Monday, December 9, 2019

Delusional Reincarnation vs Divine Gestation

   Loop Personalities

While it is true that true Being dwells in the whole world, not everyone has a minimally developed Divine Soul to perceive it.

Our true Self must developed and flourish by dissolving "false personalities", freeing the consciousness of mechanical rebirth in any of its forms. Although we must clarify this, because not all people have a soul able to reincarnate.

What is it that returns or is reborn and why? And how is it that the only liberation is the gestation of all the degrees of the Divine Soul?

In the first place, our true Being is an emanation of the Great Primordial Source, and therefore shares the essence, the will to unconditional Love, a non genetically altered Life, which is perfect and does not need free will to choose between good and bad. True Life is absolute goodness. And it is known through a non-fragmented Conscience that perceives infinite Bliss and Serenity.

These are the qualities of what we can call Divine Personality, in the absence of a better term. And it is precisely the qualities that can stop the recurrence of false personalities in us.

If we are sincere, inside we will recognize false personalities and also subpersonalities that are partial manifestations of our real essence. But in general there is no permanence of an authentic personality, with an unchanging will and conscience.

My name is Legion, said the Gadarene (Mark 5:9).

The human is a set of infra-personalities that fight against each other within each person to take control. And among them there are destructive personalities such as the Victimist and Self-compassionate, the Glutton, the Criticizing Judge, the Coward, the Greedy...

And these are not single feelings like self-pity, hate, greed ... Each of the false personalities has many of them because they are a complex of physical, emotional and mental habits. In fact, personalities can be activated by adopting certain physical postures, or negative thoughts. Think of boring job without motivation, and you will activate the Lazy person. Find your motivation, and a working more vital personality will emerge.

However, infra-personalities often react by outside stimuli, be they adverse situations, criticism of others or even influences of disembodied beings. That is why it is important to know their origin.
In general, human personalities are formed out of perceptions and unconscious reactions that generate what is known as "psychic impressions or imprints." In the East they are known as Samskaras, and they are psycho-energetic configurations that crystallize and are stored in the subconscious and unconscious, the energy body and deeper soul layers. And they are what move us to react mechanically, manifesting false personalities.

Observing them requires great attention. That is why it is important to dedicate on or two small silent sittings every day, observing the unconscious and the subconscious, as we did in the Kosmo-Communication video or in 13 Spheres of Sensory Awareness.

Now, it is also essential to interact with others consciously, especially people who are in the same inner work boat. Emotional friction between people makes false personalities emerge, and others are a mirror. What we do not like about others, is something we have not recognized within or have not worked. And it gives us the opportunity to manifest the authentic personality.

Tragically, infra-personalities are activated again and again not only in a mechanical existence, but in many, which can be almost identical.

                     Reincarnation and Rebirth

When people speak of reincarnation, many assume  souls return to bodies. But this is not accurate.

In the dimensions of time everything is recycled and all that happens remains as waste. There is literally a Fourth Dimensional Wasteland full of disembodied subpersonalities re-experiencing their memories in a sub-reality. And those never exist again in 3D. In fact, they disintegrate forever after some time.

Only a soul with embryonic or more evolved consciousness can receive vital impressions and develop a personality that is linked to other lives, either consciously or unconsciously.

Actually, what re-emerges or is reborn again are personalities from previous impressions stored in the field of an embrionic Conscience that remains outside Time, as an immortal Soul seed.

And such re-emergence takes place in the timelines.

Whatever is, has already been, and whatever will be, already is. Elohim reestablishes what has passed (Ecclesiastes 3:15)

That explains for example the phenomenon of child prodigies. In many cases they are souls with so many repetitions of the same life or other existencs they that have already worked certain technical skills, and not necessarily spiritual. It was the case of Mozart, who already composed pieces at age 5, and said that complete compositions came to his mind.

I witnessed that in my own life. Many compositions came fully made from my unconscious, improvising on the piano spontaneously. And I also perceived memories of other existences lived by my Being, as well as other versions of this same life, because divine Soul can be linked several times to the same life to finish a vital mission. For example, in the two previous versions of Fernando, everything ended too soon because Fernando lost his sense of vital goal, what led to sickness and fatal accidents. But in this version I am fully immersed in my mission, so my body is revitalized.

