Sunday, October 18, 2020

Illusory bodies (physical, astral, causal) VS Body of Primordial Man, Adam Kadmon, Yhshw, Yeshou.



As we have been seeing, the spiritual teachings of the world always stay halfway. They speak to us of bodies and spiritual levels, of illumination and how many other things, but almost none of them manage to understand that the purpose of the human being on earth is to be the manifested Body of the Primordial Man, a complete expression of the Great Being, and therefore the manifestation of the Light of the Absolute, Being Without Limits, emanator of supra-conditional Love, the unaltered Life, the Integral Conscience and the Serenity.

If we remember, both the physical, energetic, emotional, mental-intuitive and beatitude layers are illusory. And surely you have heard of the astral body and the causal body. Well, in general there is a lot of confusion, but I will tell you that none of these bodies is the true Primordial Body that we are called to receive and gestate those that we already have seed of Original Conscience. But to understand that we must burn the straw.

On one hand we have what in the West the alchemists called the Astral Body, which is forged with substances from the stars, planets, moon, and it is a configuration that very few people fully develop. It receives many names, but it is basically the union of the energetic, the emotional psychic and the mental intuitive.

There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. 41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor (1st Crinthians 15:40)

The complete astral body can be considered as the Merkaba or lower chariot that brings together nefesh, ruach and neshemah of the Soul of the fallen Adam, in the Hebraic Kabalah.

In India they call it the subtle body or Shukma Sharira, which encompasses the energy layer or Pranamayakosha, the Manamayakosha or
psychological layer, and the intuitive layer or Vijnamayakosha.

And then there is talk of a Causal or Akashic Body, where "causes", "roots" of mental, emotional and physical habits are stored. This is where hypnotic regressionists try to access. In India they call it Karana Sharira and it is associated with the fifth layer, Bliss.

Many make the mistake if thinking they are enlightened just after accessing this layer. A naïve idea that generated many mysticisms.

Then there is a sixth layer of solar self-consciousness, and it was called Atman in India, Life Soul of Adam in Genesis, where Adam is said to have received the vital mind breath or Nishmat Jayim. Atem in German is to breathe. Atmos is Greece is vapor. And it is related to the Atmospheric consciousness.

Likewise, Atman is the divine Spirit in the Indian Vedanta. And is the solar god Atum or Aton in Egypt, where he was worshiped as On in Heliopolis, the Temple of the Sun. In Greece philosophers spoke of the to on, the Being, as what unites all things.

However, the Spirit of the World became the Soul of the World, because it fell, like the Adam Nefesh Jayah or Adam of Life who became Adam Ish-Isah and Adam-Jawah, Mother of all creatures with Living Psyche. The Spirit was as naked as Adam Man-Woman in the Garden. It lacked the support of the primordial body. Although many looked for a fourth replacement spiritual body using the energy of the serpent and managed to generate the illusion of enlightenment.

And many teachings assure that the sixth layer is already liberated, or that it has to be liberated by cleaning the previous layers, and is already one with the Absolute, and that if you perceive it, one can already say: I Am That, I Am God. I am the Absolute.

And well, maybe he is one with the God of the World, the Mother Mind, the Creator of this universe. And what is the point of worshiping what has produced so much chaos? But beware, don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning. I'm just saying that this is not the Primordial Being in its Original form. Furthermore, I emphasize, the Spirit and Soul of the World must be healed and returned to their source. But that requires work and inner discernment.

Many thinkers and mystics, in their lack of understanding, have believed themselves to be the Absolute and Monads or unitary beings, without manifesting just half of the uniqueness of Love, Life and serene Light of the Original Being. And in their excess of religious intellectualism, they philosophize about God, the Soul and the World, losing themselves in vain ideas about the levels of Consciousness, the need to make reparation, meditations and affirmations without a clear vision, to develop subtle bodies to be God or gods, and creator goddesses, etc. In all religions and spiritualities we find that. But none has given visible results, because even the followers of God, or a Messiah, claim to be "sinners and children of God" - how can we digest that?; the most enlightened claim to have to reincarnate to pay karma, even the Jews claim the righteous sometimes reincarnate into fish to tikun (reparation), without contaminating themselves with the world - how can we digest that?; even the most prominent gurus have found death without savoring the true Being of Life, believing themselves to be an impersonal nothingness, or the Absolute, or how many more follies that make no sense in a world that falls apart, with 3/4 parts of the population suffering in wars, poverty, madness, aberrations, and yes, with the help of a lot of religion, politics, doctors, scientists, and the remaining enlightened gang. Have you ever wonder to think there something is missing?

The ideas of the world do not lead to a development of the true inner Man, with Will, Conscience and Primordial Unity and Unicity. This has nothing to do with an impersonal and abstract consciousness, as promoted in naturalistic or shamanic philosophies and mysticisms, or in modern mixtures, such as the Course of Miracles, which even deny the existence of the Adversary. Bu being a person of the world, with beliefs in this God or that Saint is not the solution either. That's living in Alice in Wonderland, directed by lords with hidden agendas, tails and horns.

Why seek new philosophies and teachings when the Teaching of Original Light was already expressed by the man whom many call Yeshua, Iesou…? 

As He said:

If your Eye is complete, your whole body will be filled with Light.

Instead, the eyes of the flesh misrepresented Scriptures and teachings. Even the teachings of Buddha, the Awakened One, were falsified. Buddhists do not know Buddha, who was still one step behind Yeshua. Likewise, Romanized Christians and Jews also do not really know the true Messiah or Man of Understanding, which is what it means to be Messiah. All speak of "false external messiahs", "vicarious saviors" who have or have not arrived, according to the taste of each ideology. No one wants to take responsibility for being members of the Collective Body of Beings with understanding, for many sleep on religion, politics, Luciferic science, and entertainment culture. And as Paulo said:

Wake up, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and the Anointed One of Original Consciousness will shine on you (Ephesians 5:14)

This is the first step to grow as sons of the Son of Man, which is a developmental code, not a theological occurrence. It does not mean mere human, nor child of humanity, as many are teaching out there. As the Master said, the Son of Man must be raised up like the Serpent in the desert and he is the one who sows the good seed of Conscience so that it can grows and produce good fruits. We will become the Son of Man when our original Soul of Conscience is not a mere seed, embryo, nor a baby sucking from religious nipples, but a Child who eats the food of Light and grows like a Manchild Soul, the Mind of the Messiah that grows from the call Kingdom of Heaven or Malkut ha Shamayim, which in Hebrew Wisdom is associated with the Malkut of the mental plane of Beriah, and therefore has to do with developing the Mind over an emotional body:

Foxes have a den, and birds have a nest, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his Head (Matthew 8:20)

The goal is to grow with a vital body, heart and mind integrated into the Primordial Body of the Son of God, Adam Kadmon, whose Divine Soul is really His Image, in which dwell our true soul as well, and His Spirit is one with the Infinite. 

Therefore our true spirit, soul and body are an image of Adam Kadmon or Primordial Man´s Spirit, Soul and Body, which reach down to us. We don't have to reach it. Rather, we have to let it grow in us.

But I'll talk more about this in more depth, answering deeper questions that some people ask me. I will surely open a special section for it, clarifying notion such as Son of God, Son of Man, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven...


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