Sunday, October 27, 2019

Unveiling the Garden of Eden

Time ago I wrote an article on the theme of the Garden of Eden. The link is at the bottom. But today let´s go even deeper.

Why do we perceive the Universe externally and not within? Why did our consciousness break?

Something happened that produced a disconnection, giving rise to the collective Unconscious, where other beings dwell. The personal unconscious, where our Higher Self dwells. The psychological subconscious, with emotions and thoughts. And then our false consciousness.

Yet all came from certain dividing forces of nature or Elohim, which have the tendency to "divide" and “densify”. This originated the Body-Mind duality, a decrease in vibrations, since the more the vibrations of consciousness, the lesser the difference between spirit and matter, mind and body.

And this is even described in myths such as the fall of Enki and Adapa, Prometheus and Epimetheus, Adam and Jawa.

Yet ancient mythological languages cannot be translated with the brute languages we see in the bibles.

For example, Enki in Sumeria, is not reference to a single Lord of the Earth, but to an Archetype of Consciousness, the dominant mental self of humanity.

Interestingly, the word Enki is mentioned in the Hebrew Scripture also:

Be still and know that I Am (Enky) divine forces (Elohim) (Psalm 46:10).

Likewise, that I Am is the one who delivers the 10 commandments/words in Exodus 20.

But is the I Am necessarily true? Isn't there a fake Self?

In the same way, the Adam in the Book of Genesis is not one man only, but different humanities in several planes of reality.

In Genesis 1 we are told about Beriah, the mental plane of organization, which they translate as Creation, but it rather becomes a mental re-organization.

Genesis 1:1

In the Begining (Bereshit) God (Elohim) created…

In the Head (Rosh) the natural architects organized

And all became disorganised and abismal.

Later on we read:  

Let´s make Adam (Humanity) in our image and likeness

And after that, the text says:  

And Elohim "created/organised" them...

So before "making" Adam in their image and likeness, in the World of Action, Assiyah, the Architects (Elohim) brought together all the natures of the fifth day: beings of the air or aufym, (i.e. flying  serpents); tanym or beings of the celestial waters, which are in Binah, the sphere of the Cosmic Mind. And later arose creatures of the physical earth (Eretz).

All these beings are known as Nefesh Jayot, living creatures.

Now, in Genesis 2, the process is reversed, since Adam is first formed from the dust of Adamah, with mental breath (neshamah), which came from Beriah or even Atzilut.

Here the word formed (yetzer) is used. So Adamah is in the astral emotional/psychic dimensiones, the Formation Plane (Yetzirah), where Adam was prepared him to develop a spirit that governs the passions of animal creatures:

Because there was no Adam to till Adamah

Dominate the beings of the earth, air, water…(Gen1)

The architects' plan was to perform a tikun, the repair of the energy chaos generated by themselves.

And Adam became a vital soul / living creature (nefesh jayah)

This Collective Astral Soul called Adam was not completely spiritual yet.

This is why Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15 that first came the psychic and then the spiritual.

The first Adam was made a vital psyche (nefesh jayah / psyche zoion) and the last Adam a life-giving spirit (ruaj jayah).

Yeshua is the model of the New Adam or New Mankind, which is not a mere "astral psychic humanity". He is made in the image of the Primordial Adam, not in the image of the fallen Architects. Yeshua is a manifestation of the Original Adam, the true Humanity. And so we must be.

Instead, astral humanity was a collective Soul from the stars that was being prepared to emerge in lower creatures, nefesh jayot, designed by the Architects. This is why they said: it is not good for Adam to be alone. And then we are told:

Adam gave name to all the creatures of Adamah.

Adam was therefore the astral psyches emerging on a group of animal creatures from the earth, air and water in Adamah.

And according to the Sumerian, Mayan and Genesis myths, the Adamic souls were so intelligent that they perceived their Higher I Am, their Tree of Life, including divine emanations from the Atzilut Plane. But they did not understood it.

The Garden of Eden was however a state of beatific consciousness where they could travel through dimensions without getting trapped in the planets. 

Actually, GaN is anagram of Guf or body and Neshema, intellectual breath. While Eden is a pleasant vision of reality. But soon it became rather hedonistic. How?

