Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ark of Life & Salvation


As we have already seen, the genuine Primordial Tradition, the legacy of the Master and his Collective Body of Work on earth, has manifested more intensely in times when humanity has been in danger of extinction, like 2000 years ago, and now.

This deeper influence can be seen in the form of certain inner work groups, artistic representations and wisdom legacies, from painting, dance to sacred books, such as the Old and New Testaments in their most original version.

They are indirect influences that can attract souls trapped in the world of chaos, disease and death, ruled by the Confusion of Languages, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, Babylon. All with the hope that they can rejoin the Tree of Life, where we feel growth and fullness.

And although religious translations and interpretations distorted the message with Babylonian notions (submission to lords, crude notions of sin and punishment, etc.), the essence remains intact, as there are firewalls so that those with ears and eyes of conscience can see the Truth. 

Did you know that the four Testaments and even the fifth, written by Philip the Evangelist, are an allusion to the work of integration that leads to Life?

We have already seen the four ways mentioned by Solomon in Proverbs 30: the trail of the eagle above the air; the trail of the serpent on the rock; the trace of the ship on the waters; the trace of the ordinary human on the Maiden.

Conventional traditions have never liberated the maiden as they focus only on dominating the body, or on emotional devotion or gnosis, occultism and intellectual secrecy.

Only when when the work is directed to the mind, heart and body at the same time, can there be a true integration of vital experiences in a rebirth of Life.

This is something we find in the Four Books of the New Testament and its association with the ancient Tetramorph: the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle and the Messenger Man. Yet, mind also the  Testament of Philip, about a special type of integration, as we will see.

For now, let's see that even the Church heard bells tolling and made its own correlation, associating the Book of Matthew with Man, since it begins with the genealogy of the Messiah; the book of Mark with the Lion, since it begins speaking of John the Baptist, who roars like a lion in the desert; the Book of Luke with the Bull, since it begins with the priest Zachariah, working on the sacrifices in the Temple; and the Book of John with the Eagle, having a more elevated perspective.

But thinking about this with a greater vision and understanding, we will see that the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John represent a sequence of integration, where John is the result, the Man who unites body, heart and mind in a Higher Consciousness.

That is why in Matthew emphasis is laid on the fulfillment of the Torah: I did not come to cancel the Torah of the prophets, but to fulfill it, said the Master, who rather raised the Torah to a spiritual level, since carnal passion must be sacrificed as the bull, but not in the old religious fashion: neither killing bulls at parties nor taming the body like fakirs who sleep on nails, nor imposing carnal laws. The physical body must indeed be cared for, armonized and respected as the Temple of the Divine Spirit, a Material Navigation Boat.

Then Mark talks about the emotional plane, where pride, rage and jealousy are clearly represented by felines, such as the lion. And John the Baptist fits in such archetype, since his zeal for the Torah led him to accuse Herod of adultery, after he married Herodia, his brother's wife. And this finally led John to lose his head, at request of Salome, daughter of Herodia.

After this episode, Master Y'shua told the apostles: who did you see in the desert, a reed moved by the wind?

Master encouraged us to be flexible as reeds so we don´t break with jealousy and resentment. He also taught we should be gentle as doves and cunning as serpents.

In Mark there is a lot of lunar astrology, since he collects the 13 moons, an allusion to the path of the Serpent on the Rock.

And what animal catches snakes in mid-flight to devour them? The Eagle, which after fifty years renews its beak, being like born again. And the Book of Luke tells us of the conception and Birth of the Messiah, which is also our second birth from virgin consciousness.

In 2016 I published an article explaining more about the astrological and historic hints concerning the birth of the baby who came to be called Yshua, Salvation. The Virgin is Virgo, ruling the month of Elul, around August, which gives way to September, when the Feast of Huts takes place, marking the true historic birth of the blessed baby who in his growth became the kid that found his Way to Mastery.

Then the Book of John begins with the teaching of how Logos became Man, integrating the entire Kosmos of Life to unite the Earth to the Primordial Source.

And that is the image behind the Messenger Man that integrates the Bull, Lion and Eagle into an  armonious whole. And we discover that they have to do with aspects that must be worked on to free the maiden soul trapped in the mundane brothel of Babylon.

This is a preparation work on the intellect, the vital energies and the emotions. Only a sieve and armonization can lead to a new birth from the inner purifying water, which renews the mind, with which the divine baby soul is born, having to cross a threshold of Fire, escaping the slaughter of the innocent and the poisoned milk of external religion, experiencing  conversion into an autonomous Child that walks towards the Father, representing the mature birth of the living Spirit.

Now, as I said, in the Testament of Philip, who is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as an evangelist, there is reference to a transformation process that happens not only through anointing (Light reception on the brain through chrism/oil), spiritual baptism and rebirth, but also through a Marriage in the Inner Bridal Chamber. In other words, there exists the possibility of union with our Master of internal Light, the Divine Twin, and it happens through what was called the union of opposites (syzigies). This type of integrative path takes place when conscious Love prevails, as an exceptional awakening from the beginning due to an encounter with the Divine Twin or even a genuine soul mate, a fractal of one's soul that is incarnated in another person, or perhaps in another dimension. But this is a very rare event, reserved only for a minority of minorities. 

