Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Pure Eye of Conscience

The light of the body is the eye; therefore, if your Eye be single, your whole body will be full of Light (Matthew 6:22)

This masterful phrase contains the truth about Healing and the Guide of true Life, on which is based the Teaching revealed by the Anointed One of Love, Life and Serene Conscience.

The testimony of his Truth does not come from books, institutions, people or spirits, but from the same Voice of the Pure Singular Conscience, whose origin is not the brain or the social education; true Conscience is neither the acquired super-ego Freud spoke of, nor any other worldly or infra-mundane voice.

Those who discover it in depth, are so fascinated with their fragrances and harmonies, that they can not stop longing to feel it, even after forgetting it.

Because our rejoicing is this: the testimony of our Conscience ... (2 Corinthians 1:12)

The Greek term for Conscience is syneidesis, which means synthesized vision (eidesis), for Conscience is the common sense that leads us to the good port of Love that unites and heals without limits, that makes us realize what is real and what is false, what action is enlightened and what makes us sick separating us from others and the world.

But it is still the least common of the senses, because the mind complicates everything.

How many recognize that voice or understand what it is? How many distinguish even the mere perception of the noisy egoic mind?

The false mind is part of what is known in Hebrew as yetzer hara, the evil tendency, which as the wise Nahman of Breslev said, is the Power of Imagination that takes us out of our real center of being, and convinces us others or circumstances are to be blamed for our misery, that everything sucks, that we are weak, sick ...

The mind of the false ego is thus intolerant, self-justifying, separative, critical, manipulative and generates feelings of fear, bitterness and sadness, the source of all our diseases and ailments.

And how is that overcome? Simple. By listening to the Voice of Real Conscience.

twe have renounced the hidden things of shame [subconscious defects], not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. (2 Corinthians 4:2 ESV)
Master Yehoshua/Iesous teaches to transcend the divisive spirit of the world in the singularity of the eternal now Conscience:

... if your Eye is single (haplous), your whole body will be full of Light (Matthew 6:22)

As we can see, reference is made to the Single Eye, because when there are two, the vision is dual: satanic ego of the giant cyclops Polyphemus that breaks our spiritual and physiological immune system vs Ulysses' Nobody Am I (not Ego), which is the Pure I Pure or Ena mentioned by the Nazarene in Aramaic:

Before Abraham was, ENA, I AM (John 8:58).

That is, the Pure Conscience before all the development of the living soul Adam and her generations.

I Am is the Personal trinity of Will-Conscience-Individuality that constitutes a Divine Cosmic Personality, whose neuron cells are sent to each one as a Gift of Grace, to be really developed as soul-cells in the Son of God, Solar Brain-Heart-Bosom of the Father Ancient of Days (Daniel 7, John 1:18, 1 Corinthians 11, Enoch 46:1, 48, etc). 

In the Great Self we are an extension of the Infinite Being, but in quality, not in quantity:

because in Him we live, we move and we have our being, just as some of your own [Greek] poets have said: `For we are also his offspring (Acts 17:28)

Relax and know that I am Divine Unicity/Elohim (Psalm 46:10)

In other words, there is only the Supreme Being, and no one else. As the Islamic Shahada says: there are no gods but only God, la ilaha illa Allah.

That is the essence of often misinterpreted passages:

If someone wants to come after me, deny/transcend himself, take up his cross and follow me (Matthew 16:24)

If your right eye shocks you, pull it out and throw it away; because it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell (Matthew 5:29)

The key is having the point of view that leads to  transformation through the divine understanding of what we are meant to be:

LISTEN, YOU ARE MY VEHICLE, MY EYE and I AM THE INTELLIGENCE OF LIFE, THE ONE that looks, lives, enjoys and suffers in you, even with your transgressions and excesses. So, FEEL, REMEMBER ME, GIVE UP, do not suffer so much; I, ENA, charge with your pains and I release you into the Eternity of the present Kingdom.

wounded was for our transgressions, ground for our sins for the sake of our peace, and by his wounds we were healed (Isaiah 53: 5)

We begin to be healed from the moment we remember and manifest the Eternal Name that points to Infinity, leaving behind fears, intolerances, resentments, hatred, concupiscences, which are only to be transcended and remind us with pain that we are a loving manifestation of what has no limits, that we are the Name of the Blessed One, the proof of His Essence, without which there is no unified Existence. 

Contrary to what our self-mortifying religious mind, this has nothing to do with refusing to try this or that dish, to pray this or that way, eat this or that, to meditate like this or like that believing that external actions connect us to the divine, heal us or make us better, since that is the essence of "idolatry."

How is one to approach the perfect by means of the imperfect and external?

