Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Making A New Soul vs Old Carnal, Psychic and Spiritual Souls


What distinguishes an old soul from a new soul? What is the origin of the soul and spirit? What distinguishes them? What is it that reincarnates? Why did the spirit become trapped in the fallen Adam? How many types of spirit and soul are there?

Before answering these questions that come to me from Ecuador, let's say broadly that the new Soul is literally the one that is formed by means of the Spirit of Truth and Life, integrating experiences that express the New Adam, the new type of Humanity seeded by the Nazarene Master 2000 years ago:

I'm the way, the truth and the life.

And that Path is traveled in a conscious relationship with the Spirit of Truth that comes from the inner Messenger/Angel, who acts as a connecting Master since our childhood:

See that you do not despise one of these little ones, because I tell you that their angels/messengers in heaven always contemplate the face of my Father who is in heaven...the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in me. name, He will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I have said to you. (Matthew 18:10)

And I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Steward Helper/Counselor so that he may be with you forever; that is, the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [...] But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I have told you (John 14).

When the Helper comes, whom I will send from the Father, that is, the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about me, and you will also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning (John 15:26)

It is interesting to see that in the Greek text the Helper is mentioned as Parakleto, as in the Aramaic Peshitta version: פרקלטא

But the important thing is to understand that the new souls they are only formed in relation to that New Helper, in those who are connected to Yeshua, not to other teachers, regardless of how full of holiness they may be.

The old souls are rather derived from the Adam ha Rishon or Soul of the First Humanity of Light that fell in Gan Eden. Some are fragments of vital or intellectual souls that come from gilgulim or returns in different existences, for at least 6000 years.

And the truth is that almost all humans have fragments of the spirit and soul of that first fallen Adamic humanity. We are Children of Adam, but with the possibility of becoming Children of the Blessed again when we receive the new spirit that was prophesied:

I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit (ruach) within you; And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26-28).

Now, this new spirit should not be confused with the one that is formed with the old neshemah or divine breath of the First Adam.

I mention this because sages like Rabbi Isaac Luria and his disciple Jayim Vital taught that there are neshemot or Adamic souls that, although they belonged to the general body of Adam, did not fall, and come for the first time to help rectify.

However, they are still part of the old Adam, no matter how holy they are. Even masters like Moses or Buddha were manifesting that First Adam with his Nishmat Hayim, the pure Breath of Lives. Moses is said to have attained the Jayah degree of Soul, the Keter of Beriah.

But at that time the new adamic prototype or Last Adam had not been established.

The New Man on the other hand enjoys immunity because he is not a living soul (nefesh jayah / psyche zooion) like the first Adam, but a life-giving spirit (ruach jayah), as Paul expressed in 1 Corinthians 15, where he also calls him the Last Adam. This is the new Spirit and Soul sown and gestated by the Master. And by receiving it, he makes us have a face-to-face relationship with the Divine:

Whoever sees me sees the Father (John 14).

This means that whoever knows the Personality of the Divine Son knows that of the Blessed One, because they are one. This contrasts with the back to back relationship, the condition of humanity since Gan Eden and the giving of the Torah:

You will not be able to see my face; for no man shall see me, and he shall live (Exodus 33:20).

This made humans face death more than Life:

Because just as in Adam all die, also in the Anointed of Light all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22)

What is the origin of the spirit and the soul? 

The spirit of humanity carries memories that go back to the origins of the Universe and the fall of falls. This explains strange memories that some of us have, such as seeing ourselves suspended in spaces of Light, contemplating strange galactic episodes, etc. The prophet Job himself was told the following:

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have intelligence. […] Where is the way to the abode of light? And the darkness, where is her place, for you to lead her to her territory, and to discern the paths of her home? You know it, because then you were already born, and great is the number of your days! (Job 38:4-21).

 From what soul then do the memories come? 

 We must investigate this by clarifying the terms. First of all, the words soul and spirit are confusing because they sometimes refer to the same thing, depending on the context. 

 In Hebrew there are two words that can be translated as spirit, but they are different nuances: neshemah (breath) and ruach (wind). 

 In Greek pneuma (spirit) is breath or breath while psyche (soul) is the psychic energy that animates a body and is considered the wife of the spirit, which is the activator and pilot of the soul, as the Greek sages said. 

Now, in the Hebrew language the notion of soul is expanded. Man or Adam is said to be of full stature with five degrees of Soul including vital soul (nefesh), spirit or emotional wind (ruach), intellective consciousness (neshemah), will and yearning for divine Life (jayah) and the full union with the All (Yejida). And the three primary ones, Nefesh, Ruach and Neshemah (NaRaN for short), are the ones that must unite to take us to the subsequent ones, giving the NaRaNJaY or state of Absolute Consciousness. 

However, this implies increasing understanding, through the breath of understanding.

 The Neshemah or Breath is the Lamp (NeR) of YHVH and probes the thoughts of the heart (Proverbs 20: 27). 

 NeR is the kabbalistic acronym for Neshemah, Nefesh or vital soul and Ruach or emotional wind, because the union of Neshemah with the vital soul is what generates the Ruach, a personality with memories of it. This is compared to blowing on incandescent glass, or astral matter in formation, as in Gan Eden. The blowing is the neshemah, the wind or interior activity is the ruach and the nefesh is the vital energy generated. This is how spirit and soul become the same process.

