Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sublime Being Amor (Yhwh) vs Shadow Existence (Hwh) Roma

Now, this is related to what on a lower level of consciousness is usually translated as Fear of the Lord, Yirat Yhwh. Some say it is fear of offending God. We might say fear of harming the Divine that dwells in us and others, fear of turning away from Love. But as the apostle Simon said, there is no fear in Love. So it is rather a sense of awe and reverential humility before a sublime Immensity. And this awareness makes us turn away from destruction.

And this is the essential part of the Tetragrammaton. As we have seen, the four letters, Yud, Hei, Vav, Hei express the steps of manifestation: intention in the heart, organized in the mind, then it is emotionally formed and finally these bring it into manifestation. The divine Word makes real everything it touches, just from the initial intention.

Not by chance it was said: you shall not take the Name of Yhwh Elohym in vain (Exodus 20: 7).

And many wonder: What name? Name of whom? Why shouldn't it be taken in vain?

Well, in Hebrew a name, shem, is not a label on someone or something, not even a God, but a vibration, a state of being, the essence of something. And Yhwh basically means to be fully, because it comes from Hawa: to be, and it can be permutated as Hawaya: existence. It also contains It Was (Haya), It Is (Hovve) and It Will be (Yihie). So, this means the Divine essence is always. And that is precisely the meaning of Love, Amor in Spaish which comes from all romance languages, and it A-mort, absence of death.

And if there is no death, there is Life, which reveals itself with the quality of Light, leading thus to serenity, Shalom. So this is timeless, without shadow of variation, as Jacobo said in referente to the Father of Lights.

Therefore the vibration of Yhwh is I am always immortal and self-subsistent, Source of all loving, living, bright and serene beings. And that is why it is called Father of Lights.

And those qualities are Being in the full sense. Even Paul addressed the Greeks saying the followers of the Universal Messiah worshiped the unknown god, to whom the Greeks dedicated an altar without a name. And obviously that god was the famous Being the Hellenitic sages spoke about. Specially the venerable Parmenides, for in the Vth century B.C., he made a poem where he said that only Being one  and complete is absolutely, while what we feel with the five senses is relative because it fades away.

And precisely in that context Paul added: in Him we live, move and are… his lineage (Acts 17:28).

Now, the Vibration of Being Loving Life in serene Light should not be taken in vain because when only one of its qualities is missing, when only one of the Elohym, the forces of the Divine Word, are nor perceived, then the shadow of Yhwh Existence shows up. In fact, Hwh, Hoveh, means ruin and calamity.

I am Yhwh, the one who generates the light (electromagnetic) and forms darkness (Isaiah 45: 6-7).

Therefore, the concealment of the qualities Being leads to the Shadow of existence.

For example, if there is Love in us but Life and Serene Light are not felt, then we are filled with an insatiable desire, the energy of the Serpent, which destroys us, because the fullness of being is not recognized.

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you; if you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you (Gospel of Thomas).

Life disconnected from Love and serene Light, becomes dark, painful, resentful and agitated. The Maiden in the Ivory Tower.

The Light without Love and Life is a play of lights and shadows, a simulation full of chaos and agitation, false Wisdom and Knowledge based on external data.

Moreover, no one or nothing exists apart from the act of Being. Even the unreal seems real when we say it is this or that: feel I am darkness, and you will become dark; feel I am weak, and you become weak, without manifesting true vital force to come out of lies. If someone says to us: You are an idiot, and we believe it, we are making it real, for we feel as idiots and depressed.

But when we Feel I Am in the Great I Am, we no longer feel separate, we taste our divine Being, even if it is only a glimpse. But this must be without pride. By understanding we are not on our won, we realize we are because the Great I AM is us.

Before Abraham was: Ena, I Am (John 8:58)

Curiously, in Spanish, the expressions I am, Beings and We are Yo Soy Seres Somos. And notice how they are palindromes, they read the same way back and forth. And this is because being is Univocal, like the true Universe.

But when we feel I am in Pride, then Being is no longer univocal, and then we see ourselves as something separate, perceiving from a state of lacking and demanding: I am sick, give me health; I am superior, I am inferior, give me your attention; I am a sinner, give me forgiveness; I'm a victim, give me love…

And that attitude turns us into objects, not beings. Curiously, in Latin, res means thing, and res is the reverse of ser, being.

Actually society treats people as things and cattle...

This comes from the Babylonian system that was passed into Greece and Rome. And notice how  Roma is the opposite of Amor, Love. No coincidence here.

So let us feel the Yo Soy Seres Somos. Being univocal.  Back and forth.

The Self is One and homogeneous says the poem of Parmenides, whom no one understood.

A truth present in the most famous Hebrew prayer:

Listen Israel (Souls that overcome darkness) the Full Being (Yhwh Elohym) is a Being Oneness (Yhwh Ejad) - Deuteronomy 6.

Precisely, in Hebrew Ahaba (Love) has the same numeric value as Ejad (Unicity), and it is 13, like the value of Einai, which is Being in Greek.

13 is the Sphere of Totality, the Seed that contains the 12 fruits of the Tree of Life; the Space that embraces the 12 edges of a cube ...

So by feeling the loving space of living Life, without rejecting anything, not even pain, we see that it is not possible to escape the Reality that encompasses and connects everything in Oneness (Ejad) making Life flow towards Unity (Yajid).

And this fills us with true confidence in the flow. So we´ll have to see how this translates into true Faith and Hope, as opposed to false faith and false hope.


  1. Greetings Brother Fernando!

    Just wanted to take a moment and Express Thankfulness and Gratitude to one in Univocal back and forth!

    What a Great message filled with Awe moments throughout!

    , we realize we are because the Great I AM is us.Wow!!!

    The divine Word makes real everything it touches, just from the initial intention.

    Even if only a glimpse!!!

    On another note my YouTube comments have not been showing up on EnAarmony?

    Trying to get that resolved!

    And still want to get together asap for back and forth=Univocal!

    Speaking of Univocal reminds me of music and noticed your intro was different?

    Is that a piece of the new composition you spoke of a little while back?

    Looking forward to hearing that!

    Hope this message finds You Well!!!

    True Amor and True Blessings Always in The Great Divine One!!!

  2. Greetings brother Frank,

    I appreciate your words.

    And yes, the intro is a brief section from an old impro. It´s entire in my music channel. It´s called Divine Whispers:

    I checked if some of your youtube comments went to spam folder but they are not there. Anyway, many of those working on the Light side are having some troubles with techonology and Internet latel. Many dark thoughts towards us can block systems sometimes. It sms some are too scared about the wave of Light which is growing.

    Blessings in the Holy One