Many times souls are mechanically attracted to life itself, what varies depending on astral influences. That is why no repetition is exactly the same.

And obviously, not all memories of other existences are necessarily true, because they can be implanted by other beings. But many are indeed real and the divine mind distinguishes them.

Although very few people can remember, because not everyone has a developed mental degree of divine Soul or even an embryo soul.

Vital impressions are only linked to a soul that already has a minimal nascent consciousness capable of perceiving the Love of immortal Life, feeling some truth. But if it does not mature, false personalities take control, enslaving divine consciousness under earthly garments that are not really ours.

Unfortunately, divine embryo souls and baby souls that form in some humans, get often trapped in the cycle of unconscious rebirth, which, as we will see does not help to evolve. 

Here on earth there are always very negative influences, not only bodies with genetic defects, pollution, planetary astral tensions and adverse climates, but the influence of energetic insects and disembodied personalities, the famous floating light orbs seen in videos and pictures. There are also evil Genii or Jinns, 4D beings that come from other lines of evolution and whisper evil in people's psyche. Sometimes they even try to sneak into the energy bodies of humans to eat lower passions. And many times the negative impressions are deposited by them to generate "delusions, false memories and negative personalities", causing the human to fall, overwhelmed by the siege.

All this shows how absurd it is to accuse humanity of catastrophes, calamities and climate change.

Even many souls that evolve become confused in the cycles of Time.

The Wheel of Psycho-Time

This cycles of time are known as the Wheel of Time or Gilgul, in Hebrew; Kalachakra in Sanskrit, while in Greece there was talk of the goddess Circe, who twists the will of humans by turning them into reasoning animals.

Kronos-Saturn was another symbol associated with the destructive Time and generator of fallen beings and psychic archetypes.

In Solomon's Wisdom, 28 times, 14 positive and 14 negative are collected.

Everything has its opportune moment; there is a time for everything that is done under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to harvest; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal ... (Ecclesiastes 3)

These constitute four sevenfold sets that can be developed or not, depending on whether the action is done in due time, completing the intervals of the octaves. In any case, the wheel of time is governed by cause and effect, debt and payment. And everyone who is trapped in it is subject to those laws, which mark the destiny of every mortal and force in the universe.

In Egypt, the laws of destiny were associated with the goddess Ma'at, whose feather determines the hearts of humans after death. In Greek myth we have the three Moiras or Parcae, which, like the three Norns of Norse mythology, represent the forces of the Past, Present and Future.

In turn, the temporal circle is associated with 12 zodiac signs, on one hand referring to the 12 psychic configurations that we saw in the video of the Twelve Psycho-types:

However, all are in turn an earthly reflection of the so-called 12 Princes or principal celestial rulers, known in Greek as Archontoi, Rulers.

In Greek mythology there were the 12 gods of Olympus who administered Justice (diké) on earth, dividing it into sectors, leaving their sons-gods in command, as told by the Greek poets or Plato in Timeo and Critias.

In Hebrew Wisdom the Princes are the Sarim, who are part of the Elohim, astral intelligences in the body of the planets that govern the 70 nations of the world. That is why it is said that they are 70.

Some stories speak of 12 Angels with 6 wings, and 12x6 = 72. 

And the YHWH gematric pyramid also adds up to 72:

                               10                 Y
                            10+5             Y   H
                          10+5+6       Y    H   W
                        10+5+6+5  Y   H    W   H


72 is also the number of the Setian conspirators who trapped Osiris into a coffin (body of the world), to be latr dismembered (reference to reincarnation).

As for the fragmentation of Time we see it mirrored in the 360º Wheel with subdivisions of 12º, 24º, 36º and 72º, giving rise to temporary fractals.

