Friday, September 1, 2017

Virgin Soul


Being today on day 10th of Elul (year 5777 in the present World-Age), it makes sense to reflect on its New Moon sign (mazal in Hebrew), which is Virgo, the Virgin, which symbolizes the Spirit Mother that carries the seed of the individual divine Soul, whose poles are the pure heart of Messiah or Virgin Daughter, and her husband, the Higher Mind of Messiah, also known as Christ Child.

This month's Mazal (sign) teaches about letting go of the old and serving others, avoiding thus the same mistakes that led us really into a burning hell, the Gehena, where the rubbish was burned in Jerusalem.

The change implies incarnating the divine soul, both its virgin conscience and its higher mind, emptied of prejudices and old charges.

Virgo is a sign that implies a yearning to give Light and bring blessing with service and care for others.

And as the Zohar says, the greatest act of charity or tzedakah is to reveal the secrets of heaven, for they feed the Soul, which cares for the body and guides us on the straight paths of fulfillment.

So here we have some of them, for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (tzedakah):

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, a Maiden (Almah in Hebrew) shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14)

The virgin (Betulah) will conceive and bear a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23).

As we see, Isaiah used the term Maiden (Almah), while in the Aramaic and Hebrew version of the Gospels, Matthew makes use of Betulah, Virgin.

But is there a difference? Not really, if we read from the Soul´s viewpoint and not from the carnal mind.

In the Tetragrammaton, the Virgin Mother and her Daughter, who is our Neshemá or Divine Soul, appear as the two Hei: YHWH

Meanwhile, in Christian imagery these are symbolized by Miriam/Mary, wife of Yosef (spiritual seed) and the Magdalene.

And although their nature of humility and service is essentially the same, in our plane the soul´s vibration remains asleep and trapped into the world of darkness, as it happened to Magdalene, who was possessed by seven demons, until she was released by the Messiah (Luke 8:2).

In the Hebrew Kabbalah this is known as the Exile of the Shejina, the feneminine dimension of Divinity.

Our virgin Soul is also the Sleeping Maiden waiting for the kiss of the Prince or the appearance of the Messiah, the Mashiaj, whose permutation Yesh Moach means: there is understanding.

So kissing and waking her implies acquiring understanding or reason (binah). Actually, in the Tree of Life, the first Hei is are associated with the Neshama or Divine Soul and Binah, the intelligence that seeks and knows the why of things, being the consort of intuitive Wisdom (Jokma).

And here, understanding means seeing that Elul is a "month of repentance," or rather "return," which is the meaning of Elul and of "teshubah".

Kabbalistically speaking teshuba is teshub Hei, return to the Hei, to the divine Soul.

Therefore, to perform teshubá is not merely being submerged into a river, sea or mikvé as a baptismal act or purifying ritual, nor confess sins before a priest. Actually, mechanically performed rites can easily cancel the conscience of believers who do not seek for understanding but just sleeping well, and with a full stomach, if possible.

Returning to the divine soul and approaching the Divine Being has to do with devoting time to the study and meditation of the Word, collecting oneself in silence to get in touch with the conscience of the divine Soul, whose embryo needs to be nourished with the Doctrine of Messiah.

Otherwise the Soul can never develop its reason (binah) and be born from the womb of her Mother in this physical world. 

And this also enteils there would be no "salvation of the personality (lower soul or nefesh) either.

The divine soul is spirit and is always safe, although it needs to manifest its Light.

On the other hand, the personal soul or nefesh is still fodder for the Underworld and the "second death" (Revelation 20: 12-15), since it is more lost than a duck in a parking lot and is shaken by dark forces that it does not understand.

His only hope of purification and salvation is to be healed by the divine soul, which is awakened or activated by the inspired Word given by the Spirit of Holiness and the Mind of Messiah.

Only a soul boiling with love and longing for understanding expresses true "repentance," without falling into past mistakes.

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead (Proverbs 21:16). 

Contrary to the pagan and carnal belief with which Churchianity is imbued, no one is born with an already developed immortal Soul, not even after believing in an external Savior.

As the Messiah taught:

he who is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God; that which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:5)

Certainly, one is born of water by receiving the Word that washes away sins, giving new subconscious data, new Conscience:

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you (John 15:3)  

having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word (Ephesians 5:26)

Faith comes from listening, and listening by the Word of the Messiah (Romans 10:17).

For you have been born again [fertilized], not of a corruptible seed [of animal soul], but of one that is incorruptible [a spiritualized soul], that is, by the word of God that lives and abides (1 Peter 1:23).

But this can only be effective after true repentance,  symbolized by John's Baptism:

I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who comes after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11).

Yojanan baptized with the baptism of repentance (Acts 19: 4)

Repentance, that is, return, teshubá.

And as the Gospels indicate with the passage on the Baptism of the Messiah facilitated by Yojanan, this is followed by 40 days of temptation in the wilderness, which are also symbolized by the 40 days from Elul to Yom Kippur, the Feast of Atonement that involves sacrificing a goat, i.e, the inner satanic Ego.

Elul is therefore a month of "temptation", which is only overcome by sweeping away the "old mind".

Returning to the divine Soul has also been known since the time of Moses and Aaron as receiving the circumcision of the heart, since the people of Israel were circumcised twice, physically and spiritually:

In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of flesh in the circumcision of Christ (Colossians 2:11).

And circumcision of the heart is mind renewal:

Do not be conformed to this age [of darkness], but be transformed by the renewing of your understanding (Romans 12: 2).

Precisely, it is this renewal what eventually brings a baptism of Spirit (Pentecost) with which the baby-soul becomes the Child-Mind of Messiah, which expands enough to become mature Soul or Man-Child, which saves the personality completely, being fully born from the Spirit.

However, as the New Testament points out, the pregnant Virgin is persecuted by the Dragon, symbolizing how a divine soul about to be born is threatened by dark forces that try to abort its developemt.

she was pregnant, and cried out, in childbirth and with childbirth (Rev. 12: 2).

Being fully born of the Spirit is a feat that very few have achieved, although it is the only thing that guarantees the "resurrection in Life", with the salvation of the "personal soul", which is immortalized not by the divine breath or Neshama but by the fourth level of Divine Soul, called Haya (Life), which completes the Name (YHWH).

In the Gospels such higher birth is symbolized by the Transfiguration of the Messiah.

But for now, fortunate are those who began to experience birthpangs of the Higher Mind and are pregnant virgins carrying good lamps with oil, which in Hebrew is shemen, whose gematria relates to Neshema, the divine Soul and its understanding.

Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to receive the bridegroom (Matthew 25).

Unfortunately, in general the House of Judah (Jews) and the House of Ephraim (Christians) still do not seem to realize what is at stake.

Both houses of Israel have only begun to unite in those who study the kabbalistic roots of the Torah and the Gospels.

However, in general, Judah, i.e Judas the traitor, and the Congregation of the Called out, i.e. the Ekklesia (Church), are still a source of "spiritual abortions".

There are too many "soul embryos" that are never born due to the spiritual prostitution so promoted by institutional religion.

And this delays the "regeneration of the Fallen Soul of Adam," promoting the Gilgul or Wheel of Suffering, which spins generation after generation, with the same repetitive errors and vices.

But it is time to return to the Source.

So, virgins, open your ears and set out to work, that a new Ark lies on the troubled waters of this world. The present deluge of darkness is not for jokes.

As for the prostitutes (lost
sheep of Israel) not forget the words of Messiah to the Pharisees:

prostitutes will precede you in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 21:31)

Of course, after they wake up once and for all.

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