Monday, January 20, 2020

Encounter with an old Adamic being and other revelations

Many of us are meant to express the will of transforming Love, unaltered humble Life, Pure Conscience and blissful serenity, the qualities of the Holy Being Without Limits. Our true Being is thus one of His expressions, unique in each one. Therefore our vital purpose is to live from wholeness, not partiality. 

However, it seems this has not been understood in a humanity, even with religions or spiritualities that worship either external gods or a self-proclaimed inner deity. Some say: Thy will be done, and not mine; or I am god; I am the Absolute...

 And much of this seems to come from the old stellar humanity. Actually today I am going to tell you about an encounter with an old Adamic being in another dimension. He showed me his view on the purpose of souls in planets. 

And this took place around 2012, while my physical body was sleeping. I know it was not a dream, because dreams do not have many causal sequences of events, there are illogical things; you can be walking down the street and suddenly be talking to a lion underwater. That might be symbolic, but it´s nuts from a causal point of view. But in this case, without remembering my aspect overethere, I found myself traveling in a kind of elongated aerial vehicle, with a very beautiful humanoid being. He had a very long neck; his head was not too big; he was very tall, at least three heads over me; his skin was bluish and his movements very graceful. The closest picture I found is this from star wars, above. But the creature had the same skin color all over and a tighter garment. Years later I heard of people who say they met amphibious or bird like beings  in dreams, communicating telepathically with them. And that´s very close to what I experienced, since we also spoke with the mind. And the drawings they make remind me of that being. He was very friendly and emotional, not just a cold mental or violent type, as some draconians and reptilians described by people. He always appealed to my will, asking: do you want to see this or do you want to know that? And I usually said “yes” with curiousity, because he was talking about the mysteries of the universe and I was very interested. And at some point, the vehicle stopped. I don't know who was piloting it. But we both stepped out on a kind of paved city, I don´t remember seeing any buildings. It was not a natural environment, it was very clean and illuminated by some light. I guess it was another dimension, but I don't know if inner earth or another planet. And we both walked on one of those paved routes. And I soon realized that several meters ahead of us there was a group of beings of the same race, but they wore tight uniforms. It seems they belonged to a corporation of some kind, perhaps a military squad. And I could sense they were surprised of seeing him with me. It was as if they were thinking: what is this congener doing with him? But we ignored them and kept conversing with the mind. 

And it´s little what I remember since on these subtle levels of experience the mental body can perceive huge amounts of information almost suddenly, but it´s hard to remember everything in a constrictive physical condition. What I do remember is that at the end he asked me: do you want to know this particular episode in the history of the universe? And of course I nodded intrigued. And he released a flow of images into my mind, and the last thing I saw were sparks of light entering a planet, something I had already seen on other occasions. And he told me: "souls incarnate into the planets in order to experience zero point density." Then I woke up in the physical body.

At that time, I had a long journey of inner work. One had practiced lot´s of meditation and self-study, working with many experienced people. And I thought that zero point density was a kind of subtle contemplation, like eastern nirvana. It seemed logical to me making subtle what´s coarse, as the alchemists say. But after some years discovering certain truths, I concluded that what this being said, at least what I remember, is ambiguous. And I don't remember he mentioned the Will of the Holy Being or the mission of Primordial Adamic race, which is known to the original Light beings. And moreover, who was he? Why was he talking with me? And it took me many years to reach some conclusions.

First of all, what zero point density was he talking about? Because density of energy or vibration is not the same as density of matter. Zero density of vibrations would be the densest matter we can imagine, death in its purest form. Like the Nothingness in the Neverending Story. Now, the highest density of vibration is indeed a zero density of matter. It is the state of the Primordial Source, where spirit and matter are one. Some of us come from there actually. And when we come to a dense planet we re-experience or remember our Being from this point of view. But I don't think that is necessary. It is optional and implies lot´s of suffering. As Yeshua demonstrated, some of us are the Light of Kosmos and we we come to inhabit earthly bodies to help others remember their true Light. But spiritualizing matter must be inseparable from materializing the loving light spirit. Otherwise there is disconnection. That is actually happened in the Garden of Eden. 