And Adam was a vital soul with animal impulses or nefesh behemit, formed from the dust of Adamah, or Edom, and received the breath called nishmat chayim, a primary understanding of lives that came from the astral radiations or Mother Nature, especially from the Moon, not from the Solar Father. 

That is why it was said: But there is a spirit or ruach in man, and neshemah de Shaday gives him understanding (Job 32).

Shaday is the Providence or breasts (shedim) of Nature, associated with the sphere of Yesod, the lunar sphere of fertility. In other words, what caused certain Adamic beings to flourish was solar radiation filtered by the magnetic field of the moon. 

 Now, that Neshemah was itself a Nefesh Elokit, since Adam had to develop it to the level of Ruach and Neshemah, Jayah and Yechida, reaching the Tifereth of Atzilut with the full stature of Beriah. But he hardly passed the nefesh degree of Neshemah because the passions of the Nefesh behemit carried him away.

This explains why the Adamic soul became trapped in matter, and why it now needs to receive a greater influx. Adam's breath of angelic intelligence came from the stars, but now it comes from the Primordial Source, the Absolute Sun, because what we must receive is the Mind of the Messiah Yeshua, his Comprehension. This is what brings divine masculinity into our lives. 

On the other hand, the Adam soul was the woman or feminine part that received the breath of the Mother, solar-lunar and planetary radiations that acted as masculine-feminine spirit. Thus Adam acquired a spiritual reproductive capacity, the receptive soul with feminine soul chromosomes or XX and spiritual masculine chromosomes or XY. But by not eating from the Tree of Life (the potential Comprehension of the Messiah), that union of the internal twins did not occur and the spiritual breath or neshemah remained isolated, kidnapped by the passions of the vital soul, generating a crooked ruach or emotional wind. that opened the portal to the Serpent, which was a very ancient crooked Ruach. In Adam it was expressed as Lilith, the strange woman, and the mind of Samael, the Angel of Death who rules the world of physical bodies. 

After some modifications to various organisms, the Architects managed to get Adam to generate another less rebellious emotional wind, but he was equally susceptible to the fall. 


This was a great botched job, since it only led to reproducing the heavenly angelic rebellion, in that of Gan Eden and then in the earthly one, with the humanities. Yet we can still get much of it with the help of Y´shua´s understanding.

From there came the division of Adam into Man and Woman, where the male part saw the woman as flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones. Because the woman is the emotional-rational body that expresses Adam's discourse. In fact, in Psalm 19: 2 it is literally said: from night to night shows (javah) knowledge (da'at).

Javah also represents the left brain hemisphere, which could hear the whispers of Najash, the serpent that incited them to eat from the Etz ha Da'at or Tree of Knowledge of good and deficient.

And by mixing with the Serpent or Najash energy she became Java, mother of living creatures or Chay.

It is not by chance that the Aramaic word Javya (חויא) is Serpent and it plays on words with Javah(
חוה), in Hebrew, and in Aramaic חוא.

This was the mixture of two seeds, the intellectual breath or seed of the woman, plus the crooked spirit that comes from the kidnapping of that intelligence and carries the reptilian seed, which is not satisfied and tends to evil.

Thus, a carnal humanity called Cain was born, which murdered its breath of Conscience, Habel.

How many types of soul and spirit are there?

There is a third Adamic line, the result of uniting Adam with Javah, and that was Seth, who was a hybrid, but with more Light strength. Enosh, the present humanity,
but also Enokh and Noach, descend from him, and despite there is still mixture, this third line offers the possibility of being rectified and elevated. 


In addition, three types of soul derived from here that we can call Carnal or Cainite, Psychic-spiritual or Abelian and Intellectual-spiritual, which corresponds to Seth. Now then, in the line of Seth there was a second subdivision when reaching the ninth patriarch from Adam, who was Noach (Gift of the divine spirit, Chen, backwards).

And it is said that Noach had three sons: Kham, who represents the Nefesh of that Neshemah; Jafet, which would be the Ruach or emotional wind, and Shem, the name that symbolizes the Neshemah degree itself. And the Torah itself says that when he got off the Ark, Noah planted a vineyard and got drunk. This contains a code, since wine (yayin) is worth 70, like Sod, Secret. The Neshemah soul got drunk with knowledge. Although his sons Shem and Jefet provided the cover, covering for his father in his tent. The development of the soul covers our transgressions and nakedness.

Then the spirit or breath gave rise to variants, which are reflected in all the subsequent development of the Torah: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Aron, Moshe, Yahoshua; Shaul, David, Shalomon; Gehazi, the servant of, Elisha and Elijah; Pedro, Jacobo and Juan, who are the receptive merkava that must be united to the superior. And finally the full birth of the New Adam, which is represented in the Transfiguration, with Moshe/Moses, Eliyahu/Elias and Yeshua, who already cover the five degrees of the Divine Soul: 


And what is it that returns when the birth of the divine Baby is not completed?

Both the old Neshemah and the memories of the Ruach and the Nefesh are susceptible to return. But the Neshemah and its memories return through Ibur (gestation), entering other souls to complete their experiences, rectify or guide. Instead the nefeshot or vital souls return by gilgulim, recycled as part of another existence. And they start from scratch. Only when the Ruach develops can elements of the most evolved mental soul descend. In any case, this procedure is very expensive and risky since achievements and stripes can be lost, as happened to the fallen angels. That is why the safest thing is to live linked to the Spirit of Truth that shows us the way back without the risk of being trapped again.

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