Friday, January 1, 2021

Kosmic Mankind as Universal Mashiah


In the previous episode we already saw some historical and incontestable evidence concerning the incarnation of the Universal Mind and Heart, which was fully revealed in a man 2000 years ago, but also in others in a more partial way, even in prehistoric ages, as wee will see. Today I bring for you some anthropological keys about the Cosmic Man and the function as Universal Messiah. I have been researching for many years now, receiving some revelations, and lately the neurons of Light have made me see many more details.  

 By now we should understand that the physical is determined by the spiritual, just as the genotype determines the phenotype. In fact there is a spiritual DNA known as Adam, spiritual genetics of humanity that got twisted by mixing up with material genetics. 

Actually, the human DNA has been altered even by genetic crossbreeds of animals and plants that humans have consumed for thousands of years, as well as psychological and spiritual habits. And the increase in rare diseases is not an accident. It derives from accumulated factors.

Therefore our guide must be the Original DNA of Light, which has been offered to humanity from the internal experience.

And with this we go straight into the subject. We must see the anthropological, psychological and ontological evidence on the Messiah, for these reveal the meaning of human life, the ontological reason of existing as humans. What is the human being and why do we exist on earth?

Some of us have been teaching about this since prehistoric times. But there were times when the Teaching of Light was buried due to catastrophes, human trauma and also dark influences.

Now, when people hear about the Messiah many associate it with the Jewish or Christian religion. Even many of those who speak of the Messiah are often unaware that his presence is both prehistoric and timeless. This is even stated by prophet Micah: 

But you, Bethlehem - Ephrata, although you are small among the families of Judah, the one who is to be ruler in Israel will come out of you. And its origins are from the East (My Qedem), from the days of eternity (Olam) (Micah 5: 2).

And this text says more than what is usually understood. First of all, Mi Qedem is usually translated as “from the beginning”, but it refers to the timeless Origin, the Primordial East or Spiritual North Pole, not the Geographical North Pole. I already spoke about this in a video. I leave the link down below. And it is precisely the true North what has been lost by a humanity that is immersed in vain beliefs, bloody religions, tyrannical policies, technological and destructive culture ...

Therefore, it is time to listen to what the true North Pole of Reality has to tell us, for it is our Cosmic Identity, which remains unchanged through all the Ages of Time. And the expression Bethlehem is actually Beth Lechem, the House of Cooked Food or spiritual Bread. It is an allegory about the spiritual work that cooks our inner psychology with the Fire of Consciousness and conscience. The internal cleansing sweeps away negative emotions and dark thoughts allowing us to listen to the Voice of the Universal Mind, the Logos or Intelligence that acts as a guide. And this is surely a meaning for the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi from the East, according to Matthew. Although since the astronomer Kepler said in 17th century that in 7 BC there was a great conjunction Jupiter Saturn many have said this was the star that marked the time of the Messiah´s birth. Curiously, the other day the conjunction was again repeated. And there may be a connection. Although as you can see, the allegorical symbolism is clear. And many of us know that the universal Life Intelligence first must have been fully  incarnated, speaking through a man 2000 years ago. And I stress man, not a baby in a manger, because as it was said: The Logos became flesh. And the Logos was an Action of Love, Life and primordial Conscience that no one had demonstrated before, until very mature turned up. And very few expected him, because as the Scripture says, even demons asked him: "what are you doing here, if it's not your time yet". And he told them to shut up.

But the strategy was to go ahead to sow seeds in darkness, guiding like a Star in the night, rectifying many of the distortions of the written Torah: you have heard that it was said to the ancestors, you shall not kill ... But I say that anyone who gets angry with his brother will be guilty before the supreme court ...

