Monday, January 13, 2020

Odyssey of the Universal Being

1.The Essence of the Holy One

 The following story is the odyssey from Original Image or Kosmos of the Primordial Being to the arising of  Space-Time and the Fall of beings that brought evil and this broken Universe into existence.

And I will speak from my experience as a light emanated from the Universal Source, as I remember from early childhood. So this is not a theory, but the revelation of the Cosmic Neuron to which I belong and open space to be guided, even though I forget many times and need constant reminding factors.

Unfortunately we live in world hijacked by a deceptive mind and language that affect religion, politics, science, culture in general. Religion, for example, says that God has created everything, and He allows evil into it so that the creatures, such as humans, choose Good and their Creator God so He saves from evil. Now, this way of thinking leads to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, the origin of all conflict.

In the same way New Age religion, which is a mix of different Oriental and Western religions, says God created duality to experience and learn. And when we come to incarnate, we all accept a karmic contract whereby we must suffer certain experiences to learn and pay karma with dharma, which is another none-sense frivolity.

And in both cases, the mind accepts narcissistic delusions. Some love talking about a separate supreme God that will save them even with their selfish whims, and others love regarding themselves as gods or God.

But those who awaken to the reality of Being within let go of all self-clinging realizing no one is apart from the Holy One, whose Essence is perfect and therefore does not need to create anything in order to experience and learn, nor needs to be worshipped by others. The One is a self-emanating wholeness, transcending all egoism, without begining or end. And in any case the One needs to self-remember constantly, defying all names. Actually in Hebrew it is known as Ayn Sof, without limits. So calling it God is a way of limiting it. The closest expression would be Being from the Absolute Center, Ab Soluto, from Solitude, from which the Holy One must reveal its Essence, as spirit and matter. So different Sacred Scriptures can never speak of the Holy One in itself, but only mention its unified qualities.

No one has ever seen God (unmanifested Being); the Only Begotten that dwells in the Father's Bossom has made him known (John 1:18)

Later on will what this is. But let´s realize first that Ayn, Nothing, is the permutation of Any, I. Ena in Aramaic. Even in Scripture we read.

See now that I (Any), I am He, and with me there are no (Ayn) Elohim (natural forces). I kill and make alive; I wound and heal (Deuteronomy 32:39)

And as surprising as it might seem, this makes sense, since being the only real wholeness, it disintegrates all the unreal, all egoism. Besides, there is only One Will and one I. So he who ignores this, feels a selfish void, looking for pleasure somewhere else, generating chaos. So we must learn how the Holy One does in order to be constantly Self-aware  without falling into forgetfulness, transcending egoic consciousness.

Some wise Hebrews, as Isaac Luria, said that a contraction or Tzimtzum is necessary to open a space for the Universe. Yet there are several interpretations for this. Some say it is just an illusion, and there would be no contraction. But since ancient times many see the Universe as breathing out all essences, an image of Life close to Truth. As far as I remember from the experience of being a ligh within a greatr light, the Absolute Source emanates or breathes out Loving Life and Intelligence connecting the most intense Light to lesser lights. And this is comparable to radiance from any Light Source. The further light is always dimmer. And the light frequency of the Source is so intense that it´s unbearable by all beings. Not by chance in Hebrew the first quality of the Divine Self is called El Elyon. El means potential and Elyon is the superlative, maximum potential. Not power (Geburah), because power comes later, implying restriction and control. El Elyon is usually translated as Most High, but let´s keep in mind that in Reality there is neither high nor low. There is rather higher frequency of Love and Conscience. 


El is made up of Alef and Lammed. Alef is a mother letter written with Yud Vav Yud. The middle Vav is the Light Conscience connecting all degrees of Love. The head of th bull indicates power and union by the yoke. And Lammed is the staff, the guiding direction of Will, which must be revealed.

In truth you are an El who hides, Will of Israel, Savior (Isaiah 45:15)

The Most High does not dwell in temples made by humans hands (Acts 7:48)

He dwells in inaccessible Light (1 Timothy 6)

And this is what the wise Hebrews called Ayn Sof Aur, the Light of the Unlimited.

This infinite Light also known as Shekinah, the Divine Dwelling Presence, and Eloah, the feminine aspect of El Elyon.

And when we do not feel that Will nor dwell in the Light consciously, we sleep and decay in vitality. Then many wonder why as in Psalm 22:  

Ely Ely (My El, My El), why have you forsaken me?

Curiously, this the same phrase that according to the Gospels was recited by the body of the Messiah on the verge of death.

