Monday, November 16, 2020

On Soul Darkness, Distortion & Desvelation of Love in Present Tmes


Love´s Double Edge Sword

It seems that a general theme these days, with all the socio-political and syndemic crises, is that there is judgment on evil or even that the wrath of God falls upon humanity. What many don´t even suspect is that evil energy works as a hidden traitor, like Judas, or even Peter, since it´s even within those who claim to be against evil. Vengeance is part of the same program of craving for power and blind justice. So this even applies within spiritual circles who speak of empowering ourselves and the need to pay for debts by blood sacrifice, struggling in a spiritual war.

We can see much of that in the Scripture called Bible, which are actually full of curses that fulfill over and over again precisely because even the awful translations mirror a “goat spell” of "algorithmic patterns” which define fallen Nature, mirroring the fractal laws of this quantum world. One of those patterns are the Law of causal retaliation: YHWH is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation (Numbers 14:18)… Vengeance is Mine (Deuteronomy 32)

Hence the old Talion law: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. A law formulated in the Babylonian Codes of Hammurabi and also in Exodus 21:23, Leviticus 24:18.

And this seems to be Step-Mother´s favorite “merciless strategy”, moved by affinity of vibrations, sowing and raping of energies, rather than by a hateful God:

Make no mistake about this: You can never make a fool out of God. Whatever you plant is what you'll harvest (Galatians 6:7)

As the Master said: Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword (Matthew 26:52).

And swords also stand for words, since the Word is like a double edge sword (Hebrews 4:129)

So, many should watch out words and actions before having an attitude of vengeance and empowerment, since Justice is always blind, and can strike anyone, for it´s an echo of all that was done.

This is why I don´t subscribe to defending the vengeance or punishment of any God or party against the bad guys. That´s the twist of something which is rather a natural consequence of misunderstanding true Love, something which was nor known in the Old Testament.

And there are many examples. Notice how the Stone Law of fallen Babylon and Israel is actually what operates behind the famous story of Esther, which many use to justify how the God of Israel seeks for vengeance. In it, Esther appears as a Hebrew woman who by a turn of Destiny is chosen to become Queen, espouse to the King of Persia. And both she and her uncle Mordecai discover the plans of the King´s first secretary, Haman, to kill the jews. But as Queen, Esther manages to convince the King to revert the sentence, sending Haman and his ten sons to death.

Now, a strange key in the story is that when these are dead, she asks for the ten sons to be hanged up.

And this has been used by self-proclaimed jews to prove it was a prophecy pointing to the execution of ten nazis, who were hanged up after the Nuremberg trials. One of them even shouted the name of the Feast that commemorates Esther´s deed: Purim, 1946, he said right before been murdered.

And thus many claim the Purim Feast of disguises symbolizes how the Lord God of Israel is clothed in the events and actions of the world.

But most ignore the ten sons allude to the ten sefirotic energies of the Woman, the clothes of the Tree of Life.

And it seems more an allegory of how Creative Energy, Shekinah, the Garments of the Holy One, can be twisted against anyone and turn vengeful.

I even prefer the Celtic tale of the King that disguises as a common man to know the people, or Master Yehsu cleansing his disciples feet, reversing the Pharaonic tradition of servitude. That implies humility in true love.

However, many religious organizations try to play with the ideas of wrath and blood sacrifice, falling over and over again under the spells of Salome´s Seven Veils.

Regardless of parties, now everyone will be put to test and the ultimatum is clear: either politics, religion and moralistic culture dissolve, giving way to a more awakened society and economy, managed by honest people who knows how to do their job well, helping others, or the worst scenarios will manifest. No matter who´s in power. They all will fall if the lies continue.

Now we can see why the Justice of Elohim/Nature, cannot be stopped by evil, since it´s like the weight of a stone pulling down those who jumped into the sea with it. As the Master said: "the Prince of this World has already been judged". We all know that fallen Cherub or Lucifer came as weak as we, as stated in Isaiah 14:10.

The gravity of stars always drags down those who are arrogantly imposing themselves over others. And this might seem the opposite in the world we see, which is full of blind justice and human laws that do not mirror natural laws, because humans are asleep and sick, controlled like sheep by psychopaths.  

So regardless of what takes place outside, it´s us who must live our particular vital Destiny mission, entering true Reality, which is rarely in accord with the external world of appearances.