The following day I might speak of the false Serpent Wisdom, based on spiritualizing matter by creating subtle bodies. Because the problem is when these astral bodies crystallize with pride and get disconnected from Life, which is what happened to the first Adamic races, whose spirit, the emotional rational personality known as Eve, became entangled with dense serpentine energy. And this is also what makes people sick, as it happened to the Israelites when they were bitten by snakes. And Moses was commanded to make a brazen serpent and make them aware of the cause. But Yeshua gave the key to exit. He never worked only from the dense, but he materialized his spirit of Loving Life and Primordial Light, canceling darkness. Only thus can the Son of true Adam be raised. As the Master said, the Son of Man currently has no place to lay his head. And this is because the humans  only manage to form an astral worm, the tortuous snake. Although as the Master said, the Son of Adam will be raised like the serpent in the desert.

Now, why is there darkness and a tortuous serpent? According to some religions, the Light needs darkness to recognize itself in richness. But this is the falsehood of Absolute Dualism. It is the satanic and the luciferic  view. And we see this at the end of a famous movie from the 80´s, Conan the Barbarian, when the Serpent King asks Conan: “Who is your father but me, who gave you the wish to live? If I disappear you would never exist”. And this is because the energy of the dis-armonized serpent is filled with pride and believes to be independent, source of Life. It is as if our sexual gonads said: we are your parents.

And as I told in the previous episode, Adam Kadmon, the lineage of primordial adamic beings and other beings from the source did not originate Darkness. This was due to immature entities from the central nervous system of the Kosmic Life Body. They built their independent dark world, generating duality. They are the Demirurge or False collective God.

And given the tremendous unnecessary suffering on this planet, I doubt this Darkness is part of a Divine Plan, as it is stated by religions that consider Satan, the Adversary, servant of the Creator, a Creator which are the collective fallen architects, because the true Holy One doesn´t create anything, but emanates. This is why in Sefirotic trees the world of emanation is above the world of creation.

Yet old philosophies and New Age religion also consider God needs to experience duality to know himself. But in reality the Absolute Unity emanates the Unicity of Life and both precede Duality. This was known even in the mathematics of Pythagoras, where the One, the Monad, is not a number but expressed in all numbers. And the Three, the interrelation of the triad, neutralizes Duality, the Dyad, which is only the fruit of the dual energy, a disarmonized Serpent, a fantasy or egoistic hallucination called Kundalini in the East.

Interestingly, the new spiritualities speak a lot about the kundalini, because it gives psychic powers, subtle pleasure, colors, even flower scents, like rose scent. But it can be very deceptive.

And many also speak about accessing a universal Super-Mind and the akasic records. But many are unaware that these can be altered or interfered by dualistic races. It is true there are records or true cosmic memory, but in the real Kosmos, the Tree of Life, not in the virtual fantasy sector we inhabit. Even modern physics start to admit that this universe is a computational hologram.

And now different elites sell us more and more virtual technology, blocking our Life of Light to turn us into hallucinating robots, as if life were just bits. And it is not new, even Plato said that since the god Thoth taught writing to mankind, we have lost abilities. That is why almost no one speaks with telepathy, we don´t sense the invisible world very often. And many humans will become more robot like in the near future. We´ll see that, unfortunately.

And this dual virtual energy was precisely the deception in which some of the first adamic beings fell when they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They already had in themselves the energy of the serpent, because they were mixed beings, like ourselves. We have actually a reptilian central nervous system and an energetic body. However,  the outer appearance of those first adamic races was animal creatures but from a higher dimension. Some were amphibians, others avians, others insectoids, others more serpentoids ... That is why the energy body of some is associated with the famous biped talking serpent. And in Ezekiel 28 they were called the Anointed Cherub. And these beings were anointed with the intelligence of Adam, who was the intellectual soul and his emotional personality or spirit, ruaj, was called Eve. That is why in Romans 5 Paul himself said the First Adam was a type of messiah. But he fell. Perfect you were in all your ways…But by the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade you profaned your sanctuaries. We will see that in more detail, establishing contracts with dense physicality and its energy is what plunges us into sleep and disease.