2.The Original Image

So Universal Will wishes to make itself known within each one. Hence its name is Ehyé, I will be, as in Ehye asher Ehye, I will be who I will be. This is revealed in the heart of Moses and all of us.

So El Elyon corresponds to Ayn or transcendent unmanifst Being in Keter, the Crown of vibration, where matter and spirit are one. And Ehye corresponds to Any, the manifested I Am. The Holy One first is like Nobody, without Name. Only then can the true I Amness be in everyone without being devoured by the illusion of Time, generated by egoic consciousness. As in Unlysse´s Odissey, when the Cyclops asks Ulysses: What´s your name? And he replies: Nobody. Then to nobody I will eat first.

Curiosuly, in Spanish, Nada, Nothing gives Adán, when read backwards, because Primordial Adam or Adam Kadmon reveals the unknown Essence in degrees of vibration. Thus it is also called: Father of Lights, with which there is no change or shadow of variation (Jacob/James 1:17)

So the Origin of all primordial Lights is the humble unmanifested Head of the Universal Being, where there is no time or space, but only Fullness, made possible by means of Kenoma, the self-emptying. And this is also what Yshua did on earth according to Philipians 2.

Being in the form of God (the full Being) he did not claim to be God but emptied himself.

And that movement is precisely the revelation of YHWH, the Breathing and Existential aspect of Being.

In Hebrew YHWH is a verb that contains Hayá (was); Howwé (is) and Yihye (will be). And the finality is to make the Essence flow from and towards the center, beyond any narcissistic consciousness. In the Wisdom of Light YHWH is compared to pouring water into a recipient. Ehye is the Essence. YHWH is pouring it into the recipient, which is the Master in Malkut. The Master giver-receiver known as Adony, mistranslated as Lord.

And in its primal state YHWH is the Original Image of Being without quantum space-time fragmentations: the Yud is the Loving Origin or Father dwelling in the middle of the Kosmic Womb, the luminous Life,  symbolized by the first letter Hei. And in such dwelling the Father recognizes himself through his emanation of self-conscience, the Vav or Son, which is expressed in a collective body of Life, the Daughter, the last Hei, which represent all the angelic light beings.

And all this process is described in the same Gospel of John, which correctly translated would be  saying:

In the Origin/Head was the Logos/Thought-Word and the Thought-Word was towards the Primordial Being and the Primordial Being was the Thought-Word ... through It all things were generated and ... in It was Life, and Life was the Light of men (John 1: 1)

There we have the complete description of the Cosmic Man: the Father is the Head of loving Light or Universal Spirit, the Son is His Conscious Self-Image, the  Soul-Personality. While the Beings of serene Life are His Brain and spiritual Body, the extension of His Image in the Kosmos of the Absolute, where there is no death, but wonders we don´t see here.

The light of our spirit are the seeds of intelligence, the logoi spermatikoi, planted on this earth, as ancient sages put it. But today we say they are Neurons of the cosmic solar plexus. And our function is to communicate. That is why we are called messengers, angeloi in Greek, malakim and malakot in Hebrew.

Keeping this in mind, we can now understand John 1:18:

No one has ever seen the unmanifested Being (God is ambiguous); the Only Begotten (the Word-Thought), which dwells in the Father's Bossom (i.e. the Mother Life), has made him known.

In other words, the Word, the Memra in Aramaic, is the energy vibration through which a Kosmos of Life is generated, revealing the Holy One, just as a Tree tells the potential of a Seed. Therefore there is no architectonic design or creation ex nihilo, from nothing. Originally there was no Architect Creator God but generation from a timeless Wholeness.

By the Word (Dabar) of YHWH the heavens were made, and all their hosts by the breath of their mouth (Psalm 33: 6)

In Aramaic this is expressed as A bra Ka dabra: I generate as I speak.

Hence the magical expression: Abra Cadabra.

This means that the vibration of Being makes reall everything said with it. Hence it was said: Thou shall not take the Name/Vibration of Being (YHWH) in vain. 

Such Word of Being is part of the Breathing that generates universes which eventually get reabsorbed. Even in India wise men said that everything is Breathing, and reabsorbed in the Para-Brahman, which means beyond the Creator.

3.The Fall of Elohim

The question now is: where does chaos come from and how does the Holy One respond?

