Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Transforming negativity

Noticing we´re amidst the Moon of Cancer, it´s worth reminding this month has the peculiarity of making people focus too much on the negative side of things, others and accusse like devils and then go to hide like crabs under the sand, like the people of Israel complaining amidst the desert for lack of water and food, worshipping the Golden Calf out of despair (Numbers 11), or like the apostles that thought five loaves of bread and two fish were not nough to feed the 5000 hungry, including themselves (Mark 6).

Actually, the people who have more difficulty in letting go of the negative are perhaps those born under the moon cycle of Cancer, since they are grouchy and negative feelings get stuck in their guts.

How then can one come out of the impasse and move forward, seeing light even in darkness? How to be hit by the negative forces of existence, suffer and still remain undefeated?

The only outlet is by connecting with our Head-Master, Son of God, using suffering as the alchemical fire of conscious inner work, burning all dross, catalizing the divine evolution of the acquired or inherited of a messianic immortal "embryo Soul".

And many forget this messianic "embryo Soul" must be fed with the five loaves of bread, which are the five inner and outer senses that help us understand the five books of the Torah of Light, as well as the two fish or soul parts that swim in the divine ocean of mind and emotions. With them we notice that 2x5 gives 10, the number of sefirot in the Tree of Life that grows to give fruit at 30%, 60% and finally 100% (10x10), as hinted at Matthew 13.

And when we are anointed with Divine Conscience of a messianic Soul in evolution, it is to integrate negativity into a greter unity than that from which it issued forth, overcoming thus all hidden pride, mirroring the Love of the Infinite Creator.

We see this in a famous lesson of the Master: 

But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also (Matthew 5:39)

This is a deep practice that very few have understood in its true inner psychological dimension, which first consists on not reacting externally to provocations, and second, on handling internal mechanical reactions: negative thinking, anxiety, frustration, fear, anger, anger... And that only comes about when we understand that we have all been infected in our psycho-biological complex by the satanic seed of this world, inherited via genetics since the Fall. Hence it is only worth forgiving oneself and forgiving the other, who is probably in a worse situation than ours.

However, forgiving others is easier than forgiving oneself and the circumstances, because we have been programmed to hate even our own life. Therefore it is necessary to achieve a deeper sense of overcoming the darkness experienced.

Many years ago one was surprised to see a glimpse of that sense of overcoming in memories, experiences, books, and movies like The Peaceful Warrior or Waking Life, with a sublime short moment, at minute 26:
 The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness. And once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain of affirmations that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence."

To some people this might be just be a re-formulation of Nietzsche´s imperative of wanting to live each moment as if it were to be eternally repeated itself in an Eternal Recurrence, what implies affirming all the events that led to it as well as the future ones, thus becoming a Life Affirming Superman, a Ja-Sagender.  

And despite there is some truth to it, Nietzsche definitely fell short in much of his nihilistic, narcisistic and individualistic philosophy, which lacks true divine vision, being a shadow of the real affirmation of the divine spirit, which is to transform the negativity of matter by mirroring the Self-Transcending Love of that the Infinite Creator transmits through His vehicle, the Universal Messiah Man or Megalocosmos, which Nietzsche ignored, despite He is the great Life affirmator:

For the Son of God...was not Yes and No, but in Him it IS always YES (2 Corinthians 1:19)

A Yes to Life that can even turn pain into bliss, transcending all barriers, rescuing and sending back all fallen Creation to the forgotten Source of Life, where the whole illuminated Kosmos is the House of the Universal Father, beyond all negativity and void.

When we live in and from a truly born immortal Soul, we are the Body of the Anointed Son of God performing His remaning divine works on earth:

I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to the Anointed One’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the Called-out ones´Congregation (Colossians 1:24)

And this is ongoing process of messianic work is really incarnating or wearing on one´s forehead the divine Name of the Universal Man, YHWH, which is the reconciliation of all opposites, light and darkness, divinity and humanity, heaven and earth, since the true living God is infinite and thus can only be both transcendent and inmanent, from Infinity to Eternity to Time and back to Infinity:

...above all, through all and in all (Ephesians 4).

God was reconciling the world to himself in the Anointed One/Mashiach (2 Corinthians 5:19) 

as a plan for the fullness of time, to bring all things in heaven and on earth together in the Anointed One (Ephesians 1:10)

A deep realization presented not just in the New Testament, but also in Zoharic Kabbalah and even Jung´s depth psychology, as described in this wonderful book, The Illness that we are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity, by the recently deceased Catholic priest John P. Dourley.

Here we have a delightful passage:

Jung´s view of Christ´s suffering is rather that it symbolizes or exemplifies the suffering that anyone must undergo in the process of maturation. Further, where vicarious atonement is taken literally and historically it could serve to block rather than encourage the maturing process, by alleviating the suffering that can only be lived through by the individual in the process of becoming whole 


how can a human life have meaning in itself or for its self-sufficient originating principle?

Jung´s general response to this question–one which traditional Christian theology has constantly refused to adopt–is that God needs humanity in order that he may become fully conscious, and especially to become fully conscious of the absolute opposites that exist in the divine creative potential. Thus one of the more important metaphysical implications of Jung´s psychology is that human consciousness transcends its divine origin (the unconscious), specificlly in its ability to differenciate irreducible opposites and in its capacity to suffer consciously their conflict. In this view, God, as the primal creative source of all latent oppositions, must be understood as that psychic resource in which the opposites remain undifferentiated but far more powerful in their primitve numinosity than can be comfortably contained by the relatively frail capacity of the ego. It is the ego, nevertheless, that remains the historical locus in which the full power and meaning of the divine contradictions are brought to consciousness. This happens, according to Jung´s view, through the human suffering that results from becoming aware of and sustaining the undeniable, contradictory truths that are the essence of both the unconscious and the divine.

Such an unconscious God is epitomized for Jung in the arbitrary and capricious Yahweh with whom Job had to contend and ultimately to educate morally, in spite of Job´s much more vulnerable standpoint in consciousness...

Jung identifies Job´s awareness of the divine self-contradiction as the ego´s awareness of the profound opposites it is faced with in its own depths. And yet this awareness, though pitiful in itself, is the first step to the conscious differentiation of opposites in the interest of their eventual unification.

All one can add is that in waking up, certainly life does not happen to us nor is empty, but eternal, for we shape it with humility and gratitude of purified Conscience in the Body of the Universal Man, like a potter molding his mud vessels, like Yeshua anointing the  blindman´s eyes with sand covered spitle (John 9:6), seeing all things with a new Eye that overcomes and moistures the carnal dusty dry mind of fallen man, aware of the Silent Divine Word, Mind and Breath of Life that holds all things together in one Single Divine Story of Living Creation and Evolution, from Unconsciouness, to Self-Consciousness and Trans-ego consciousness that fills the void of each instant with the Love of all Existence, becoming thus a Window for the Eternal View of the Infinite One, who lies always beyond all name.

[1] The movie´s transcript can be found at:


Some movie moments at:  
