Saturday, June 1, 2013

Deep Listening

In the true listening or “common sense”, sounds, vibrations, are not mere meaningless vibrations, even when they are not organised in a musical form. Audible or not, vibrations hint at the Song behind all songs, at the Silent Space where everything emerges, grows and perishes, at the Intelligent Light where they are perceived. 

In the beginning was the Word-Lógos (John I, 1)

Echoing Empedocles, vibrations are “pledges of the Muse”, and long to be listened to, consciously sent back to their Fountain Source.
How is the vibration of form, colors, smells and tastes? How do our body, thoughts and emotions sound? How is the sound of life and death? What happens when we include effortlessly, without resistance, the sounds we usually find boring or unpleasant? Doesn´t the mind feel an energy and openness that liberates us?

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