Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Divine Kingdom, Millennial Reign, Satan´s Season & Restored World in Parallel Dimensions


Saint Michel´s
Monastery in Normandy

Having come to this point in the Life Tree Teaching, we must distinguish between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heavens, as different stages of approach, from Atzilut or World of Emanation, to Assiyah, this Physical World. Since the Kingdom of God (Malkut of Atzilut) has approached, as Master Yeshua said, it is accessible through the Kingdom of Heavens (Malkut of New Beriah) within.

This made possible a clear manifestation of a Thousand Year Reign, right at the end of antiquity and beginning of the Middle Ages, 
as prophesized in The Book of the Apocalipse. 

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the Dragon, that Old Serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season...Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.(Apocalipse 20:1-3)

In this thousand year period, great Wisdom was preserved for future generations in certain Monasteries and Abbies of the East and West. There was also an extraordinary manifestation of an almost impossible architecture, like some cathedrals with healing properties. See the research of Dr.Gloria Moss in this respect [1].

But there was also healing music, like that of Hildegarda von Bingen and later Renaissance vocal artistry (i.e Palestrina, Alonso Lobo, Thomas Tallis), or realistic paintings. Many are the examples, but it´s up to you to identify them.

     Mosaic of Jesus Christ in Istanbul, Turkey.

Notre Dame, in France

San Marcos Basilica, Venice, Italy

Holy Trinity Monastery, Meteores, Greece

Remote Monasteries and Abbies in particular played the function of preserving Wisdom during the Millennial Reign, since those who already had an inner crown knew that after the Thousand Year Reign, the Dragon would again be unleashed, and a Great Deception would come to the World.

Satan's Little Season after the Thousand Year Reign began in the late Middle Ages, between the 1200s and 1500s, when there were mass exterminations, such as the murder of the Cathars, by the hands of the bloodthirsty and false Roman church; the Crusades, between false followers of Iesus and infidel Muslims who believed in a false punishing God, as well as later religious wars between believers in false ideals, Protestants and Catholics from various churches. The division persists to this day, with further fragmentations. 

It is interesting to notice that some people from those times where already aware they were in the Epoch of Satan. For instance, John Dun of London, in the 1500s, reproted they were 500 years in little season of Satan, adding: the last conflict or fight is of Mehoemet [Mohammad] by the Saracens, the Turks and the Tartarians...[2].

He was referring to the tribes of Gog and Magog mentioned in other writings, since the prophet Ezekiel prophetized about their invasion from the evil north (see Ezekiel 38). Some ancient chroniclers always spoke of monsters and giants coming from the north. The Book of the Bee [3] gathers some of those stories, claiming that even Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C had to fight descendants from Japhet, from giants to satyrs and centaurs. What was all that about? Allegories of men in horses and tall people or something else?

This is a conflict that persists today with the totalitarian regimes in North Corea or China, the war between the State of Israel and Iran or Russia and Ukraine or even the Western Globalism. Names change, assassins are of the same breed, claiming to be either liberating jews or defenders of radical Islam or globalist defenders of the rights to utter degeneration. Deceptions are just a matter of taste also. That´s Satan´s Little Season.

But those who have crowns, still preserve the Truth, and speak aloud about it. We could never be defeated, since we already won the battle. That makes a huge difference.

Curiously, echoes of that function of preservation in remote monasteries can even be in the novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, written out of remorse by a man that participated in the bombing of Monte Casino during the Second World War. In the story a group of catholic monks are entrusted with preserving spiritual Wisdom so it survives a thousand year period of utter chaos after a nuclear catastrophe. Something very similar to what the Season of Satan brought after the Thousand Year Reign, by the end of the Middle Ages.

Now, to finish off, what follows below is a brilliant extract by  the famous science fiction author Phlip K.Dick, which in this occassion went beyond fiction, and hit right on the spot, coming close to what I was teaching in the channell and this blog. We should point anyway that the perfect dimension of time that he mentions, corresponds with what the Hebrew tradition calls the Olam Haba or Future World, a timeline where the rectified souls reincarnate, living in a world with no wars or disease, where all can perceive more or less the divine Kingdom within. To me that already exists in another timeline, yet it is not the Kingdom of God, but a reflection of it on this physical world.

