Monday, January 23, 2023

Finding Cosmic Plenitude


A commenter´s suggestion: God does not exist. And no one can prove otherwise.

Answer: The expression "God does not exist" has no logical meaning, especially since there are many notions of God, and in any case, it is not rationally or logically possible to prove non-existences either. This is how the science of reason, called Logic, works.

Yet, we indeed can scientifically and philosophically demonstrate the self-evidence of certain specific notions of God, which are axioms, that is, these do not even need external demonstration. 

For example, if by God we understand what in the Torah is called the Divine Name, or YHVH, Havaya, God means Existence. Therefore, if there are things that exist and are at the macro and microcosmic level, it is due to the Force/Energy of Being and its Substantial Cosmic Existence. 

Now, if we God is understood as the Source Being, then Being does not exist as an Entity, but is a real Essence that makes everything exist.

Going even further, if we specify that God is Will of Love, Light and Life, that is evident in those who have true Will, Life and Consciousness. And how ridiculous is it to try to deny even the existence of Life and Consciousness? It's like a fish trying to deny nutrient water where it lives. Even the New Testament ascribes to such definition, saying God is Light, God is Love

This is known as the Ontological Argument, and it is the oldest argument to demonstrate the Divine. Saint Anselm formulated it as follows: God is such an essence it cannot be denied, for its essence is existence.

Even the apostle Paul told that the followers of the Messiah worshiped the Unknown God for whom the Greeks built a monument, and that God was defined as a Being itself, that is why Paul said that: in Him we live, move and have our being (Acts 17)

Another vision is that of Origin or Father. That is why it was said: The Father of Lights is the Origin of all Goodness and in Him there is no shadow or variation (Jacobo/James 1:17).

Therefore, the reality of that specific notion of God can also be demonstrated. Some of us are in fact the living Demonstration of the Living Divine Intelligence, because as Children of Light we bring the voice of Conscience with this irrefutable Truth, and we bring Life to a world where there is ignorance, death and unconsciousness.

There are also many conflicting notions of God, such as a Demiurge called Yahve, the punishing  Jehovah. But these are narrow notions that come from disturbed minds. And it doesn't even make sense to prove the reality of them, just as we don't even try to prove the reality of the dolls and houses.

Then we can give indirect and external arguments, such as the fact that the Universe exists and that its essence is order, not chaos, as the New Physics already assumes, after finding how the Universe expands rapidly towards a point of maximum coherence and order, thanks to the invisible energy and matter that make up 99% of the entire Universe. Chaos and entropy are the exception and not the rule.

And where would electromagnetic light come from if there is not an infinitely more powerful and self-evident Magnetic Light?

Therefore, Order and Light can only come from a Logical and Organizing Intelligence that underlies the entire Universe, both the visible 1% and the invisible, which is the 99%.

The Supreme Being would therefore be pure expansive Will, Cosmic Consciousness and its Body of Cosmic Order, which Physics itself has amply proven.

And that is what we can also call God, Theos, Tao, Havaya or whatever people want to call That. Words are not reality, just pointers, to the Essence and the Evidence of Consciousness, something that not all humans have developed, and that is why they continue in Darkness. If you understand this, even a little, no one will be able to brainwash you so easily anymore. You are deceiving yourself if thinking otherwise. SaLuz

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Discover the Melody, Rhythms & Armonias in your Life

  As I explained in this week's video (English version is coming), a great key to self-knowledge is to see our life as a musical experience, with its rhythms, melody and armonies. Rhythms are the pulse of our existence and the cycles we go through. The melody is our main song, our vital purpose while the armonies are the visions and experiences that surround it. When we look with inarmonious eyes, existence seems dark, expensive, horrible, etc; but when our Eye is armonious, everything enters an armonization process. You are the Light of the Kosmos, says Master Yshoa in the Book of Matthew 5. And the Primordial Light has armonics or pure tones which can armonize dissonances. And the same happens with armonics of our Consciousness and Conscience; We can transform the negative into the positive just by focusing on the most armonious and enlightened way possible, going from being complaining and judging victims, to beings of vital Light who take responsibility for their lives, in lights and shadows.

Now, in order to focus we must understand how to express our life purpose within the existential framework where we find ourselves.

We are all born on a specific day, month and year, within a matrix that tells us about the energy of the world at that moment, and therefore the shadows and lights that we can manifest. And it doesn't matter what historical or cultural moment is outside. The year 2023 is 2023, regardless of whether the historical Messiah was born in 4 BC, or whether other cultures have other calendars. Our dominant birth matrix is 12 months, four weeks each, with seven days a week, etc. The same happens in tropical psycho-astrology, where the signs and their positions never change, because they represent angles of sunlight and not changing astronomical movements (as in sidereal astrology).