The Messiah brought a higher and inner esoteric understanding, psychological and non-ritualistic. Let's not forget that Messiah, Mashiach means there is a Brain, Yesh Moaj, that is, union of hemispheres that brings Wisdom and Understanding, but also Jayah/Life and Neshemah/Spiritual mind, the two previous Soul degrees before Yejida, the full Union with Primordial Source. That is why the Messiah is much more than the coming of a single man. In any case, it is a real Life Consciousness that on earth begins to manifest in a man and his followers, influencing many others, generating a butterfly effect. And thus He basically marks the pattern of the essential Word/Verb that reveals the Infinite Being with different functions: the Cosmic Spirit, Soul and Body, which in ancient language are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let's say that from the Ocean of Light or the Father Spirit, comes Life and Light genetics that give birth to a Life and Mankind of Light or Primordial Adam, in the bosom of such Father. And that Mankind is the Soul of the Father: I and the Father are one, said the Master. The so called Son of Adam is both son of the Primordial Father, and son of Adam, the Soul of Humanity, but in a rectified state, that is, the pure mental soul or neshemah that in many beings had been buried in the unconscious since Adam identified with an earthly body and energy in the Garden of Eden. It is there where the Adamic Soul acquired an image and likeness that was not his own, but of animal amphibian and serpentine beings.

So when Genesis 1 speaks of making Adam, Humanity, in the image and likeness of Elohim, it alludes to a humanity that was shaped according to the forces of the stars, since Elohim is Nature, ha Teba, which makes copies, similarities, fractals, all with the help of architects, micro and macro-intelligences. So Adam inherited the shadow or tselem of the world. That is why we have certain defects. And this is mirrored on our body. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. But we usually reflect more of the fallen cosmos. Genesis 1 also speaks of a 5th Day 5 where beings of earth, water and air are born. And these are incorporated into the Adam of Day 6: the reptoids represent the motor center, the fish bring the sexual center, the behemoths or beasts, provide the emotional center and the aerial beings are associated with the mental center. All species of beings are within us, and they were not mere animals. Some were what we now call Aliens.

And all these also represent the 4 Elements that became disorganized by selfish desire, Eros, which in Hebrew is ratzon ha lekabel, desire to receive. And this is reflected when it is said eretz, earth, became disordered and desolate, tofu vac vohu. And according to the Enuma Elish, the Sumerian creation myth and there stories, this was due to a catastrophe, a planetary clash in which our earth, moon appeared, being subject since then to cyclical catastrophes. Now, notice how Eretz is a permutation of Ratzon, will. But this must be armonized to be Ratzon ha lehaspia, the will to donate the wealth of Life. That is why the Tree of Life begins with our Being, the real I Am, which is Axis and North Pole, from where our Will and Conscience spring. We can say the essence of the Universal Messiah is to manifest the I Amness with Will and Conscience in a unique way. And in the Original Kosmos there is nothing broken in fractals, nothing dies, and all are holons, expressions of the whole, which obey the Will of the Father, or even manifest it, as the true Mankind of Light. And this true Kosmos is the body/vehicle of the Great Infinite Being, which has three functions: Spirit, Soul and Body. So the cosmic Body also has a cosmic Head, a cosmic abdomen and Limbs. But in the first manifestation, there was a break in the Solar Plexus and cosmic Soul, the Six central Spheres of Adam Kadmon, all because selfish races arose. There was a kind of Galactic catastrophe, and many beings ended up exiled in this solar system and finally on earth.

That is why a cosmic and earthly plan of action was required. And it has to do with restoring the Image of Cosmic Adam on earth, the ratzon ha lehaspia of true the true Life Being.

And with this vision we can understand the idea of the Messiah who is born to rule in Israel, which alludes to a spiritual state and has nothing to do with being born with Semitic blood, practicing Judaism or any other religion. He who conquers his basic passions and is capable of behaving like a human who begins to mature, being the Soul Image of the original Being of Light, begins to be part of the true spiritual Israel. There is no point in distinguishing between gentiles and non-gentiles, even though this is maintained by many who speak of messianism and kabbalah, but do not seem to understand what the Universal Messiah is. In Kabbalah it is often said that there is a Messiah ben Yosef, who is a spiritual seed, and a Messiah ben David, son of Light, who manifests himself in matter to free people from oppression, war, poverty ... And as we are still in a planet full of conflict, many argue that the Messiah has not arrived, or that it has arrived but is waiting to manifest. Some even quote the passage from Deuteronomy 18:15, when the Divine speaks to Moses and tells him: The Divine Word will raise up a prophet like me from among you; they will listen to him.