And of course, it will be positive if light and darkness get more balanced in society, and a new economy emerges with the help of honest people, even in the world of business. Yet this will bring chaos for a while, like the tantrum of a diabolic child. We just have to see how many conflicts and mini-social wars have been organized for the last 4 years of Trump´s government, who played against almost every economic dictator in the planet.

In a sense, North American politics lived a reset for these 4 years, infuriating many. But the programes running the computer in general are still the same. American and European democracies were built up upon invaded lands, the oaths of secret societies, the blood of thousands of innocent people, and a sense of deceptive freedom. So, conventional politics and economy are doomed, precisely because of Nature/Elohim´s Justice, where like attracts the like.

Therefore, rather than a "reset" we need a "formatting", and this can only start by taking place within, transcending our dark associations, hate and beliefs, which trigger dark energies and timelines. And then hope for what we already have in the Tree of Life, not for a future good. What we try to run into, we get away from. In the true kosmic body of Being we have everything we need, even if outside almost no one sees. We just have to know it and manifest it without fear.

From Excess Justice to Understanding Love

A few years ago I composed a musical piece whose central theme is that when the force of Love and Life get trapped and without exit, covered by the dirt of the world, this generates a very destructive counterforce. Then Love gives way to Eros and Life is modified, becoming expressions of domination and death.

And there is a profound teaching on this that has been growing in my heart for more than a decade. I will try to summarize it as the Truth unfolds within.

It is usually forgotten or ignored that the chaos of the Universe came from worlds that were destroyed because of an excess of Justice, as it is expressed in some old accounts. All chaos came from a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil system where powerful beings ruled over the weakest as cosmic Kings and Queens, demanding refined vital energies selfishly, even by modifying genomes to serve their interests. And these ego based actions led to disastrous planetary systems like this one.

This is even openly described in Sumerian accounts, Proverbs 9 and many other accounts.

But notice how by law of correspondence, as above so below, here on earth first came the Religion of Serpent Power and Justice or Balance of Energies, in epochs like that of Lemuria, Atlantis, then the punishment in the Garden of Eden for lack of understanding, following with the rulership of the Sons of Elohim –descendants of Cainite humanity–, and the Babelian empire that imposed Theocracies in place of true Wisdom for everyone.

This brought a war between the Serpent power of Yogis and white Magicians, like Moses against Pharao´s Sorcerers. All until the Religion of Wisdom and Knowledge was given back to some people in Schools of Initiation, during the Axial Epoch, around 6 B.C.E, when healers, prophets and wise men emerged like mushroom all over the earth: Pythagoras and Parmenides in the Mediterranean, the Essenes and Elijah in Judea, Lao Tse and Chuang Tzu in China, Sidharta the Buddha in India, etc. And they all based their Wisdom in transcending the tricks of the Serpent energy, which was a symbol of healing: from the caduceus of Hermes to the Rod of Asclepius.

But Power, Justice, Wisdom and Knowledge without Love are useless and even dangerous. This is why the last message was of true Love, to prove that Love without right discernment and force, also kills.

We see this in people who turned the message of true Love into newly reshaped religions of hate, war, power, ignorance and blind justice, as we saw in Roman Christianity and Islam, which even persecuted and massacred some of the greatest teachers of the Way of Love: specially Yeshu, or even Sufies like Ibn Arabi, who were also killed for their radical approach to love.

And all this religious persecutions, burnings at the stake, the killing of infidels by sword and religion wars, were just as much as how the Assyro-Babylonians, Greeks, Jews and Romans murdered and crucified those who believed differently. But this time, the three definite lies of Peter had been established as a decadent and reincident idolatric Judaism, a refurbished old pagan Christianity and a radical Islamism.

All when Messiah is Understanding of loving Life beyond any rigid ritual, doctrine, label, occultic methods or hidden agendas. Even Paulo said that in the true archetypical Mankind there is no longer "jew", "greek", "man", "woman”…He just used other words: There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Anointed Iesou (Galatians 3:28)

Christo Iesous referred to the model of Last Adam that each one must undergo, as a manifested Being of Light, born as an Original Soul in the world.

Therefore, by extension, in the true Mankind of Light, there are no longer thousands of religious denominations, including the christian ones, or other cultural political divisions, such as globalists, democrats, republicans, nationalists, etc. To remain there is being doomed to fail. Cohesion cannot even be brought by ridiculous mixtures, such as the new religion Chrislam. The old ecumenical views are just the old strategies of expansionist murderers and liers.

