Monday, December 7, 2020

Cosmic Neurosis & the 137 Quantum Constant


Out of curiosity this morning I consulted the dictionary to see the definition it gave of neurosis and it is very exact: a set of emotional and mental disorders that prevent us from perceiving Reality and adapting to it. The five main neuroses are: anxiety, phobias, hysteria, obsessions and personality disorders.

And this fits perfectly not only with what human beings suffer, but with what many other beings bear in this Universe, which is the result of an old universe that was destroyed.

All myths start from a primal chaos derived from the war of the gods: Elohim struggles against Elohim, Olympic wars, Gigantomachies, Titanomachies, etc. It is not surprising that old Heraclitus said: war is the Father of all things. Indeed, of all things in a universe where nothing works as in the Original Kosmos, the Tree of Life that has no war or death. But let's go step by step.

Modern physics has never been able to explain why order arose out of chaos. However, the most renowned physicists affirm that the main constants of the Universe are so exact, that a small variation would make matter and life as we know it, impossible. This is especially the case with Fine Constant 137, which is 1/137, that is, a fraction. And this magical prime number appears everywhere in Nature, integrating the other main constants: speed of Light, electronic charge and Plank's constant, combining the Theory of Relativity, Classical Physics and Quantum Physics, but also the spiritual field, because the term Kabalah has a gematric value of 137, just like Yofiel, יופיאל, the Messenger of the Seventh heaven who according to the Kabalah taught Moses. Yofiel actually means Beauty of El, and the very word contains the term Phi, which symbolizes the Golden Ratio. So this cannot be accidental.

Now, without the intention of falling into mysticism, it is no less true that this Fine Constant 137 is the key to this fragmented and dark universe, which makes it find an exact limit between Light or Dark, a calculated Duality.

Curiously, the physicist Pauli, a student of the Kabbalah, like so many theoretical physicists, came to say: "when I die my first question to the Divine will be: what is the meaning of the constant 137?”. And the irony is that the physicist died in room 137 of a hospital. But what kind of ghoulish joke is all this?

Well, the truth is that everything around us and inside reflects something from our soul, and tells us about projections of the fragmented mind divided into subject and object. As Kant said: the subject puts the object. Something that today physics calls "the observer collapses the wave function." The observer is the observed, said another sage. And this is due to a fracture or duality of consciousness, since what we see outside or what we measure is apparently separate, including the energy packages or quanta.

In fact, if we add the numbers of 137 we obtain 11, which is a number of Duality (1 + 1 = 2), but also the number of Sefirot or Spheres of the traditional Tree of Life when we add Da'at, the intellectual Knowledge, that does not show the abyss of the fractal, which is the absence of Integral Conscience (Da'at Elyon). Yet two more sefirot are missing, the I (Any / Ena) that reveals itself as Will (Ratzon) oriented to a purpose / finality (yad, maturah), which in this universe is to rescue the Light in Darkness. Therefore, 137 can be seen as the concealment of those sefirot and the need to reveal them. Not by chance Olam (Universe) can be pronounced Elem (Hidden), and with a Hei, it is Almah, Maiden. Now, this leads us to understand that originally, in the radiance of the infinite Light, there was a Forgetfulness and concealment of the Will of Love and Conscience, which is why the energy of Life was kidnapped in and by the Beings who forgot the Original Source. They built their own World: the Tree of Knowledge of the Good and the Deficient, that is, the world based on the Fine Constant 137.

But let's see how in ancient times it was explained why the first universe went into concealment from Light and chaos. The clues were left in myths that wise scientists consider fables. Let us remember that in its origins, Babylonian Dualism was not radicalized, since Zoroaster suggested that when Ahura Mazda, the good God of Light, sent his Seven Spirits (Amesha Spentas), then his Evil Opposite, Angra Mainu, emerged. However, that Babylonian dualism was accentuated with Zurvanism, where Zurvan, the God of Time and Destruction, is considered eternal and has existed forever. From there derived Manichaeism, which so much influenced Saint Augustine, Father of the Roman Church, whose essence is Babylonian dualism.

