not clear. Moreover, there is evidence that the name Iaosa, Yahoshua, Iesu, Yshu was not only used by the Hebrews and translators of the Septuagint Bible, but was also used by Hindus, Celts and Egyptians applying it to the incarnation of a Solar King and the Primordial Mind. But they must have inherited or stolen it from their ancestors, the Israelites or another source. In other words, the Name associated the Universal Mind Messiah spread everywhere, but each culture absorbed it to name lesser anointed ones and false messiahs. But I´ll talk about this the next day perhaps, since there are many historical-anthropological data usually ignored by people.

Now we have to remember a figure that almost no one mentions, and the Roman Church made an effort to erase him, to the point they changed his name to James, the brother of the Lord, they say in a religious way. But the New Testament calls him Jakobus, Yakob, on which there are innumerable historic references, since he was one of the most famous Righteous men, Tzadikim, in the 1st century. And it should not be confused with the two Apostles who were called similarly: James/Jacob the Great, son of Zebedee, and Jacob the Lesser, son of Alphaeus. The third Yakob is mentioned in Mark 6:3 and Matthew 13:55. With reference to the Master we hear:

Isn´t this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother called Maryam, and his brothers Jacob, Yoseph, Simon, and Ioudas? (Mt 13:55)

And on this there is a top class researcher who has studied the subject more than anyone, even accessing Qumran texts. I am referring to Professor Robert Eisenman who wrote a huge book [], James the Brother of Jesus, which is full of historical evidence about Yakob the Just. And as Eisenman says: find Yakob the Just and you will find his brother Iesou. 


All the evidence on Yakob points to the Master as you shall see. In fact, he is also known as the brother of the Master, or the Lord's brother, in a rather Greaco-Babylonian form. Even Paulo called him thus:

Then, after three years [in Damascus, possibly studying with the Ebonite Essenes, according to my research], I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and stayed with him for fifteen days; but I did not see any other of the apostles, except Yakob, the brother of the Master. In this I write to you, behold, I am not lying before God (Galatians 1: 15-20)

These letters attributed to Paulo are a real historical document not produced by the Roman church or Romanized Christians, therefore they are very valid as well.

Interestingly, Yakob did not become an apostle until the Master appeared to him, after the hanging and his transcendence (1 Corinthians 15:7).

In the Testament or Gospel of Thomas, specifically in logion 12, Yshu tells the apostles to follow Yakob the Righteous. In fact, he became one of the three pillars of the Nazarene Congregation of Jerusalem, as Paul himself testifies (Galatians 2: 9-12). The other two were Yojanan and Kefas, popularized as John and Peter.

On the other hand, Yakob is also credited with the canonical letter misnamed as James´Letter.

So, what were all these documents attesting for? Was it all a Roman invention? Impossible, because there are numerous extra-testamentary and non-Roman references.

For example, Professor Eisenman suggested something shocking, and is that Yakob haTzadik was the famous Master of Justice of the Essenian Ebionite community of Qumran, whose texts have become so famous. And he also identifies the Wicked Priest that the texts mention. Actually, the Ebionites fled to the desert probably because of this wicked priest. And according to Eisenman that Priest was Ananias, the one who ordered the stoning Jacob, later on we will see why. And this has overwhelming logic.

Now, the most surprising thing is that he also says that the Man of Lies to whom the Qumran texts refer to, is nothing less than Paulo, Paul of Tarsus. And although it is not entirely confirmed, there is evidence to think so, since even Paul recognizes that some Jewish followers of the Messiah did not consider him an apostle (1 Corinthians 9:2). Actually, we know that there were dissensions between the followers of Paulo, head of the Hellenizing Nazarenes (as told in the Acts of the Apostles), and the Hebrew Nazarene Congregation of Jerusalem, led by Yakob, Yojanan and Kefas, better known as Santiago, Juan and Pedro. Yakob himself, was a strict Ebonite, and he asked Paulo to tell his Christian followers to refrain from eating meat sacrificed to idols, blood and strangled animals. Others even asked for circumcision, but this was too much, so it was not done. And a letter of Peter says that Paul's teachings were complicated and many interpreted them in their own way to their own downfall. And although he is right, Paulo's task was to reach out non-Jews, so in a way his language was understandable. Actually, many were already Christians in a certain way, since Christianity is the oldest religion. Although it comes from a prehistoric teaching that was not religion, but a school of self-study.

And it´s also important to point out that the Judaism of that epoch was not the rabbinic Judaism of today. There were multiple Judaisms. And perhaps the most pure was the Essene, but the Master was also critical with them, since some were too strict.

Now, as I said, Yakob was considered a Tzadik, a great Righteous man of the time. And the historian Flavius Josephus tells in his Jewish Antiquities that Yakob, the brother of Iesous, was sent by the High Priest of the Temple of Jerusalem, to be stoned. Although Heggesipus, another historian, says that they threw him from a tower of the temple, as they had done with Stephen. But in general, Flavius’ account is considered more reliable. And the reason is that the High Priest asked Yakob to speak publicly to the followers of the Messiah and tell them that Yshu was not the Son of the Holy Verb, the Son of God, as it is called. But far from obeying, legend has it that Yakob made a memorable speech on the Son of Man, the ben Adam, which as you know was a code that works in two directions, both as the Son of Adam and son of the Primordial Father, Adam Kadmon.

And that agitated the masses on the temple, annoying the religious leaders. So the High Priest and Sadducee Ananias, had Yakob executed, because he feared losing religious hegemony. Flavius Josephus tells the following: He called to trial Jacobus, brother of Iesous, who is called Christos, and with him he had several others [or, some of his companions] appear. He accused them of being lawbreakers and sentenced them to be stoned [6]

But the curious thing is that according to Flavius Josephus, this even angered many Jews who were not followers of the Messiah, because Yakob haTzadik was respected by all.

Furthermore, both the Christian followers of Paulo and the Nazarene Congregation were gaining much strength. And this was seen as a threat by both the Jewish and Roman leaders. Shortly afterwards even the Romans start ed to massacre the Hellenic Nazarene Christians and Jewish Nazarenes in mass, because they were causing a social spiritual revolution in Jerusalem, Rome and other parts. That is why some Nazarenes fled to the desert and the Hellenic nazarene hid in the catacombs. 

However, those Nazarenes were not the later Romanized Christians, who emerged after the mass extermination, as a version of "light Christianity" in service of the Roman Empire. Thus came a new Christianity that degenerated into what is known today, with thousands of different denominations.

And all this leaves no room for discussion, since the historical evidence is overwhelming, contrary to the Flavian Conspiracy that is now so fashion. According to some people, such as the author of the book Caersar's Messiah, the figure of Iesous and the Gospels is a total invention forged by the Flavian Family, specifically the emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. One of them would have been the promoter of the idea of presenting a docile and non-violent messiah to avoid riots and problems of religion. And the main argument they give for the forgery is that they made it using the technique of typology, copying events from the Old Testament and giving them a new form. But we will see that this is due to the art of allegorical transmission used since ancient times. And what is evident is that the New Testament could not come out of bloodthirsty minds, not even with the help of Flavius Josefus, who was allowed to be part of the family as a favor, being the official historian. So this case is like the quotation from the Talmud. If Flavius Josephus had wanted to pacify the Nazarenes, he would not have said that his second leader was stoned to death. And tell me why the Roman Empire had to exterminate the Jewish and Hellenic Nazarenes, why they had to hide in deserts, caves and catacombs. Why this explains the Qumran texts if it is an invention.

Now there are other absurd theories, which see weird codes and very convoluted signatures in the New Testament, when in any case there is Hebrew Wisdom and Greek gematria. That can be mathematically proven. But this does not invalidate the New Testament.

