Thursday, August 25, 2022

The 9 Beatitudes in the Enneagram / Enearmonía


It was for me surprising to see how perfectly the 9 Beatitudes fit into the Enneagram, as if Yeshua knew about the dynamics of the kosmic laws. And of course he did. Investigating this further I also realized the 9 Beatitudes also express the 9 basic eneatypes. For instance, the Perfectionist can fit with the first Beatitude, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for he needs to be simple, unified, serene and humble, to avoid having outbursts of judgement and rage. Actually, that first Beatitude is the foundation for all the rest.

The second beatitude, Blessed are those who mourn, refers to those who can stand and bear the pain of the world consciously, helping others, like an armonious second eneatype.

Likewise, the third beatitude, Blessed are the meek, is a perfect antidote for the negative traits of the first and third eneatype, the Achiever, full of vanity. And in the enneagram dynamic, the third point is the incoming of an additional force to pass from Mi to Fa. And here meek means also a lack of resentment before the world.

We can also identify the eighth beatitude with the eighth eneatype, the Justice maker, and the seventh, Blessed are the Peacemaker, with the ninth eneatype, the Peacemaker. There are several surprising matches and each beatitude can include several eneatypes. So I leave that for your own homework and research. Remember you have videos on the true essence of the enneagrame as well as on eneatypes already:

Now, another aspect is that the main experience behind this teaching, which I called Enearmonia, can be expressed in the Enneagram. It basically says Universal Love is not the love of the world, but rather the result of the simultaneous action of Conscience and Will in the 7 areas and 7 kosmos of Life. Transcending Time and decadence implies uniting two Fundamental Principles: the Law of 3, which is Transcendence by means of Conscious Love that unites opposites & the Law of 7 or Law of the Octaves, the development of Vibration in seven steps, such as the 7 central sefirot of the Tree of Life. Together they give rise to the Principle of Enearmonía or Nonaplicity because the two weak intervals in the Octave are filled by additional forces, giving 9 tones and not only the incomplete cycles of broken octaves. Not by chance 9 are the fruits of the divine Spirit, 9 the Beatitudes, 9 the parts of the Our Father, etc. This means that the Law of Enearmony is the only one that breaks the cycles, mechanicalness, and therefore the only way to escape the destruction and deception of Time. That is why the Holy One helps the Universe in the form of the dynamics of the Enneagram, which are also the internal dynamics of the Tree of Life. Together with 4 transcendent aspects give a total of 13 aspects, the Absolute Unity emanating the Three primary forces with which all Life originates. SaLuz

Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Essence of the Enneagram


Greetings seekers of the Truth. Surely many of you have seen this symbol, which I used in several videos. The Enneagram was made known in the West by the dance master G.I. Gurdjieff (1866-1949), although its origin is a mystery and it is found in various parts of the world in partial ways. And as he said, everything that one understands and exists can be expressed in the Enneagram. Gurdjieff used it to show the laws of harmony of Life, its involution and evolution in octaves, since everything is vibration, from the 3 emanations of the Primordial Source to the worlds that are formed involutionarily. But today this symbol has become popular for different reasons, and few understand its true essence. Many reduce it to the study of personality profiles and a partial personal development, without realizing that inner growth implies developing consciousness and will, nurturing two subtle bodies through the simultaneous study of the divine laws of the Kosmos and man, breaking any mechanical scheme. So the Enneagram is a symbolic synthesis of the two fundamental laws of the Universe: the Law of Three and the Law of Seven or the Law of Octaves. Together they give the Law of Nonaplicity. Not by chance Master Yeshua summarized his teaching in 9 Beatitudes and his prayer Our Father has 9 parts to meditate on. As I have already demonstrated in several videos linked below, these two laws are also expressed in the Sephirotic Tree, which has the same dynamics as the Enneagram. But do not mistake the maps for the territory. These schemes are only useful when one studies oneself following the Method of Life, which consists in transcending all negativity and destruction through the Third Force or Reconciliation of opposites: Active Force + Passive/Receptive Force or Positive Force + Negative Force. If you take flour and water as passive elements, mix them with an active force and apply fire as the third force, you will get bread. That same Law operates internally. All negative thoughts and emotions must be cooked with consciousness to transcend. If you understand this, you understand that there is no Life without Method, which means following The Way. Every genuine educator follows that Method. The rest diverts us from the Truth, because the mechanical forces and concepts divert the mind from the true Work and make us think in terms of struggle, conflict, war, division... And a divided house cannot stand. Unity and Oneness are expressed from the Absolute to the worlds with broken octaves. Therefore, even within the Matrix there can be awareness of Truth and freedom. But this implies including and transforming. That is why we use maps and earth languages ​​as an approximation, never as an absolute Doctrine. Everything here is relative to various conditions. And the divine laws also acquire dark versions. Thus, we must distinguish between what binds and enslaves us and what frees us. I am currently teaching a course on self-knowledge and transformation with the help of the Enneagram and the Tree of Life because various people have asked me for instruction in this regard. So I will continue giving clues in some videos. I hope this information is useful. And here I leave other videos of Armonía: 

Music 369 in the Tree of Life: 

 Tree of Life, Enneagram and Menorah 