But this Prophet already came, raising up the Torah to its true level. Because what those who call themselves Jews know as written Torah, is a manipulated Torah, not the authentic one, which is written in our spiritual genes, in the new spirit that was put within us, as it is said in Jeremiah 31:33. This was also said by Paul: 

For why was the Law (the written Torah) given? It was added because of transgressions, until the arrival of the seed/descendants to whom the promise had been made, a law that was promulgated through angels by the hand of a mediator (Galatians 3:19)

Moreover, the first people of Israel on Earth, rejected the Torah of Light, and that is why it was given to people who did not even have Israelite souls.

This might be the reason why the Master said: I have some sheep that are not of this sheepfold.

We also must remember that in ancient times there were spiritual families that arrived in waves just after a great catastrophe in which the geographic and magnetic poles were altered, as there was a displacement of the earth's crust. We will see this some day. And we know they came from different regions of the cosmos, from the solar plexus or Universal cosmic Soul. And many were seeds of Light that had not fallen 6000 years ago, when the collective Fall of the Adamic Soul took place on earth, around the Age of Gemini, the twins, Adam and Hawa. Those messenger Souls came to help the fallen Adamic souls, who had separated from the Spiritual North Pole, the East, Qedem, the East of Reality, the Great I Am.

And here souls flourished in waves. The first were surely the antediluvian generations of Enoch and Noah. Enoch was even called Metatron, who is associated with the first apparitions of the Messiah. Metatron means before the throne, or also Custodian of Truth, Metathera in Chaldean. Down Below you have a link to a talk with Kyle Macias on Enoch, Metatron, the Merkava…

Now, after the flood, three types of souls arose, some more mental, others more emotional and others more physical-vital. But little by little they were recomposed in body, heart and mind, coming to incarnate Israel (Yashar El, effort towards Mercy, Hesed), and thus they developed great spiritual capacities. However, these souls came to be incarnated in Egypt and other cultures perhaps. And in all of them they worshiped false fallen gods, in temples that mirrored the stars and were used for religious rites. And later on, when the Moshe soul type helped them to get out of Egypt, many did not recognized the so called Torah written on sapphire stones, which are associated with a Soul Teaching, and they fell again worshiping the Golden Calf, the Religion of Orion, based on the cult of pre-Adamite Luciferic Lords or even fallen Adams with their own understanding, the false messiahs. And the Stone Torah was made for those with a heavy heart and for their followers, as well as other religions. They copied ideas from the true Teaching and with that they dominated religion and politics. Now, due to this second great fall, the fragmentation of the spiritual Adamic Soul was much greater, and therefore a healing of the collective tissue was required. But that could only be triggered by souls that were somehow deeper than Israel,  someone who showed the connection with the Primordial Intelligence, the Head of the Kosmos, and with the Infinite Being, which is the most real. And this could only be shown by a man, whose original genetics activated that of other people, awakening the collective body of the Primordial Son. That is why it was said: every spirit that homologizes, that speaks as, thinks as, feels as if the Messiah of Salvation had already come in the flesh, is from the Holy One, those who don´t, are from the Anti-Messiah. 1 John 4: 2

Anyway, I'll continue talking about the anti-messiahs in another video, because there is much to say, as well as about the Ages, which are connected to the Mashiah that remains as an immutable  North Pole.

For now, thanks for your attention. If this has been helpful, please give thumbs up. Subscribe if you want to receive notifications. I'll leave this written on the blog, the Music of Wisdom, when I have it ready. At the moment, you have the previous one. And in the meantime, let us continue to opening mind and heart for the flow of supraconditional Love, unaltered Life, integral Conscience and infinite blissful serenity.

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