Well, the truth is that the Vibration of Love is a Double-Edge Sword. In fact YHWH contains two Hei that can be separated where there is no Conscience amidst, which is what happened when some beings from the central nervous system in the Cosmic Body were not able to understand and give back all the Love they were receiving. It was like confusing emotions and thoughts within the brain. For all is perceptions in the Divine Mind. So we can read in Genesis 1:

In the origin, Bereshit, –which can be read as Beyt Resh, in the Head– Elohim generated the Heavens and the Earth, and everything became void and empty.

I generate light and form darkness (Isaiah 45:7)

So the confusion and chaos of time came when Elohym, some beings separated from the Original Image Verb YHWH, Loving Life of Light in infinite blissful serenity. Thus they got distorted, full of selfishness, losing the connection between Wisdom, the Right intuitive Brain and Understanding (Bynah), the left brain, and losing the connection with the rest of the body also the possibility of reintegration.

This is why the Wisdom of true Light says that YHWH and Elohym must be seen in unity, as in Deuteronomy 6: YHWH Elohim Yhwh Ejad, which translated should be the Beings of the Original Verb are a beings in unicity. Saying our Lord God is one Lord is falling back to the deception, seeing a Lord over servants, or Creator over creatures.

The Holy One simply let out those beings who did not tune up with oneness so they did not destroy fully the Original Dwelling.

Actually, as there was a disconnection from cosmic mind and cosmic body due to a lack of Loving Conscience in those Beings, they exploited life causing explosions in part of the original Kosmos. Hebrew sages called this Shevirat ha Kelim, the breaking of the vessels. Some myths spoke of the primordial caos, originated by rebel gods. And today some say this was the Big Bang which gave rise to our Universe, where galaxies collapse, there are broken shards and so on. This would be a residue of that chaos.

And all that compelled beings from the Holy Source to reorganize part of the Kosmos in order t reintegrate it into the Tree of Life. This originated a protective group of beings and also the confrontation between what we may call Guardian God Dog and the Adversary rebel Dog gods. The first would be like a guarding dog or the immune system comprised of chrubim, which can actually fall, as it happened.

So a contraction or Tzimtzum was forced by those proud entities who acted out of fear and selfishness, forming their own fallen World:

This was the arising of the False YHWH, existential intelligence, the famous Demiurge of Plato, the Father of lies that originated the fallen quantum electromagnetic universe.

They lack Da'at Elyon or Higher Conscience, and operate with Da'at Tachton, Lower Knowledge, which forms the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, a false copy or shadow of the Tree of Lives. It is system based on Justice, on demanding energy and pleasure, without giving true Loving attention and Life.

And that alternative reality was called the Other Side, Sitrei Ahra, which is the Fractal Quantum Matrix so popular nowadays, because it seems magical.

The fallen Architects or Elohim always acted with a Narcissistic Love that tries to possess the object, exploiting Life, altering it genetically, with a false Knowledge based on division and Peace imposed by domination.

Wisdom (fallen Wisdom) built up her House; raised up her seven pillars; killed her beasts and mixed up her wine (Proverbs 9).

In other words, they tried to used the Light in order to bring dense matter to Life, since they cannot give Life. And then some atoms of the Daughter, the Primordial Light of the Shekina got trapped in imperfect bodies designed in the Other Side, mostly by draconian entities.

Thus some atoms of Light even revolted against the source. And this originated immature minds called the Prodigal Son, some of the Morning Stars that fell. According to Apocalypse 12 the tail of the Dragon dragged up a third. Surely, some of them even had a tail. And some returned in repentance. But many others went fully crazy and now try to use humanity as a new vehicle for their own purposes.

4.The Fall of Adam

This was the tragedy of the First Adam or Adam haRishon that manifested in animal humanoid species, some reptilian, others amphibian, others avian, bird like cretures and many other species. 

Thoth: god of Wisdom
Egyptian Ogdoad

And the task of those Adamic gods was to work Adamah or astral land to perform the so called tikún or repair of chaos, but it was part of the deception posed by their fallen chiefs, who diverted them from love: dominate over the beasts of the air, the earth, the water (Genesis 1)

Actually, accoding to Genesis 2 they were put to sleep by the astral forces, and their vital body (called the woman, later Eve) was dissociated from their conscious mind (the man, Adam), and this led to a new Fall, being deceived by the selfish creatures and the energy of the Serpent: you will be like the Elohim (the fallen ones), knowers of the good and deficient.

And those first Adamic species, the Morning stars, were a type of Messiah, as Paul said in Romans 5; they were the Anointed Cherub of Ezekiel 28, but they looked outwards and mixed their genetics of Light with the world to elevate it. This was eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Something entirely unnecessary for the Original Mind which always looks inwards. 

And the new fall made the Light of the Shechina even more trapped in darkness.

That is why in Isaiah 53 it is said that YHWH (the false existntial verb) subjected the Light of the Messiah to torment. Obviously, all selfishness subjects everyone to torment until we recognize the Holy One from the broken mirror of Existence and let go of the false. 

5.Reversal & Transformation

And a moment will come when all the unreal will be destroyed in reasorption, even the Serpent.

In fact, th Gematric value of Mashiach (Understanding Conscience) is like that of Najash (Serpent) = 358

And it is because Evil Coldness cannot exist on its own, just as there cannot be ice without water. Heat the ice and it will become water again. Dense matter is only deprivation of vivification.

That is why the Master said: On this Stone I shall build my gathering of called-out ones.

The Stone is the Life of trapped consciousness, the Shekina who begins to awaken and recognize her beloved, the inner Master Messiah, who takes us back to the Absolute Origin, where Being is All in everyone, and All is alive.

And to me this is the greatest Love story, where the I becomes You, the Father Origin sees himself mirrored on his Wife, the Luminous Dwelling,  by means of the Son, the Self-awareness sent outwards like a probe to rescue his own lost Wife, fallen life on the Other Side.

That is why the two Falls, that of Elohim and Adamic species, was already foreseen.

The Lamb of Light was sacrificed before the throwing (katabolés) of the Kosmos (Revelation 13).

The inner Messiah is precisely the Universal Light that comes to be reborn in this Abyss, within those who awaken. And thus we restore the Original Image, playing our original role. And we do it by assuming the stumbling block of the world, transforming the Serpent. This means bearing the sins of the world, as Yeshua did. He did not say: I don´t care about the Adversary Satan and that crazy Adam who transmitted the Original Sin to humanity. Worship me as God and be saved. This is the childish immaturity of religionz that worships external idols and expect others to do the job.

Instead, maturity is to assume that Ignorance led to the Fall, the Adversary Accuser, which is the illusion of an Egoic separate consciousness, Experience of Great Darkness and Ofuscation, and it affects all those who imagine themselves separate in the Universal Mind, forgetting their place and function in the Cosmic Brain.

I have seen the Adversary fall down like a lightning from heaven (Luke 10), said Master Yeshua. And many also forget He also said that: as the Lightning flashes in the East and is seen in the West, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.

This is the awakening from a selfish dream, since we all have egoic manifestations that must be disolved. 

And those who conceive in their mind a separate God and consider Satan a reality in itself, are expressions of the Adversary and Accuser, Diabolos, despising themselves and despising others. This is the tragedy of narcissistic thinking.

However, waking up is seeing Duality as a door to meaning. Because the Messiah, the Universal Conscience, in spite of being the Son, learned through what he suffered (Hebrews 5)

Therefore, those of us who recognize our true Being as Emanation of unconditional Love, Life and Light, are connected to a Neuron in the Bossom of the Father, and only by opening ourselves to His Essence in the fallen world, can we manifest the Original soul, the immortal Personality where even Najash the Serpent becomes Mashiach, Conscience in our brain-heart. That makes us cells in the Father's Brain and Face, escaping death in the recycling of Time.

This is the Way of the Holy One in countless universes. Hence He is called the Ancient of Days, Atik Yomim. with them we participate in this journey of Self-discovery, because there is only one Great Living Being:

Even Apostle Paul, who used a deceptive religious language, said:

In him we live, move and exist ... his lineage we are (Acts 17). 

He is above all, through all and in all (Ephesians 4). 

I do not live but Messiah, Universal Conscience, lives in me

So, to live in Integral Conscience means to remember this holistic Vision, thinking in accord to the original forms, not the copies and shadows of the world. My thoughts are not human thoughts, says the Universal Mind. All with a compassionate Heart and the armonious Word that expresses the Truth we are from the origin.

As the Master said:

Father keep them in your Name, i.e Emanation of Love, Life, Light and Serenity, that you have given me, so that they may be one as you and I are one (John 17)

So in unicity we do not even have to think about being gods or religate ourselves to a Lord God with prayers and spiritual techniques, for the Life of the Holy One lives in us, and his Life is already bound by timeless love. It should only flourish. When we think otherwise we separate.

Only when I am not egoic experience, the Holy Being is my full I am bliss.

And for now, just remember I´ll leave this written as article in the blog and web.

And until the next time, many blessings of unconditional love, unmodified life, integral conscience and blissful serenity.

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