Having said this, we can now understand why when our soul personality comes into the world it enters through the frequency portal that corresponds to it. A triangle does not fit into the square of a rectangle; kindergarten children know it well. And the same thing happens with the souls-spirits, according to their vital baggage.

Now, we also bring the Essence of the Primordial Source, which comes to armonize a personality of existence. So, one should not be a servant of the world, but make the egoic servants or mashalim work in tune with the Light of the Kosmos in us.

That is what the apostles represented when the Master chose them, attending to their zodiacal spirits.

But most people are ignorant of their astral conditioning and therefore cannot illuminate their lunar energies with their solar ones. Not even the apostles who asked the Master if they could pray to make fire come down from heaven to punish the inhabitants of the town where the Messiah was not accepted. That is why the Master gave them the nickname: Children of Thunder, telling them: You do not know what spirit (ruaj) you are (Luke 9:55).

Now, how does our main purpose and path of experience resonate? We see that by adding all the digits of our date of birth. Depending on the matrix it is done in one way or another. The simplest is to add up all the numbers until all is reduced to one digit:

16-1-1982 = 1+6+2+1+9+8+2 = 28/10/1

It can also be done in Base 9

7 (1+6) + 1 + 2 (1+9+8+2) = 10/1

In this case, it will be a person who must work hard on their divine center, internal and external leadership, clear goals, great focus, capacity for innovation,  self-confidence, in order to overcome great egocentrism, narcissism, isolation from himself and others, distractions, unstable situations, the wheel of existence and its fortuitous events, symbolized by the shadow 10, etc.

Purposes of the 9 Types & Essential Energies:

1. Pioneering, creative leader vs. Egocentric, insecure and isolated.

2. Conscious Assistant vs. Emotional Dependent.

3.Creative and Inspirational Enthusiast vs Intellectual Talkative & Sad.

4.Hardworking, Orderly & Provider vs. Rigid and Hyperrational Maniac.

5. Free Spirit that brings change vs Libertine and irresponsible.

6. Nutrician Caregiver-Lover vs. Victimist & Emotional Manipulator.

7. Consciousness Investigator vs Unconscious Controller & Projector.

8.Efficient generator of abundance vs Rebellious-aggressive vigilante.

9.Wise Mentor-Transmitter vs Elusive Hermit & Manic Depressive.

Now each of those energies will resonate with the vibration of the day and the year. In our 2023 it is 7 (2+2+3). So:

1+7 = 8

Pioneers must innovate to grow, expand, and generate more material and spiritual abundance.

2+7= 9

The Helpers must cooperate and support by expressing their experiential wisdom, but not go as absolutely essential assistants. The great sage is respected and demanded for his charisma, not for his impositions.

3+7= 10/1

Creative Enthusiasts must be very careful about entering the Wheel of contingent Existence, remembering their humble and self-assured center, focusing more on their divine connection, letting conscious Life manifest its Destiny.

4+7 = 11/2

The 11 represents the Master of Self-improvement and Manifestation through Clairvoyance of Consciousness and support for others.

5+7= 12/3

The spirits that seek freedom will only find it through a disciplined but enthusiastic transformation, releasing negative charges and enhancing the positive aspects of each experience, even if it is painful.

6+7= 13/4

The 13 in Base 9 is a Karmic vibration and calls for total transformation, abandoning the long-suffering and rigid sense of life, avoiding excessive work and the lacking mode, respecting the order of existence to grow motivation and awareness of abundance.

7+7 = 14/5

Again, 14 in Base 9 is Karmic, calling for moderation, detachment, discipline so as not to fall into libertine and irresponsible behaviors.

8+7= 15/6

The 15th contains a great passion that, if not transformed, becomes negative energy full of accusation, resentment and depression. It is necessary to work it through humor, care, affection and conscious Love.

9+7= 16/7

The 16 is another karmic vibration that can bring very hard blows to those who get carried away by their pride and do not balance the humility of conscience with material expression. It is necessary to accept great challenges, but not without an intense work of consciousness, balancing mind/thoughts, heart/desires and body/actions.

Now let's see in which step of Cycle 9 we each find ourselves, and let each one guess how his main life purpose vibrates with it.

Since we are born in this world until we leave, we begin to live cycles of 9 steps, where each one has its own particular vibration. Not respecting those vibrations gets us into painful repetitions and stagnation. Only by overcoming and armonizing each octave do we grow in a spiral.

This workeer was born on February 8th, therefore my Cycle 9 position is:

8+2+7 (2023) = 8/17

The 8 is an energy of expansion, material and spiritual abundance that can bring good finances and relationships, as long as one manifests the vital purpose, which in my case is that of a creative and Inspiring Enthusiast.

And by adding my cycle with my main vibration (3), I get 11, the clairvoyant and manifesting Master, of great support to the world.

Now it's your turn to guess your own. Don't be like open-mouthed chickens or spoon fed babies. Eat, taste and digest for yourselves.

SaLuz in this 2023.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023