The external rites are still those ...

offerings and sacrifices that cannot make perfect in his Conscience the one who practices that cult (Hebrews 9: 9)

But of course, it´s helpful to dedicate every day moments to stop, calm down and connect with the inner silence, the Supreme Father (Will) and converse with the Beloved Son (our Higher Self-Conscience), and above all forgive, sharing gifts with others, letting go of the burden of the ego.

Relax and know that I am Divine Unicity/Elohim (Psalm 46:10)

This is how we are purified, immunized, healed and unified.

As Shaul / Paul of Tarsus says in the Letter to the Corinthians, the Testimony of Conscience is simplicity -haploteti says the Greek text-, for there is only one Universal Conscience feeling through all beings awake or asleep. 

Because our rejoicing is this: the testimony of our Conscience, that with simplicity and sincerity of God, not with carnal wisdom, but with the grace of God, we have talked in the world (2 Corinthians 1:12 Jubilee Bible 2000)

Regarding the sincerity (eilikrineia) of God, it literally means to be judged (krineo) by sunlight (eilĂȘ). 

For we are not like many, who thrive falsifying the word of God, but with sincerity, as from God, and before God, we speak in Christ/Anointed (2 Corinthians 2:17).

 From the remotest antiquity it has been said that the Intelligence of the Sun is a manifestation of the Christ/Anointed or Universal Conscience, which bathes the earth and its inhabitants without distinction. And its sun particles go through us and judge our whole being. But we are only "anointed, dressed and transformed" as we become aware of the process.

Possibly that collective forgiveness of transgressions or amnesty of sin marked by the incarnation of the Anointed One in the Nazarene two thousand years ago had to do with some solar activity that somehow facilitated his incarnation and protected humanity from its own transgressions, for two thousand years. 

But it is evident that the amnesty already came to an end, for even the world of Christianity is being plagued by famine and disease. 

The Objective Solar Consciousness is so subtle that it remains buried under our brutalized mind, and for some it was seared, as said in 1st Timothy 4. 

And everything is due to the impetus of the egoic soul (satanic mind and feeling), wishing to exercise control over everything, with words and action, what causes an internal fragmentation, and is externalized in different interpretations, chaotic actions, religions, politics, customs ... artifice. 

and you saw where the harlot sits [ie human soul], they are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues (Revelation 17:15).

Instead, the Testimony of Conscience is not professing religions, be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or whatever.

Thus it was said by Paul of Tarsus himself:  

There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no slave or free; there is neither male nor female; because all of you are one in the Anointed Iesous [Universal Consciousness of Love, Life and Incarnate Divine Peace] (Galatians 3:28).

 The message is not therefore to worship a historical Nazarene as if it were the classic external god, nor to strictly follow rules written on the Torah of stone, but to incarnate Self-transcendent Love in a serene and self-conscious Life, for the sake of the Living One that gave us Life.

Such is the Name above all names: 

Let there be in you this feeling that there was also in the Anointed Yehoshua/Iesous, who, being in the form of God, did not consider being equal to God as a thing to cling to, but he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, made like unto men ... Wherefore God also exalted him to the utmost, and gave him a Name that is above every name (Philippians 2: 9).

Living as an act of Conscious Love and release Divine Suffering is the only way to fulfill the Divine Instruction. For...

not the hearers of the Law [Torah, Instruction] are just to God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. Because Gentiles who do not have the Law, naturally doing what is of the Law, such, even if they do not have the Law, they themselves are Law, showing the work of the Law written in their hearts, giving testimony together their consciences, accusing himself and also excusing his advice with each other ... You then, that teach another, do not you teach yourself? ... You, who say you do not have to commit adultery, commit adultery? Do you, who abhor idols, commit sacrilege? (Romans 2)

Hence, Yehoshua/Jesus never promoted a new religion, not even Pharisaic or Essene Judaism. 

Enough work was trying to clarify what the Torah of inner Light meant, whose flashes were already in the School of Elijah: 

Go outside, and stand on the mountain in front of YHWH [Eternal Word of Love, Life, Consciousness and Peace]. And here is YHWH that passed, and a great and mighty wind that broke the mountains, and broke the rocks before YHWH; But YHWH was not in the wind. And after the wind a tremor; But YHWH was not in the trembling. And after the tremor fire; But YHWH was not in the fire. And after the fire a small still voice (1 Kings 19: 11-12).

We see that the voice of Conscience is not the agitated winds of worries, nor the shudders, nor the passionate fire, but something deep, serene, subtle, almost inexpressible ... What someone said once summarizes everything:

A single moment of conscience is worth a lifetime of good works.

Can we fall in love with the Conscience of the Anointed One and live it intensely whenever we remember it? 

That should be our only practice, in everything we do, be it eating, walking, talking, praying, meditating... After all, it is not us who live.

I have been crucified with the Anointed One, and I no longer live, but the Anointed One lives in me (Galatians 2:20)

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