As I have recently been asked about immunity and have been invited to collaborate in a talk on the subject, I would like to unveil a great enigma that has to do with what in the past was called the Urobouros, the snake or dragon biting its own tail.
The other day a student asked me about it, wondering if it’s something negative. But as I explained, it's not necessarily something negative. And by the way, the snake that bites its tail which is in fact a real phenomenon found in nature.
And in some way it is representing a movement of energy that occurs in the universe, it’s the feedback and energy recycling.
Now, as a result of the health crisis that I went through one began to understand better about the immune system, realizing that in the universe there is also an immune system and it is not only me who has discovered this. It is a knowledge and wisdom that is printed in our body. I simply discovered what was in my body in my soul in my whole being and that is why I would like to share it with you.
But let’s start saying that ignorance of obscured wisdom opened a gap in the immunity of the universe. So the Universe was forced to establish barriers and that Barrier is the Uroboros. The Uroboros was a procedure to neutralize time, an ingenious trick designed by what we can call God Strong (the Divine Immune System which deals with the negative side of Existence).
This realization helped me understand better some of Gurdjieff´s views on how the God of the Universe modified the Law of Seven to neutralize Time, or Heropass, as he called it in his Beelzebub Tales To His Grandson.
We have to understand that the immune system has a function that is transforming all the energies and toxic substances that can lead to the destruction of disease. Therefore, in our body there is an immune system made up of cells and organisms that are responsible for eliminating free radicals, toxic substances… Even the surplus of fungi, malignant bacteria, viruses.
Perhaps some of you remember those French cartoons that many of us saw as children, known So Is The Human Body, which shows how the human organism works on the inside. And there was a series of policemen who eat the bad guys' waste. And it is exactly like that, just as the tail eating serpent. The immune workers are part of the Serpent system of recycling, but these are positive, in contrast with the viruses, bad bacteria and fungi.
However, the immune system has to be regulated so that it is neither too intense nor too low. When there is no immunity, then you have the infamous HIV or AIDS, Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, which is when the person loses the immune system and this cannot protect them from even a cold, which can lead to death.
And quite the opposite happens when the immune is hyperactive, since then it attacks the organs of the body, as in Diabetes type 1 or Cancer. The body can also develop many different antigens (allergy markers) that makes the body react to simple elements as wheat, dairy, mold, leather, clothes, animal fur…What many don’t see is that there is a whole pattern behind a situational trauma caused by an initial bio-shock, a strong event experienced in an unexpected and dramatic way for which the person did not found solution and lived it in silence for long periods of time. Only when the situational awareness increases can the ailment be solved.
Another key is that there must be a greater proportion of good bacteria or positive experiences. If existence is lived in constant pain, this undermines the immune system, causing the somatization of many problems.
And guess what, the same happens in the universe. Don’t think the universe destroys everything negative. Even ignorance, domination, pain and suffering have a place in the universe. Some currents such as Babylonian Zurvanism held there is an Evil Time Force (Gurdjieff´s Heropas) that coexists with the Good Force since primordial times. Yet we have to understand the good Light has always preceded darkness, which came later as a result of ignorance, blind spots in certain architects. This is why Light and Darkness are not in the same ontological level.
So when darkness, evil or disease arises, the Universe and the physical body do not eliminate these completely, because darkness always remains as a residue. And in the beginning this residual energy was about to destroy the Universe, as myths tell. Some beings became parasites. So certain Immune Workers had to neutralize that force.
In our conditions good and bad bacteria coexist because we live in a world where light and darkness were allowed to coexist. And some come to say that has been done by an evil God or Evil Demiurge. But in reality the aspects of God in charge of managing light and darkness in the universe have been called God Strong since the most remote antiquity because they need a huge force of resistance to keep evil away from holy dwellings.
But that aspect of divinity is not a God in itself; it is a function which in the Hebrew scriptures is called Yhvh Elohim, translated as Lord God, even though it’s really what kabalists call Divine Mother. And She brings the corrective side of God, generating a series of barriers so darkness does not pass and can be transformed. That is why some present Her as: I am a jealouas God, loathing evil ways.... Yet that is a human religious translations, and it does not mean there is an avenging wrathful God who punishes those who do not comply with his Law. No true God has ever given “commandments”. The other day someone asked me about the commandments by the way. And in reality there is no such word in the Scriptures. The closest concept is entolĂ©, which in Greek means to be in a goal . But they translate it as a commandment, as when Y´shua says: he who loves me follows my entola (goals). This means that we are meant to fulfill a definite function within a greater Life Purpose, not because someone tells you to comply with a law or follow my commandment. What is required is Understanding, which is actually the meaning of Mashiaj (not Messiah, we don´t need any more mess).
Commandments do not really exist in the true teaching of the Light Torah, only in an mistranslated Old Testament or even the New Testament. Actually, what people call Ten Commandments are called Devarim, Words, Ten Statements that show the Logic of Behavior and Reality. And there are many others, up to 613, all of which are called Mitzvot, which are soul connectors for the halaka or way of walking, yet often mistranslated as commandments. The 613 mitzvot are divided into 365 negative or restrictive and 248 positive ones. Its logic has to do with the structure of nature and her demands to establish Rec-Ti-Fi-Cation (Tikun). Realize how 365 are the days the sun takes to along its orbit place, generating the seasons etc. There are 248 spiritual organs and there is also a correlation between physical organs and the spiritual ones that are in the most subtle bodies.