Now, the 12 and 72 Princes are not eternal evil personalities dwelling in celestial thrones, but rather frequencies of distorted Light in space-time, forming a COSMIC EGO, which manifests in the form of certain entities and personalities. And it is generated by the Stellar Recycling Wheel Machine, the Serpentine movement of the astral Time that literally twists the Light and Life emanated from the Source, leading to a FALSE YHWH.

he who forms the Light and creates darkness, he who causes well-being and creates calamities, I am YHWH, he who does all this (Isaiah 45:7)

Interestingly, the word demon comes from daimon, which wise men linked to the character that determines the fate of a person.

Character is for man his daimon, his destiny (Heraclitus).

That is why some narratives speak of the 72 demons and 72 Names of God, destined to fight them.

But what was the result of the fight?

The Adamic-Prometheic Fall

When they are not enlightened, the 12 Dark Psychotypes fragment forming fallen personalities, the famous imprisoned spirits, which are the astral intelligence of humanity tied to earthly animality by the effects of time-space forces.

And how did that astral intelligence get embodied?

Ancient myths convey that the 12 and 72 demonic characters were fought by men-gods like Hercules in his 12 Works; Ulysses, capable of defeating 12 suitors in a bow contest; and Yakob himself, who when he defeated his inner man, given the name Israel, which represents the Elohim: lunar forces or Isis forces, solar forces or Ra and planetary forces, El. And from Israel the 12 tribes of Israel.

However, the battle of the Magi against Warlocks and Gods against Demons began because previous generations of men-gods somehow transmitted their astral intelligence to human creatures. We hear Prometheus (Pro-mind) stole fire from the gods of Olympus after his brother Epimeteus (human higher Mind) linked to carnal humanity, opening the box of Pandora, the giver of carnal passions or god Pan. An act that was punished by Zeus, king of the 12 Celestial Rulers, who chained
Prometheus to a rock, sending an eagle (predatory spirit) to devour his liver (low passions), which regenerated over and again.

That is a clear allusion to how the astral mind fell to the earth, trapped in the recycling soul cycles, which we will see later.

Echoes of the same story are found in the myth of the first higher human, Adapa, who, by modifying natural forces and obeying Enki, did not accept Anu's gifts and was deprived of immortality. Just like the first Adam of Genesis,  tied to the earth after listening to Eve, who had mixed with the Serpent, which encouraged them to disobey Yhwh Elohim and eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, that is, mix with the world of time.

All those characters have in common that they succumbed to the forces sent by the Princes of Time, whether they were Yhwh Elohim, Zeus, etc. And as a result, their higher nature entered a cycle of recycling and reincarnation in humanity.

And due to the mixture of the astral and earthly natures, the heroes were represented with archetypes half man half animal. Similarly, the god Enki sometimes appears as a Waterman or Aquarius, while his descendant, Enkidu, is a man with goat legs, who fights against the Leonine passion.
Enki also appears as Goat-Fish, that is, as Capricorn, the sign that marks the so-called Gate of the Godly men. And it lies in the Underworld of the Astral Wheel. Not by chance Enki was the god of Abzu, the Abyss, and considered Lord of the Earth and the seas, as Poseidon in the Platonic myth of Atlantis.

Such are the psychic seas of a Collective Unconscious, but also reference to ancient amphibious beings from whom humanity descends. They dwell in dimensions within the earth as well as the Collective Unconscious, from where they continue to influence humanity. I know this from first hand experiences, encountering some of these beings.

On the other hand, Cancer was spoken of as the door of human souls, living with visceral passions on the earth's surface, but having the intelligence transmitted by Enki, Prometheus, Poseidon, etc.

And it was precisely the astral intelligence of those first Morning Stars what helped humans raise the Tower of Babel, the Confusion of Languages. That is why in the myths Enki and Prometheus appear as the god instructor of humanity, geneticist, and founder of Religion, Arts and Sciences, including teachings on the Evolution of the Soul through Reincarnation.

And according to that old prometheic-luciferian paradigm, every Bearer of Astral Light is a Solar Hero, a Morning Star that must fight against the Elohim, planetary and lunar forces, working on each of the 12 zodiacal houses to get out of the Wheel.