The Milenium & Parallel Dimensions in Philip K. Dick´s View

“Contemplating this possibility of a lateral arrangement of worlds, a plurality of overlapping earths along whose linking acts as a person can somehow move can travel in a mysterious way from worst affair to good to excellent, contemplating this int theological terms, perhaps we could say that herewith we suddenly decipher the elliptical utterances which Christ expressed regarding the Kingdom of God. Specifically, where it is located. He seems to have given contradictory and puzzling answers but suppose, just suppose for an instant, that the cause of the perplexity lay not in any desire on his part to baffle or to hide, but in the inadequacy of the question, my kingdom is not of this world, he is reported to have said. The kingdom is within you, or possibly it is among you.” 

I put before you now the notion which I personally find exciting, that he may have had in mind that which I speak of, as the lateral axis of overlapping realms which contain among them a spectrum of aspects ranging from the unspeakably malignant to the beautiful. And Christ was saying over and over again that there really are many objective realms somehow related and somehow bridgeable by living, not dead men, and that the most wondrous of these worlds was a just kingdom in which either he himself or God himself or both of them ruled. And he did not merely speak of a variety of ways of subjectively viewing one world. The kingdom was and is an actual different place at the opposite end of continuous, starting with slavery and utter pain. It was his mission to teach his disciples the secret of crossing along this orthogonal path. He did not merely report what lay there. He taught the method of getting there, but tragically, the secret was lost. The enemy, the Roman authority, crushed it, and so, we do not have it. 

But perhaps we can refind it since we know that such a secret exists. 

Whether the kingdom is to be established here on the earth or whether it is a place or state we go to after death, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this issue has been a fundamental one and an unresolved one throughout the history of Christianity. Christ and Saint Paul both seem to say emphatically that an actual breaking through into time—that is specifically what they say, a breaking through into time, into our world, by a host of God, will unexpectedly occur. Thereupon after some exciting drama, a thousand-year paradise, a rightful kingdom will be established, at least, for those who have done their homework and chores, and generally pay attention and have not gone to sleep as one parable puts it. We are enjoined repeatedly in the New Testament to be vigilant, that for the Christian it is always day. There is always light by which he can see this event when it comes. Does that imply that many persons who are somehow asleep or blind or not vigilant, they will not see it, even though it occurs? 

Consider the significance which can be assigned to these notions. The kingdom will come here unexpectedly, this is always stressed, the rightful faithful shall see it because for them it is always daytime, but for the others, what seems expressed here is the paradoxical but enthralling thought that, and hear this and ponder, the kingdom, were it established here would not be visible to those outside. I offer the idea that, in more modern terms, what is meant that some of us will travel laterally to that better world, and some will not, they will remain stuck along the lateral axis which means that for them the kingdom did not come, not in their alternative world, and yet meantime, it did come in ours. So, it comes, and yet it does not come. Amazing.” [4]


[1] Check Dr.Gloria Moss` research Churches, Cathedrals and Synagogues: Places of Healing Not Worship:

[2] A Hundred Sermons Upon the Apocalipse of Iesu Christ, Reveiled by the Angell of the Lord, but Seene or Received and Written by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist S. John.

[3] The Book of the Bee:

[4] Extract from:

Monday, July 29, 2024



Listening to the Inner Teacher led me to find more connections between the ancient Wisdom of the Vedas and the Old/New Testaments. 

There seems to be an undeniable relation between the supreme Hindu deity, Brahman, and the divine name YHVH of Hebrew Wisdom.

Is there also a link between the patriarch Abraham, his wife Sarah and Brahma married to Saraswati? 

Why does Abraham almost sacrifice his firstborn son, replacing him with a ram while Brahma ends up sacrificing his own, putting a ram´s head in his?

Are the Atman or Divine Self and the Jiva or psychological Soul, connected with the Adam and Java of Gan Eden? 

Why does Divinity also manifest energies that become destructive, like the Hindu Shiva or the Hebrew Hamashit?

