Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Divine Kingdom, Millennial Reign, Satan´s Season & Restored World in Parallel Dimensions


Saint Michel´s
Monastery in Normandy

Having come to this point in the Life Tree Teaching, we must distinguish between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heavens, as different stages of approach, from Atzilut or World of Emanation, to Assiyah, this Physical World. Since the Kingdom of God (Malkut of Atzilut) has approached, as Master Yeshua said, it is accessible through the Kingdom of Heavens (Malkut of New Beriah) within.

This made possible a clear manifestation of a Thousand Year Reign, right at the end of antiquity and beginning of the Middle Ages, 
as prophesized in The Book of the Apocalipse. 

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the Dragon, that Old Serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season...Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.(Apocalipse 20:1-3)

In this thousand year period, great Wisdom was preserved for future generations in certain Monasteries and Abbies of the East and West. There was also an extraordinary manifestation of an almost impossible architecture, like some cathedrals with healing properties. See the research of Dr.Gloria Moss in this respect [1].

But there was also healing music, like that of Hildegarda von Bingen and later Renaissance vocal artistry (i.e Palestrina, Alonso Lobo, Thomas Tallis), or realistic paintings. Many are the examples, but it´s up to you to identify them.

     Mosaic of Jesus Christ in Istanbul, Turkey.

Notre Dame, in France

San Marcos Basilica, Venice, Italy

Holy Trinity Monastery, Meteores, Greece

Remote Monasteries and Abbies in particular played the function of preserving Wisdom during the Millennial Reign, since those who already had an inner crown knew that after the Thousand Year Reign, the Dragon would again be unleashed, and a Great Deception would come to the World.

Satan's Little Season after the Thousand Year Reign began in the late Middle Ages, between the 1200s and 1500s, when there were mass exterminations, such as the murder of the Cathars, by the hands of the bloodthirsty and false Roman church; the Crusades, between false followers of Iesus and infidel Muslims who believed in a false punishing God, as well as later religious wars between believers in false ideals, Protestants and Catholics from various churches. The division persists to this day, with further fragmentations. 

It is interesting to notice that some people from those times where already aware they were in the Epoch of Satan. For instance, John Dun of London, in the 1500s, reproted they were 500 years in little season of Satan, adding: the last conflict or fight is of Mehoemet [Mohammad] by the Saracens, the Turks and the Tartarians...[2].

He was referring to the tribes of Gog and Magog mentioned in other writings, since the prophet Ezekiel prophetized about their invasion from the evil north (see Ezekiel 38). Some ancient chroniclers always spoke of monsters and giants coming from the north. The Book of the Bee [3] gathers some of those stories, claiming that even Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C had to fight descendants from Japhet, from giants to satyrs and centaurs. What was all that about? Allegories of men in horses and tall people or something else?

This is a conflict that persists today with the totalitarian regimes in North Corea or China, the war between the State of Israel and Iran or Russia and Ukraine or even the Western Globalism. Names change, assassins are of the same breed, claiming to be either liberating jews or defenders of radical Islam or globalist defenders of the rights to utter degeneration. Deceptions are just a matter of taste also. That´s Satan´s Little Season.

But those who have crowns, still preserve the Truth, and speak aloud about it. We could never be defeated, since we already won the battle. That makes a huge difference.

Curiously, echoes of that function of preservation in remote monasteries can even be in the novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, written out of remorse by a man that participated in the bombing of Monte Casino during the Second World War. In the story a group of catholic monks are entrusted with preserving spiritual Wisdom so it survives a thousand year period of utter chaos after a nuclear catastrophe. Something very similar to what the Season of Satan brought after the Thousand Year Reign, by the end of the Middle Ages.

Now, to finish off, what follows below is a brilliant extract by  the famous science fiction author Phlip K.Dick, which in this occassion went beyond fiction, and hit right on the spot, coming close to what I was teaching in the channell and this blog. We should point anyway that the perfect dimension of time that he mentions, corresponds with what the Hebrew tradition calls the Olam Haba or Future World, a timeline where the rectified souls reincarnate, living in a world with no wars or disease, where all can perceive more or less the divine Kingdom within. To me that already exists in another timeline, yet it is not the Kingdom of God, but a reflection of it on this physical world.

The Milenium & Parallel Dimensions in Philip K. Dick´s View

“Contemplating this possibility of a lateral arrangement of worlds, a plurality of overlapping earths along whose linking acts as a person can somehow move can travel in a mysterious way from worst affair to good to excellent, contemplating this int theological terms, perhaps we could say that herewith we suddenly decipher the elliptical utterances which Christ expressed regarding the Kingdom of God. Specifically, where it is located. He seems to have given contradictory and puzzling answers but suppose, just suppose for an instant, that the cause of the perplexity lay not in any desire on his part to baffle or to hide, but in the inadequacy of the question, my kingdom is not of this world, he is reported to have said. The kingdom is within you, or possibly it is among you.” 

I put before you now the notion which I personally find exciting, that he may have had in mind that which I speak of, as the lateral axis of overlapping realms which contain among them a spectrum of aspects ranging from the unspeakably malignant to the beautiful. And Christ was saying over and over again that there really are many objective realms somehow related and somehow bridgeable by living, not dead men, and that the most wondrous of these worlds was a just kingdom in which either he himself or God himself or both of them ruled. And he did not merely speak of a variety of ways of subjectively viewing one world. The kingdom was and is an actual different place at the opposite end of continuous, starting with slavery and utter pain. It was his mission to teach his disciples the secret of crossing along this orthogonal path. He did not merely report what lay there. He taught the method of getting there, but tragically, the secret was lost. The enemy, the Roman authority, crushed it, and so, we do not have it. 

But perhaps we can refind it since we know that such a secret exists. 

Whether the kingdom is to be established here on the earth or whether it is a place or state we go to after death, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this issue has been a fundamental one and an unresolved one throughout the history of Christianity. Christ and Saint Paul both seem to say emphatically that an actual breaking through into time—that is specifically what they say, a breaking through into time, into our world, by a host of God, will unexpectedly occur. Thereupon after some exciting drama, a thousand-year paradise, a rightful kingdom will be established, at least, for those who have done their homework and chores, and generally pay attention and have not gone to sleep as one parable puts it. We are enjoined repeatedly in the New Testament to be vigilant, that for the Christian it is always day. There is always light by which he can see this event when it comes. Does that imply that many persons who are somehow asleep or blind or not vigilant, they will not see it, even though it occurs? 

Consider the significance which can be assigned to these notions. The kingdom will come here unexpectedly, this is always stressed, the rightful faithful shall see it because for them it is always daytime, but for the others, what seems expressed here is the paradoxical but enthralling thought that, and hear this and ponder, the kingdom, were it established here would not be visible to those outside. I offer the idea that, in more modern terms, what is meant that some of us will travel laterally to that better world, and some will not, they will remain stuck along the lateral axis which means that for them the kingdom did not come, not in their alternative world, and yet meantime, it did come in ours. So, it comes, and yet it does not come. Amazing.” [4]


[1] Check Dr.Gloria Moss` research Churches, Cathedrals and Synagogues: Places of Healing Not Worship:

[2] A Hundred Sermons Upon the Apocalipse of Iesu Christ, Reveiled by the Angell of the Lord, but Seene or Received and Written by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist S. John.

[3] The Book of the Bee:

[4] Extract from: