Sunday, September 13, 2020

Remember your Tree Origin, Handle Psycho-Physical & Energetic Implants

 Origin of Light & Chaos

 Today it's time to speak about the implants in a deeper and more practical way. There are physical, psychological, etheric and karmatic implants. So we have to understand this from the root and in order to do so I'm going to answer a couple of questions of general interest. 

 A person was asking if this material world in which we live has been originated by the seven Kings of Edom which I mentioned, and if they are the fallen Elohim, and also if they caused the Tzimtzum Bet which is a concept coming from kabbalah. And the answer is yes, even though I consider this from an experiential point of view because I lived what hebrew sages called Tzimtzum Alef and Bet. At least that's the memory one has. 

For those of you who don't know, Tzimtzum is seen as a contraction or reduction of light frequecy which is necessary for the manifestation of multiplicity, forms. However, I´m not sure the Holy One had to reduce the vibration of the Infinite Light (Ayn Sof Aur), but simply emanatethe Divine Mind, which expands within the Cosmic Womb, the Mother Life, the Bosom of the Father, where it grows as forms of living light. And this is something I remember.

Since very early childhood I have memories in which I am suspended as a light within a greater Light, in front of a Source of very intense Light (the Primordial Father), as well as His powerful force coming towards me, emanating understanding, love, compassion... And as a lesser light I didn't understand all that. But now I see one was meant to grow in understanding, coming to this world to help. I was a seed of light. This is why in ancient times sages spoke about the logoi spermatikoi, the seeds of light which are the collective body of the Divine Mind, but they have to grow and thrive in worlds which originated later, in different contractions of light known as Tzimtzum Bet.

It seems obvious some intelligences did not develop the Tree of Life from the Primordial Light because they didn't understand love and true light. Thus they were somehow hijacked by darkness. Actually I remember that when I was in that light, there were regions in which the light was not so intense and it became darker and darker so to say, as it went away from its Primordial Source. And we can deduce there are some regions in which the intelligences of light go in the opposite direction. They go towards darkness and it comes a point in which they disconnect,  and they open their own portals of space-time, a and develop their own matrix, their own reality, which is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, the fallen world. This was the famous "throwing of the Kosmos", usually mistranslated as Foundation of the World. In any case it's the foundation of the false world, but it's not the original Kosmos, for in the original reality everything is interconnected and there is no hijacking, there is no control, there are no lords, no kings.

Actually the seven Kings of Edom that fell, losing their spouses (bodies), as told in Genesis 36, are a symbol of those spheres of reality that fell outside and built up
the Tree of knowledge of Good and Bad, Light and Darkness, the World of Caos described in Genesis 1: 

In the origin, Elohim (gods) generated the heavens and the earth, and the earth was chaotic (tohu) and desolate (vohu), and DARKNESS was over the face of the Abyss (tehom). And the Spirit of Elohim (gods) was overing over the face of the waters.

This was also what brought Hellish realms or Hades into existence, and therefore many fallen entities which were destroyed, even thought their energies survived.

In the Tree of Knowledge, those who have power  and dominion absorb the energy from others, and when they are no longer useful, they are destroyed.

Identifying out Tree Origin

Now, all this relates to the second question. A person asked how can we distinguish those who come from the Tree o Knowledge of Good and Bad and those who come from the Tree of Life. And in order to understand this we have to remember that in this fallen world the seeds are mixed up,  because Adam, the Universal Soul o Humanity, fell into animal vessels and mix up with genetics from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. These are known as the genetics of the serpent. And this took place in several species. Adam incarnated in several species. And eventually that soul fragmented and inherited impulses from the Tree of Knowledge of Good (ha tob) and Bad (ha ra), whereas ra means ratzon atzmi, wish to receive. So the energy of the Serpent is always chasing good, finding no satiety.

And here we also have within ourselves the Seed of the Woman, which is light of the Shekinah, the Divine Presence that belong to the original Soul of Humanity. But we also have impulses from the seed of the serpent, and it's rather easy to identify them, although sometimes they are disguised as we are
going to see.

We have to identify everything that comes from the tree of knowledge of good and bad. But remember also what the Master said: if you are not born from the water and the spirit, you shall not enter the Sphere of Divine Abundance, the Malkut in the Tree of Life, which is translated as the Kingdom of God. But that's means translation because in the Tree of Life there is no kingdom, there are no kings or queens. In any case there is Holarchy, an organization of holons, wholenesses that belong to a greater wholeness and express the Life, Love, Light of the whole. But they have to grow like seeds. That's the logic behind nature, which comes from the Tree of Life, not from the Tree of Knowledge, which is dominated by beings which make copies of those forms that come from the Tree of Life. So here we see trees, but they are mortal, whil the Tree of Life is not mortal. All beings in the Tree of Life are immortal. So being born from the water means that there must be a cleansing of consciousness so we can experience the original seed of the woman and then a further birth, being born fully from the Spirit of Life, Ruaj, the Higher Emotional Conscience.  And this implies the development of the Divine Mind, the Logos which must grow within the womb of this world and within the conscience in ourselves. We can call serene consciousness and conscience in us as the Daughter, the feminine inheritance from the Divine Mother, the Divine Presence. And then the son is the divine mind
growing within that conscience. But the Son is actually the Light of the Father Source. So we are establishing
a relation with divine intelligence within ourselves. And thus we can start to experience wholeness. 

And now we can of start identifying the impulses from a tree of knowledge of good and bad very easily. For instance, compassion can be disguised. If we have compassion for those of our family or our tribe our social group and do not have compassion for animals or beings that do not belong to our social group, that's not the true compassion from the Tree of Life. 

The Tree of Knowledge of good and bad has mixed up impulses. And people think that if a person is good, that means the person has something divine. But this is not necessarily the case. In the Tree of Life we do not look for the good because if there is good there is bad. And in this world everyone is chasing good, as they understand it, even the serpent mind. Nobody does evil for the sake of evil.

However, in the Tree of Life there is wholeness. So there is a compassion that can reintegrate even fallen energies into the wholeness, for all comes from one single Light. So there is no point in judging anyone. Adversaries already judge themselves with their actions. So even a soul coming from the Tree of Knowledge can be reintegrated into the Tree of Life as long as they have a Seed of Conscience grafted inside. Some people are born with the seed of the Tree of Life. Many humans have this seed of Conscience. But not everyone. Some people have a soul from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad and these are souls which usually hate others very easily; they are very tribal, very animalistic; they consider themselves superior to others just because they have a different color in the skin or because they belong to some party or another. Actually most of the problems in this world come from people who do not have a seed of conscience anymore. They have psychopathic natures and they are completely from the Tree of Knowledge. 

 Some souls originating this earth but many of the souls from the Tree of Knowledge did not originate in this planet. They came from mars and even other star systems, because they already were causing problems in those places and they were somehow punished or exiled to this place, so they could be armonized. And many of them not only did not became armonized, but they became worse since they turned against the cosmic growth of life. And therefore they didn't pass the test. Some of them lost any chance of reintegration and they try to kill all those who have just a trace of divine life within,  and even chase those who are starting to grow from the spirit in a deeper way. 

 Once the divine mind begins to grow and act upon the vital nefesh, the vital soul wish, then the Spirit of Life
begins to grow as well. And the fallen lords f this earth try to kill the spiritual babies before they become  the Man Child. That's why we hear about the slaughter of the innocents, ordered by King Herod, or the baby in the Womb of the Woman,  chased by the dragon in the Book of Revelation 12. There are intelligences which chase those who can become divine sons. And as it was said, the woman suffers the pains of labor until the manifestations of the divine sons. The sons of the true Father are the souls developing the mental aspect, not just the daughter, but the Divine Son within. And once you start to perceive aspects from the deeper spheres
then you crave for solid food, you no longer want the religious milk, which is for babies. Most people in religions are babies. They have some degree of conscience but it's so contaminated that in most cases they do not look for deeper understanding and that's why their divine child remains in a state of embryo soul. So the process of spiritual birth stops and  they have to return.

Managing Implants

Now in order to grow we need to get rid of everything which is not from the Tree of Life or at least learn how to manage those implants that are keeping ourselves from growing.

And there are physical, psychological, etheric and karmatic spiritual implants. So let's start with the physical implants. 

Most seekers do not even suspect that the first implant is the physical brain, with several parts which mostly invite impulses from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. Yet we have a parasympathetic nervous system that can armonize the sympathetic nervous system, even though in most cases we have reactions which are automatic, mechanical and they can only be armonized by means of conscious awareness. But this doesn't take place automatically. We have to pay attention and discern. Clever witnessing would be the best expression. Watch...Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, said the Master. 

And we also have to realize that the food we are consuming usually is not prepared for the human body. Actually, when Adam, the Soul of Humanity, fell into the physical dimension, the consciousness of Adam was cursed: you shall eat lechem with the sweat of your forehead. Lechem is translated as bread but it means cook food. And this is due to several conditions and catastrophes that took place. Originally the Adamic species did not eat cooked food, they could live out of the energy of Life and also small amounts of fruits, most of which were not physical. They starting to consume physical fruits because of the fall. And that became even worse. After the catastrophes that destroyed Lemuria and Atlantis, the bodies became more physical and humans  started to consume cereals and legumes, which contain starch, a mucus forming substance that also forces the body produce its own mucus in order to self-protect. And this mucus started to accumulate in the organism, causing obstruction of vitality. And that was the origin of many diseases, many mental problems. And this event became worse when after the so-called Mabul or Noah´s flood,  humans started to consume animal protein. They were allowed to kill animals to survive because of
the hard conditions. But then animal protein began to be mixed with the accumulated mucus and this generated a greater load of toxicity, which is transmitted from mother to child through the milk.
Human milk contains a huge amount of nutrients but also the mucus accumulated by the mother as well as other substances which were not originally present in the human body. And this made things more difficult
the human mind began to be affected. 


This does not mean it's not possible to handle the situation. We can reduce the amount of starch that we eat and reduce also the amount of animal protein, learning how to purify little by little the accumulation of
mucus, using leafy green salads to neutralize acidity. But this depends on the person. Not everyone can do this in the same way. For instance I used to eat a lot of rice and pasta. But I no longer do it. This doesn't mean that occasionally I cannot eat some of that. I consume some bread daily, but I try to avoid processed foods and try to eat more vegetables without starch. Starches are only for generating satiety and I try these are in a lesser quantity. I eat very small amounts of animal protein, mostly eggs, and hardly any dairy. Anyway, this requires a method. It cannot be done
as many people tries. This is not a question of becoming vegan or radical vegetarian. I follow the principles of Arnld Ehret adapted to modern times and personal methabolism. Many people caused problems because they tried to accelerate the process of detoxification by eating too much raw fruit or experimenting with fasting without understanding.  And they end up with more problems. In any case, cereals and legumes should be highly reduced, as well as meat coming from chicken and cows, because these contain also antibiotics, just asdairy products. And antibiotics are precisely what has
destroyed the digestive system of people. We absorbed
those antibiotics through meats and dairy. Even doctors are realizing this, since they found out that people are becoming insensitive towards antibiotics. So they have to apply other methods, such as immunity therapy, a future business for Luciferian health organizations.

But again, the problem still comes from people who consume antibiotics every day by drinking milk, eating cheese, chicken and other types of meat daily.


Another type of implant are substances coming from the pollution, toxic additives in the food, implants in the teeth, especially the fillings with mercury alloys. Those are very problematic, since they cause allergies, headaches, rashes. 

Mercury is also present in vaccines. And many of us
received vaccines when we were kids. So I wouldn't be surprised if many of the health problems that we experienced in some stage of our life derived from those vaccines, which are not so easily expelled out of the body, because we have accumulated much mucus and this slows down the detoxification process in the body. And conventional diets do not help to detoxify the body.

These are implants also exert an influence on the mind, as if they were drugs. Actually they can remain in the body for decades, just as substancesderived from synthetic drugs, tobacco and obviously also natural psychotropic drugs, but also conventional medicines, which people consume daily.

Later on I'll speak more about drugs but we have to take into consideration that these damage the brain and slow down all the self-healing process of life. Actually this sort of virus which is now famous and is taking control of a minority wouldn't be so problematic if people were more educated, if there was not so much propaganda, not so many distractions, more real information; if people were not so much saturated with mucus, medicines, and pollution which in many cases is put into the environment on purpose, to destroy the human race. And it has also been demonstrated that the arising of things like the common flu is very much connected to the excess of mucus. The obstruction of life in the human body. As the Master said: it is not what comes from the outside what makes people sick but what comes out of the heart, the jealousies, hatred negative judgments and many other things which
lead people into drug abuse, gluttony, the squandering of sexual energy etc.

 And by the way concerning the new vaccine which is being made for this famous virus which is now on the media, in many cases contains RNA, which can
alter the human DNA. Elon Musk, the famous
promoter of technologies, even said that
RNA is quite practical in treatments because it's making
easier to treat diseases as a software problem. And there we see the tail of Lucifer moving, because they want to turn human beings into robots whose health problems can be solved by computation systems, quantum technology. And this is going to be the next step of human implants. We'll see the fusion of Quantum Technology with human brains. And some even think this is going to expand the
consciousness of humanity, another big lie, just as the fallacy of consuming drugs to expand human consciousness. You can expand the mechanical knowledge of the world but not the living consciousness
of the true Divine Soul, which is not run by the principles of the fallen world. 

 So there is no point in consuming drugs to experience things that belong to a world of fallen lords. Shamans enter the realms of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad and end up affected, since it is run by the Serpent intelligence of this world. This is why shamans and those who experience with psychotropic drugs very often meet serpent beings which speak to them
as if they were in the Garden of Eden. Some even say that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was a sort of enlightenment coming from consumption of drugs. I don't think that was the case but but these realms
opened by drugs are controlled by Djinn species.


Besides, once a person consumes drugs these remain in the body for decades. It's very difficult to expel toxic substances with the way of living of
modern humanity. And this sometimes can even cause health problems or death in a long term. There have been cases in which some people have tried to detoxify the body when they were already 40 or 50 years of age
and they suddenly experienced many health problem. There having cases of dying from drug overdose in people who no longer consume drugs. What happened? They were not consuming drugs at that time but
they consumed them decades ago, and when they changed their diet or they experimented with fasting
or drinking smoothies or eating too much fruit, that toxicity went to the bloodstream and it caused the overdose. 

Moreover, drugs harm the neurons. It's not necessary to consume these serpent rubbish to expand the Divine Mind. Quite the opposite. We have to remove all possible implants from the Tree of Knowledge. And the development must come from the Tree
of Life which is full life and light, not contaminated by the fractal quantum world. It is pure essence, not quantity; it's pure qualitias, not quantitas; it's not basedon quantum entanglements. Anyway we can influence on the quantum world with the divine mind and change the quantum world, performing alchemical

Someday I'll  explain the difference between density of consciousness and dimensions but for now we have to understand there are other physical implants such as the tattoos or piercings. These come from ancient tribes which are run by the spirit of duality separation, run by spirits of deserts and jungles (urban or selvatic): I belong to this tribe, this place, this beliefs...Very often
people put some tattoos with serpents and even aliens. Not a very clever choice, since these exert a subliminal
subconscious influence. Once a person has the tatto, it can be removed or one can try to cancel the subconscious influence. Obviously there are tattoos which are more harmful than others but they still indicate one does not feel well with the own body.

And the same goes for body piercings, also used by ancient tribes. They pierce their noses, their ears as a distinctive sign of belonging to a certain group, but all tribes are run by fallen spirits. So when these marks
indicates one is a slave of some lord. And this is why many cattle cows wear a ring in the nose, so they can be pulled. Young people think they are cool or that they
are more free because they wear tattoos wherever
they want or piercings in the tongue and other places.
They think they are outside the system because of that
but it's the opposite. The system is comprised of slaves and lords. And in the Tree of Life there are
neither slaves nor lords. There is nothing artificial, nothing that comes from the outside. There is
neither outside not inside, everything is open. So from the point of view of the divine, nothing artificial is needed. Sometimes because of an accident, someone needs to have a replacement or something like that, but this is something different.

Now, apart from the physical implants there are psychological implants, which begin during
childhood. Babies have very pure consciousness.They are like sponges and absorb all influences very easily because they have no psychological resistances. And they have in many cases a pure seed of Conscience which can be developed easily when the appropriate conditions of education are present. 

However, parents are usually conditioned by many problems and they infuse that negativity into the baby. This is why around the two years of age babies begin to
rebel. And it's not because of the natural psyche of the babie, as some psychologists say. It's because parents already implanted into the baby the habit of reacting, the idea that they need external things to be happy, that they have to overeat. Parents feed babies as if they were chicken, turning them into gluttons, when this is not necessary. In many cases babies don't want to eat, but parents insist and  this creates resistances and certain reactions which turn out later on.

Realize how babies come to be very fat or they
are swollen. And this is because of an excessive mucus, mostly present in the milk, since the diet of the mother  consists of legumes, cereals and starches in general. And this mucus is passed into the baby. 

Many times babies cry because they feel the discomfort which comes from the obstruction of vitality, especially because of the food that they are receiving, which in many cases are strange mixtures, such as banana with rice  and very strange things people start to give to their babies.

And this adds up to the psychological problems derived from seeing parents quarreling. Babies can perceive the suffering of dad and mam unconsciously, but they don't understand what happens. And this is the problem. They also absorb discrimination, separation: "you are bad", "you are doing wrong",  "you have to do it that way"... And this is what splits the mind. It's not helping
the baby to discover the Tree of Life, by the understanding of spontaneous Life itself.

We all have been trained to be fearful and miserable. So it's not a question of judging parents. It's a question of understanding where the problems come from and then realize that there is another way.

Even some children are more intelligent than adults. And if you notice, sometimes  even babies watch adults as if saying: "what are they doing or how strange
these people are". In many cases little children have a soul which is much more developed than the soul of adults around them. And this is because they carry a soul which does not come from the parents. The problem is that it cannot be fully expressed through
the baby or the child because children do not have certain tools for expression. But the divine Soul is present. 

I remember moments of my childhood in which a greater intelligence was present. And now I know it was my Divine Soul, which has been guiding me during a whole lifetime, leading me through better paths, taking me out of situations of danger or death. I'm actually writing about all that. Unfortunately I was not always under the influence of the Divine Soul because we receive many implants and we develop false personalities which are really "daimonic personalities", full of contrary natures, the impulse to good and evil. False personalities are always run by fear, by submission or domination, and this begins in childhood. Very often parents give babies or children the impression that they are all knowing and all-powerful. And obviously children get disappointed when they see parents do things that supposedly they shouldn't be doing. And this is a great source of suffering and confusion, which leads to fear, submission, complex of inferiority, complex of superiority,  rebellion. All these impulses are all connected. If someone feels in fear, submitted to a lord or an educator, sooner or later that's going to explode. That's the complex of superiority. And it explains many acts of violence in the schools, the rebellion in teenagers, the phenomenon of gangs on the streets. And it all begins in the family scope and the attacks of the adversary, whose prime target is the family because once the structure of the family is broken then evil can proceed further.

Therefore we have to understand that humanity is being targeted by entities which in most cases are not human. But there are daimonic personalities in humanity because the Adamic soul mixed up with the astral serpent genetics long ago. And many souls came from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, perpetuating  the seed of the serpent, which is completely crazy and never finds satiety; it always wants more and more. So there are two seeds in humanity, even though humans are threatened even by entities which are invisible to most humans. These entities sometimes are energetic insects or parasites, and other types of entities, such as
the Djinn or Genii, which mixed up with humans in the Garden of Eden. They have an astral nature and this is why humans also have a fiery astral nature which is very passionate; the genius of a person often comes from that nature and it's not necessarily evil but it's very malleable. That's why the Tree of Knowledge is of Good and Bad. And Djinn can whisper evil things in the
mind of the person. Some of them are even incarnated in people but many live in a parallel frequency so to say; they can be around and many want humans to do evil things so humanity can be accused. Remember the seven steps of the adversary, mentioned
in the previous video: seeding the lie, believing the lie, discomfort, external accusation, transgresion of the law, liberation of energy that feeds evil, accusation in heaven).  This is in the passage of Isaiah 59: they lay serpent eggs, weave spider webs...