What is the Demiurge? Does it have to do with the biblical God or is there something else that unlearned people don't see?

I do not want you to venture into making great leaps of reasoning, but simply notice the patterns of understanding in the ancient language, which is not for the brute, unlearned and idolatrous minds that abound in external religion.

The Cosmic Adam / Brahman - YHVH

The Vedas speak of an unconditioned Primordial Source called Brahman, from the Sanskrit Manas (Mind) and Brah (Expansion), and therefore, an Expansive Cosmic Mind that is in turn like a Tree with Roots in the Heavens and fruits in all the universes. 

Needless to say, the suffix -man seems a reminder of Man, which is an indicator of the Name or Divine Name, that which represents the Ineffable.

In that sense, the Brahman or Expansive Cosmic Man seems a poetic echo of the Primordial Adam, who in Hebrew Wisdom is the Light emanated by what has no limits, i.e. Ayn Sof. That is, the Adam Kadmon is the luminous emanation, Ayn Sof Aur, which the Scriptures called Logos: God the Father, God the Mother, i.e. Dwelling/Shekina (Yhvh Elohim), Divine Son and Divine Daughter (shechina exiled in humanity), all the aspects symbolized by the Tetragrammaton, YHVH.

And while it is true these nuances do not exist in the mysticism of the Vedas, in an almost analogous way, Vedas teach the energies of Brahman are expressed in two aspects: the Purusha and Prakriti. 

Purusha is the Universal Spirit or Cosmic Man, who, through the action of the Cycles of Matter or Nature, Prakriti, expanded its members into millions of fragments, giving rise to the worlds, stars, planets and beings of the universe. 

This interaction of Purusha and Prakriti, Spirit and Matter, is expressed in three forces, some of whose aspects are associated with what the Greeks called Demiurge or Artisan of the Universe.

At the Cosmic level, the energies of Brahman act as Father Creator/Generator (Brahma). Hence Brahma is also called Universal Father of Humanity, and personalized as Ishvara.

Curiously, in Hebrew Ysh is the Masculine aspect of Adam, and is contained in sacred names such as Yeshua, and like Ishvara, is considered the Name of the Brahman Father and Divine Face. 

Brahman with its energies also becomes a Destroyer (Shiva), which is reminiscent of an aspect of El-Shaday, the Provident Nature that can sometimes also play the role of Hamashit, the Destroyer who in Exodus 12 annihilates the firstborn of the Egyptians (children of the flesh), bypassing the doors of the Israelites (spiritual children), since they put the blood of the lamb on the lintels, an allusion to the internal work, the sacrifice of the selfish carnal passion that shields against cosmic energies which destroy or elevate, depending on how one faces them.

And thirdly we have the Sustaining aspect, symbolized by Visnu, who manifests himself in the form of Avatars, divine guides who incarnate, like Krishna, the name given to the Universal Soul of Humanity, the Atman, which resembles the Hebrew Adam.

The Vedic account of the Purusha or fragmented Universal Spirit is reminiscent of the breaking of Primordial Adam’s body in Hebrew Wisdom,  even mentioned by the Master Yeshua:  he came for his own, but they did not recognize him (John 1:11-12).

The incomparable and universal understanding that Master Yeshua brought was precisely a new spirit, from which the immortal New Adam is born: take the Bread of Wisdom and drink the new wine of Life, for this is my body that is given for you .

An allegory that almost no one understood. Even in Judaic circles it is unknown Yeshua first incarnated as the head of the Primordial Adam, not merely as a member. He was not just another Avatar, but The Logos or Universal Mind, who came to call its spiritual bodily members that were lost across the planet, trapped not only in Jewish religion, but outside and within many other religions:  

I have some sheep that are not of this fold (John 10:16- 18).

And I tell you that many will come from the east and the west, and will sit at table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 8:11). 

We will see why Yeshu honored father Abraham so much. But first the divine origin of the true human essence, lost in the journey across the stellar worlds, must be understood.

