Sunday, July 25, 2021

From Vibrations in Adam Kadmon/Primordial Man to the World of Chaos & Life Integration

                    Science of Primordial Vibration

Below I present a series of conclusions that took me many years to outline, uniting my experience and knowledge of music, armonía with Quantum and Kabbalistic science, especially the approach of Ari Zal or Rabbi Isaac Luria, a true kabbalist genius of the 16th century whose ideas are not only compatible with what Yeshua taught, but provide a very wide range of keys to understand vibration in relation to the Hebrew language and science.

Now, first we must understand that everything is vibration, but not every vibration or wave has the same frequency of vibration. There are long wave and short wave cycles. The shorter the wave, the faster the cycle and the more Light there is.

Another thing that we must distinguish is energy and matter. When the frequencies of vibration pass a certain threshold, they generate visible or invisible energy that shapes matter. Energy comes from the Greek energeia and ergon which is work on something, in this case on the substance, which when taking shape becomes manifested matter.

And the higher the density of vibrations, the lower the density of matter, the more Light. But the higher the density of matter, the lower the density of vibrations, and therefore the lower the Light.

When there is a balance of vibration, energy and matter, the Tree of Life blooms in its Absolute Abode. Otherwise there is "constriction".

This would already be a scientific basis to understand what was taught:

By the Word of YHVH the Heavens (Shamayim) and his hosts were made by the breath of his mouth (Proverbs 33: 6)

 In the origin was the Logos / Word… in Him was Life, through Him all things were made (John 1)

In the Origin he generated Elohim, the Heavens and the Earth. And the earth was without form (tohu) and empty (vohu) (Genesis 1)

How can the emergence of Chaos be explained from an Absolute Reality where there is only Light and Life Beings? What has happened?

Tzimtzum Alef and Tzimtzum Bet.

The infinite Light in its pure essence (Mahut) there is nothingwe can identify as energy, matter or form. So there has to be a reduction in the frequency of vibration.

This is what Isaac Luria called Tzimtzum, Contraction of the infinite Light (Ohr Ayn Sof), which generates a space (Jalal), where the Ray (Kav) of infinite Light is projected.

In turn, that ray leaves a residue (reshimo) in the middle of space. And this used to be represented as the circle with the dot in the middle:

However, in Luria's vision, that projection of the Ray from the Ayn Sof, generates Ten Lights, which constitute the Primordial Man, Adam Kadmon. And at first it comes as an Olam ha Tohu or World of Chaos, whose tension generates a second contraction, the Tzimtzum Bet, where ten receptacles (kelim) are formed for those ten lights. And we will see this is a well-known vibrational phenomenon.

But first of all, here we have an enigma, because according to what we have been seeing, the Tree of Life, the Adam Kadmon, necessarily has 12 aspects contained in a Wholeness, because in Him everything dwells with its Primordial Will (Ratzon Kadum) and Objective Consciousness (Da´at Elyon):

In the origin was the Word ... in Him was Life and Life was the Light of men (John 1)

 Therefore, the process Luria refers to is necessarily the Shadow (Tzel) of the Tree of Life. And it seems a logical consequence of the need to bring the Infinite Light to the finite and vice versa. At some point there has to be the possibility of energy and material forms. But not without diffraction of Light, where interference patterns are generated.

And it is at least curious - but surely not accidental - that the famous Ilanot (Trees) of Adam Kadmon represented since the Middle Ages, resemble a pattern of interference.

The Original Primordial Adam has a Word / Verb / Emanation / Vibration of Life beyond time, energy and matter as we know it.

But something must happen in the sphere of influence of the Word. And I think that time energies begin to appear in what Luria calls Olam ha Tohu, the World of Chaos.

 Luria explains how in that tension world, the state where the vibrations are stuck together (akudim), as if it were one on top of the other, they coexist in the same vessel, Adam Kadmon. They thus form the Olam ha Akudim. But their tension grows and causes denser energies to form that envelop and isolate them, like bodies containing lights. This process is known as Tzimtzum Bet, the contraction from the lights, which generates 10 Sefirot. 

Furthermore, these vessels were too constrictive (feminine), unbalanced with respect to the masculine lights. Therefore, the receiving vibrations exploded. It is what Isaac Luria called Shevirat ha Kelim, or breaking of the vessels.

According to the vision that Luria derives from the Zohar this is produced through the emanations that come from the eyes, Ohr ha Einayim, by Adam Kadmon. And the result is the Olam ha Nekudim, the World of the Points of Light. Nikud is point. And as we will see later, it also has to do with the Nekudot or vowels, since it is a "vibratory" event. Now, in contemporary quantum terms, Nekudim would be the fragmentations of Light, the quanta or packets of "energy", which already imply the notion of Time. This was due to the interaction of high and low frequencies, such as bright thoughts and slow thoughts. Reception energies could not contain the ten lights and exploded.