And only assuming the loving Will and Light of the Holy One can help us wake up from this Adamic dream and not fall as the first Morning Stars. Some of us have as mission expressing the Love to real Life, as manifestations of Primordial Adamic race, the Men of Light who never fell. Because here many souls, even elevated souls, are trapped in density, ignoring their origin, since their will and conscience has been canceled, and their vital energy is used as an energy resource by the astral forces of Stepmother Nature, and also fallen gods who fight nature with technology. Both get away from the Tree of Life and their world is external and artificial, without real life. The Astral Architects play the role of good God, teaching religious rituals and spiritual technology to release certain energies, but they also punish transgressors of the laws, as they did with fallen Adam. They even cut down huge trees in order to lower the vibration of th earth.

And in turn, many fallen Adamic races considered themselves as benefactor gods for modern humanity, teaching delusional ideas. It is for example the case of Enki, god of Wisdom, Lord of Water and Earth.

Enki is link to the origin of Adapa, the first amphibious humanity that inhabited the earth. They inspired the Mesopotamian legend of Oannes, told by the Babylonian priest Berrosus. He wrote that the fish god Oannes used to some out of the waters of the Persian Gulf to instruct carnal humans in the arts, sciences and religion, teaching them how to write, how to plough the earth, how to build temples, etc. 

In Akkadian it was known Uan or Uanna. And this reminds of the word One and Oneness, Unicity. And there is no coincidence, because these beings not only taught writing but their language conveys the message that modern humanity descends from them spiritually and even genetically. Those beings were also known as the 7 Wise Abkallu and were associated with the water god Enki or said to come from the god Enki. Water is a symbol of inner dimensions, the Anima Mundi. And these beings were also depicted as bird headed, maybe in reference to the spiritual or mental bodies.

Curiously, the Hebrew Scripture mentions the worship to Dagon, the Fish god. Dag is fish in Hebrew. Dagah is feminine fish. But this is found in many myths around the planet. In Mali the priests of the Dogon tribe claim to have received their wisdom from Amphibious beings from Sirius. And many religious leaders carry the Fish Oannes or the Serpent in the hat. 

And Jonah himself, a symbol of the Soul, is swallowed a fish in the story. And it is because in ancient Wisdom this dense universe is called Great Fish or Leviathan Serpent, which eats up souls, as it happened to the first stellar adamic beings.

 And despite the fallen adamic races were banned from accessing the Tree of Life, they still exist in other dimensions, such as Adamah. Some even exert influence on humanity so that we adopt technology that is not Light or primordial Life. Hence the idea of returning to planets like Mars and the Garden of Eden in the future. But that is not the mission of the original Life Beings. There is an Eden beyond the Henhouse of Eden.

Interestingly, today many talk about bringing zero point energy. And I don't know if it relates to what that being called zero point density.

And I imagine that in 2012 some beings saw me as a good vehicle to reproduce their old ideas. And I really have nothing against those beings. But I do not see clearly that their vision corresponds very much with the mission of the Primordial Adam, our genuine Being, which does not teach religion.

For me, to experience zero material density is to free ourselves from all the psycho-energetic shackles imposed by astral called Zeus, nature Demiurge, even Elohim and Yhwh, since these forces express being/existence, but disconnected from true Being of the Holy One. They deceive and oppresses human intelligence with holographic quantum delusions, as they did with the old Prometheic Adam. So we must avoid falling into the deceptions of the Serpentine mind that hallucinates and operates with holographic technology, worship rituals and symbols that turn us into robots.

And we must know well what kind of genetic mixtures we have, how to cancel them and how they are perpetuated. All that is found in religious symbols and myths, like that of Enki, Adapa and Enlil; Osiris, Isis and Set; Adam, Eve and the Snake; Prometheus and Epimetheus and Pandora, etc. If you look they have the same plot. And this was already known to ancient sages. But I leave all that for another day.

 And until next day, many blessings of unconditional love, unaltered life, pure conscience and blissful serenity.

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