Atman & Jiva i.e. Adam & Java

In the Vedas, the Divine Self or Atman is compared to a little bird that enjoys divine bliss perched on the branch of a tree along with its companion Jiva, another little bird, which represents the psychological soul, a reflection of the Atman in corporeality. But Jiva got distracted by eating the berries of the tree, and thus forgot her lover  Atman, falling into a forgetfulness that led her to suffering on the wheel of rebirth or Samsara, longing for the reunion of his Divine Twin, Atman.

Isn't it reminiscent of the story of Adam and Java/Eve told in the Book of Genesis? Was not Adam admonished to eat from the Tree of Life? Wasn’t Adam unable to find suitable helper/bodies to dwell in, being divided by Nature into man and woman, Ish and Isha? Was it not the woman, the corporeal-emotional soul, who ate from the Tree of Knowledge or Physical Passions, guarded by the Serpent, the artificial intelligence of the psychosocial-physical world?

Is it a coincidence that Hebrew Wisdom mentions Satan with the acrostic Sam, diminutive of Samael, Poison of Him? 

Could Samsara be the Wheel of Sam, who becomes the illegitimate husband of Sara, another symbolic name of the Adamic Soul trapped in space-time, ruled by the Sarim, planetary Princes, like Saruman, Lord of the Rings? 

Was not Sarah the wife and body of Abraham, as the Torah and the Hebrew Zohar teach?

The Kingdom of Heaven is spread throughout the earth and people do not see it (Matthew 24:14)

From Brahma to Abraham

Too much of a coincidence is that in the Torah myth, Abraham appears with his wife Sarah, just as in Hindu mythology Brahma has Saraswati as his consort, whose tributary river is the Ghaggar, similar to the servant Hagar, Abraham's other wife, who gives birth to Ishmael, from whom the Ishmaelis descend, giving rise to Islam.

How could they be mere literal stories?

Well, that's enough. Expoiler for enlightened ones:

Abraham comes from Aba, Father and Raham, who is High. Therefore it means High Father.

And Sarah in the biblical story is first called Saray, my Princess, an allusion to the psychological soul, Jiva/Java, who separated from her spiritual husband.

So Abraham married to Sara and Brahma united with Saraswati as a symbol of the restored union of the psychological soul to the unfallen Adam, the self-consciousness of the pure spirit or Atman, which is one with Brahman, the pure Ground of Being that is makes father of spiritual humanity.

Vedic history says Brahma was so in love with his wife Saraswati that he multiplied his face by four to see her everywhere. An allusion that recalls the Hebrew Tetramorph and the Tetragramaton, the Divine reflected on the Four Quarters of the Kosmos and the Four Elements.

Abraham was indeed called Father of Faith and of the divine human progeny that finds the Divine Presence everywhere, since everything is Oneness, Echad. 

Now, according to the myth poorly understood by unlearned minds, Abraham did not sacrifice his firstborn, that is, his left side, Isaac, psycho-carnal humanity, whereas the ascetics ¡totally deny their body and sacrifice themselves in meditation. In the contrary, Abraham elevated his humanity, sacrificing the ram of his passions: 

Because you have not denied me your only son, I promise to bless you. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven, and as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered (Genesis 22:15). 

However, in Hindu myth, Brahma sacrifices his son, and then resurrects him by giving him a ram's head, which symbolizes Aries, the I Am in the flesh.

The Bagavad Gita also speaks of various evolutionary currents where people make sacrifices and offerings to Brahman, without understanding this is not necessary, because as Krisha explains to Arjuna, Liberation does not depend on Action and its Fruits. The real Atman is free from burdens.

These Indian misunderstandings  were due to the fact many Brahmins and Yogis came to misinterpret the primordial teachings, developing total self-denial, the sacrifice of the firstborn, teaching carnal religion. 

This was a fact that disappointed Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha himself, who sought the Middle Way, trying precisely to rescue the original path of Brahman or Brahmayana, which went back to ancient times, when the famous 7 Rishis or Sages reigned.

According to biblical chronology, Abraham existed around the year 3800 BC, coexisting with his enemy, Nimrod, the Hunter King, symbol of Orion, Builder of the Tower of Babel, who according to Hebrew oral tradition, threw Abraham into the fire, wanting to prevent the spread of Universal Wisdom. An allegory that alludes to how souls from the Sirius system obstructed the Abrahamic work of disseminating the Truth. Still, Abraham emerged from the furnace unscathed, like all the great prophets.