According to this astrological science, the Soul that is reborn under the influence of the moon of Aries, for example, must balance his visceral passions with what is learned in his previous life, in the opposite House, Libra, the balancing psyche. And he who was born under the moon of Aquarius, must counteract his
overflowing imagination and mental-emotional passion  with the Light of Leo, the self-affirming protective consciousness. And so on.

But such a feat of passing the 12 tests is only possible for a solar son Samsón or Hercules, who were not preciselt an example of brilliant Life. And proof their old paradigm never worked is that humanity is still sunken into chaos, despite so many solar gods.

Wheel and Temple of Sacrifice

Considering psycho-historical data and our own experience, reincarnation is a dual and cruel system where the possibilities of evolution are very limited, even for promising souls, many of whom came from other planets to help, and have not been able to escape yet.

The example of Atlantis is perfect, because in spite of being developed with spiritual technology by godly men, it was destroyed and today lies in oblivion under the waters of Cuba and other Atlantic regions.

All in spite of the attempts of those god men to appease the natural forces.
In Book X of the Republic Plato tells how certain souls came from astral dimensions, and when they arrived here they wanted to maintain their status as king-gods, becoming tyrants and lords who dominate and oppress the masses with their religious sciences and politics.

Once upon a time the gods were taking over by lot the whole earth according to its regions,—not according to the results of strife [...] they reared us up, even as herdsmen [109c] rear their flocks, to be their cattle and nurslings; only it was not our bodies that they constrained by bodily force, like shepherds guiding their flocks with stroke of staff, but they directed from the stern where the living creature is easiest to turn about, laying hold on the soul by persuasion, as by a rudder, according to their own disposition; and thus they drove and steered all the mortal kind ( 109 b-e, Critias, by Plato)

And many rulers began to be in charge of sacrificial temples, which were instituted in Atlantis by the god Poseidon, as
Plato tells in that Dialogue, Critias.
By these means they intended to feed disturbed astral gods and appease planetary forces. Yet Atlantis was destroyed by a cataclysm. And as Plato said, it was rather because of the degeneration of souls that were dominated by their animal passion, losing their divine astral nature.

And the same happened with the Temple of Solomon, who erected it with areas of animal sacrifice for a false people of Israel. According to the soul of the Torah or Zohar they had begun to worship the Golden Calf, EGL: Ayin Hara or Evil Eye; the Guilui Arayot or forbidden unions with astral beings, the fallen gods; and Lashon Hara or perverse language.

That made them worship fallen gods as well as the Oppressing Planetary Intelligences that form a world of death and which many consider the only Creator. A belief that remains until today in religions and their stone temples.

All stone temples repeat rites of blood, humiliation and sacrifice and are actually based on the fallen technology of Atlantis, which is merely a copy of the great Recycling Wheel, the largest Temple of Sacrifice.
Even the Book of Genesis, Proverbs 9 and the Sumerian Myths describe how the first cosmic Architects sacrificed their victims, killed their beasts, mixed the blood and formed a world where energy is refined by confining rebel souls on planets like earth, where energy stagnates full of pain and suffering. And how many manage to evolve in these circumstances?

Despite Nature provides a capacity for evolution, granting a spark of astral Light to earthly beings, it is always within a Wheel where a Blind Stepmother operates with its laws of cause and effect: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Cosmic Karma.

Therefore, the great deception of every religion is based on laws of debt, payment and retribution through the worship of fallen gods or Cosmic Ego itself, the Stepmother who determines how each element of the psyche dissolves if there is no evolution of awareness.

The distorted Word YHWH is called the Creator of the World as well as the Potter of souls, which are unfortunately perishable.
Solomon, the great fallen king, recalled that:

Remember your Creator before the silver cord is snapped, the golden bowl is broken, the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, the wheel (gilgul) broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit (ruaj) returns to Elohim who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the prophet all is vanity (Ecclesiastes 12: 7)
When the judgment of physical death arrives, if there is no cohesion of the soul components, each element returns to its source. A fact that was known even in Egypt, where the union of the spiritual Ba or Mind with the Ka or vital soul was promoted to form an immortal Soul called Akh. Hence he derived the Hebrew idea of Merkaba and Kabalah. It's a topic that I already described in the video Uniting the Soul Twins:

This refers to the text of Solomon, saying that the pitcher or physical body disintegrates, like a silver cord, the lunar astral connection, linked to the gold bowl, which is the solar astral body.

