Monday, October 2, 2017

Gestating the Mind of Messiah

And he [Yoseph, son of Israel, the conquering Conscience], awakening, took the Child [soul-embryo] and his mother  [spirit of holiness] by night, and went to Egypt [land of captivity and inner alchemical work], and was there until Herod's [tyrannical Ego] death; that it might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke through the prophet, when he said: 
Out of Egypt I called my Son (Matthew 2: 14-15)
The carnal mind desconected from the Light of the Soul would think the text simply refers to a super god-child born of the flesh two thousand years ago to save the world; but the truth is much deeper when one pays attention to the clues of the text, especially the last one. What is the prophetic passage? Who is that Son? Well, here it is:

When Israel [victorious Yakob] was a boy [Soul-embryo], I loved him, and from Egypt I called my son (Hosea 11: 1)

And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh: The Lord [YHWH] hath said thus, Israel is my son, my firstborn (Exodus 4:22)

 As we read in Genesis 32, Yakob was called Yisrael after defeating the Fallen Angel within himself, marking the path each must follow.

Curiously, both Yakob-Israel in the Old Testament and the Anointed Messiah in the New Testament are the first-born of the Divine Emanation/Word (Elohim, Divine Powers), born miraculously of women who cannot conceive, both are taken into and away from Egypt, both are rejected by the men, and both are resurrected. Why? Are they the same?

The Doctrine of the Messiah, which is Grace (Chen), Hidden Wisdom (Chochmah Nishtar), Language of the Branches (Netzarim), Nazarene Kabbalah, reveals that both are symbols for a divine organism, where Israel symbolizes the divine souls, the Collective Body of the Anointed Messiah, who is the leading Head of that divine organism, as Paul revealed:

he [the Anointed One] is the Head of the Body which is the Congregation; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18)

Who are those dead ones?

The Wisdom of Scripture reveals that the first adamic souls of light were united to their Head, the Divine Emanation (Yhwh Elohim).

However, certain Fallen Angels from the previous destroyed Universe had made certain animal bodies with capacity for higher intelligence, and eventually a living soul or Adam got traped in them. 

At first, Adam was unable to find a "contrary helpmate", i.e, he could not anoint docile animals with higher consciousness. So Adam was put to sleep and split into two: Adam and Hawa/Eve, which in Hebrew Kabbalah means that Adam, being Intuitive Vision,  was separated from his female side, the Reason/Understanding developed inside an animal creature called  the offspring of the Serpent, mirroring the separation of the waters in Genesis 1. 

And as Adam (Vision) and Eve (Reason) were torn apart, Heaven and Earth became disconnected, giving rise to an asleep humanity that is forced to make a conscious and voluntary connection between the earthly soul and the angelic part (Adam).

Therefore, the dead are those "divine souls or primordial adamic kings" who entered Gilgul or Wheel of Reincarnation after being buried in the Collective Unconscious when the Adamic family fell, first in the Garden of Eden and then with the slaughter of Abel, which was another seed of the Anointed One killed by the passions of the carnal soul (Cain).

He was distressed and afflicted, and did not open his mouth; as a lamb was brought to the slaughter [earthly experience]; and as a sheep [of Israel] before his shearers, he was silent, and did not open his mouth (Isaiah 53: 7)

Several are the passages where Israel is identified as the Suffering Servant, whose torment was experienced by the Messiah himself, who was a non-fallen part of Adam, the incarnation of the Verb- Emanation or Adam´s Head. And eventually:

He came to his own [body], and his own people did not receive him (John 1:11).

It is not surprising then that He took the sin of the world upon himself. The Adamic family of light is His own body. And what head would not plunge into the waters to save cancerigenous organs?

So by Church, Ekklesia, the Gospel does not refer to stone sanctuaries or groups of believers in Jesus, Mary and Joseph, but the souls who are called either to integration (if they are not part) or to take active part in the Body of the Collective Anointed One:

he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do them; and greater than these shall he do (John 14:12)

This was especially directed to the group of souls buried since long ago, called to be reborn, to flourish, to fully incarnate and lead spiritually, as it was taught in the Old and New Testament:

Speak to all the Congregation [Ekklesia] of the children of Israel, and say to them: "You shall be holy, for I am holy, YHWH [God's Emanation] your Elohim (Leviticus 19: 2)

 you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God ... to the congregation [Ekklesia] of the firstborn (Hebrews 12: 22-23)

Now, as we see in the Torah and the Gospel of Matthew, the Firstborn is called out of Egypt, that is, he is not born as such, for it is the Mental Soul or Neshema born as fruit of an inner work.