Free from Stumbling Serpent Stones

It is logically obvious that the first Architects ruled as part of Mother with a blind Wisdom (Sophía), establishing their own Queendom, building her house with seven pillars (energy centers), mixing her wine (energies, genetics), killing her victims (the unfitted weak) and setting her table for sacrifices, as stated in Proverbs 9.

And if there were 7 Kings of Edom, as told in Genesis 36, they must have ruled in their own "Kingdoms" with their stone of Justice.

All that brings to mind an administration of ophidian workers, whose six energy emotional spheres and the physical centre were not very well used with the help of Sophía (Wisdom), associated with the Mind of the Serpent (Ophis).

Let´s not forget the Serpent basically represents a type of raw creative energy that when it is not transformed with humility and true love, it materializes the dark energies of Eros, attachment to matter, symbolized by Lylah, Darkness.

And disarmonious vibrations mix up, becoming stingy traitor energies, such as pride, craving for power, sensory experience and vice, just as it is depicted in stories like the Garden of Eden, where the feminine side of Adam (Soul of Humanity), sees the Tree of Knowledge as good for taste, sight and Wisdom, Serpent Wisdom.

All as a repetition of the rebellion that had taken place before, when Serpent gods refused to serve higher Kings and Queens, working with their own energy and effort. And they had no problem in telling the same to earthly creatures, who also became aware of the situation.

Serpent energy has different qualities, symbolized by the rocks and precious stones, like the ten stones covering the fallen Cherub of Ezkiel 28, the 12 stones carried by the Koen Gadol in the Breast Plate (Joshen= permutation of Najash, Gematria 358).

And the main idea is that there is a creative energy of Life that can get obscure, distorted and twisted, like a diamond covered in mud, giving distorted light. Diamond is actually a symbol of Shejinah or Divine Feminine Presence or Dwelling, since shajan means to dwell in rest.

My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest (Exodo 33:14)

In the Aramaic version, Targum of Onkelos, the passage actually says My Shejinah will go with you. I already mentioned this in one of my first videos.

We have also seen that from Shejinah (385) we can get Najash (358), an energy devoid of the Hei of Life. And from the rock of Peter, we can get anger, hate and even treason, since Peter denied the Master three times. And my intuition tells these three times are both in history and inside us: in the sexual centre, the emotional centre and the mental centre.

Remember how Paulo said: all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ (1 Corinthians 10:2-4)

Notice how in Numbers 20, the Israelites are hungry and thirsty in the desert, then Moses and Aron pray for a solution, let´s say to the Cosmic Body of Being (Yhwh), and Moshe is told to speak to the rock, instead of hitting it with the rod of Aron. But Moses strikes it again to get the water. And thus Israel is again cursed.

In Hebrew wisdom, hitting the rock is associated with idolatry by means of physical rituals. And this can perfectly mean they used some sort of yogic gymnastics to raise the Kundalini energy, since the Egyptians use it, as in India.

But that was a basic type of anointing, a basic raw Christos, which was meant to be a support for a greater mental development.

The stone Sela is like the Sleeping Beauty that needs the kiss of the Prince, like that of Jacob.

Then one can find the Stone or Eben the Architects and Builders rejected, becoming a Cornerstone (Pinah), as told in Psalm 118:22.

 And this Eben contains both the Aba/Father and the Ben/Son, the Willing Love and Self-Conscience of that Love in true Mankind, which leads to fulfill the purpose of Salvation (Yeshua) in absolute refined Rock of Salvation, Tzur, or Tzur Yakera, Precious Stone.

This might seem a tough long journey for everyone, but Life and its richness is already there. So, in a sense, all has been accomplished, and we just have to realize it.

This is the true meaning of Chen (Gift), usually translated as Chen, the reverse of Noach, present also in Chanokh (Enoch). And Noah got drunk with wine, being found naked by one of his sons, since those serpent energies were still too much for him to handle, while Enoch was able to walk with Elohim.

So, now that the Water Carrier is here, maybe it´s already time for deeper healing, walking with Elohim, but not just as Enoch, but as Yeshu, a manifestation of Last Adam, the one that cannot fail, for he has understanding, and knows in Him all has been accomplished, bridging Heaven and Earth, like a Pillar of Light, an ancient symbol of the Buddha, by the Way. But I leave that for another occasion.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Was Primordial Man or Adam Kadmon a Cosmic Archon?