There we have a scientific explanation of the Shevirat ha Kelim, the breaking of the vessels. As we have already explained, they correspond to the 7 Sefirot of the Zeir Anpin or Small Face of Six Soul Spheres (Hesed, Geburah, Tifereth, Netzaj, Hod and Yesod) and Malkut or Physical World.


The Worlds of Chaos

Surely, in those prehistoric worlds there were Dinosaurs, gigantic Men, and enormous Trees, as a concretion of that first Malkut where the debris of the primordial temporal dimensions went.

Such was the development of worlds of chaos, known since the Kabbalah of the Middle Ages as Emanations from the Left Side. Precisely, there was a medieval work known as Treatise on the Emanations of the Left Hand by Rabbi Isaac ben Yakob ha Koen. Below I leave an interesting video with the approach, but in English, sorry [1].

But already at that time it was interpreted that when the Zohar teaches that YHVH built and destroyed worlds, he was referring to the fact that there were worlds that were aborted, as erroneous thoughts that disappeared in the infinite Light. Let us say that they appeared in the Primordial Mind as an inherent tendency of the passage of the temporal existence flow, Kronos.

Obviously, they could not have been due to Divine Mind, but to some aspect within that Mind. And the only possible candidate is the fallen Wisdom spoken of in Proverbs 9.

They were Serpentine intelligences who worked for YHVH in the beginning. And they built their own house, with its seven pillars –Time–, its slaughter of victims and other demiurgic barbarities. We already know the story.

Their worlds were so imperfect that they destroyed themselves. Still, the evil was jumping from world to world, as it is said in Kabbalah. And the result was the establishment of a world called The Other Side, Sitra Ahra, which originates the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, including the physical world. On that Other Side inhabit not only the ruling Archons of the Shadows, but also fallen spirits who yearn to take physical bodies, besieging humanity.

Hence the need to rescue Life trapped in the physical world, which is easy prey for very old entities and their cold energies, known in Hebrew as Qar. The Integration of Life Restoring order implies organizing the Lights that fell to the lower worlds due to the breaking of their Sefirot. And this was planned with a procedure that consists on moving from the linear-temporal distribution of the Sefirot, to the distribution in three pillars:

And the regeneration began from the three spheres that did not fall into Adam Kadmon, which in the Kabalah are known as Galgalta (Keter), AB72 (Jokmah) and Sag 63 (Binah). Later I will explain it thoroughly. But the main idea was to integrate the fallen lights to a World of Rectification or Olam ha Tikun, also known as Olam ha Berudim or World of Connections, since the plan is to manifest the Tree of Life where the connections between spheres allow armonía in three columns, and therefore the transcendence of Time.

And that reconstruction begins with the world called Atzilut, derived the Keter and Jokmah intact, passing to Beriah, the world of Edification, which begins with the sphere of Binah or Understanding intact. Delving deeper into the question, as Isaac Luria explained, Adam Kadmon's emanations come from his mouth, ears, nose, eyes and forehead, the Primordial Mind. They are high (male) and low (female) frequencies that interacted with each other, giving rise to four different configurations of vibrational Intelligence. In fact, these vibratory configurations were associated with the Hebrew letters and their vowels, nekudot. Nikud is point, and depending on what points some letters have, they are pronounced in one way or another.

Starting from the Torah, Isaac Luria emphasizes four fundamental pronunciations of YHVH, from which the Planes of Reality emerge:

The first is: יוד הי ויו הי

Its geometric value is 72. It is symbolized as AB 72: Ayin (70) and Bet (2). It corresponds to Jokmah. And from it emanates Atzilut for rectification.

The second is: יוד הי ואו הי

Its gematric value is 63. It is symbolized as SAG 63: Samech (60) and Gimel (3). And it corresponds to Binah. It is the emanation that comes out of the ears, nose and mouth. With it Beriah is built.

The third is: יוד הה וו הה

Its value is 52 and it is represented as BaN 52: Nun (50) Bet (2). They are the light that comes out of the eyes (Ohr ha Einayim) of Adam Kadmon, and it was so full of tension, rigor of Geburah, that the World of Points arose, Olam ha Nekudim, where the vessels, the feminine energies, were broken. From those visual lights emerged Asiyah.

The fourth is: יוד הא ואו הא

Its value is 45 and it is symbolized as MaH 45: Mem (40) and Hei (5). They are the emanations that come out of the Forehead of Adam Kadmon and it is the harmony of the spheres Hesed, Geburah, Tifereth, Netzaj, Hod and Yesod. Therefore, the task of rectification consists of uniting MaH with BaN through the matrimonial union (zivug), from which a gestating embryo (Ibur) first arises, which needs its nutritional sustenance (Yekina), for the growth of the Brain. spiritual (Mochin), which is what allows the Soul to be healed and reintegrated in the World of Rectification or Olam ha Tikun, which is also associated with the world of Formation (Yetzirah).