Abraham is possibly a code representing a lineage of evolved humans, descendants of the sons of Shem, one of the sons of Noah. The Shemites were the bearers of that Atmic Consciousness, the wise men who survived the Flood that destroyed Atlantis and other civilizations. They were brotherhoods specialized in mysticism, astrology, art, etc.

In India, Noah was known as Manu, which recalls Immanuel, one of the names of the Messiah, which also contains the word Man by the way.

In Genesis Abraham appears serving Melchi-Tzedek, the King of Justice, son of Salem/Peace, the Hierophant of the Most High God, the divine Messiah of that post-flood time, to whose lineage  Yeshua belonged: For of the Messiah It is witnessed: you are officiant forever according to the Order of Melchi-Tzedek (Letter to the Hebrews 7).

All this widely ignored background is operating behind legendary phrases attributed to the Master, like when the Pharisees claimed to be children of Abraham, and He answered them: 

If you were children of Abraham you would do his works (John 8)

Then he called them children of their father the Devil/Accuser, that is, psychic carnality, not of the Primordial Adam, Atman/Brahman. 

There are those who may think that the Hebrew teachings are a copy of the Vedic teachings, but this is an error in reasoning, since the most complete is always the most original, and the Vedic teachings lack important details, which is why many Indian gurus hare pseudo-enlightened, what Gurdjieff called Fool Saints.

Scripture itself points out that Abraham gave gifts to the children of his concubines and sent them to the East (Genesis 25:6). Precisely from these gifts many Eastern teachings were derived. That might explain why Hindus are called Hudy, which is also an Arabic name meaning: one who chooses the right path. They only need to add the Yud or Seed of the Universal Father, to be Yehudy, who is not Jewish in the religious sense, but rather one who is a Door (Delet) for YHVH. 

Only then are the Master's words understood:

You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation comes from the Yehudym (John 4:22)

It is said that the wise men of the East, the Magi, came from India or Persia, and they paid homage to the Messiah. Again, another allegory. Don't be so stupid as to literally think of a God Child in a damn manger. The stable is this world. The manger is the body. The three wise men are the three inner centers or the three degrees of Soul (Vital, Emotional and Mental), i.e. Abraham, Isaac and Yakov.

And I tell you that many will come from the east and the west, and will sit at table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, the Master prophesied (Matthew 8:11). 

Reference is therefore made to aspects of the Soul in evolution and return to the Father Source, which is not a void, but the Ocean from which comes the dew of Blessing. 

This also explains why Scripture teaches that Abraham, Isaac and Yakov did not yet know the Universal name as YHVH, but only as El Shaday or All Sustainer. 

I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as El Shaday, but with my name YHVH I did not make myself known to them (Exodus 6:3)

That is, they were Souls of Wise Men who understood the Wisdom of Universal Oneness. But they were not yet completed to assume the Presence of Full Consciousness. 

It was with Moses that YHVH reveals himself as I will be who I will be; Ehye Asher Ehye (Exodus 3:14). Who will it be? That was already taught by Master Yeshua, embodying the full Logos and marking the Path of all those who know themselves, and recognize themselves as part of the existential body of Adam-Brahman, the Universal Man.

Do as I do, for I am serene of heart, and you will find rest in your souls. For easy is my Yoke/Yoga, and light is my burden (Matthew 11:29)

The yoga of Yeshu is not the mere union with the Atman to exercise the liberation of the Jiva, but a return of the reunified Atman to its Primordial Source to literally sanctify or divinize matter, elevating this world to the original archetypes, feeding the Cosmic Brain with a greater understanding that was not in the Atman/Adam of Gan Eden. 

That makes him not only Alpha but also the Omega of Comprehension.

Literally, understanding this can make your head explode.