The so called Hebrew commandments do not include many of the Jewish laws, which are really takanots or additional rules to try the fulfilment of some commandments.
Mitzvot are really calls to connect what is disconnected, leading to a process of disease or existential judgment. People get judged by their actions and words, as even Master Y´shua taught. This is why one type of mitzvoth are the Mishpatim, Judgement, which show causes leading to effects, judgments of existence, eye for an eye, he who kills by the sword dies by the sword said Y´shua.
Others are known as Ququim, which are apparently illogical commandments, such as not eating rabbit, pork or shellfish. But they are totally logical since those products that are prohibited in religions are actually toxic because they are scavengers. The pig is a scavengers that cleanses even spiritual energies are not animals whose function is to preserve the immunity of nature where positive and negative energies coexist due to a catastrophe that occurred many thousands of years ago on earth and even other systems.
That catastrophe was not caused on purpose but because of ignorance, and this ignorance opened a breach in the immunity of the universe. So the Universe was forced to generate antigens, barriers. And those Barriers are the Uroboros, comprised of different Elohim, Powerful Architects, Demiurgoi, Craftsmen.
And those in charge of managing energies saw that some beings –serpentoid in nature– their thought was forked like the bifid tongue. That is why in Proverbs 9 it is said that Sophia, the wisdom of the Ophis, Serpent, built up her own house, raised her seven pillars, killed her victims. So an immune system had to be organized to preserve the Universe from that destruction. And what did they do? Immune Architects took the head of the dragon or serpent and put it on their tail. A strike of geniality, were it not for the fact something missing makes the system get stagnant. As Gurdjieff put it: the only mistake of God was to make a Universe in the form of Umbrella and not Enema.
Yet, thanks to the Urobouros, the true Universe is completely immunized before total destruction. It is a way to make sure that the negative energies that arise as a result of light contractions cannot go beyond a certain threshold.
So the Uroboros was a procedure to neutralize time and cosmic madness, made by God Strong, in contrast with God Source and God Son Immortal which reconciles both. When we take away the Third Force from the Divine, we get what in Hebrew is known as Elohim, natural powers that need to be neutralized by the universal movement of unification, the Shem or Vibration of YHVH, Integrative Existence in the Holy Self-Subsistent Being.
Yhvh Elohim can be a corrector at times and provident at other times. So we have to understand that , otherwise we become judgmental. Like some Gnostics who said the God of the Old Testament is an evil God Demiurge, but actually the demiurge, which means craftsman is the way in which Nature works with its immune system and its possibilities of generation, negativity, restriction, violence, destruction, all of this is part of Geburah, corrupt power. Therefore we need a positive one, which is a discipline force, a channeling force, which has its complement, Mercy the expansion of growth, generosity abundance.
And when we have discipline or certain restriction we can channel the Universal energy of Loving line. All of this makes it possible for us to grow in armonĂa, neutralizing darkness, everything that restricts us excessively such as Elohim without its armonization process, that is why Elohim and Elohim were spoken of in other philosophies, as in the Daoism is spoken of the mother of a thousand things that is not the true Tao can not be mentioned, because can only live it . But it is beyond words. However, the mother of a thousand things has negative aspects such as pain, old age, time, the mother of a thousand things generates time, but armonization and transcendence of time are also open, hence the beauty of the interaction of Opposites. What was formerly called the Logos obeys a logic everything has a meaning a purpose. So if you can really feel and understand the meaning of disease , pain, suffering then you will be on the road to immunity.
If you wish to increase immunity you have to increase vitality. Immunity is directly proportional to the growth of vitality and for this you need to eliminate any source of obstruction either at a physiological level or energetic and spiritual level. I mean at a more unconscious level because it is true that the soul has a spiritual character and the energetic body as well but the spirit is that influx of energy that can make a soul more in tune or less in tune with the primordial Source of life and then the soul influences the body.
It's like a chain, that's why in the sephirotic tree there are three triads: Keter, Jokmah and Binah, the triad of the spirit; then Jesed, Geburah, Tifereth, the triad of the soul. And finally Netzaj, Hod and Malkut, the vital triad that manifests in physicality. Yet there are several Malkut. Our physical world is a realm of death, unlike then the true divine Realm in the True Divine Cosmic Earth (Tavel).
So in order to be immunized against all that are the toxic and negative forces of the physical world we need to understand how our body generates energy from our soul and true spirit. In order to generate our own uroboros in such a way that the energy of snake is neutralized in us when the energy of the snake does not hurt is more becomes shejina. Actually there is a play on words: when the third force is missing in the Shekina –which is the energy of coverage, formerly called Holy Spirit– then it is no longer shekina but rather turns into Najash, serpent energy, which has a masculine and feminine aspect, the lying logic or Samael (Poison of El) and Lilith, an energy related to Lylah, darkness.