We live in a world full of traps, just as when we go to the jungle there are many insects many predators and we have to be aware of all that. But the problem in most cases comes because human beings get unprotected due to their attitude. They sell their will and consciousness by perceiving things the adversary wants hem to perceive, by feeding consciousness with distorted data. For instance, the destruction that is in the media, then sexual misconduct, which is all over.For instance, it is said that in the internet, 80% of the content is pornographic. So that's a clear indication there is an intention to destroy the human mind, to block the access to the Tree of Life.

And the same goes with the news which are constantly
bombarding human beings with catastrophes, wars, political, conflicts, hatred...They never show anything positive or constructive and if they do it's just a few seconds. So there is an intentional program to destroy the mind, encouraging humans to sell their consciousness and will, following the commands of the adversary. Thus the energy shield becomes weaker and that's when negative energies can enter very easily; negative energies coming from from planets, moon and sun, as well as other beings which lay their eggs and
parasites, their evil ideas, since they want to feed on our energy, because they do not have it or simply because they want to lead humanity into destruction.

Many ideas of the adversary have been implanted even in science. I have heard doctors say that onanism
is positive because it keeps the prostate healthy and it contributes to get rid of the excess of libido in youngsters or adults. And this proves how ignorant
these people are since squandering sexual energy not only devitalizes the body and decreases the energy field, allowing many negative entities to come in but it also feeds these entities. Masturbation is simply a desperate attempt to escape a problem which comes from another source: excess mucus in the body, which blocks the flow of vitality and therefore keeps the body from transforming certain energies which are necessary
for the well-functioning of the brain and all organs in general. So the problem is not libido but a wrong way of feeding ourselves, an excess of food; people eat three four, five, six times a day and therefore has an excess of libido, a blockage of energy, depression, hate frustration, all of which comes from not knowing how to live. So the problem is not the body itself but the lack of
understanding. And meanwhile the world of darkness grows because of the ignorance of people. This is why
the only way of getting rid of certain negative influences.

By ring the vibration of consciousness we can establish a communication between the daughter which is
the serene conscience and the Son, which is the divine mind growing within expanding with the 12 fruits. And
thus we also allow the connection of Primordial Father and Mother Life, which are true source of our blissful Being. 

Actually the Father incarnates as the Son within the Daughter energy that  comes from the Divine Mother, the Divine Presence. As long as these four aspects are in tune there is communication and flow of energy

This is what raises the vibration and dissolves negative energies, reinforcing the energy field, attracting armonious Elohim, natural intelligences that can protect us. We can even command protection or healing when we are in tune, listening to the true voice of conscience within, understanding who we are.

Therefore when we ask we should not ask for something that is not present.  We must ask as the Master taught, realizing that whatever we ask in tune with the tree of Life is already being done. And we have to ask not with the feeling of scarcity or fear but with complete security, complete assurance of what we are.

But we have to separate ourselves from fallen selves which are daimonic in nature and all this implies dealing with the energy from the Divine Soul, since we cannot serve two masters.

This is the elimination of the negative implants that the Adamic soul acquired in the past, some of them from our ancestors. And these were passed down to us, from our parents.

Other karmatic tendencies are inherited from past existences of the fallen Adamic soul and in the old paradigm that requires rectification, tikun, as they call it in Hebrew. But this is not always possible from the fallen Adaic soul. Only the Divine Soul is already free, clean and has paid all debts, being able to modify the Adamic soul. That's why it's known as the additional soul of the Messiah.  In kabbalah however  they keep working with the old Adamic soul and they try to rectify
the negative aspects of the fallen Adamic soul by performing certain rituals or by studying esoteric material. But there is a quicker way of doing. But this is for the next session.

Thank you very much for listening. And until the next day let's keep eating from the Tree of Life.

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