The Cosmic Vibration OM & the Worlds

In the Vedas the Brahma emits a Bellow or Cosmic Vibration symbolized by the OM and the AUM, which represent three cosmic states of consciousness: Dreamless Sleep, Dream Dream and Wakefulness, 

Likewise, in the Torah, the Sacred Name  YHVH, represents a Cosmic Vibration or Word, also described in Scripture as the source of a Wisdom (Proverbs 8) and Mind that is a Tree of Life (Proverbs 3), which through Natural Forces/Elohim, she becomes the Generator of Existence (Genesis 1). Note how YHVH is Havaya/Existence in reverse. And their forces show that they have a different way of thinking: 

My Thoughts are not your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).

The prophet Isaiah transmitted that said Cosmic Vibration becomes Father of all those who bear His Name, in three planes of Existence:

To all those called by my Name, through my Splendor, I created them, I formed them and I made them (Isaiah 43:7)

Doesn’t the World of Creation/Gestation, Astral Formation and Physical Action resemble the AUM of Vedanta? Spiritual, Astral and Physical Plane? 

Isn't AUM a Generator, Destroyer or Sustainer depending on who and how is it manifested?

Likewise, in the Torah, the vibration of the Forces/Elohim of YHVH can kill or bring to Life. That's why it was said:

You will not take the Shem/Vibration of the Existential Generator (Yhvh Elohim) in vain (Exodus 20:7)

Hallowed be Your Name (Matthew 6)

Taking the Name in vain is the lack of the Vibration of Consciousness that is reflected in lower worlds in an imperfect way, because it makes real everything it touches, even Eros and Jealousy, shadow of real Love; Hatred, shadow of turning away from evil, etc.

Is the Master at home or are there still doubts? Well, let's see a little more.

The Cosmic Craftsman or Demiurge and his Galactic Progeny

Let's now look at the question of the Demiurge, so loved by youngsters in the neo-gnosticism light  that abounds so much nowadays.

The first to popularize the term Demiurge was Plato, who in his dialogue the Timaeus, describes the Great Craftsman or Demiurge as a Manager who molds the Universe by imprinting into matter the archetypes that he contemplates in the divine world, which are mathematical and musical patterns, just as a painter draws on a canvas.

In this way, Plato says, the Demiurge established a relationship between the Soul and the World, yet without preventing tensions and out-of-tune events, just as when musicians play music with tuned instruments that go out of tune. 

Pythagoras himself taught how the armonía of the Soul of the World depends on mathematical proportions that can adopt irrational canons, becoming unbalanced.

But in the Pythagorean, Platonic and Neoplatonic currents, the Demiurge is not a Divine Creator God and much less negative.

Furthermore, Plotinus, the precursor of Neoplatonism in the 3rd century C.E., explained in his Enneads that the Demiurge is the Astral Soul Intelligence that derives from the Logos/Nous, or Cosmic Mind, and simply governs and administers the world of passive matter. 

Let's say they are the astral and planetary artisans, which of course include the humanities with their civilizing actions on Earth or other planets.

Leontocephaline in a Mitreum,190 d.C. 

One of the oldest representations of the Demiurge shows him with the face of a Lion, the Serpent coiled around his body as a Man, holding a Square and a Lighted Candle, and some Wings. 

This seems a Tetramorph parallel to the classic one: Bull, Lion, Eagle and Man. They are different astrological nuances.

Now, this vision is reminiscent of what the Orphics called Phanes, a deity of Light who was born from the Cosmic Egg and got trapped in the material world, becoming venerated in Orphism and Mithraism, the cult of Mithras or Sol Invictus. 

Phanes was represented as a man enclosed in the zodiacal frame and coiled around a serpent.

An image equal to the Adam conceived by Elohim.

No coincidence either is the Hebraic parallelism between the Potter and the biblical Yhvh Elohim, the angelic Forces that form Adam from the dust of Adamah, the residue of previous destroyed worlds. And they do it through 22 energies, symbolized by 22 letters, which symbolize the Geometric Archetypes that Pythagoras and Plato spoke about.

Needless to say, the biblical Elohim or Demiurge are angelic craftsmen who are not exempt from making mistakes because they belong to a rectification process and can separate themselves from divine guidelines. Not every novice potter begins as an expert potter. Not even Harry Potter was a perfect magician. And there are aspects of the Entropic Darkness that are not easily predictable. 

In fact, in India there are parallel visions resembling the Demiurge, such as the figure of Shiva the Destroyer and his consort Shakti, the dynamic energy of the cosmos. 

There were even more aseptic Indian Darshanas or Philosophies, such as the Samkhya Yoga system, which speaks of the union or separation of Spirit (Purusha) and Nature (Prakriti), which brings forth three forces of matter or Three Gunas: Tatva, Rajas and Tamas.

Tatvas is the balanced and luminous aspect. Rajas is agitation. And Tamas the inertial and heavy, like the Saturnine aspect of astrological alchemy. 

The last two are mechanical forces and between them there is a polarity or tension that can be overcome with the luminous balance within the cosmic astral phenomenal aspect.

There are in fact more negative versions of the Demiurge that present him as a Nemesis or cosmic Opponent, as in some Gnostic teachings, which describe him as a Serpent or Worm with the face of a Lion, another astrological allusion.

The figure of the Demiurge is only negative in certain late currents of Gnosticism where they focus on very limited aspects, surely due to a poor understanding of certain scriptural passages, such as Proverbs 9 or Paul's letters. We will see them later.

For example, in Gnostic myth the Demiurge is known as Yaldabaoth (son of the abyss, tehom), Saklas (Idiot) and Samael (Poison of El). And he is begotten by Sophia Achamoth, the lower Wisdom. 

This idea could be taken from Proverbs 9: 

Wisdom (Sophia, from Serpent/Ophis) built her own house, raised her seven pillars, set her (sacrificial) table, killed her victims, mixed her wine...

But the error of false Gnosticism is to associate the Great YHVH or Generator of the existential all, with the fallen Demiurge, since the demiurgic energies are the crafting aspect of Nature, i.e Elohim, even Yhvh Elohim, which is the union of angelic intelligences with the Great YHVH. 

Among the fallen demiurgic errors or experiments are all those unsuitable aids to which Adam gave his name, but which did not develop full Adamic consciousness (see Genesis 2).

These are precisely many of the star races that pretend to pose as advanced aliens with spaceships, when they are mere astral humanities trapped in Yetzirah the World of Formation, interdimensional entities whose merkabas traverse the time-space fabric.

Some pose as Galactic Federations in Peace, and being trapped in the fabric of the fourth dimension. They travel back and forth making naive humans believe that they are more evolved. When they are mere stellar children who are more lost than an octopus in a garage, also subject to astral rulers who keep them imprisoned in the 4D.

Various ancient teachings already hinted that there are extensions of the Demiurge that deviate from the Divine orders and archetypes, giving rise to a world of shadows almost far from the hand of God. 

There would be what Paul the Apostle, with unusual Wisdom, called: 

The God of this Age has clouded the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4) 

As good unitarians, neither Pythagoras, Plato nor Paul of Tarsus separated the Planetary Rulers from the divine energies. Although the Apostle said:

We do not fight against flesh and blood but against the Principalities, Dominions, Kosmocrators of this Darkness and the evil Spirits of the heavenly regions (Ephesians 6:12).

False wise men and misinformed wiseacres go as far as saying that Paul was a corrupter of the Master's teaching, when the problem was perhaps giving in cryptic Kabbalistic language too much esoteric information that then leaked to the masses and was stolen by all the group of animals that no longer see right under their noses when they read the Scripture.

Many of the fallen Wisdoms come precisely from demiurgic beings who became Avatars or Guides without having legitimacy to do so and thus diverted humanity from its purpose. 

Thus certain humanities of darkness descend from the Serpent of Gan Eden, the Children of the Evil One to whom Yeshua alluded. And they also play their role in spreading lies and disinformation.

From there can even arise gurus who abuse Vedanta without understanding what they do or who they are. In many of these cases they are simply ignorant Adams who have not understood what it is to live from Brahman without sacrificing the Firstborn.

That is why one must listen to the voice of the Logos, and not of uninformed aliens or deceitful Nagas. At stake is being children of the Primordial Adam, or else, whores of Sam in Samsara, Satan's sheepfold.