The representation you see above is a well-known illustration of the "existential" cosmic Adam, where his head is an Elder (sign of the passage of time), the zodiacal constellations are his heart and the genitals are the planets. And how suggestive the position that we have in the Grandfather, Demiurge of the World, right?

Recently a listener to the videos raised a interesting  issue suggesting that the Adam Kadmon or Primordial Man of  the Hebrew Wisdom is actually a gigantic Archon Entity that projects "trees of Life", and belief systems, like the Hebraic religion, to later devour its believers. And the truth is that this is almost a perfect description of the Demiurge, the Public God, as I have been teaching it. However, the Public God cannot be a Primordial Cosmic Man nor project any Tree of Life, as it is a system of death, and in Life there is no death.

As we have seen, some Princes, also called Archons –Archontoi in Greek means Rulers, especially of the Shadows– steal falsify what comes from the Tree of Life to make their own Tree of Knowledge, where there are polarities: positive and negative, false life and true death, female and male, etc.

And then here, in the earthly asylum, theosophical ocultists and other ascended masters are already in charge of confusing by equating the Demiurge himself with the true Primordial Man, Adam Kadmon in Hebrew, which is his problem, a product of the wisdom characteristic of worldly philosophies.

But as you already know, in this blog and channel the central idea is to return to the primordial vision of the original Tree of Life, which did not suffer any “spiritual or soul fragmentation”, since it is emanated from the Infinite Being, where there can be no fragmentation. His Unity of Love engenders Life in Oneness of Consciousness, so He does not need to engulf anything external either. It is the Original Source of Life Personality, expressed in Spirit, Original Soul and Primordial Body, which are called the Primordial Name or Primordial Man.

Now where did the cosmic fragmentation come from then? This is something that Master Yeshua spoke about. The woman had ten coins, lost one, and swept the whole house to find it ... The woman was the Divine Mother or Intelligence of Nature, the Body of Adam Kadmon, and she who lost her Malkut, her Kingdom of material Manifestation.

Part of this was partially explained in the vision of Isaac Luria and his transmitter, Jayim Vital. According to their Hebraic vision, the Limitless One (Ayn Sof) emanates a Endless Light (Ayn Sof Aur), which is projected to inta Cosmic Light Womb, giving rise to 10 Spheres or Sefirot that are called World of Points or Olam ha Nekudim, since there we all are like points of infinite light. But the six central spheres or Zeir Anpin (Small Face) were emotionally unstable, as they wanted to receive Light without sharing, to the point that they also destabilized the Seventh sphere, which was physical, constituting the Malkut of that first Universe. Let´s say different beings didn´t understand they were infinite in Spirit, and only had to allow flow Abundance through the Soul into the Material Manifestation.

But those spheres got hijacked and ruled by the so-called 7 Kings of Edom, who according to Genesis 36, lost their wives, that is, their vehicles of incarnation. Presumably because they didn´t know what to do with them.

Jayim Vital assures that this catastrophe was only spiritual. But intuition tells me that the rupture of that first Malkut was the outbreak of a Pre-Adamic world where advanced Luciferic technology was used by some gigantic humanoids, destabilizing the course of planets and stars.

Some of them might have even developed Type II and III civilizations, on the Kardashav scale, that is, civilizations capable of using the energy of the local star (Type II) and those capable of accessing the energy of the galaxy (Type III). And as physicist Michio Kaku recognizes, our civilization is still Type 0, because it is not even capable of using all the planet's resources in an intelligent way, as in Type 1 civilization.

Having said that, we can now understand why a rupture occurred in the "cosmic body" and how a sector of the universe was thrown out of the Tree of Life. This is known as the “throwing of the Kosmos" in Revelation 13: 8. Thus the earth became “chaotic and desolate" (Genesis 1: 2). And it was euphemistically translated as Foundation of the World.

The truth is that there were “ruling spirit-beings” who by the flow itself moved away from the Primordial Magnetic Light Source, and became Rulers (Archontoi / Archons), also called Kings of Edom (Genesis 36), and these might be the so-called Principalities, Archangels (Souls of Stars) and Angels (Souls of planets), who in their temporal movements, generated creations with "trees of the knowledge of Good and Evil", thus breaking the armony of the Tree of Life, where there are no electro-magnetic polarities or time. From Armonía we went to Harmony, where there is existential harm

Thus, with the rupture of the cosmic fabric, the "dual laws" and "broken and incomplete octaves" gave rise to a Nature Stepmother, generator of fallen and incomplete spirits, souls and bodies, and even "hybrid entities who also became rulers/archons on some planets. But even fallen spirits from the Primary Soul of the Cosmic Woman and they fell through deception, becoming lords of absent-minded humans, becoming also Ascended Masters.

I already explained in a video that the Demiurge or Public God is the Ouroboros, an energy chain that feeds on life beings and existential beings. And it seems well described in the false religious trinities: Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer; Brahma, Shiva, Visnu; Anu, Enlil and Enki; Dragon, Beast and False Prophet in the Book of Revelation; False Father, False Son and False Holy Spirit.

We also saw that most spiritual teachings mistake the Spirit of the World and Soul of the World with the Absolute Spirit and Original Soul of the Absolute Heaven, which I call Holarchy, a set of holons, wholenesses. Most of the teachings ignore that the divine Essential Word was broken into the Existential Word, since the Mother or Conscious Life energy was projected towards the planets, where it was trapped under cosmic laws and deadly experiments. And as a consequence of that, Mother and Daughter are separated. They are two Heis of YHWH, and their division or spiritual duality is venerated in religions and mystics. As I pointed out years ago, many aboriginal and mystical cultures know the Spiritual Mother, but rarely the Universal Father. Philip himself, in his Nazarene Testament, said: when we were Hebrews, we were orphans, we only knew only our mother. By becoming Anointed with Conscience, we discover our Mother and our Father (Testament of Philip).

That is why there is so much talk about Mother Goddesses in the religions of the world. And some Mother goddesses are symbols of Light. For example, Mahayana Buddhists speak of Rigpa or Mother Radiance of pure Consciousness, which they regard almost as an Ultimate Reality. At a certain stage in my search I even thought that I was already enlightened and realized by the simple fact of recognizing that Consciousness within me and everywhere. But the fact that Consciousness is in rocks, plants, animals, humans and the entire Universe, does not make one complete or in tune with the Primordial Universe.

Part of the Divine Mother expressed herself as the so called Yhwh Elohim or Lord God. But these intelligences had to face a cosmic chaos, narrated in myths. The Book of Genesis 1 actually begins where Enuma Elish or Sumerian Creation myths ends.

And in principle, the Architects or Elohim mentioned in Genesis 1 and 2, reorganized everything in a new Creation, but reproducing the old failures. They made species in their Image and Likeness, ordering to dominate over others. And by implanting the Adamic Soul with Life Intelligence in other animal creatures, they mixed opposite energies, so that the Adamic consciousness could elevate the fallen world. And of course, the Lord God destroyed those creations that did not fit...Isn't this a troubled Stepmother on the roof?

All the fallen world operates with mechanical laws of cause and effect, in a Stepmother Nature constrained by the necessity and entropy of the temporal world of time, where everything is exhausted and walks towards chaos. And a God who has chaos, beginning and end, is a God of cycles, and therefore temporary.

All this is not raised in known Kabalahs or conventional views, as they are incomplete or falsified by Babylon and Egyptian Occultism, which steal ideas and tease those who are not connected to the Master of Life or do not bother to decode ancient languages to understand the origin of the deception.

Many star seeds come to this planet because they know here they can graduate by acquiring the Original Soul and return to the Tree of Life. But that means they are part of the collective Spirit and Soul or fallen Adam who has trapped life. And so they do not know how great the deception is, so they end up venerating an external God or gods, call yourselves Divine Mother, Lord God ... In reality they are part of the mere existential becoming that flows from an astral source, not a Primordial one.

And many false wisdoms arise precisely from seeds of Light that are disconnected from their primary purpose, which is to rescue Life, showing the world that real Love does not rule.

This happened with the Abrahamic currents that gave rise to the main five religions, especially that of the Israelites, who were Adamic Souls that had not fallen, and came to help, managing to conquer their astral passions (like Jacob defeating the inner human). Thus they came to be accompanied by the Rock of Conscience, the Messiah who followed them in the desert of the Soul (1 Corinthians 10). And they were able to access the Tree of Life or DNA of original Light on earth, but they were contaminated in Egypt and Mesopotamia, worshiping the Golden Calf, the  the Golden Calf, Religion of Orion, ruled by solar Lords of the Soul, the cult of Amon-Ra ( the solar ram, the astral passions), and Atum, which basically becomes the solar spirit of the Cosmic Adam who fell into the world.