Those are the bodies of which Paul spoke in 1 Corinthians 15. And as a general rule there is only a little more than the physical body and the vital soul or nefesh, which often perishes by living a passionate life. As we read in Ezekiel 18:20

the vital soul or nefesh that sins will die; the son will not bear the sin of the father ...
As for the ruach or personal spirit with embryonic conscience, it returns to the Elohim who gave it, but only to be reintegrated into another human and keep evolving, carrying its memories, impressions from previous existences.

So in this system dust returns to dust, whether stellar or earthly. As Paul said: men are only given to live once and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

Breaking the Wheel

Everyone who discovers the Blessed Being in himself, discovers himself as His emanation, and not as mere created being or creature. Only a being emanated from the Primordial Source can understand this and recognize the Truth. While every hybrid or demonic soul will reject this as a lie or meaningless, going to eat religion and pseudospirituality.

Interestingly, all this dual, fallen, sacrificial creation is what prophets began to denounce. In Isaiah 53, Divine Conscience is compared to a Lamb taken to the slaughterhouse and subjected to torment by the existential verb, YHWH, the 72 Demonic characters.

he who forms the Light and creates darkness, he who causes well-being and creates calamities, I am YHWH, he who does all this (Isaiah 45:7)

But do not forget the Word is the distortion of the true YHWH, whose Love, Life, Light and Serenity do not give rise to darkness.

The greatest revelation of this came from Yeshua,, or Yshua (in Aramaic). He not only expelled the merchants from the temple, because they sold sacrificial animals, but also burst the system of debts (hubim) associated with the Reincarnation, because the growth of inner Messiah is not based on
Karmic contracts.

We see that in John 9, when the disciples ask him if a man was born blind because he or his parents sinned. And then Yshua replied: Neither did he sin nor his parents; but he is blind so that the works of the Divine Being manifest in him.

And those works are the manifestation of the Divine Soul, which breaks the chains with conscious love and humility, canceling all transgression. And this means the only sense of darkness is birthing true Light, just as the husks of the seeds fall on earth and are broken so that the flowers and trees are born.

And obviously, the question of the disciples imply that they had in mind the pre-existence of the soul in the Gilgul, an idea that was accepted by members of the Church, as Origen, who in fact spoke of the idea of the preexistence of the soul to explain why people live virtuous or unhappy experiences.

But it was in the 6th century when Emperor Justinian decreed the elimination of all references to reincarnation in the New Testament, to promote social control through belief in heaven and hell. If you obey the church
like a sheep, you go to heaven, otherwise you go with Satan forever.

Ironically, in reality hell or gehenna is a state of unconsciousness that can be experienced both in wakefulness and in residual subexistences of 4D. And the recurrence of false-personalities on 3D is another hell.

Yet, as we have seen, the person does not reincarnate, since there is simply a recycling of energies or a rebirth, a reactivation of infra-personalities linked to divine Soul.

Only a Divine Soul can reconnect consciously as part of the gestation process, and it does not incarnate in the physical body, but into the astral body of the person.

In the next essay we will see how Yshua demonstrated the steps of gestation or Ibur of the Soul, from its embryo state to the Divine Man. For the gestation of the nefesh or vital soul is not enough, not even the gestation of the ruach, which is the personality with an embryo of conscience. It is necessary to develop the mind of understanding or Neshamah to remember the Soul Journey and be able to stabilize the true Life (Jayah) that expresses the will of the Holy One, who illuminates all darkness without ever being deceived.

Only by remembering our Being emanated from the Primordial Origin can we grow and escape the cycle of death, realizing that the Word YHWH or Great I Am reflects everything, whether harmonious or distorted. It´s up to us to see reality as it is.

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