In other words, a person can receive a seed of the Anointed One –Christ if someone prefers–, either by inheritance, from the parents via genetics, or by reincarnation, or because the person listens to the Teaching and something is stirred inside, activating the call of the Holy Spirit of Promise (Ephesians 1:13), which provides emotional satisfaction, but not mental soul growth (Neshema).

Yet only a stronger influence can bring the so-called Spirit of Truth, who is the male/mental Assistant of the emotional Holy Spirit (John 14: 17-26), and allows a personal deeper relationship with the Master, the Head.

In this case the person no longer has a seed of the formed Christ/Anointed (Galatians 4:19), nor is that babe in Christ mentioned by Paul (1 Cor 3: 1); this soul no longer wants "spiritual milk," but "solid food", being the throne of a developing Anointed Adam, whose Mind is capable of guiding and revealing the Teaching, boiling the personal soul (nephesh), burning all impurity, and growing in fervor with the Teaching, until a complete Adult Soul-Child is formed, strong enough to carry that energy.

This means to become a conscious body of the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:22), who is already the completed Anointed Adam, with his Collective Body (Souls Neshema), and his Head (Divine Emanation),
which in turn is vehicle of the Infinite:

the Anointed One is the head of every man ... and God [Infinite Father] the head of the Anointed One (1 Cor 11: 3)

For there is only one God [Infinite], and one Mediator between God and men, the Anointed Man Iesous [fully born Man-Child] (1 Timothy 2: 5).

If someone reading does not feel enticed, it means that the seed is missing or undeveloped. If on the contrary one longs to understand more, the Higher Mind has begun to be developed, and must reach the full birth of the Spirit without measure, becoming the living body of Messiah on earth, as it should be, if not in this life, in another.

It is necessary to be warned though. Following the thread of the last article, the divine Soul-Child that is being born is besieged by dark forces, like the Dragon that chases the Virgin and the Child in Revelation 12, or King Herod who orders to murder all babies, i.e first-born, or King Kamsa who does the same to get rid of the newborn Krishna in Hindu mythology.

This happens because astral parasitic forces have no light of their own and want to suck on everything they can before a Divine Soul matures and eats them up.
It's like being in a jungle and turning a lamp on, getting all insects around.
This is how things work in a world of suckers.

So there is just one option: to eat the celestial Bread of Life and learn to give not be eaten by darkness.

Fortunately we have the Doctrine of the Anointed One, whose Light feeds and provides the necessary protection cover so a higher birth can be completed.

This covering is represented by the Feast of Sukkot (Huts), which plays an important role during the birth of the Messiah, and in the end, when the Messiah enters the Feast in Secret (John 7).

In both Nazarene and Judaic traditions, the festive period that represents the birth of the Anointed One, the Messiah, was always Sukkot, during these autumnal days, and not on December 25th, which corresponds to the birth of pagan gods like Mitra, the Sol Invictus of
Babilorroman Empire, which has so much influence on this world of chaos and falsity.

This is also indicated by the Gospel of Luke, which indicates that the Messiah is born on September, that is to say, six months after John the Baptist, whose date of conception is marked by the data the Gospel gives concerning his father Zechariah.

And now that we have the Anointed One's Mind (1 Corinthians 2:16), we can remove veils of astro-mythological and carnal conception/birth of a Child God, seeing the importance of times and other patterns.

It is no coincidence that Sukkot is celebrated under the Moon of Libra, for it comes just after Virgo, the Virgin, which obviously has to give birth to the Messiah, and of course, not just two thousand years ago, but in the life of each, so the sheep stops spinning around with so many sucking shearers around.

It is also said that the Messiah was resurrected on the third day. And since every day is a thousand years (2 Peter 3: 8), it also refers to the Messianic Age that begins after the last two thousand years of the Adamic Era, which is approaching its final line.

According to Torah calendar, we are in the year 5777 of this Cosmic Age, and therefore at the gates of the 7th Millennium, when the Messiah (Revelation 20) is supposed to reign, incarnated in His Body, in all those who do their duties.

Those who achieve it, can be authentic Rulers, Judges and Kings of the New Kingdom, and even live the remaining 223 years plus the thousand of reign on this earth, because a body connected to the Spirit without measure is like a dynamo and cannot get sick

That is why it is a call to those who carry within them old fallen adamic kings waiting to be resurrected and also to other foreign souls who want to be part of what is being cooked. It does not matter what creed or religion one belogs to. No one is excluded, not even the Adversary, who is still in time to change sides before the Light of the Kingdom rains on him scorching the hairs of his tail.
Those that hath ears, let them understand, and those that doesn´t, let them at least seek all the oil of Wisdom they may find, and fill their lamp to the brim, before it is too late.

Shalom to everyone.

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