Sunday, February 2, 2020

Mirror Threshold 0202 / 2020

Not many of us have noticed today the mirror cycle date. And according to mathematical mathematics, it only happens every 1000 years. This case is even a powerful threshold. 


First of all, we predominance of 0, 2, 20 and 22.
The 0 is the numerical archetype of divine potential, mirroring or stagnation, as we saw in the video Know your destiny...:

The 2 indicates manifestation, realization of potential, cooperation and reflection on the object, but also doubts, emotional dependence...

As for the 20, the archetype of Judgement, it indicates the need for review as well as the need of recognition from parents and others due to a lack of self-recognition of the great richness inside.

And 22 is the archetype of the one who jumps into the adventure, becoming master builder of a creative of Life, or rather a Fool, that ends up ignoring who he is, lacking confidence and life aims.

With this in mind, we already have all the keys. As always, the left side tells about the feminine aspect, the manifest, while the right invisible side is masculine. And as we see on the date, the potential of creative vitality, the emotional side is in red numbers, indicating sadness, anger, low passions, unconsciousness, insecurity ...

So it is necessary to bring the masculine side into the feminine side, by means of willingness to cooperate, discipline to lead vital energy, intuitions to manifest, sharp conciousness to become more sensitive...For in true reality, masculine and femine are one, as we saw in the previous episode.
Thus we connect the Malkut, Kingdom of death where life is trapped, with the rest of the Tree of Life, the 99% of the Reality we do not usually see, just as the 99 sheep that came to rescue the one that got lost, as Yeshua himself taught.

Well, what calls for more attention in this threshold is how the number 22  indicates us the need to stay focused on the creative process of organization, construction, with strategy and a specified project. On the contrary, we will be beaten by the shadow of 22, which is a lack of confidence, loss of vital bricks, lack of purpose, which lead to a lack of vitality and illness.

And being 2020 a year of synchronicities, reflctions of the inner on the outer, this threshold we cross accentuates it further.

It even seems a variety of chaotic events reflect th inner chaos, deviating the attention towards external existence: the Corona virus, Kobe Bryan´s death, the recent attacks in Europe... And what else? 

Where are we looking at? Inside or outside? What archetypes are we manifesting from the Unconscious throne, the Humanity of Light or cranky Daimons?

So, let´s be watchful, for the Mirror Reality is always willing to show Truth in synchronicities. And the more aware we become, the more the Voice of the Planet is heard, as the higher Mind and Heart capture its messages.


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