But the Hebrew Wisdom brought something of the original Truth that had to grow on earth to show the primary purpose, which is to rescue Life, showing the world that real Love does not rule. Hebrew means precisely "the one who comes from the other side", like the Tree of Life.

But that has nothing to do with carnal laws established after the transgression of Israel given the immaturity of conscience that they still had, and that needed the revelation of the Mind of the Father. That was even said by emissary Shaul in one of his letters:

So what is the Law for? It was added because of transgressions, until the Seed (of mature Conscience of Messiah) came to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained through Angels in the hand of a Mediator. And the mediator is not just one; but God is one. So the law is contrary to the promises of God? In no way; because if the given law could give life, justice would truly be through the law (Galatians 3:19)

In a way, Israel ceased to be such. And many of those souls left Canaan, the Middle East, and spread all over the land, in Iberia (Spain), Hibernia (Ireland), Siberia (Russia), and so many other places. The root Iber is clear.

Thus the original Hebrew teaching was corrupted, like so many others. And of course, those souls are not what many call "Jews."

Now, the Master of Life whom they called Yeshua (Salvation) or Iesou / Yhshw (Salvation through the Living Being), did not incarnate in the Hebrew people by chance. He was the one who demonstrated the Canon or Path of incarnation of the Tree of Life, the Original Soul, which was called the Son of Man and the Heart of the Primordial Man or Adam Kadmon, which emanates and expresses itself in infinite universes, in an original and never to eat anyone, because it comes from the Infinite Being.

Paulo / Shaul spoke of the Original Soul as life-giving Spirit, Image of the Celestial Man and Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15: 45-47) because it is the DNA and Face (Parzuf) of the Father / Primordial Source of Lights, and is above all the Worlds and Rulers or Archons. This was even expressed in the New Testament:

when he introduces the Firstborn into the world, he says: made so much superior to the angels ... Let all the angels of God worship him (Hebrews 1: 6).

The Kabalah of Isaac Luria spoke of the Primordial Man or Adam Kadmon as Mediator regarding the Ayn Sof (or Limitless). And in the Zohar spoke of the Adam Illah or Man from above: Blessed is he who expresses the face of the Man from above (Adam Illah).

Nevertheless, in general they refer to Him in an abstract way, as if His manifestation had not been real 2000 years ago. The very face of the Man from Above became flesh and taught us to manifest his Face of supra-conditional Love, unaltered Life and serene integral Consciousness, since He grows as our authentic Soul as well. That is not taught by any Kabbalah.

In fact, the New Testament spoke of a pattern of birth that must take place in us according to a pattern of Life. The Master said in Matthew 13 that the one who sows good seed of Conscience is the Son of Man, and this was already done in the Garden of Eden, where the Enemy Man also planted his weeds, as the Master also pointed out.

And who was the Son of Man in the Garden?

The Original Soul or Primordial Image that the First Adam could not express because the mixture was strong and his understanding of the Spirit of Life was weak. It may be that he received it from Mother Life, but that is not enough, because the Mother became a superior Spirit, over a lower holy spirit, breathed into some creatures as a daughter.

That is why a Full Spirit is required. And the Master said:

But the Helper, the Spirit (to pneuma), the Blessed One (to hagion), whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said (John 14)

He also calls it the Spirit of Truth, and it is not the mere spirit of holiness (ruaj ha kodesh) that many receive from the Mother Nature, which provides "energy of Life and consciousness", solar energies buried in humanity. Many believers and faithful of innumerable religions achieve a certain holiness. There were Buddhist saints who even managed to develop a body of Holiness that absorbs the physical body and only the hair and nails remain.

Son of Man and Primordial Man are codes of understanding that mark a pattern of development of the Original Soul, which must grow with the Seed of the Universal Father, growing with its Spirit as Embryo Soul (on the physical plane or Asiyah), passing through Baby Soul (emotional plane of Yetzirah), Child Soul (mental plane of understanding / neshemah, in Beriah), mature Man-Child (in the spirit of the plane of Emanation) that comes from the Reality of the Primordial Man (Spirit, Soul and Body), that Mediator of the Infinite Being.

As He said: if you do not become like Children, you will not enter the Malkut of Shmy.

In Hebrew heaven is Shmy, and means My Name, whereas heavens Shamayim. So what heaven is he referring to? To the seven heavens of Beriah? To Atzilut or to the limitless Absolute heaven?