And in the next video I will bring the anthropological, psychological and ontological evidence, since what happened 2000 ago was the massive emergence of various groups and branches that followed a specific Messiah, a Head Master. And obviously Paul and others used the old Christianity as a vehicle of transmission, but later the Roman Empire took advantage of that Christian religion to expand its conquests. The Vatican is the nucleus of this.

Anyway, all this phenomenon cannot be explained without the presence of a figure, of a Grate Master. This is called the Principle of cultural discontinuity, since culture tends to repetition and stagnation, so if there is a change, something happens.

And this also corroborates prophecies that came from ancient times. For there were many pretentious messiahs and anointed kings, but the Universal Messiah in strict sense, the Primordial Loving Mind taking shape in a human being, manifested itself fully in one person, to be spread afterwards, through a collective body, as spoken in many legends. And as it was demonstrated, few are able to overcome death and continue working through time, as a collective body,  the branches of the Tree of Life, to which many of us, beings of Light belong.

But we will continue in the next video. So thanks for listening. If you found this inspiring, give thumbs up and subscribe to promote this channel and receive notifications. Remember I will leave this written on the blog. And I have another bilingual channel, Vital Enarmonía. And until next time... Blessings of Supra-Conitional Love, Unmodified Life, Integral Conscience an infinite blissful Serenity.

The Atropological Evidence coming next
 [1] Doubtful Flavian Testinomy: At that time there was a wise man, called Iesous, [if it is lawful to call him a man], because he performed great miracles and was the teacher of those men who accept the truth with pleasure. He attracted many Jews and many Gentiles. [interpolation: He Was the Christ.] Betrayed by the chiefs of the Jews, Pilate condemned him to crucifixion. Those who had previously loved him did not stop doing so, [because he appeared to them on the third day risen; the prophets had announced this and a thousand other wonderful facts about him.] From then until today there is the group of Christians. Jewish Antiquities, 18:3.

[2] In his Annals (15.44), Tacitus speaks of the six days of the great fire of Rome, which burned much of the city in July 64 AD. C. The passage reads as follows (in translation from the Latin by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb, 1876): Consequently, to get rid of the rumors, Nero blamed and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a hated class for his abominations, who were called Christians for the populace. Christ, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the maximum penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate, and the very malicious superstition, thus stifled for the moment, again broke out not only in Judea, the first source of evil, but even in Rome, where all the frightening and shameful things from all over the world converge and become popular. Consequently, the arrest was made in the first place to those who pleaded guilty; then, based on his information, an immense crowd was condemned, not so much for the crime of setting the city arson as for their hatred against humanity.

[3] In Claudius 25, Suetonius alludes to the expulsion of the Jews by the Emperor Claudius and writes: Since the Jews constantly rioted at the instigation of Chrestus, he expelled them from Rome.

[4] Mara Bar-Serapion's letter is preserved in a 6th or 7th century manuscript in the British Library, but was composed sometime between AD 73. C. and the third century: What else can we say, when sages are forcibly drawn away by tyrants, their wisdom is captured by insults, and their minds are oppressed and defenseless? What advantage did the Athenians gain when they killed Socrates? Famine and destruction fell upon them as a judgment for their crime. What advantage did Samo's men get when they burned Pythagoras alive? In an instant his land was covered by sand. What advantage did the Jews gain when they put their wise king to death? After that fact his kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged those three wise men: the Athenians starved to death; the inhabitants of Samo were overwhelmed by the sea; the Jews, destroyed and expelled from their country, live in total dispersion. But Socrates did not die definitively: he continued to live in Plato's teaching. Pythagoras did not die: he continued to live in the statue of Juno. Nor did the wise king truly die: he continued to live in the "new law" that he had given. 

 [5] The disciples said to Yeshu: «We know that you will leave our side; Who will be the greatest among us? " Jesus said to them: Wherever you have gathered, go to Yakob the Righteous, for whom heaven and earth were created." (Logion 12, Testament / Gospels of Thomas) 


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