Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas: Worshipping the birth and fall of Lucifer/Adam

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And it is true, because when we choose what seems good, we end up more twisted than melted iron; every decision and choice in this deceptive world is flawed.

On the other hand, when we remain in what we have always been in the deepest level, there is no room for error, for we do not even choose, since He chooses for us, providing All that is full and necessary, since He is the All in all (1 Cor. 15:28).

That is why it is better to be guided diligently towards the real and complete, which is the true meaning of worshiping the Eternal Living in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), not in exteriority and falsehood.

However, it is curious how everything in history has become twisted up to unsuspected limits, despite all the data that is in front of our noses.

How many times have we heard that a "child god" is born on December 25th. But what god is symbolically born at this time? What? Don´t you know him yet? How can that be possible? ... Ay, ay, ay ... With so many info-misiformation, many are more lost than a lamb in a slaughterhouse decorated with garlands, lights, cakes and other Christmas baits.

It is not new hearing that the cultures of Egyptian and Sumeri-Babylonian origin always worshiped - and still do- a "god of astral light" that is born on December 25th, well known by names such as Horus (considered reincarnation of Osiris), Tammuz (reincarnation of King Nimrod), Mitra and Sol Invictus for the Romans. All names of the not less famous Baal and Lucifer, the Fallen Star, who disguises himself even as Lord, Virgins, Christs and other Carnal Saviors of the World, stealing the title of he who really deserves it, starting with the Nazarene leader.

But what may happen to those who presume of being enlightened shepherds without being so? The weight of true divine Conscience is similar to that of a rock crushing all iniquity:

And whoever falls on this Stone will be torn to pieces; but on whom she falls, she will scatter it like dust (Matthew 21:44)

But who is really Lucifer?

In principle he is the astral intelligence trapped in the world of matter, from the Fall of certain Adamic-Promethean beings, who used the fire of intelligence and its technology to tame Nature, mixing with this world before time, being tormented in it, pretending to be "gods", establishing worship cults, Towers of Babel, i.e external religions, social castes, domination policies, exploitative economy, wild market, slavery, domestication of plants, food handling, alteration of the animal and human genome …

Does this story sound familiar? From whom did humans learn to be such bastards?

Now, as the Master said:

“What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?” (Matthew 17:25)

It is evident, since those who deem humanity as cattle, shoot taxes at ease, leaving their own people free of charges. This is what oligarchies are for.

However, they become justified when the masses, conditioned by enormous doses of ignorance, buy their lame donkeys and laugh with their jokes by feeding consumerism and superficial feasts.

Now, why is the apotheosis of human sacrifice occurring on these dates?

A few years ago one recalled the subject [1], noting that the word Solstice or Solstitio in Latin, comes from sol stare, or sun that remains, since astronomically and astrologically the sun seems to rise on the same place during the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of December. A phenomenon that was formerly represented as the "execution" or "crucifixion" of the Sun for three three days in the underworld.

And although this period was associated with the stormy birth of Lucifer, it also represents the point where a new seed must be "sown", "fertilized" and "gestated" to counteract the sick fallen Adam we are wearing, like lizard disguise.

As you know, Genesis 3 talks about two seeds or genetics. On the one hand there is that of the Woman, which is the Divine Presence, Shekinah, Spirit of Holiness, female-emotional Christ, received by humanity as "divine breath", and who offers the possibility of developing the masculine seed, or Mind of Christ.

He has begotten us according to his will by the Word of truth, so that we may be like the first fruits of his creatures (Jacob/James 1:17).

That is, the New Adam, the family of the Blessed One.

On the other hand we have the line of the Serpent, astral souls (psyches) that are already over twisted after thousands of reincarnations (gilgulim), and more deranged than the Mother (Sophia) that brought them into the world.

Therefore, the dark region where old Adam is crucified is also the battle point where the true divine Light must be "sown", "fecundated", "resurrected" and "gestated" to grow amidst darkness.

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of [second] Adam be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Matthew 12:40).

The three days in the belly of the Fish or the Underworld correspond in the astrological symbolism to Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn, from which the soul is spitted out, ascending through Sagittarius, the arrow shooter, Scorpio, where it is pierced by the spear of Longinos, and Libra, where the final Judgment of the soul begins before being born in Virgo

Thus the Sun of First Old Adam (fallen humanity) is crucified to be able to be transformed and liberated, ceasing to be a tyran, melting under divine Consciousness.

Let´s remember that Jonah refused to carry out the divine mission of bringing Light to the inhabitants of Nineveh. That's why he demanded to be thrown over the ship, which led him to be swallowed by the Fish, which finally vomited him. 

Certainly, darkness terrifies anyone, to the point that sometimes we want to erase ourselves from the map to avoid having to assume our divine responsibility, doing the works that the Blessed One prepared in advance for us to walk in them (Ephesians 2:10 ).

Now, Jonah ended up accepting the challenge. And the same happens to many in these times of confusion and anguish. So, let no one in this adventure surrender, let´s endure, listen and seek the voice of real Conscience, the guidance of the Master, our deepest Being, because now we have access to His image and likeness, i.e Conscience and Body of harmonious action, through the seed of the Teaching that grows as perhaps it should have grown if the Rome of the Invictus had not gotten in the way -a little unforeseen obstacle.

Needless to say, symbolically, the birth of the genuine Divine Seed does not happen until nine months after December 25th, that is, towards September, during the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot, when according to tradition the true Anointed One/ Messiah/Christ is born.

This fact is clearly indicated in the Gospel of Luke, as already indicated [2], for those who study and do not believe blindly what is hammered into the mind.

Winter was always the time to sow, not to be born or to reap fruit. It´s hard to be born amidst the desolate and demonic cold of the carnal mind, which must be first tamed by the warm heart of objective Conscience. 

So, in order for our Life Body to be gestated and truly born, connected to its Head, the Anointed Master, are we not meant to sow the seeds of the Spirit in everything we do? 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; Against such things there is no Law (Galatians 5: 22-23) 

Not even that of Luci.



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