All this is known in Hebrew wisdom, but also in other traditions, as Daoism.
And as Lao Tse says in his famous Tao The King:
The Tao that can be spoken of is not the true Tao.
Hence the need for silence to show it.
My greatest teachers are Nature herself, greatest than all my mentors. The true teacher is always Nature and its source inside us. The word teacher means someone who points the way helping you to remember, not just someone who transmits knowledge.
That's why Y´shua said: to no one call rabbi, teacher, because only One is the teacher.
Such One is Unity, Uniqueness, the interrelation, therefore when you manage to understand what the teacher is, everything becomes your teacher: trees, plants, birds, people around you, life events. Everything is part of a learning process and therefore when you have respect for the experience by feeling an opening then you may have access to a more subtle language that leads you from silence. You can then learn in a way that does not involve so many words or so much knowledge through data, what you receive is an influx of immediate understanding.
In the East they have explored this way a lot, that is why the arts that you will see are more silent, a meditation on Tai Chi and Chi Kung all these arts that are very graceful, very beautiful to see.
Art in movement fills me more than the static postures of yoga for example. Although I recognize that they can be therapeutic, not and it is also important not to take it out of context , as in a religious context of worship for example. There are many rituals or types of yoga, for example, that are
involved in a system of religious worship.
By Yoga we should think more of Y´shua´s words: do as me, I am meek of heart and you will find rest for your souls because easy is my yoke (yoga) and light my burden.
His teaching is about dropping the ballast, increasing vitality and therefore also immunity. But for this as I say we need a way to make the energy flow within us, generating a balance between activating vital Light and what has a passive tendency to chaos, entropy– our physical body is aging
But if we make energy flow, eating frugally opening ourselves to other sources of energy, then we’re on the path to the Way.
Chi, Ki, Shekina is the Universal Energy that can increase longevity. On a biological level, this has to do with the telomeres, which are those structures that get shorter and shorter in our DNA as time goes by. So if we manage to expand the muscles, cells and molecules we introduce more level of Chi, Shekina and that causes a time detention, and thus we manage to establish the famous uroboros. Thus we neutralize the time serpent, turning its head towards its tail. Even in our lymphatic system and blood there are diverse organisms that being part of this physical universe, eat negative substances that are part of the system of recycling. So in a universal level there is also a police which does not let certain dark souls or beings pass a certain threshold, that is why it is said in the Book of Develation or Apocalypse that the dragon was cast down to the earth; meaning there is no bad god controlling the thieves, but an immune that prevents darkness from passing a certain threshold.
So the problem is not that it doesn’t let you ascend, the problem is allowing darkness inside us when we have the obligation to cleanse from within: he who is clean, let him get cleaner; he who is unclean, let him get more unclean (Apocalipse 22.11).
He who is immunized does not have to be afraid of those dark entities or negative energies that can take advantage of all that inner darkness
Because if you take away what feeds darkness, darkness has no longer power over you, it is no longer a lord who dominates you, the teacher is in you and you are in the Life Master.
And this cannot be done disconnected from all the Universal dynamics of the entire universal immune system, we have to remember that we are not mere parts but a big group within an Holarchy, not a hierarchy. As holons we are not mere parts of the universe or servants, but expressions of the whole, and thus we can channel all the life force of the universe at a certain point. This is the key in certain arts, such as sacred dance, or Chi Kung, that helps us move that universal energy. Some people use it to perform feats, like the Shaolin monks for example; but I think this is a limited aspect. Qigong should be used more for healing rather than for blowing up heads, making impressive jumps or putting a spear on the neck without getting hurt. These are just more exhibitionisms to inflame a dirty ego. That’s the reason why many martial art experts and monks did not end very well. An example was Bruce Lee, who became an expert in Kung Fu and Chi Kung but died under strange circumstances. This reflected how he treated his body with a lot of violence and true nature has nothing to do with violence.
Violence arises when there is an imbalance.
Obviously we see violence in nature because the nature of this planet is very violent and very cruel sometimes, not the idyllic pachamama that many worship in their naive imagination. But this is due to a great unbalance of opposites. That is why some spiritual arts, even martial arts, are focused on the equilibrium of opposites. For instance, Taiji Chuan means the Way of Supreme Poles, but is more gentle than Qong Fu/Kung Fu (Feat Work Dedication), which is obviously aggressive.
Now this has been an introduction. I hope it has given you enough food for thought. And remember there are three basic foods not only the physical food. Real food comes through the breath and impressions. Breathing consciously help us absorb elements from the Sun and planets the moon. These are absorbed and transformed by gentle breathing and good impressions. The more consciously we perceive the more vital food we will receive. That’s how we generate more kinetic energy to have more life force, which is everywhere.
I found it even in the nickname my parents gave me. When I was a little child, my parents called me Chen, abbreviation for Chencho, meaning Innocence. And at a certain point I realized that was part of my mission was to discover the art, the energy, the Chen, Chi, Shekina that leads us to healing, so on that mission I continue.
Let's then keep opening our hearts, our mind to manifest love without limits, non fragmented life, integral consciousness and serenity