The Natural forces, Architects, Elohim, dragged humanity down to the denser dimensiones. The Popul Vu narrates that the gods threw dust into the eyes of mankind so that they would not see distant things. And the Book of Genesis teaches this saying that Adam was put int a deep slumber (tardemá) and they divided Adam into man (Ish) and woman (Ishah), separating the masculine from the feminine, as well as mind and body / emotions. Hence the Adamic mind said: this is bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh. That is, the Adamic creatures gained awareness of their talking energy body. In Hebrew, a feminine function is speaking and expressing the inner. So the Woman was Adam's body.

Then comes the famous episode of the Serpent in Genesis 3, which already speaks of the plane of Asiyah or Action.

Najash was the most cunning of all the Creatures of the Field that the Architects had "made"

And the field is the cosmos (Matthew 13:38)

According to Hebrew Wisdom the Field is the three planes: Beriah, Yetzirah and Assiyah, expressed as BYA. Yet the Serpent could not perceive Atzilut, the divine emanation.

And the teachings show She was a residual being from the previous destructed Universe, a type of reptilian biped humanoid that communicated with the body of all the Adamic species.

The Book of Zohar tells the fall was a mix with the so called Beasts of the earth, primitive reptilian humanoids from the so called Fifth Day of creation. And this involved genetics, such as those of Enki, Lord of the earth, as alluded in the myth of Athrahasis.

However, realize the Adamic species could only understand the Serpent because they carried her nature inside, since it came from the “creatures of the earth” from the so-called fifth day of organization (Genesis 1), and it gave them the ability to think intellectually, dividing and separating, making even their science.

And cunning is Arum in Hebrew, the same word to describe the "nakedness" felt by Man and Woman, according to Genesis 2. And despite they still did not know their nakedness, the Snake did, and wanted to take advantage of their inner Light.

The reptilian reasoning hides and distorts reality:

So has Elohim told you not to eat from the trees of the Garden?

No, we can eat from every tree, but not from the middle tree, because we will die.

In the middle of the Garden there were both the Tree of Lives and that of Knowledge. But Adam's body did not distinguish them, since she did not communicate with her husband, male intelligence or mind. It's like Adapa with Enki, who told him not to accept Anu's gifts. Or Epimetheus with Prometheus, who warned him not to accept gifts from Zeus.

Here the Serpent incites all the Adamic species to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, for they would be like "gods", knowing good and evil.

And to the immature humanity that seemed pleasant, good in sight and to acquire Wisdom. But when they ate they felt shame, because they saw their nakedness.

So they were divided into Unconscious, Subconscious and False conscious, unable to perceive real Life, or speak with Truth or act harmoniously.

Humanity began us external data, scientific knowledge and religion, the fig leaves, which might involve the consumption of some fruits as well.

And the Architects did not ask the Snake why she tempted them, since they wanted them together for that purpose. Their nature was deceptive passion and had to be rectified.

And what Father when his son asks for bread or a fish gives him a stone and a snake? Yeshua asked.

All of them lacked love, hence the Adamic mind blamed the body, the man blamed the woman, and the woman/body blamed the Serpent. Thus they were thrown out of the GaN, the Mind Mind connection. Even though the Serpent was doomed to wander on an astral dimension, from where she still tempts.

And man called his Woman, Jawa, Eve, Mother of Living Creatures, Jayot.

In other words, he identifed with animal bodies.

And the Architects put a Cherub, a passionate brain (cerebrum), and covered them with skins. Interestingly, Hebrew skin it is Aur with Ayin, which resembles Aur, with Alef. That is, they lost their energy Light and were covered with denser light, denser bodies, those of Cain, a new humanity.

And Cain offered the fruits of the earth, envying Habel, the breath of mind, who sacrificed his animal part. That is why Cain killed him, stuffing himself with fruits and starches to the bottom of matter. The Edenic vision was no lost. Hedonism was born.

There is a fruit called Breadfruit, it is very starchy, and very common in tropical regions throughout the world. Maybe it comes from those days.

In conlusion, we should not confuse Knowledge and Data with Wisdom and Understanding. When there is union of both, we have Conscience, true union of Mind and Body.

External data must be internalized, going from a hedonistic to Edenic vision.

The Natural Architects or Forces, the Serpent, male Adam, female Adam, are all inside. And our responsibility is to armonize them with the Vibration of Loving Conscience and Serene Life.

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