Will of Love is Order Vibration

If we look at it, the reintegration of what had been lost to Life is exactly what the Master Yeshua communicated and accomplished in himself and in those who understood that He was the Word made flesh, the Image of Adam Kadmon: who has me seen me has seen the Father (John 14: 9)

But He overcame the conditions that derive from human traditions. As it is said in Matthew 5, He did not come to repeal the Torah of the prophets, but to explain its correct meaning and take out the garbage put by the lying pen of the Pharisees. He made internal the mitzvot or main orders, considering them as an expression of Love, the Fundamental Vibration of Life:

Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Torah? ». Yeshua replied: «You will love YHVH Elohim (harmonies of the Word), with all your heart, with all your visceral soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first of the commandments. And the second is similar to this: You will love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments all the law and the prophets are founded. (Matthew 22: 34-40)

And it is surprising how even many Christians deny that the Messiah gave precepts, when it is written that:

On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them, he is the one who loves Me; and whoever loves Me will be loved by My Father; and I will love him and manifest Myself to him (John 14:15)

He also gave a new precept, and manifested that He is not Lord to those who love Him:

If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my Love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his Love ... This is my commandment: that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you servants, because the servant does not know what the Lord is doing to him; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you all that I have heard from my Father (John 15: 10-15)

It must be clarified that in Hebrew Wisdom the friend is one of the possible relationships with the divine, depending on the degree of understanding (binah, neshemah) and intention (kavana).

The apellative of friend was attributed to Abraham, the friend of Elohim, and corresponds with the sphere of Hesed. Instead servant and prostitute are the relationship in the sphere of Malkut.

Unfortunately, there are those who think that the Master's precepts are the same as those of the written Torah. But Yeshua qualified and contradicted much of what was written, which had been adulterated by the lying pen of the scribes. That is why he used to say to the Pharisees: "Even in your Torah it is written," "Your Torah says such and such, but I say."

For example, in Matthew 5 Yeshua claimed to come to fulfill the Torah of the prophets, but He taught the true meaning of precepts such as: "you shall not kill." He made that commandment  internal, so to hate and despise someone in the heart is already a violation of the true Torah of Life. And the same happens with other precepts. What is the use of being physically circumcised if the heart is not circumcised? What good is it not to commit adultery physically if one continues to adulterate with a dirty mind?

This is overlooked by those who claim that the Messiah did not give precepts and that one can do whatever he pleases if he follows a creed. They claim to love, but it is a false emotional love that turns into hatred and debauchery very easily. That is why today even the churches and rabbinates hide and accept incredible aberrations.

Others claim that Yeshua came to fulfill the Jewish Torah. But Judaism makes its interpretations of the so-called commandments (mitzvot) and also adds rules (takanot) to fulfill them. And those religious views fall within the "traditions of men" mentioned by the Apostles and the Master himself. Famous is the passage where the Pharisees complained because his disciples did not wash their hands, a rabbinical rule that is not even in the Torah as such.

Yeshua brought the true Torah, which is not contaminated and is found in the hearts of those who receive him. Thus he made known to us the fulfillment of the prophecy: because this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, ”YHVH declares. I will put my Torah within them, and on their hearts I will write it; and I will be their Elohim and they will be my people (Jeremiah 31:33)

Yeshua was the clear demonstration that the true mandate is "internal orders", esoteric, not only exoteric, external, and they have nothing to do with being physically circumcised, wearing a tallit to pray, etc. Moreover, mitzvah (ordinance) comes from tvah, which is connection, and refers to the connections of Body, Soul and Spirit, which are the connections of the main mandate and the Tree of Life, which bring the Kosmos of Rectification  (Olam ha Berudim).

Therefore, the commands of the Master are not rules that one has to follow in order to receive blessings and enter heaven. The mandate is a Vibrational Order of our real Being, the I Am that comes from the Will and Consciousness that is donated to us by our Heavenly Father, the Primordial Adam. That is why whoever does the Will of the Son does the Will of the Father, which is GIVE Himself out of Love. Coming from Light to Darkness. And those of us who belong to the Body of the Son are called to set an example with understanding, not with blind obedience to something that one does not understand. This is how we see it now who, having dwelt in the infinite Light, are here to flourish, from the seed whose shell is broken. Being true to this vision is the only thing that can make us achieve our mission on Earth. 



  1. Hola Mi Amigo!!! And The Truth shall set us Free!!! Thank You for Your continued Love and Support in Our Mission!!! This above Affirmation is Truly Heartening and Validating to The Word Written on Our Hearts!!! I have been using the Matthew 22 34-40 to help explain as to my understanding The Master to those who care to listen!!! True Primordial Love,Plain and Simple!!!And My Prayer is as stated in John 14:15to continue in the Armonia of body,mind,and spirit to cleanse the house as to have it prepared for The Master to manifest Himself!!! To be that space, The Experience of Great Opening!!!

    True Amor in The One!!!

    Si Agape O Filos Mou...

    1. Hey brother. Glad to see you back again over here. Thanks for the comment. Let´s trust and open ourselves to the true Life I Amness, even when our fallen selves behave like "dark elves". Blessings