But will Elohy truly dwell on the earth? Behold, the heavens and the highest heavens cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built (1 Kings 8:27)

Obviously, the Israelites did not know the Absolute and limitless Heaven where the Fullness of the Blessed dwells, for their known heavens can hardly contain its radiation.

The Malkut referred to by the Master is the Fundamental Sphere of the Tree of Life, and it is the beginning of the true Primordial Man, who begins in the world of Emanation.

And he added: "If you are not born of Water (goodness, Jesed) and of the Spirit (of the Holy One), you will not enter the Malkut of Elohy (Father and Son, Vine and Maker), usually translated as Kingdom of God, which is ambiguous.

The Original Soul of Life is Tifereth / Armonious Beauty or Bosom of the Father (John 1:19). Therefore it is a Cosmic Solar Brain that receives the Infinite Light of the Universal Father Mind. And that Soul expresses the Personality of said Father of Lights, who is superconditional Love, undisturbed Life and integral blissful Conscience.

What can the Real Life Being want to eat when he donates everything to us? Only in Him are we complete.

For that reason, the Original Soul, without being from space-time, can enter the world itself, inhabiting all planes and lines of time simultaneously. His Being inherits the Full Oneness and comes to rescue the fallen life in the planes of the Demiurge (Public God). I have already related how I witnessed different quantum versions of Fernando. And surely there are different versions of each person. But none of them can be rescued by itself unless it receives and develops a seed of the Primordial Soul, which comes to help others, not to integrate itself, because it is already integrated.

The idea of a soul that comes freele and is in some planes but not in others, does not fit with the Original Soul, but rather with the soul fallen in the dimensions of space-time, which are a gold mine for certain Rulers who covet that soul gold to maintain their world. Even in Genesis 2 it is said that the Garden of Eden was a land rich in gold and precious stones. Was he really referring to minerals or something else? The Adam or human Soul was put to plow the land of Adamah, where there was much soul gold. And this is not even said in the Sumerian texts, where they do not speak of gold. Actually, no expert knows where Zechariah Sitchin got the idea of gold sought by the Anunnaki.

This should make many reconsider their view when they came to a planet for free, as independent workers who are not accountable to the owner of the mine.

It is true that there are experiences here that cannot be had in other places. But to digest and integrate darkness we need to integrate ourselves into the Universal Messiah Soul and develop as "children" of the Primordial Father. In no other is there Salvation (Yeshua).

But let's not forget that the physical body was given by the Lord of the Mine, a Stepmother nature which is out of balance. And the existencial forces still force us to eat, urinate, defecate, become ill, suffer, grow old and finally return the physical and astral body to their respective sources. The spirit is returned to the Elohim / Natural Forces that gave it (Ecclesiastes 12: 7).

All as "obligatory payment" for inhabiting the Antrum of the so-called Prince/Archon of this World, of which the Master of Life spoke, before anyone else on this planet. He even called the Pharisees a "race of vipers", knowing the reptilian nature of their fallen soul.

Even when people pray, love, meditate and connect with soul coordinates, they are emanating energies that serve All as "obligatory payment" for inhabiting the Antrum of the so-called Prince/Archon of this World, of which the Master of Life spoke, before anyone else on this planet. He even called the Pharisees a "race of vipers", knowing the reptilian nature of their fallen soul.

Even when people pray, love, meditate and connect with soul coordinates, they are emanating energies that serve as food for Planetary and Solar Rulers/Archons, in this case, of positive polarity.

But what is that for He who has everything? From the Great Being, one can heal even the angels themselves. Many of them are part of the cancerous tissue and must be armonized. Therefore, when the Pharisees tempted Master Yeshua by asking him if they should pay taxes, he showed them a coin saying: "Who do you see on the back?" And they answered: "to Caesar". To which he replied: "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to Elohim / God what is Elohim / God's."
Yet in the real Being, everything has been paid for, the Spirit has released a Perfect Image of the human Soul, the best version, which we can call the Original Soul. Only thus we have escaped the Lord of the Mine. But so far, only those who manifest the Messiah Savior from the Real Being, realize this. Nothing is impossible. You shall do greater things, said the Master. This is no longer philosophy (Love for Sofia), but Filo-aletheia, Love for Truth without Veils.

There is much to say about the Original Soul, explaining how it crosses dimensions and how it does not reincarnate but grows in regeneration (palingenesia). But that´s for another occassion. SaLuz