Many religions consider that a God creates the universe and the humans and then orders us to dominate over beings of the earth, water, air... And when we disobey, He punishes and destroys with fear. He even expels Adam from the Garden and puts on him garments of flesh so that he is not a too powerful Elohim. And doesn't that fit more with the old God of Time, the Ouroboros, the Serpent that bites its tail?

Even in the Zohar of Hebrew Wisdom it is said that Ha Kadosh, the Holy One, created and destroyed worlds. But how is that going to be the result of Goodness and Love? Hebrew Wisdom teaches that the first worlds of the First Universe were destroyed by an excess of Justice (Din), because there were Elohim or Architect Gods who did not know how to manage energy with Love, making selfish use of creative energies, and many were simply destroyed. It is what they call ratzon ha lekabel, the will to receive, instead of the will to give, the potential to be, ratzon ha yhie. But at the same time Judges emerged, watching over the balance of energies. And Justice is blind, so without Wisdom, Understanding and Consciousness, it destroys, because it does not lead to complete Love, but to the rupture of the Septenary. We see this in Stepmother Nature, whose creatures eat and tear each other apart. And where do they come from if not from Architects who are above in the food Hierarchy?

Everything we see on earth is a shadow of invisible dimensions. For example, we are told of four heavenly Jayot: the Bull is reflected on animals such as cattle; the lion is reflected on felines and other wild animals; the Eagle in birds; and Man in terrestrial and non-terrestrial humanoids. All of them together are like the body, emotion, thought and Consciousness of the Universe.

But where are the amphibians and reptiles that represent the nervous instincts? Were those beings expelled for their rebellion? Were they the fifth anointed cherub who abused his Wisdom, as Ezekiel 28 recounts? It is not far-fetched seeing the amount of representations of serpentoid and amphibian beings that bring civilization to earth. Many of the megaliths are pre-Adamic, prior to 6000 B.C.E. Not to mention the Atlantis that Plato describes, ruled by Poseidon.

Now, as we said at the beginning, there is a Cosmic Neurosis, so some solar systems and planets have been disorganized. And this solar system itself has become a dimensional asylum from which it is difficult to get out, unless we understand the Tree of Life, where the energies are armonized. And this was taught by Master Yeshua.

Although centuries later, the Jewish Kabbalist Isaac Luria proposed a very valid understanding as well, speaking of the breaking of the vessels or shevirat ha kelim, which occurred in the Primal World, the Olam ha Nekudim or World of Points, since there all we were like seeds of Light. But not everything was light and seeds, that world was ten spheres that received the Will (Reason) and infinite Light (Ayn Sof Aur) from Adam Kadmon, to develop within. However, the seven spheres of reality exploded, unable to contain and share so much Love and Light. And thus the Olam ha Tohu or Abyssal World of Chaos arose. Said 7 spheres of reality corresponded to the emotional Soul (6 Midot, emotional Virtues) and the Body (Guf in Malkut). That is why in Genesis 36 it speaks of the Kings of Edom who lost their wives (bodies). Jayim Vital, a disciple of Luria, taught that this was a spiritual event. However, we cannot ignore that the seventh sphere was Malkut, and therefore it must have been a denser material world. And from all this we deduce that there were architects with different body and soul development, but all of them were disconnected from the Universal Mind. That is why the highest-ranking Architects reorganized that chaos into the configuration of the famous four worlds: Atzilut (Emanation), Creation/Projection (Beriah), Formation (Yetzirah) and Action (Asiyah). The emanation aims to reintegrate the lost light atoms to the original Reality of Adam Kadmon, where the triad of the Cosmic Mind (Keter, Jokmah, Binah or Mastery, Wisdom and Understanding) is not detached from the Six emotional virtues and Malkut.

 There we have therefore the rearmonization of 137, which from being fractionated, in the constant 1/137, passes back to being reabsorbed in the non-quantifiable Reality, where the limits between Light and Dark disappear, as well as the cosmic Neurosis.

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