So  let's leave the details for another time, I have already spoken about this topic on other occasions, and in case anyone is interested I leave the links below [1]

Ark of Salvation

The work of vital integration to escape from Babylon and be able to enter Life was also alluded with the story of Noah's Ark.

The literal mind will think it alludes to a man who, with the help of others, built a gigantic ship to accommodate thousands of animal species, in addition to his family. A floating zoo of American proportions. And we obviously won´t deny that in the distant past, more than 10,000 years ago, there was a great flood that forced various cultures to emigrate by boats and vessels, something that some pristhoods did in advance with the guidance of 7 Wise Men, as old legends say. And some vestige remains, like the Ark found on the top of Mount Ararat.

But a closer examination tells us of something even deeper.

Noah is a permutation of Chen, Divine Gift, an allusion to the spiritual soul, whereas his wife would be the vital body and the progeny (Ham, Japhet, Shem), the three aspects: the vital soul or nefesh, the emotion or ruaj and the intellect or neshemah.

And the good Noah put them in the Ark (Tebah) with the animals, specifically seven pairs of each pure species (beasts and birds) plus a couple of impure ones (reptiles, rabbits, insects, etc).

Strangely enough, the Ark only had an opening on top, and no windows. What a strange vessel, isn´t it?

Then, while meditating on this, I suddenly remembered  the 7 human centers: five lower ones (motor, sexual, organic, emotional and mental, plus higher emotional and higher mental, which are always awake and are like an opening to Infinity, the upper window of the Ark).

The beings of the earth and the air represent the inferior centers of the terrestrial human being: motor center (reptiles), emotional center (beasts, behemoth), mental center (birds, aufym).

So the seven pairs of clean and unclean animals are terrestrial life incorporated in human DNA: we contain the five kingdoms: mineral, plant, animal, human and angelic. Hence we have five fingers.

This is why Hebrew wisdom says that the Adamic humanity that appears on the sixth day of the reorganization of Genesis 1, integrates the beings of Day 5, including fish and marine beings, who represent sexuality.

But Noah was not asked to bring fish to the Ark, obviously, considering they already had the waters of the Flood to swim happily. Yet,  he still had to save himself and his own from the Waters of death, which represent unbridled creative energies, as happened in those times when the human species mixed with the animals, and the Fallen (Nephilim) arose, corrupting blood and flesh. Even Noaj planted a vineyard after finding dry ground, and he got drunk, while Ham, his son, i.e vital soul part, exposed his nakedness, while the other two had to cover it up. Interesting, isn´t it?

How many times our higher soul parts must cover up our failures and mad behaviors, after being led astray by carnal passions?

Does this have something to do with the path of the Serpent on the Rock and Ship on the Water? Who stays afloat? Those who follow the steps of the Torah of Light.

This is also referenced in the story of Moshe (Over Water); he was placed safely on a small ark (tebah), a basket carried by the current up to the Egyptian royalty.

This reminds me of how many survivors of Atlantis arrived in ships to Egypt and founded the civilization from which the entire Egyptian culture derived, where Moshe and all the people of Israel were raised in their captivity, very must as the came to be captive in Babylon later on. Those two large cultural brothels are still the most famous and active.

Have a bright and inspired New Year 2023

[1] On the historic birth of Yeshua:

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

In Search of Inner Humanity: Influences & Four paths


In Search of Inner Humanity

Every time humanity is in danger of being destroyed, streams of Wisdom from a Primordial Tradition flow from the Inner Circle of Humanity. And the Teaching of that Tradition is delivered orally, as well as through conscious experiences, even through  artistic clothings that survive the ages of time almost intact. But in each age the living Teaching acquires a different form, because it adapts to the people and the times, being only accessible to those who are tired of going around with the ordinary knowledge of science, religion and spiritualities of external humanity.

The first time I came in contact with this testimony, it was through the legacy of the Armenian G.I.Gurdjieff and P.D.Ouspensky [1]. And I knew immediately that it was true, longing that one day I would be able to belong to that Inner Circle of Humanity. But how to find it? Who's in it?

According to the Armenian master of dances, the Esoteric or Inner Circle is comprised of men who have reached the highest degree of development on earth, and have a complete alignment of Wisdom, Understanding and the ability to do works of transformation of great influence. 

Now, if we start looking, the men from that inner circle we might have heard of can be counted with just a few fingers. Of course, Ysho / Yeshua was one of them, and some of his disciples came close, even though many disciples of second and third generation deviated towards religion.

That is why there is also talk of a Middle or Mesoteric Circle, where humans also reach a great level of Wisdom and Understanding, but it is more theoretical, not so transformative in actions.

Thirdly, there would be an Exoteric Circle, which maintains contact with the mesoteric circle, through certain influences. However, the members of that circle barely reach enough understanding to be able to act consciously at all times. Although they strive to study themselves and overcome their mechanical habits. That is to say, they are no longer under the influence of Exterior Humanity, where the Confusion of Languages, Babel, Babylon, the culture of opposites prevails: good and evil, black and white.

On the other hand, in exoteric work groups there are no dissensions, because everyone understands each other, at least at an intellectual level and with a primary understanding. This is facilitated by a common language, where Objective Art makes possible the exact transmission of Knowledge, through mathematics, music, painting, poetry, living experiences, etc.

And from that exoteric circle influences come out and are put into circulation throughout the world, in the form of allegorical stories, conscious art, certain arts of self-knowledge. 

This might explain why in ancient times many temples, cities and depictions included concentric circles:

Vessel from Iron Age, Jaén, Andalucía.

Possible allusion to Plato´s Atlantis.

Círculo de los Gigantes de Bashan, Israel.

However, let´s keep in mind that when entering the current of the outer circle, deep messages and symbols often get distorted in human culture, and therein lies the origin of outer Religion, external Science  and Art, which are nothing but copies of something genuine.

For this reason, we must also distinguish three types of influences: A, B and C. Influences A belong to the outside world, where Babelic Confusion rules,  leading to fall under the Law of Accident. While a person is under that confusion, he has no hope of being able to evolve, so he becomes food for the world.

On the other hand, if someone receives type B influences, wondering about the origin and meaning of certain stories, they can then aspire to receive type C influences, direct contact with a guide, mentor or teacher, who not only puts one in the right direction, but it helps you to find the Master within.

As the old saying teaches: when the disciple is ready, the teacher appears. And the relationship is reciprocal. Without the guide, the disciple cannot work on a real goal, and without helping others, the guide / mentor cannot manifest his mastery to grow in understanding and works, no matter how much Wisdom he has. Furthermore, the greater the teacher, the more difficult it is to follow him, because the greater the demands, commitments and responsibilities.

Now, what clear vestiges of these influences of the Primordial Tradition can we find?

For those who have eyes and true understanding, they will not be able to deny that certain sacred writings contain elements from the Inner Circle, which is described in certain stories, such as Noah's Ark and the Great Flood in the Old Testament; the Four Books of the New Testament, each of which has a different flavor, aimed at different listeners.

Even King Solomon came to confess:

There are three things that are wonderful to me, and a fourth that I don't understand. The trail of the Eagle (Nesher) in the air. The trace of the Serpent (nachash) on the rock (Tzur). The trace of the ship on the waters. And the trace of the ordinary human (geber) on the maiden (almah, divine soul). Proverbs 30:19-20

But what are those roads? Let's think a bit.

Both the eagle (neshe) and Air (avyr), are symbolically related to the mental body or intellectual breath (neshemah). And its trail has a peculiar smell, being a great influence for the soul that seeks solid food to be born at a spiritual, pneumatic level, not just psychic-astral.

The serpent is associated with the passionate energies of matter, which cover the Foundation Stone (Yesod), also known as Tzur or Rock of Salvation, as well as Selah, the rock from which the waters flow. And these vital energies must be transformed, in the same way that a raw rock or Kefas, carbonizes and turns into a diamond, precious stone, yakera. That is why in Hebrew there are different words to refer to a stone and its functions.

The passage from Kefas to Eben (Aba and Ben) and Tzur, is the inner transformation through certain influences.

You are Kefas, Stone, and on this stone I will build my congregation of those called to listen to the Voice of Conscience.

The boat on the waters is reminiscent of Noah's Ark or Tebah, but also of the basket (tebah) where the person who would later be called Moshe was placed, over the emotional waters, and from whom a codified religion arose, since the people of Israel did not accepted the Torah written in sapphire stones, that is, precious stones (yakerim).

As for the trace of the carnal human on the Maiden of Consciousness is truly a mystery to those who follow rigid paths. Later we will see what it might be.

Having said that, let's remember that there are four spiritual paths known since ancient times. Mr.Gurdjieff called them: path of the fakir, path of the monk, path of the yogi, and path of Consciousness and Conscience.

The path of the fakir works to master the bodily instincts of him, the serpent of the body, reaching feats with kundalini energy, capable of sleeping on nails, stopping vital functions and activating them at will, etc. It is a partial path where the mind and emotion are underdeveloped and the Kundalini becomes dominant, deceitful and disappointing.

The path of the monk is devotional, he works the emotional waters, but without understanding the energies of the body or the mind.

The path of the yogi works to develop mental capacity, self-knowledge or Gnana Yoga, very similar to the Gnosis and illumination of the Logos in Hermeticism. But again, leave aside the work on the body and emotions.

Instead, the genuine inner work begins with the armonization of the three centers at the same time, in order to rescue the Soul Maiden trapped in a Path of Integral Conscience. For the human has subdued the inner Maiden (Almah), even with spiritual doctrines and rituals, which are slavery. Thus the feminine part of the divine was exiled, like a trapped shekina, and needs to be released, saved from the serpent, the waters, and the dark birds, like the raven that Noah sent to see if there was solid ground, and it never returned.

So we need to understand the Ark of Salvation.

But that for later. To Be Continue.


[1] Fragments of an Unknown Teaching. P.D.Ouspensky